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Year 4 Science Summer 1

Week 3 and 4
3. Pitch and Volume
4. Making our own instrument
Week 3 – Pitch and Volume
If you can do the starter activity on

Volume is how loud something is e.g. your TV when

you’re watching a film. The higher the volume the louder
the sound! The lower the volume the louder the sound!

Pitch is how a noise sounds. A cartoon mouse might

have a voice that is high pitched meaning their voice is
high and squeaky, and a cartoon lion might have a low
pitched voice meaning their voice is deep
On this harp, the pitch is determined by
the length of the string. The volume is
determined by how hard it is plucked.
If you can watch this clip, for further
explanation on pitch and volume.
Sound is measured in decibels, the higher the decibel the
louder the sound is.
When sound is measured it can show on a chart like this.
These are called wavelengths.

The further away from the line the

louder the sound is!
We use this kind of scale for many
things, including hearing a baby’s
We can also measure pitch through wavelengths

The closer together the wavelengths are the higher the pitch.
Task 1 – drawing wavelengths
1. Draw a high pitched, loud wavelength 3. Draw a low pitched, loud wavelength

2. Draw a high pitched, quiet wavelength 4. Draw a low pitched, quiet wavelength
Task 2 – investigating pitch
You will investigate pitch and complete the attached
1. Use a ruler and hang the ruler over the edge of a desk
or worktop. Push it downwards, then let go, so that the
ruler vibrates and makes a sound.
2. Do this experiment 3 times. Once where the ruler is on
the table by 5cm, once where the ruler is on the table
15cm and once where the ruler is on the table 20cm.
(Note: Work in the middle of the ruler. It also helps to
start with a longer ruler, twang it, then make the ruler
shorter while it is still vibrating. Then it is easier to hear
the note rising in pitch as the ruler is moved.)
3. Observe the vibrations of the ruler closely to correlate
the frequency (speed) of the vibrations with the pitch of
the note.
Watch this slow motion video of the same experiment to
help you.
Action: to understand pitch and volume

1. Draw the experiment

2. Explain how the pitch changed with the length of the


Draw the 3 different wavelengths for the 3 different


1. 5cm on table

2. 15cm on table

3. 20cm on the table

Week 4 – Creating an instrument
Your task this week is to create a musical instrument out of the
materials at home.
It needs to meet this brief:
- It must be able to change pitch in some way
- It must be made well
- It must look good!
- Have fun playing it!

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