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International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition,

Volume 55, Number 3 (May 2004) 171 /178

Fatty acid profile, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol content of walnuts,

almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and the macadamia nut

L. S. Maguire, S. M. O’Sullivan, K. Galvin, T. P. O’Connor and N. M. O’Brien

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland

Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

Nuts are high in fat but have a fatty acid profile that may be beneficial in
relation to risk of coronary heart disease. Nuts also contain other potentially
cardioprotective constituents including phytosterols, tocopherols and squalene.
In the present study, the total oil content, peroxide value, composition of fatty
acids, tocopherols, phytosterols and squalene content were determined in the
oil extracted from freshly ground walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and the
macadamia nut. The total oil content of the nuts ranged from 37.9 to 59.2%,
while the peroxide values ranged from 0.19 to 0.43 meq O2/kg oil. The main
monounsaturated fatty acid was oleic acid (C18:1) with substantial levels of
palmitoleic acid (C16:1) present in the macadamia nut. The main polyunsa-
turated fatty acids present were linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3).
For personal use only.

a-Tocopherol was the most prevalent tocopherol except in walnuts. The levels
of squalene detected ranged from 9.4 to 186.4 mg/g. b-Sitosterol was the most
abundant sterol, ranging in concentration from 991.2 to 2071.7 mg/g oil.
Campesterol and stigmasterol were also present in significant concentrations.
Our data indicate that all five nuts are a good source of monounsaturated fatty
acid, tocopherols, squalene and phytosterols.


There is increasing evidence that diets that It is widely recognized that the type of
include nuts may be beneficial in decreasing fat in the diet influences plasma cholesterol
the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). levels to a greater extent than total fat intake.
Nuts are high in fat; however, as greater than Therefore, replacing saturated fat with un-
75% of the fat present is unsaturated fat, nuts saturated fat may be more effective in
are thought to have a fatty acid profile that lowering the risk of CHD than reducing the
is cardioprotective. Monounsaturated fatty total fat intake (O’Byrne et al ., 1997; Kris-
acids (MUFA) are the predominant fatty Etherton et al ., 1999b). Kris-Etherton et al .
acids and contribute, on average, approxi- (1999b) reported that diets high in MUFA
mately 62% of the energy in nuts from fat have a favourable effect on the ratio of total
(Kris-Etherton et al ., 1999a). cholesterol:high-density lipoprotein (HDL)

Correspondence to: N. M. O’Brien. E-mail:

ISSN 0963-7486 printed/ISSN 1465-3478 online

# 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/09637480410001725175
172 L. S. Maguire et al.

cholesterol, which is a more accurate indica- serum levels of HDL cholesterol and trigly-
tor of risk for CHD than total cholesterol cerides.
level alone. Diets high in MUFA reduce Squalene is a 30-carbon, straight-chain
levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) hydrocarbon steroid precursor that is pro-
without adversely affecting the HDL frac- duced by both animal and plant cells. Squa-
tion, thereby reducing risk of CHD. lene is converted to phytosterols in plant cells
Epidemiological evidence indicates that (Goodwin, 1996). A number of reports
frequent nut consumption lowers the risk of suggest squalene possesses antioxidant func-
CHD (Hu et al ., 1998; Rajaram et al ., 2001; tions. It has been demonstrated to be an
Albert et al ., 2002). However, there is emer- effective quencher of singlet oxygen and
ging evidence that the decreased risk is not prevents lipid peroxidation in model systems
solely related to the fatty acid profile, but (Kohno et al ., 1995). Fan et al. (1996)
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

may be due to the presence of other bioactive reported that squalene inhibited sodium
trace components present in nuts. Kris- arsenite-induced sister chromatid exchanges
Etherton et al . (2001) summarized the find- in Chinese ovary-K1 cells and suggested that
ings from 11 clinical studies regarding the the inhibitory effects may be due to its
total and lipoprotein-cholesterol response antioxidant activity. More recently, O’Sulli-
following incorporation of nuts into various van et al. (2002) demonstrated that squalene
diets. Using predictive equations, the actual was very effective in protecting against H2O2-
change in CHD risk was compared with the induced SCE in Chinese hamster V79 cells.
estimated response based on fatty acid pro- Tocopherols are powerful antioxidants and
files (Kris-Etherton et al ., 2001). Results in high doses have been shown to lower the
indicate the actual change in CHD risk was risk of CHD (Rimm & Stampfer, 1997). This
For personal use only.

greater than the estimated response based on cardioprotective effect is thought to be due to
fatty acid profiles in most instances across all inhibition of LDL cholesterol oxidation, a
levels of nut consumption. These results, key step in the atherogenic process.
therefore, suggest that other bioactive com- The aim of the present study was to
ponents, in addition to fatty acids, are determine and compare the total oil content,
present in nuts that further reduce CHD fatty acid composition, peroxide value (a
measure of oxidative stability), tocopherol,
risk. Current food databases contain little
phytosterol and squalene content of walnuts,
compositional data for nuts, particularly with
almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and the maca-
respect to potentially bioactive compounds
damia nut.
including phytosterols, squalene and toco-
pherols (Holland et al ., 1992).
Phytosterols are found in plant foods and Materials and methods
are structurally and functionally analogous
to cholesterol in vertebrate animals. b-Sitos- Nut samples
terol, campesterol and stigmasterol are the Five types of edible nuts were analysed in this
most commonly occurring phytosterols and study; walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts
constitute 95% of total phytosterols in the and the macadamia nut. The nuts were
diet. In addition to nuts, phytosterols are bought from a local health food store in
Cork. Solvents (high-performance liquid
found in a range of seeds, legumes, vegetables
chromatography (HPLC) grade) were pur-
and unrefined vegetable oils (Weihrauch &
chased from Rathburn Chemicals Ltd.
Gardner, 1978). The effects of dietary sup-
(Walkerburn, Scotland).
plementation with phytosterols on serum
cholesterol levels in humans have been re-
viewed comprehensively by several authors Lipid extraction
(Gylling & Miettinen, 2000; Law, 2000; Nuts (2 g) were finely ground using a
Moreau et al ., 2002; Neil & Huxley, 2002). Moulinex Optiblend 2000. The oil from the
In general, phytosterol supplementation finely ground samples was extracted by a
tends to decrease serum levels of total and modification of a procedure previously de-
LDL cholesterol, and has little effect on scribed by Savage et al . (1997). Briefly, oil
Fatty acid, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol in nuts 173

was extracted with 6 ml hexane/isopropanol transferred to a plastic insert in a HPLC vial

(3:2, v/v) at room temperature under vigor- and stored at /208C for later analysis by
ous stirring for 1 h in glass beakers to HPLC.
facilitate homogenization of the nuts. The
nut preparations were filtered through a
Buchner funnel under vacuum, and the Analyses of phytosterols, squalene and
residues were washed twice with 4 ml hex- tocopherols by HPLC
ane/isopropanol solvent. Thereafter, 7 ml of The HPLC system consisted of a Waters 510
6.7% sodium sulphate (w/v) were added and pump and a Waters 717 plus autosampler
the samples were vortexed for 30 sec and (Waters Corporation, Milford, Massachu-
centrifuged at 2000 r.p.m. for 10 min. The setts, USA). For phytosterol analysis, 20 ml
solvent layer was removed, dried under sample was injected onto a Luna C8 (2)
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

nitrogen and the pure oil was weighed to column (250 /4.6 mm i.d.; Phenomenex,
calculate the percentage yield. Cheshire, UK). Detection was by a Waters
995 photodiode array detector. The mobile
phase was 80% acetonitrile and 20% water at
Peroxide value a flow rate of 1.6 ml/min. Column tempera-
The peroxide value was determined following ture was maintained at 508C. The HPLC
the International Dairy Federation standard system used for tocopherol and squalene
method 74A (International Dairy Federa- analysis was the same, except the column
tion, 1991, Brussels, Belgium). Freshly ex- used was a Supelcosil LC-18-DB (250 /4.6
tracted oil (0.1 g) was weighed into a glass mm i.d.; Supelco, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania,
test-tube and 9.8 ml chloroform/methanol USA), The mobile phase was 99% methanol
For personal use only.

(70:30) was added and mixed. Following this, and 1% water at a flow rate of 1.2 ml/min.
one drop of ammonium thiocyanate solution Column temperature was maintained at
(30 g/100 ml) and one drop of ferrous 258C. Peak areas were recorded using
chloride were added and the tubes vortexed. Millennium 32 Chromatography Manager
The mixed solution was allowed to stand in software (Waters Corporation, Milford,
subdued light for 5 min and the absorbance Massachusetts, USA). For phytosterol, toco-
was measured at 505 nm against a reagent pherol and squalene analysis, chromato-
blank (9.9 ml chloroform/methanol mix, one grams were extracted at 205 nm, 292 nm
drop of ferrous chloride and one drop of and 215 nm, respectively.
ammonium thiocyanate solution). The per-
oxide value of the oil was expressed as meq of
oxygen/kg fat. Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were pre-
pared from extracted oil by the method of
Saponification for sterol, tocopherol and Slover & Lanza (1979). Briefly, approxi-
squalene analysis mately 200 mg extracted oil was treated
Briefly, 40 mg oil was mixed thoroughly with with 1 ml methanolic NaOH at 1008C for
300 ml of 50% KOH (w/v) and 2 ml of 1% 15 min in ground glass stoppered tubes. The
ethanolic pyrogallol (w/v) in screw-top tubes tubes were cooled on ice, 2 ml boron
fitted with Teflon lined screw-caps. The tubes trifloride was added and the tubes were
were kept for 30 min at 708C in a water bath. boiled for a further 15 min. The tubes were
The tubes were cooled on ice and 1 ml water cooled on ice, then 1 ml iso-octane and 2 ml
and 4 ml hexane were added. The tubes were saturated sodium chloride were added, sha-
shaken vigorously and then centrifuged at ken vigorously and left to stand to allow the
2000 r.p.m. for 10 min. The hexane layer was layers to separate. The upper hexane layer
removed and the extraction repeated with a containing the FAME was transferred to a
further 2 ml hexane. The combined hexane small tube and stored at /208C for later
extracts were dried under nitrogen. The analysis by capillary-column gas /liquid
extract was redissolved in 200 ml ethanol, chromatography (GC).
174 L. S. Maguire et al.

FAME analysis by GC linolenic acid (11.6% of total) compared with

For FAME analysis, a DB-WAX capillary the other nuts (Table 2). The main saturated
column (30 m/0.32 mm i.d.; J & W Scientific, fatty acids (STA) present in all samples were
Folsom, California, USA) was used. The palmitic acid (C16) and stearic acid (C18)
column was connected to a Shimadzu GC- (Table 2). The levels of total UFA in all five
14A (Kyoto, Japan) gas chromatograph nuts were similar, ranging from 84.5 to
equipped with a flame-ionization detector. 91.6%. However, there were larger variations
Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas. The between the PUFA and MUFA contents
temperature programme was as follows. In- (Table 3). The mean MUFA and PUFA
itial temperature 508C; increase to 2008C at contents of the macadamia nut oil were
108C/min, hold for 25 min; and increase to 82.4 g/100 g and 2.4 g/100 g, respectively.
2308C at 108C/min, hold for 20 min. Injector This is in contrast to walnut oil, which
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

and detector temperatures were 2508C. Chro- contained 21.2 g/100 g MUFA and 69.0 g/
matograms were recorded using Millennium 100 g PUFA. Peanut contained the lowest
32 Chromatography Manager software levels of MUFA at 38.6 g/100 g (Table 3).
(Waters Corporation, Milford, Massachu- The tocopherol and squalene contents of
setts, USA). the five nuts were also measured (Table 4).
The levels of total tocopherols ranged from
122.3 to 452 mg/g and the order of decreasing
Results total tocopherol content was almond /
hazenut/walnut/peanut/macadamia nut.
The total oil content of the five selected nuts a-Tocopherol was the most prevalent toco-
ranged from 37.9 to 59.2%, with the maca- pherol for all nuts except walnut, ranging
For personal use only.

damia nut yielding the greatest percentage of from 21 to 440 mg/g, and was present in much
oil, and the peanut the least (Table 1). The higher concentrations in almonds and hazel-
peroxide values ranged from 0.19 to 0.43 meq nuts than peanuts and the macadamia nut.
O2/kg oil (Table 1). The level of a-tocopherol detected in walnuts
The fatty acid profile of the five nuts was particularly low at 20.6 mg/g. g-Toco-
determined by capillary-column GC is pre- pherol was measured in concentrations ran-
sented in Table 2 and a summary of the ging from trace amounts in the macadamia
important fatty acid parameters is presented nut to 300.5 mg/g in walnuts, while d-toco-
in Table 3. The major MUFA present in all pherol was present in trace amounts in all nut
five nuts was oleic acid (C18:1), with sub- samples (data not shown). Squalene was
stantial levels of palmitoleic acid (C16:1) detected in all five nuts, with levels ranging
present in the macadamia nut (Table 2).
from 9.4 to 186.4 mg/g (Table 4).
The major polyunsaturated fatty acid
The levels of total phytosterols ranged
(PUFA) present was linoleic acid (C18:2),
from 1096 to 2178.4 mg/g oil and the order
with lesser amounts of linolenic acid (C18:3).
of decreasing total phytosterol content
Walnut had a particularly high content of
was almond /peanut /macadamia nut /
walnut/hazelnut. b-Sitosterol was the most
abundant sterol, ranging from 991.2 to
Table 1. Total oil content and peroxide value of oil extracted
from five edible nuts 2071.7 mg/g, and was present in much higher
concentrations than campesterol and stig-
Total oil Peroxide value masterol in all five nuts. Campesterol and
Oil sample (g/100 g) (meq O2/kg oil) stigmasterol were present at similar concen-
Hazelnut 49.29/1.6 0.439/0.04 trations (Table 5). The concentrations of
Macadamia 59.29/1.5 0.369/0.03 campesterol and stigmasterol were higher in
Peanut 37.99/1.8 0.399/0.04 peanuts, at 198.3 and 163.3 mg/g, respectively,
Walnut 50.89/1.4 0.379/0.07
Almond 40.89/2.5 0.199/0.004
than in the remaining four nuts, the concen-
trations of which ranged from 51.0 to 73.3
Results are the mean value9/standard error of the mean mg/g (campesterol) and 38.1 to 55.5 mg/g
from three independent experiments. (stigmasterol).
Fatty acid, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol in nuts 175

Table 2. Fatty acid composition (% of total) of oil extracted from five edible nuts

Fatty acid

Oil sample 14:0 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1 18:2 18:3 20:0 20:3 20:5 22:0 22:6

Hazelnut 0.13 5.82 0.29 2.74 79.30 10.39 0.46 0.16 ND ND ND ND

Macadamia 0.95 8.37 17.28 3.17 65.15 2.31 0.06 2.28 0.01 ND 0.2 0.27
Peanut 0.03 11.08 0.15 2.66 38.41 44.6 0.58 1.57 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.75
Walnut 0.13 6.70 0.23 2.27 21.00 57.46 11.58 0.08 ND 0.06 0.07 ND
Almond 0.06 6.85 0.63 1.29 69.24 21.52 0.16 0.16 ND ND 0.05 ND

Results are the mean value from three independent experiments. ND, not detected.

Table 3. Summary of the important fatty acid parameters of oil extracted from five edible nuts
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

Polyunsaturated fatty Monounsaturated fatty Total saturated fatty Total unsaturated fatty Ratio unsaturated/
Oil sample acids (g/100 g) acids (g/100 g) acids (g/100 g) acids (g/100 g) saturated

Hazelnut 10.9 79.6 9.2 90.4 9.9

Macadamia 2.4 82.4 15.1 84.8 5.6
Peanut 46.0 38.6 15.5 84.5 5.45
Walnut 69.0 21.2 9.5 90.3 9.5
Almond 21.7 69.9 8.5 91.6 10.8

Results are the mean value from three independent experiments.

Discussion 59%. Analysis of the fatty acid profile of the

For personal use only.

nuts indicates a high unsaturated/saturated

Kris-Etherton et al . (2001) reviewed epide- ratio. The main contributing saturated fatty
miological and clinical studies that have acids for all nuts included stearic acid (C18:0)
demonstrated the effects of nuts on cardio- and palmitic acid (C16:0) with traces of
vascular health and concluded that, overall, myristic acid (C14:0) and eicosanoic acid
the results suggest an independent beneficial (C20:0). The highest levels of saturated fatty
effect of nut consumption on CHD risk. The acid were found in the macadamia nut and
exact mechanism by which nuts exert this peanuts. Although classified with other nuts,
protective effect is not clear. In addition to peanuts are legumes and grow underground,
their highly unsaturated fatty acid profile, often being referred to as groundnuts. Re-
nuts contain other constituents that could sults from this study confirm that, composi-
also offer protection. These constituents tionally, they are similar to the tree nuts.
include antioxidants (e.g. tocopherols), squa- Higgs (2002) has reviewed the protective role
lene and plant sterols. that peanuts may have against certain dis-
In agreement with previously published eases, including CHD. The main unsaturated
studies, our data indicate that the fat content fatty acids in the nuts studied included oleic
of all five nut types was high, between 37 and acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), linolenic

Table 4. Squalene and tocopherol content of oil (mg/g oil) Table 5. Campesterol, stigmasterol and b-sitosterol content
extracted from five edible nuts of oil (mg/g oil) extracted from five edible nuts

Oil sample Squalene a-Tocopherol g-Tocopherol Oil sample Campesterol Stigmasterol b-Sitosterol

Hazelnut 186.49/11.6 310.19/31.1 61.29/29.8 Hazelnut 66.79/6.7 38.19/4.0 991.29/73.2

Macadamia 185.09/27.2 122.39/24.5 Trace Macadamia 73.39/8.9 38.39/2.7 1506.79/140.5
Peanut 98.39/13.4 87.99/6.7 60.39/6.7 Peanut 198.39/21.4 163.39/23.8 1363.39/103.9
Walnut 9.49/1.8 20.69/8.2 300.59/31.0 Walnut 51.09/2.9 55.59/11.0 1129.59/124.6
Almond 95.09/8.5 439.59/4.8 12.59/2.1 Almond 55.09/10.8 51.79/3.6 2071.79/25.9

Results are the mean value9/standard error of the mean Results are the mean value9/standard error of the mean
from three independent experiments. from three independent experiments.
176 L. S. Maguire et al.

acid (C18:3) and palmitoleic acid (C16:1). for a-tocopherol content. The g-tocopherol
Unlike hazelnuts and almond, where the content of the nuts was also analysed in
majority of the MUFA was oleic acid this study, and ranged from trace levels in
(C18:1), in the macadamia nut 21% was macadamia nuts to 300.5 mg/g in walnuts.
palmitoleic acid (C16:1). The macadamia Walnuts were the only nuts that contained
oil determined in this study contained the g-tocopherol in higher concentrations than
highest level of MUFA, higher than MUFA a-tocopherol. Similar findings were reported
levels reported in olive oil, high-oleate saf- by Savage et al . (1999) and Lavedrine et al .
flower oil and rapeseed oil (Leissner et al ., (1997). Some reports suggest g-tocopherol
1989). Peanuts had higher levels of linoleic has a higher antioxidant capacity in model
acid (C18:2) and a low level of oleic acid systems than a-tocopherol (Wolf, 1997; Sald-
(C18:1) in comparison with previously pub- een et al., 1999).
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

lished data (Hinds, 1995). Walnuts were a There is a paucity of information regarding
significant source of omega-3 fatty acids. the content of squalene in nuts. However,
Linolenic acid (C18:3) represented approxi- some literature does exist on the content of
mately 12% of their total fatty acid composi- squalene in vegetable oils. Owen et al . (2000)
tion. One potential mechanism proposed by reported a mean squalene content of 2900
which nuts offer protection against CHD mg/g in olive oils, with seed oils having a value
includes a reduction in fatal ventricular of 240 mg/g. Soybean oil has been reported to
arrhythmias (Albert et al ., 2002). There contain levels of squalene of 220 mg/g oil
are several components of nuts that could (Mendes et al ., 2002). In this study the level
potentially exert such a role, including the of squalene in the nuts varied between nut
a-linolenic content. Walnuts, therefore, could types, ranging from 9.4 mg/g oil in walnuts to
For personal use only.

be particularly significant in this regard. 186.4 mg/g oil in hazelnuts. The level found in
The levels of tocopherols and squalene hazelnuts is comparable with soybean oil.
differed between nut varieties. a-Tocopherol There has been growing interest in squalene
was the main tocopherol isomer present in all as a potential chemopreventative agent
nuts analysed with the exception of walnut. (Smith, 2000). The average intake of squalene
The a-tocopherol content ranged between in the United States is 30 mg/day. However,
20.6 mg/g oil in walnuts and 439.5 mg/g oil in when olive oil consumption is high the intake
almonds. In general, tocopherol levels were of squalene can reach 200 /400 mg/day, as
in accordance with previous publications observed in the Mediterranean countries
(Savage et al ., 1997, 1999; Parcerisa et al ., (Gerber, 1994). Experimental studies have
1998). However, macadamia nuts had a much shown that squalene can inhibit chemically-
higher content of a-tocopherol (122.3 mg/g induced colon, lung and skin tumorigenesis
lipid) than was previously reported by Kaij- in rodents (reviewed by Smith, 2000). There-
ser et al . (2000), who reported levels of fore, it has been proposed that the decreased
0.8 /1.1 mg/g lipids. The macadamia nuts risk for various cancers associated with high
examined in the study by Kaijser et al . olive oil consumption may, in part, be due to
(2000) were harvested from the North Island the presence of squalene. In addition, squa-
of New Zealand. Unfortunately, the source lene has been shown to behave as an
of the macadamia nuts used in the present antioxidant in certain model systems as
study is unknown. It has been reported that outlined in the Introduction. Uncontrolled
the fatty acid profile and phytochemical production of reactive oxygen species con-
content of nuts (e.g. walnuts) varies between tributes to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
cultivars (Greve et al ., 1992). Therefore, it disease and cancer. We demonstrate, in the
is possible that differences between the present study, that nuts can also be a
a-tocopherol content of our macadamia significant source of dietary squalene.
nuts and those of Kaijser et al . (2000) could For all five nuts analysed, b-sitosterol was
be explained by cultivar variations. Clearly, the most predominant sterol present ranging
this remains to be confirmed by analysing between 991 and 2071 mg/g. Little difference
different cultivars of the macadamia nut between contents of campesterol and stig-
Fatty acid, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol in nuts 177

masterol was evident. Weihrauch & Gardner almond had the lowest peroxide value and
(1978) reported that walnuts had a campes- had the highest content of tocopherols;
terol content of 60 mg/g, but only contained however, this trend is not seen with the other
trace levels of stigmasterol. In this study nuts types. No correlation was observed
walnuts had a campesterol content of between the peroxide value and the toco-
51 mg/g but the stigmasterol levels measured pherol content, phytosterol content, linoleic
55 mg/g. Levels of stigmasterol present in acid levels, linolenic acid levels or the ratio of
hazelnuts and macadamia nuts are in line unsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio.
with previously reports (Savage et al ., 1997; In conclusion, this study illustrates some
Parcerisa et al ., 1998, 2000; Kaijser et al ., differences in total oil, fatty acid composi-
2000). In comparison with the other nuts tion, tocopherol, squalene and phytosterol
analysed, peanuts had a significantly higher contents between different nut types. In
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Columbia University on 07/08/12

campesterol and stigmasterol content. general, however, all nuts studied had a
Peroxide values have been used to assess favourable unsaturated/saturated fatty acid
rancidity in nuts (Fourie & Basson, 1989). In ratio. Squalene levels were high in all samples
this study the peroxide value ranged between with the exception of walnut. However, wal-
0.19 meq O2/kg oil for almond and 0.43 meq nuts contained considerably higher levels of
O2/kg for hazelnuts. These levels indicate that g-tocopherol. Phytosterol levels did not vary
the nuts were of good quality from the significantly between the different nuts.
perspective of oxidative stability. Savage Therefore, while certain compositional dif-
et al . (1999) observed a positive relationship ferences exist between individual types of
between the peroxide value and total toco- nut, all have a beneficial fat and phytochem-
pherol content. On analysis of our results, ical profile from a CHD perspective.
For personal use only.

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