Unidad 2 de Ingles de Fascinating Branches of Computer Science

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4-Computing: It is the branch of computer

The main branches of computer science science that is oriented to the creation of com- INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE
puters to achieve a specific objective. Through ADMINISTRACIÓN INDUSTRIAL
are:1-Information technology: Information computing, computational technologies such EXTENSIÓN: REGIÓN CENTRAL
as operating systems and software programs SECCIÓN: 282 A1 UNIDAD
technology (IT) is the most important branch
are originated, as well as the hardware that a
given software uses to carry out an action. CURRICULAR: INGLES BÁSICO
of computing and refers to the use of any
5-Office automation: It refers to the automa- TURNO: MAÑANA
computer, storage system, networks and ot- tion of the processes by which information is
produced, stored, protected and shared within
her mechanical devices, means and met- the business sector. Office automation favors
the speed with which tasks can be executed
hods to found, solve, collect, store and ex-
within an office, eliminates the need for a large
change all types and forms of electronic in- staff, uses less space to collect data and im-
proves the creation of documents with vital in-
formation. Information technology contains formation through multiple and simultaneous
various physical pieces of equipment, called
updating. Fascinating Branches of
6Telematics: Telematics refers to the combi-
“hardware”. nation of telecommunications and computing.
It is defined as the emission, acceptance and
Computer Science
2-Cybernetics: This branch of computing re- collection of information between two mobile
devices (car, cell phone, GPS, among others)
fers to the science of providing a solution for that is executed using telecommunications.
a specific problem, regarding communication
between people, animals or devices. The

main objective of cybernetics and the reason

it was created is to stimulate the understan-

ding of systems and make them more effi-

cient and productive based on a recurring


3-Robotics: Robotics is the branch of com- Docente: Henry Rivero

puter science that deals with the design, as-

sembly, and operations of robots. Alumno: Jhon anzola

Introduction to Computer Science and its These paths are; Having its origin from mathematics and electri-
Branches (Streams)  Information Technology cal engineering, computer science and engi-
In this world full of industries, a technological -  Computer Engineering neering is the study of computation of not only
driven mind is the prime necessity to set your-  Software Engineering the software but also the hardware of compu-
self apart from the crowd. In this process of  Computer Science and Engineering ters. It helps the students to excel in their cho-
creating a technology driven world which  Information System sen career path and gives them opportunities
knows how to function according to the needs to live with those machines which are shaping
of the industries computers are a must. This is Almost all the career paths mentioned here, the present and future of today’s world.
the reason, there is a study of computers and for the ones who are interested in these bunch
a science of it which helps the students of this of machines with complex structures, have 2-Another such stream is computer engi-
era know everything about those machines one thing in common,” i.e. engineering. neering: Slightly different from computer
that run this entire world. science engineering, computer engineering
There are streams in engineering that start contains the study of a few topics that are dif-
from the basics of computer science and lead ferent from computer science engineering.
the students to the very top of it. The designed This includes the designing and assembling of
course structures are a plus point as they hardwares along with designing circuits of mi-
don’t focus on just one thing. croprocessors and supercomputers. Basically,
it’s the pathway to the future which you know
Streams can run an entire country technologically.
1-Computer science and engineering: It is
Alfred Aho once said- “Computer Science one such stream. It allows the students to start
is a science of abstraction -creating the from the very basics of computers. It is the
right model for a problem and devising the study of the science of computers, i.e. compu-
appropriate mechanizable techniques to ter science with the architecture of it with;
solve it.”
 The main programming languages,
Computer Science - The science of compu-
 An introduction to computer circuits, and
Computer science is the study of computers  A mastery in computer algorithms that run
and its applications. It provides the students
the liberty to know everything about this world the whole process of this science of compu-
through softwares and their applications.
 It is the deep study of those machines ters. 3-Information technology: It is related to net-
and their softwares that basically runs works and network management, with the ma-
this world. nagement of computer data. It is the study of
 It is the study of computer algorithms and the use of computers in storing and manipula-
the languages that program the machi- ting data where data refers to electronic data
nes. stores in machines.
 It is the study of data structures and net-
working and the establishment of net- Information Technology includes machine co-
works in computers. des and other data that drive a computer or
electronic device. It is the study of networking,

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