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ITS301: Creative Coding and Computing

Fall 2022

Coursework Assignment #2
Assignment Date: November 14, 2022

Assignment Title: Advanced Attempt at Generative Arts

Assignment Requirements:

For this coursework assignment, you are required to demonstrate your advanced attempt
at creating generative arts using Processing. The artifact must depict generative arts using a
set of rules and randomness that generates similar, but unique creations every time it runs,
and depends on abstract rather than figurative representations.

Your artifact must fulfill the following requirements:

1. A Processing sketch, on a canvas of a 16:9 aspect ratio and a 720p (1280x720 pixels),
composed of a subtle background and an imposed foreground that can be clearly
2. The creation can be dynamic and continuously run or stop after creating the display. If
creating a static display, the display must not appear like a ready-made image. Instead,
the viewer must be taken through the process before stopping.
3. The artifact must have a textual title of a reasonable length, printed nicely on the canvas
in a way that doesn’t obstruct the artifact. Instead, it adds to its beauty. Students are
required to learn how to add and handle textual data using Processing.
4. The artifact must present a menu of the keys and their functions to the user as either as
textual or graphical message displayed on the canvas.
5. The sketch must be interactive and must allow for the following interactions:
a. The creation must restart and produce a different output every time the user
desires to do so by pressing keys on the keyboard or clicking mouse buttons.
b. The user must be able to save multiple snapshots of the creation using the
keyboard or the mouse when desired.
c. The user must be able to remove or display the menu as desired.

Assignment Grading:

• This assignment counts towards 20% of your final mark, calculated as follows:
o 14.0 marks for meeting the above requirements
o 2.0 marks for code readability, variable names, and proper use of comments
o 4.0 marks for the creativity and aesthetic of the creation

o Ideas and techniques can be borrowed from other resources, but with proper citation
and links to original contents’ URLs. Failing to do so is considered as plagiarism.
o You are required to submit your sketch as a single file through the Google Form created
and dedicated to this submission: Regular Submission OR Late Submission.
o An assignment submission form should accompany your submission in print format,
which is the last page of this document. Failing to do so will result in deducted marks.

Assignment Submission Date:

• Monday, November 21, by the start of your class time (02:15 pm).

Late Submissions:

o The late submission policy applies to this coursework assignment. Please, check the
syllabus for the details of the policy.
Creative Coding and Computing
Assignment #2 Submission Form

Advanced Attempt at Generative Arts

Assignment Submission Date: Monday, November 21, 2022

Check List #1 Name Signature Date

Checked by the Student

Check List #2 Late Late

Submission Form Source Code
Submission #1 Submission #2
Wed., Nov. 23 Fri., Nov. 25
Checked by the Professor

Grading and Feedback:

Criteria Grade Feedback

Requirement 1 /2
Requirement 2 /2
Requirement 3 /2
Requirement 4 /2
Requirement 5a /2
Requirement 5b /2
Requirement 5c /2
Code Readability /2
Creativity /4





Assignment Mark


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