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Study the following information carefully And Draw the Diagram:

1. Seven boxes were kept one above the other from top to bottom.
Only two boxes are kept between B and U. V is kept just above S.
Only three boxes are kept between S and T. More than three
boxes are kept below T. U is kept above T. L is kept above Band
below A.

From the given statements, more than three boxes are kept below
T. Only three boxes are kept between S and T. V is kept just
above S. So, we have three possible cases i.e. case-1, case-2
and case-3
Only two boxes are kept between B and U. U is kept above T. So
case-3 is eliminated. L is kept above B and below A. So case-2 is
eliminated. Hence the final arrangement is:

2.Eight boxes were kept one above the one in the form of a
stack. Three boxes were kept between A and G. One box was
kept between C and D. Not more than two boxes were kept
between B and C. No boxes were kept between A and D. Three
boxes were kept between E and F. Two boxes were kept between
B and F. Box H was kept immediately below box E. E was kept at
the top. F is kept above B.

. Three boxes were kept between E and F. Two boxes were kept
between B and F. Box H was kept immediately below box E. E
was kept at the top. F is kept above B.
Three boxes were kept between A and G. One box was kept
between C and D. Not more than two boxes were kept between B
and C.
No boxes were kept between A and D.

3. Seven boxes A, B, C, D, E, F and G are placed one above

another in a stack. All the boxes are different in colours i.e. Red,
Green, Blue, Orange, Violet, White and Grey but not necessarily
in same order. Three boxes are placed between box D and violet
colour box. Box E is placed just below violet colour box. Red
colour box is placed just above grey colour box. White colour box
is placed just above box A, which is orange colour. One box is
placed between box D and box G. Box D and box E is neither red
in colour nor grey in colour. Box A is not placed below box E.
Three boxes are placed between box F and box B. One box is
placed between box B and Green colour box.

From the given statement, three boxes are placed between box D
and violet colour box. Box E is placed just below violet colour box.
White colour box is placed just above box A, which is orange colour.
One box is placed between box D and box G. Box A is not placed
below box E. Here we get two possibilities i.e. Case-1 and case-2.
Now, Red colour box is placed just above grey colour box. Box D
and box E is neither red in colour nor grey in colour. Here case-2
ruled out. Three boxes are placed between box F and box B. One
box is placed between box B and Green colour box. So, the final
arrangement will be:
F Blue
D White
A Orange
G Red
B Grey
C Violet
E Green

4. Seven boxes, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are kept one above another

in different stacks but not necessarily in the same order. These
stacks are numbered 1 to 7 from bottom to the top respectively.
G is kept at an odd prime numbered position. Three boxes are
stacked in between A and F, A is kept at a position below G. Box
B is kept immediately below box D. Box C is not adjacent to box
A. Three boxes are kept between D and G, D is kept above G.
Box B is kept immediately below box. Three boxes are kept between
D and G, D is kept above G.
G is kept at an odd prime numbered position
Three boxes are staked in between A and F, A is kept at a position
below G.
Box C is not adjacent to box A.
Therefore, this is the final arrangement:
Serial number Box
7 D
6 B
5 F
4 C
3 G
2 E
1 A

5. Ten boxes are placed in ten shelves from bottom to top such
that shelf number 1 is the bottommost shelf and shelf above the
bottommost shelf is numbered as 2 and so on.
Box A is placed on shelf number 5. Only three boxes are placed
between the box A and J. Box E is placed immediately above the
box J. Number of boxes placed between box E and A is same as
the number of boxes placed between box J and C. Box B is
placed on even number shelf but immediately below the box F.
Box B is not placed on sixth shelf. Only one box is placed
between box F and G. Box G and X are placed adjacent to each
other. Box D is placed on one of the shelves above the shelf on
which box W is placed.

Box A is placed on shelf number 5. Only three boxes are placed
between the box A and J.
Box E is placed immediately above the box J.
Number of boxes placed between box E and A is same as the
number of boxes placed between box J and C.
Case I: When box J is placed below the box A
Case II: When box J is placed above the box A
Box B is placed on even number shelf but immediately below the box
Box B is not placed on sixth shelf. Only one box is placed between
box F and G.
G and X are placed adjacent to each other which is not possible in
case II so, case II is invalid.
Box D is placed on one of the shelves above the shelf on which box
W is placed.
The final arrangement is as follows:

Shelf Person
10 D
9 F
8 B
7 G
6 X
6. In a corporate office nine locker
5 A
boxes for the new employees
4 C are installed in a single column.
3 W Locker W is stacked
2 E immediately above locker S. V
1 J is kept at an odd numbered
position above the locker X,
which is kept below There are four boxes in between X and Q. U
is kept at the top of all the boxes. Three lockers are there between
P and V. Locker T, which is neither adjacent to S nor Q, is kept
immediately above locker P. Neither S is adjacent to X nor W is
adjacent to V. Locker T is stacked below locker V. R is one of the

U is kept at the top of all the boxes.
V is kept at an odd numbered position above the locker X, which
is kept below There are four boxes in between X and Q
Locker W is stacked immediately above locker S.
Locker T, which is neither adjacent to S nor Q, is kept immediately
above locker P.
Locker T is stacked below locker V.
Neither S is adjacent to X nor W is adjacent to V.
Case III will become invalid.
Three lockers are there between P and V. R is one of the lockers.
Therefore, case Ib and II are invalid. If all the lockers are arranged
alphabetically from top to bottom, it will be:

S no Lockers
9 P
8 Q
7 R
6 S
5 T
4 U
3 V
2 W
1 x
7. Six boxes A, G, C, D, E and F are kept one above the other like a
stack. Each of these boxes contains different number of pens
among 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The bottommost box is numbered 1 and
the topmost box is numbered 6.
Box 5 contains 8 pens and is two boxes above D. Number of pens in
D is in prime number. Box with 5 pens is immediately above the box
with 2 pens. Box with 9 pens is immediately above G. Box with 6
pens is below box 4.C is immediately above the box with 6 pens. F
is two boxes above E but doesn’t contain 9 pens.

As Box 5 contains 8 pens and is two floors above D.
Number of pens in D is prime numbered
Box with 9 pens is immediately above G.
Box with 6 pens is below box 4, this is not possible in case III, so
case III is rejected.
C is immediately above the box with 6 pens.
F is two boxes above E but doesn’t contain 9 pens, so case II is
rejected, so F contains 7 pens, and E contains 5 pens.
The final table is given below

6 F
5 A
4 E
3 D
2 C
1 G
8. A certain number of boxes are placed one above the another in
such a way that box at the bottom is numbered as 1 and box just
above it is numbered 2 and so on. There are not more than 14
boxes in the arrangement.
Only 2 boxes are kept between P and Q, where Q is kept below P.
Only 3 boxes are kept between R and Q. S is kept between Q and
J, which is placed immediately below P. Only 3 boxes are kept
between R and B which is kept either at the top or at the bottom of
the stack. Only 2 boxes are kept between R and T, which is not
placed adjacent to B. Box D is placed exactly between E and F. U
is placed exactly between T and W. W is placed above R.

a) Only 2 boxes are kept between P and Q, where Q is kept below
b) Only 3 boxes are kept between R and Q.
(so, we get 2 possible case here)
c) S is kept between Q and J, which is placed immediately below
d) Only 3 boxes are kept between R and B.
e) B is kept ether at top or bottom.

f) Only 2 boxes are kept between R and T, which is not placed

adjacent to B
Box D is placed exactly between E and F.

Box numbers Boxes

12 P
11 J
10 S
9 Q
8 T
7 U
6 W
5 R
4 E/F
3 D
2 E/F
1 B

9. Eight boxes - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W were kept one above the

one in the form of a stack. Three boxes were kept between P and
Q. No boxes were kept between P and V. Four boxes were kept
between V and W. Two boxes were kept between S and Q. Box T
was kept immediately below box R. More than two boxes were
kept above box U.

Three boxes were kept between P and Q. No boxes were kept

between P and V. Four boxes were kept between V and W
Two boxes were kept between S and Q. Box T was kept
immediately below box R. More than two boxes were kept above
box U.
Hence, case 2 and case 3 are invalid
Case 4 is invalid
So, the final solution is

10. Eight boxes are kept one above the other. More than five boxes
are kept above box P. Box D is kept immediately above box R and
immediately below box G. Two boxes are kept between box R and
box Z. Box N is kept below Z and above box L. Box T is kept
below box L but not immediate below. At least four boxes are kept
below box R.

More than five boxes are kept above box P. Box D is kept
immediately above box R and immediately below box G. Two boxes
are kept between box R and box Z. At least four boxes are kept
below box R. Hence, we have five cases
Box N is kept below Z and above box L. Hence Case-2, Case-4 and
Case-5 are eliminated. Box T is kept below box L but not immediate
below. Hence Case-3 is eliminated. So, the final arrangement is

11. Eight boxes B, C, D, P, Q, R, S and T are placed one above
another. Only three boxes are placed between box P and R. Box
C is placed immediately below box Q. Two boxes are placed
between C and D. Only one box is placed between box P and B
who is above P. More than one box is placed between box B and
S. Box D is placed above box S. Box T is neither placed at top nor
below box S. Box R is not placed at the top.
1. Only three boxes are placed between box P and R
2. Only one box is placed between box P and B who is above P
3. Box R is not placed at the top. (It means that minimum 1 box
above R)
4. Box C is placed immediately below box Q.
5. Two boxes are placed between C and D.
6. Box D is placed above box S. (So, we cannot place D at bottom)
12. Ten Boxes are placed one above the other in any particular
order. Box number 1 is at the bottom and Box no 10 is at the top.
Arrange them as per the information given here. There are four
boxes kept between U and X. Box Y is placed at the top i.e. at box
no. 10. There are two boxes between Box P and Box T. Box X is
placed at odd number position. Box R is at 7th number position
from bottom. Box S and Box T is kept in a place immediately
above and immediately below Box R. Box Q is placed exactly
between the box V and box X. One of the boxes placed is W.

1. Box Y is placed at the top i.e at box no. 10
2. Box R is at 7th number position from bottom. Box S and Box T
is kept in a place immediately above and immediately below
Box R.
3. There are four boxes kept between U and X.
4. There are two boxes between Box P and Box T.
5. Box Q is placed exactly between the box V and box X.

13. Nine boxes are placed one above another in a stack. Five
boxes are placed between L and M which is below L. Three boxes
are placed between box N and O, which is placed above box M.
There are four boxes are placed between box Q and box P, which
is placed just above box L. More than two boxes are placed
between box O and box R, which is placed just below box N. Less
than Four boxes are placed between box S and box T, which is
placed below box S.

1. Five boxes are placed between L and M which is below L.
2. There are four boxes are placed between box Q and box P, which
is placed just above box L.
3. Three boxes are placed between box N and O, which is placed
above box M.
4. More than two boxes are placed between box O and box R, which
is placed just below box N.
5. Less than three boxes are placed between box S and box T, which
is placed below box S.

14. Six boxes G, H, I, J, K and L are placed one above another,

also they are occupied with different items i.e. R, T, U, V, W and X
(but not necessarily in the same order). G is placed either top or
bottom, only 3 boxes are placed between G and J, which is
occupied with V. Only 2boxes are placed between J and L. Box K
is not placed just above and below J. Box K is not placed just
above the box which is occupied with R. The box which is placed
just below H is occupied with T. The box which is placed at bottom
occupied with W. Box which is occupied with X is placed
somewhere between J and L.

1. G is placed either top or bottom.
2. Only 3 boxes are placed between G and J, which is occupied
with V.
3. The box which is placed at bottom occupied with W
4. Only 2 boxes are placed between J and L.
5. Box K is not placed just above and below J.
6. The box which is placed just below H is occupied with T.
7. Box which is occupied with X is placed somewhere between
J and L.
8. The box which is placed just below H is occupied with T
9. Box K is not placed just above the box which is occupied with
15. Eight boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are arranged in top to
bottom. Each box are stores in different cities- Raipur, Indore,
Bhopal. Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, and Chennai, but not
necessary in the same order. Only two boxes kept between V and
U. Both the box which is placed at Mumbai and Indore kept above
R. Only one box kept between T and the box which stores at
Hyderabad. The box Q is not storing at Raipur. The box U is
stored at Bhopal and the box S is stores at Pune. Only four boxes
kept between V and W which is below V. The box W is not storing
at Indore. As many boxes between W and Q as between W and S.
P kept immediate above the box placed at Delhi. Only three boxes
kept between the box stores at Mumbai and Indore. Box S is not
kept below box W.
1. Only four boxes kept between V and W which is below V.
2. As many boxes between W and Q as between W and S.
3. Only two boxes kept between V and U.
4. The box U is stores at Bhopal and the box S is stores at Pune
5. Only one box kept between T and the box which stores at
6. Both the box which is placed at Mumbai and Indore kept
above R.
7. P kept immediate above the box placed at Delhi.
8. Only three boxes kept between the box stores at Mumbai and
9. The box W is not stores at Indore. 10. The box Q is not stores
at Raipur.
16. Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U and V of different fruits viz. Apple,
Orange, Guava, Mango, Litchi, Pineapple and Papaya are placed
one above the other, but not necessarily in the same order. The
box at bottom is numbered as 1, the above box is numbered as 2
and so on till topmost box is numbered as 7. Box U is placed
immediately above box R. less than three boxes are placed below
the Apple box. Box T is placed below the box in which Apple fruits.
The box which having mango fruit is placed immediately above
box V. Box P is placed immediately above the box in which
Pineapple fruit. Guava fruit box is placed above the box U. Only
two boxes are placed between Guava box and Papaya box. The
Orange box is not placed on the bottom. Box T is placed
immediately above Box Q. There are three boxes are placed
between the boxes in which Mango fruit and Apple fruit is placed.
Box P is not placed on Mango fruit.

1. Less than three boxes are placed below the Apple box.
2. Box T is placed below the box in which Apple fruits.
3. Box T is placed immediately above Box Q.
4. There are three boxes are placed between the boxes in which
Mango fruit and Apple fruit is placed.
5. The box which having mango fruit is placed immediately above
box V.
6. Guava fruit box is placed above the box U.
7. Only two boxes are placed between Guava box and Papaya box
8. Box U is placed immediately above box R.
9. Box P is Not Placed At Mango Fruit
10. Box P is placed immediately above the box in which
Pineapple fruit. 11. The Orange box is not placed on the bottom.

17. Nine boxes – J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R, are arranged one

above another indifferent shelves numbered 1 to 9 from bottom to
top. The lowermost shelf is numbered as 1 and the shelf above 1
is numbered as 2 and so on. All the information is not necessary
to be in the same order. The shelf number and the sum of digit of
place value of the alphabet is not same in any shelves. (E.g. Place
value of Box K in alphabet series is 11 and sum of digits of K is
1+1= 2; so, box k is not placed in the shelf numbered 2). Box O is
placed at one of the positions above Box N in an even numbered
position. Box M is two places below box N. Number of boxes
below N is as same as the number of boxes above L. Box L is
placed at one of the position above N. Four boxes are placed
between Box P and R. Box K is placed below J but above Q. More
than two boxes are placed between Box P and Box Q.

1. Box O is placed at one of the positions above Box N in an even
numbered position.
2. Box M is two places below box N.
3. Number of boxes below N is as same as the number of boxes
above L.
4. Box L is placed at one of the positions above N.
5. Four boxes are placed between Box P and R.
6. Box K is placed below J but above Q.
7. More than two boxes are placed between Box P and Box Q.
18. Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are kept one above the
other containing different number of balls ranging from 30- 80. Box
U is below box S. Three boxes are kept between P and the box
containing 43balls, which is kept above Box P. Box S contains
twice number of balls than box Q. Box R contains 55numbers of
balls and is not kept at the bottom. The number of balls in box V is
a cube of a number. Only two boxes are kept between box
containing 43balls and 37balls. Box S has a greater number of
balls than box P. One of the boxes contains 76balls. Five boxes
are kept between box containing 66balls and Box R. Box V is
immediately below box T. Box S is not kept immediately below or
above box Q. Three boxes are kept between box S and box U.

1. Five boxes are kept between box containing 66 balls and Box
2. Box R contains 55 numbers of balls and is not kept at the
3. Three boxes are kept between P and the box containing 43
balls, which is kept above Box P.
4. Only two boxes are kept between box containing 43 balls and
5. Three boxes are kept between box S and box U
6. Box S is above box U
7. Box V is immediately below box T.
8. Box S is not kept immediately below or above box Q
9. The number of balls in box V is a cube of a number
10. Box S has a greater number of balls than box P.
11. One of the boxes contains 76 balls.
12. Box S contains twice number of balls than box Q.
19. Six boxes G, K, M, N, S and T are placed one above another in
a stack. Each box has different height i.e. 18cm, 7cm, 45cm,
51cm, 14cm and 40cm. All information is not necessarily in same
order. Box M has height that is odd number. Three box is placed
between M and N and N’s height is 40cm. The box whose height
is prime number is placed just below Box N. Two boxes are place
between box G and box S which is not placed below N. One box is
placed between the box which height is 18cm and the box which
height is 51cm. Two boxes is placed between the box which height
is 18cm and the box which height is 45cm. Box K is placed below
the box T, which isn’t placed below box G. Box G height is not
greater than 40cm. Sum of the heights of the boxes placed
adjacent to Box K is more than 60cm.
1. Three box is placed between M and N and N’s height is 40cm
2. The box whose height is prime number is placed just below Box N
3. Two boxes are place between box G and box S which is not
placed below N
4. Box K is placed below the box T, which isn’t placed below box G.
5. One box is placed between the box which height is 18cm and the
box which height is 51cm.
6. Two boxes is placed between the box which height is 18cm and
the box which height is 45cm.
7. Box G height is not greater than 40cm.
8. Sum of the heights of the boxes placed adjacent to Box K is more
than 60cm.

20. Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, A, B and C are placed one above

other, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them stores
different food items viz. Egg, Bread, Maggie, Meat, Chicken, Toast
and Biscuit but not necessarily in the same order. Box B does not
store Maggie. Box Q is not placed below box S. Box which store
Egg is placed immediately above box P. There are two boxes
placed between box S and the box which store Egg. Box which
store Maggie is placed just above box S. Three boxes are placed
between box R and the box which stores Maggie. The box which
stores Biscuit is placed immediately above box R. The box which
stores Meat is placed immediately above box C. Only two boxes is
placed between box Q and box A. Box Q neither store Maggie nor
Biscuit. Box A does not store Meat. Box which store Bread is
placed above chicken. Two Box between the box which stores
Bread and Chicken. Box R and Q do not have egg.


1. Three boxes are placed between box R and the box which
stores Maggie.
2. The box which stores Biscuit is placed immediately above
box R.
3. There are two boxes placed between box S and the box
which store Egg.
4. Box which store Maggie is placed just above box S.
5. Box which store Egg is placed immediately above box P.
6. Box P does not store Bread
7. Box which store Bread is not placed at the bottom.
8. Two Box between the one who stores Bread and Chicken.
9. Only two boxes are placed between box Q and box A
10. Box Q neither store Maggie nor Biscuit.
11. The box which stores Meat is placed immediately above box
12. Box B does not store Maggie.

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