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Trigonometry is not a very commonly-used subject in life. You indeed need

to understand trigonometry at some level in almost every field except maybe
fashion design (Trig = style). However, as opposed to advanced fields such as
physics and chemistry, the use of trigonometry is pretty much limited to a few
daily activities. Don't worry! I'll show you how this seemingly useless
mathematical topic can be used in real everyday situations by solving fun word
problems together.
Many people ask questions: why do we need trigonometry? How is it used in
our world? What can trigonometry be related to? And here are the answers to these
Trigonometry or trigonometric functions are used in astronomy (especially
for calculating the position of celestial objects) when spherical trigonometry is
required, in acoustics, optics, financial market analysis, statistics, biology, medical
imaging, for example, computed tomography and ultrasound, in chemistry, in
seismology, in meteorology, in oceanography , in architecture , in economics, in
computer graphics, in crystallography and many other areas.
Geodesists often have to deal with sinuses and cosines. They have special
tools to accurately measure angles. With the help of sines and cosines, angles can
be turned into lengths or coordinates of points on the earth's surface.

Main part
1.1 Genesis of the radiobiology
The rudiments of trigonometry can be found in the mathematical manuscripts of
ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Ancient China. The 56th task from the Rind papyrus
(II millennium BC) suggests finding the slope of a pyramid whose height is 250
cubits and the length of the base side is 360 cubits.
The further development of trigonometry is associated with the name of
astronomer Aristarchus of Samos (III century BC). In his treatise "On the
magnitudes and distances of the Sun and Moon", the task was to determine the
distances to celestial bodies; this task required calculating the ratio of the sides of a
right triangle with a known value of one of the angles. Aristarchus considered a
right triangle formed by the Sun, Moon, and Earth during quadrature. He needed to
calculate the value of the hypotenuse (the distance from the Earth to the Sun)
through the cathet (the distance from the Earth to the Moon) at a known value of
the adjacent angle (87 °), which is equivalent to calculating the value of the sin
angle 3. According to Aristarchus, this value lies in the range from 1/20 to 1/18,
that is, the distance to the Sun is 20 several times as far as the moon; in fact, the
Sun is almost 400 times farther than the moon, the error occurred due to an
inaccuracy in the measurement of the angle.
Several decades later, Claudius Ptolemy in his works "Geography", "Analemma"
and "Planisferium" gives a detailed exposition of trigonometric applications to
cartography, astronomy, and mechanics. Among other things, a stereographic
projection is described, and several practical tasks are investigated, for example: to
determine the height and azimuth of a celestial body by its declination and hour
angle. From the point of view of trigonometry, this means that you need to find the
side of a spherical triangle on the other two sides and the opposite angle.
In general, we can say that trigonometry was used for:
· accurate determination of the time of day;
· calculations of the future location of the heavenly bodies, the moments of their
sunrise and sunset, eclipses of the Sun and Moon;
· finding the geographical coordinates of the current location;
· calculating the distance between cities with known geographical coordinates.
Gnomon is an ancient astronomical instrument, a vertical object (stele, column,
pole) that allows for the shortest length of its shadow (at noon)
determine the angular height of the sun. Thus, the cotangent was understood as the
length of the shadow from the vertical gnome with a height of 12 (sometimes 7)
units; initially, these concepts were used to calculate the sundial. Tangence was the
shadow of a horizontal gnomon. Cosecant and sequence were called hypotenuses
of the corresponding right triangles
Trigonometric functions are elementary functions that historically arose when
considering right triangles and expressed the dependence of the lengths of the sides
of these triangles on acute angles at hypotenuse (or, equivalently, the dependence
of chords and heights on the central angle (arc) in a circle). These functions have
found the widest application in various fields of science. Subsequently, the
definition of trigonometric functions was expanded, their argument can now be an
arbitrary real or even complex number. The science that studies the properties of
trigonometric functions is called trigonometry.
Sine and cosine refer to direct trigonometric functions.
The sine line of Indian mathematicians was originally called "archa-jiva" ("half-
jiva", that is, half of the chord of a given arc, since an arc with a chord resembles a
bow with a string). Then the word "archa" was dropped and the sine line was
simply called "jiva". Arab mathematicians, translating Indian books from Sanskrit,
did not translate the word "jiva" with the Arabic word "watar", denoting a
bowstring and chord, but transcribed it with Arabic letters and began to call the
sine line "jiba" (?????). Since short vowels are not indicated in Arabic, and the
long "i" in the word "jiba" is designated in the same way as the semivowel "y", the
Arabs began to pronounce the name of the sine line as "jaib", which means
"hollow", "sinus". When translating Arabic works into Latin, European translators
translated the word "jaib" with the Latin word sinus — "sine", which has the same
meaning (it should be noted that it is in this meaning that it is used as the
anatomical term sinus). The term "cosine" (Latin Cosinus) is an abbreviation of
Lat. Complementi sinus — additional sine.
The first graph of the sine wave appeared in Albrecht Durer's book "A Guide to
measuring with a compass and ruler" (German: Underweysung der Messung mit
dem Zirkel und Richtscheyt, 1525). In the 1630s, Gilles Roberval, in the course of
his studies of cycloids, independently drew a sinusoid, he also published the
formula for the tangent of a double angle. John Vallis in his Mechanics (1670),
ahead of his time, correctly indicated the signs of the sine in all quadrants and
pointed out that the sine wave has infinitely many "revolutions". The tangent graph
for the first quadrant was first drawn by James Gregory (1668).
Currently, the sine graph can be found in the following moments of our life.

2. Use of Trigonometry in Life

2.1. Architecture
Trigonometry is widely used in construction, especially in architecture. Most
compositional solutions and constructions. the drawings took place precisely with
the help of geometry. But theoretical data doesn't mean much. I want to give an
example of the construction of a sculpture by a French master of the Golden Age
of Art.
The proportional ratio in the construction of the statue was perfect. However, when
raising the statue to a high pedestal, it looked ugly.
The sculptor did not take into account that in the perspective many details are
reduced to the horizon and when looking from the bottom up, the impression of its
ideality is no longer created. A lot of calculations were carried out so that the
figure looked proportionally from a great height. They were based on the method
of a sighting, that is, approximate measurement, by eye. However, the coefficient
of difference of certain proportions made it possible to make the figure close to the
ideal. Thus, knowing the approximate distance from the statue to the point of view,
namely from the top of the statue to the human eyes and the height of the statue,
we can calculate the sine of the angle of incidence of the view using the table (we
can do the same with the lower point of view), thereby finding the point of view
The situation is changing, as the statue is raised to a height, so the distance from
the top of the statue to the human eyes increases, hence the sine of the angle of
incidence increases. By comparing the changes in the distance from the top of the
statue to the ground in the first and second cases, we can find the proportionality
coefficient. Subsequently, we will receive a drawing, and then a sculpture, when
lifting which visually the figure will be brought closer to the ideal.

2.2. Medicine and Biology

A model of biorhythms, which in turn imply cyclical processes in a living
organism, can be constructed using trigonometric functions. To build a biorhythm
model, it is necessary to enter the date of birth of a person, the reference date (day,
month, year), and the duration of the forecast (number of days).
The formula of the heart. As a result of a study conducted by a student of the
Iranian University Shiraz Vahid-Reza Abbasi, physicians for the first time were
able to organize information related to the electrical activity of the heart or, in
other words, electrocardiography.
The formula is a complex algebraic-trigonometric equation consisting of 8
expressions, 32 coefficients, and 33 basic parameters, including several additional
ones for calculations in cases of arrhythmia. According to doctors, this formula
greatly facilitates the process of describing the main parameters, the activity of the
heart, thereby speeding up the diagnosis and the beginning of the actual treatment.
Trigonometry also helps our brain determine distances to objects.
American scientists claim that the brain estimates the distance to objects by
measuring the angle between the plane of the earth and the plane of vision. Strictly
speaking, the idea of "measuring angles" is not new. Even the artists of Ancient
China painted distant objects higher in the field of view, somewhat neglecting the
laws of perspective. The theory of determining the distance by estimating angles
was formulated by the Arab scientist of the XI century Alhazen. After long
oblivion in the middle of the last century, the idea was revived by psychologist
James Gibson, who based his conclusions on the experience of working with
military aviation pilots. However, after that, the theory was again forgotten.
The movement of fish in the water and the flight of birds occurs according to the
law of sine or cosine, if you fix a point on the tail, and then consider the trajectory
of movement. When swimming, the body of the fish takes the form of a curve that
resembles the graph of the function y=tgx.
We were convinced that the hypothesis we put forward was confirmed and the
graphs of trigonometric functions – the sine and cosine are bright representatives
in the world around us, and not just lines in a notebook. They are wonderful
curves that are almost always near us.


1.  Harper, Douglas. "trigonometry". Online Dictionary of Etymology.

Checked 2022-03-18.
2. R. Nagel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Science, 2nd ed., Gale Group (2002)
3. Boyer (1991),
4. Charles William Huxley (1853). A treatise on trigonometry, planar and
spherical: with its application to navigation and geodesy, marine and
practical astronomy and geodesy, with logarithmic, trigonometric and
navigation tables. G. P. Putnam.
5. Mary Jane Sterling (February 24, 2014). Trigonometry For Dummies.
John Wiley and Sons. p. 185. ISBN 978-1-118-82741-3.
6. P.R. Halmosh (December 1, 2013). I want to be a mathematician: an
automaton graph. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-1-
7. Ron Larson; Robert P. Hostetler (March 10, 2006). Trigonometry.
Cengage Training. p. 230. ISBN 0-618-64332-X.

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