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Revison Term II

1- Give the main characteristics of a medieval romance and an epic poems.

An epic poem is a long narrative. In these poems, the patrialchal image and the family tree are

important features. It usually begins with a vocative. An epic poem may deal with myths,

heroic legends, religious tales,animal stories, or philosophical or moral theories. Epic poems

are rewritten by scops. A very important concept in epic poems is the hero code.

Medieval romances are known as chivalric poems because they involve knights. In these

romances, the hero goes on a quest, and it has to be challenging to be a better person. The

protagonists are usually more humans with flaws and humbles. Medieval romances involve the

code of chivalry. It can be found enchanted elements and disguised characters.

2- Draw a comparison between the characters Sir Gawain and Beowulf.

Beauwulf: A king, a warrior. Arrogant, likes to show off. Quite fictional. He was always brave,

not scared of anything. Put his pride above everything. He follows the hero code.

Sir Gawain: A knight, very simple and humble, sensible. He is more human, has tons of flaws.

He is very scared to fail himself and his people. He follows the chivalry code.

3- Draw a comparison between the game proposed to King Arthur in the tale of The Wife

of Bath and the game proposed by the Green Knight in the court of Camelot.

The game proposed to King Arthur in the tale of TFoB involves the following question: What is

the biggest desire of a woman?. As for the game proposed by the Green knight in the court of
camelo, he proposed a Christmas game involving a beheading fight between him and another

knight, who happens to be Sir Gawain. In both instances, there are disguised characters; the

Green knight being Lord Bercilak and the ugly woman who married Sir Gawain being a beatiful

woman. Moreover, both protagonists go through a challenging quest that serve as periods of

self discovery and transformation for the characters.

4- Retell the end of the legend The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell.

By the end of The Wedding of Sir Gawain, Dame Ragnell ends up making her own decisions as

regards her enchanted looks. She was not an ugly woman, she was encantado by her evil

brother. She helped Arthur and Sir Gromer to be at place with each other and after 5 years of

loving Sir Gawain, she died.

5- How did the Wife of Bath lose her hearing?

She lost her hearing because her husband at that time used to hit her so badly that her hearing

got damaged. Also, she got hit because she liked to read a book called The Wicked Woman,

and her husband demanden attention from her but didnt get it because she was reading the

book. Thus, he would hit her even more.

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