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Physiology of Hibernation Under

the Ice by Turtles and Frogs
Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island
Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

ABSTRACT Successful overwintering under ice by an air-breathing vertebrate requires either effective aquatic
respiration if dissolved O2 is available or the capacity for prolonged anaerobic metabolism if O2
supplies are limiting. Frogs can remain aerobic for many weeks when submerged at low
temperature, even at water PO2 as low as 30 mmHg, but are unable to survive even 1 week in
anoxic water. Fuel reserves of hibernating frogs limit aerobic submergence, whereas acidosis may
limit anoxic submergence. Freshwater turtles can also satisfy all or most of their O2 needs in well-
aerated water at low temperature by aquatic respiration, but certain species, in particular painted
and snapping turtles, can also survive for up to 4–5 months without O2. Key adaptations of the
painted turtles, and presumably snapping turtles, include metabolic depression and the
exploitation of the shell and other bones to buffer lactic acid. As in frogs, glycogen and glucose
are the only fuel sources during anoxia, and stores do not seem to be limiting in the painted turtle.
Significant differences in anoxia tolerance exist among chelonian species that can be attributed, at
least in part, to the magnitude of metabolic depression, the effectiveness of lactic acid buffering,
and the size of glycogen stores. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:311–327, 2010. & 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
J. Exp. Zool.
How to cite this article: Jackson DC, Ultsch GRy. 2010. Physiology of hibernation under the ice
2010 by turtles and frogs. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:311–327.

Frogs and freshwater turtles are obligate air breathers at summer farther north than that of turtles, so that the length of time frogs
temperatures, but species overwintering at high latitudes in the may be submerged at low temperature can exceed that of turtles.
northern hemisphere may be unable to breathe air for many Maintenance of adequate fuel reserves is also a key requirement
weeks while their habitats are ice-covered. Indeed, as much as for successful overwintering, particularly if reproductive activity
half of their lifetimes may be spent holding their breath during in the spring occurs before feeding and replenishment of reserves.
under-ice hibernation, accompanied by low levels of activity and If sufficient oxygen can be obtained from the water while
greatly reduced metabolic rates. During this time, they do not hibernating, fat stores can be exploited, but fat is not utilizable
feed and must survive by mobilizing stored deposits of metabolic under anaerobic conditions. Turtles are clearly less well adapted
substrates. Important events, such as mating and reproduction, for cutaneous exchange than are frogs; nevertheless, all species
will not occur until after emergence. In effect, they are in a of turtles tested in normoxic water during simulated hibernation
holding pattern, conserving their resources until normal activities can support significant aerobic metabolism using aquatic
can resume in the spring. respiration, and some species can remain fully aerobic.
Of central importance for the submerged animal is the The remarkable feature of turtles, in contrast to frogs, is their
availability of dissolved oxygen and how well any available capacity to survive long periods without oxygen. The physiolo-
oxygen can be delivered to metabolizing cells. Photosynthesis or gical traits that permit this extraordinary behavior have been
flowing water may keep the water PO2 (PwO2) near ambient air
levels, but heavy snow cover or eutrophication may produce
severely hypoxic or even anoxic conditions. Animals burying Correspondence to: Donald C. Jackson, Department of Molecular

into the bottom mud may also have little or no available oxygen, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology, Brown University, Providence,
regardless of the PwO2 of the overlying water. Although both RI 02912. E-mail:
Courtesy Professor.
frogs and turtles can benefit from available aquatic oxygen, the Received 20 October 2009; Revised 18 December 2009; Accepted 17
more effective cutaneous gas exchange of frogs enables them to February 2010
remain aerobic even in water that is well below normoxic (i.e., Published online 26 March 2010 in Wiley InterScience (www.
atmospheric) PO2 levels. The geographical range of frogs extends DOI: 10.1002/jez.603



the subject of numerous studies since the pioneering work of (Hutchison et al., ’68) and the relative contribution of the skin to
Belkin (’63) and Robin et al. (’64) awakened interest in this exchange of both O2 and CO2 increases as temperature decreases
subject. Of particular note is the capacity of several species of (Feder and Burggren, ’85). In contrast, the integument of
freshwater turtles (e.g., Chrysemys picta and Chelydra serpentina) freshwater turtles is designed more to resist exchange with the
to survive for several months submerged at winter temperatures environment than to facilitate it, and at summer temperatures
with reduced or no dissolved oxygen. An anoxic state requires a extrapulmonary exchange is trivial for most, though not all,
shift to anaerobic glycolysis, an inefficient pathway energetically turtles. Nevertheless, aquatic gas exchange is critically important
because of the low yield of ATP per glucose molecule, and a to turtles as well as to frogs during overwintering.
pathway that disturbs acid-base balance owing to the production Extrapulmonary gas exchange can occur by at least three
of lactic acid. Only free glucose and glycogen can serve as different pathways in submerged turtles: via the skin, bucco-
metabolic substrates during anoxia, so adequate availability of pharyngeal surface, or across the surface of the cloaca or cloacal
these compounds is essential. Coping with these potentially bursae. The relative contributions of these pathways differ among
limiting stresses requires unusual adaptive traits in these animals species (King and Heatwole, ’94). In certain subtropical Australian
that include, in particular, metabolic depression and effective turtles, aquatic ventilation of the cloacal bursae can supply most
acid buffering. In addition, considerable research has been of the oxygen requirements even at warm temperatures (Gordos
directed toward understanding brain and heart function of turtles and Franklin, 2002). In North American species, the cloacal
under anaerobic conditions, because these organs are usually bursae are poorly vascularized or absent and probably play less
quite vulnerable to low oxygen in other vertebrates. Discovering of a role in gas exchange (Peterson and Greenfields, 2001). The
the mechanisms that permit their continued function and softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera) and the musk turtle (Ster-
survival in anoxic turtles is of fundamental importance. notherus odoratus), both North American temperate species, have
The purpose of this review is two-fold: first, to discuss the significant but still not sufficient aquatic gas exchange at
physiological traits that permit long-term winter submergence in summer temperatures (Dunson ’60; Belkin, ’68), owing to gas-
frogs and turtles, including a consideration of environments both permeable skin and additionally, in the case of the softshell, to
with and without normoxic levels of dissolved oxygen, and buccopharyngeal respiration (Wang et al., ’89). The painted turtle,
second, to point out the incompleteness of our understanding in C. picta, a species representative of more typical turtle
many of these areas. Because the focus of our work has been at morphology, relies principally upon its skin for aquatic O2
the level of whole-animal physiology, we emphasize this aspect uptake (Jackson et al., 2004) but, like its close relative Trachemys
in our review with less discussion on cellular and molecular scripta (Belkin, ’68), cutaneous O2 uptake at summer tempera-
mechanisms. Readers interested in the latter approaches can tures is a minor component of total O2 uptake (Wasser et al., ’91).
profit from recent reviews by Bickler and Buck (2007), Boutilier At winter temperatures, however, all the turtles tested, including
(2001), and by a series of articles in a recent issue of Comparative Chrysemys and Trachemys, can obtain enough O2 from aerated
Biochemistry and Physiology (Part A, Volume 147, pp 261–343, water to supply most or all of their metabolic requirements. The
2007) that were published to honor the memory of the late Peter species S. odoratus (Ultsch and Cochran, ’94), A. spinifera (Reese
Lutz, who was a major contributor to our understanding of et al., 2003), and Graptemys geographica (Reese et al., 2001) can
anoxia tolerance in turtles. Additional recent reviews on the remain fully aerobic while submerged at 31C in aerated water,
general subject include Boutilier et al. (’97), Jackson (2000, 2002), and C. picta (Reese et al., 2004) and C serpentina (Reese et al.,
Ultsch (2006), Tattersall and Ultsch (2008), and Milton (2008). 2002) rely only to a relatively modest extent on anaerobic
metabolism under similar experimental circumstances. In addi-
tion, extrapulmonary loss of CO2 prevents or minimizes
respiratory acidosis during winter submergence (e.g., Ultsch and
Aquatic Gas Exchange Jackson, ’82).
Frogs and other amphibians are well known to rely on their skin The greater relative importance of cutaneous gas exchange at
for a variety of exchange processes with their aquatic environ- low temperature is because low temperature depresses cellular
ment, including gas exchange. Their moist skin is heavily metabolism much more than it depresses diffusional gas
vascularized and the diffusion distance from the surface of the exchange. Therefore, the magnitude of aquatic O2 uptake by a
epidermis to the dermal capillaries is relatively short compared painted turtle that is inconsequential at 201C can meet most of
with other vertebrates, on the order of 20–50 m, and in extreme the cellular demands for O2 at 31C when metabolism is extremely
cases as little as 12 m (Czopek, ’65). This distance, though, is long low (Jackson et al., 2001a). For frogs, and for turtles such as
compared with lung or gill diffusion paths, so skin exchange, Apalone and Sternotherus with effective aquatic exchange, the
even in amphibians, has been considered to be diffusion limited temperature at which aquatic O2 uptake can fully satisfy resting
(Gatz et al., ’75). Even at summer temperatures, the skin can aerobic demands is higher than 31C; so, at hibernating
contribute significantly to gas exchange, particularly for CO2 loss temperatures these species have a reserve O2 uptake capacity

J. Exp. Zool.

that can increase aerobic scope or permit aerobic function in likely mechanism for increased skin conductance is recruitment
hypoxic environments. Those species with more effective aquatic of earlier closed skin capillaries. More recently, Tattersall and
gas exchange can be said to have a higher cutaneous Boutilier (’99b) reported an increase in skin CO2 conductance
conductance for respiratory gases. Conductance (G) is defined between 0.2 and 71C in R. temporaria submerged in aerated
_ 2 and the gas partial pressure
as the ratio between gas flux VO water. Blood PCO2 and pH remained constant over this range,
difference between water and arterial blood. Thus, for O2: indicating that cutaneous gas exchange capacity was matched to
metabolic rate. The combined effects of metabolic depression and
_ 2 =ðPw O2  Pa O2 Þ:
GO2 ¼ VO
increased skin gas exchange conductance that have been
Based on this relationship, it is obvious that under limiting described by Boutilier and his co-workers are important
ambient PwO2 conditions, the aerobic state can potentially be adaptations that can enable frogs to survive periods of severe
maintained by either increasing GO2 or by metabolic depression hypoxia while minimizing reliance on anaerobic metabolism
(i.e., decreasing O2 demand). Metabolic depression beyond that (see Tattersall and Ultsch, 2008, for a review). Some evidence
attributable to low temperature alone has been observed in frogs suggests similar mechanisms in turtles, but the necessary studies
(R. temporaria) under severe hypoxic conditions (Donohoe and have not been performed to verify their presence.
Boutilier, ’98) at 31C. In other experiments in the same study,
metabolic rates of frogs were observed to fall in response to Metabolic Rate and Energetics
decreasing PwO2 until at PwO2 of 60 mmHg, O2 consumption was The metabolic rates of turtles are greatly diminished during
reduced to only 25% of the normoxic value. Indirect evidence hibernation, by as much as 95% when breathing air and water
also suggests that turtles become hypometabolic when sub- and 99% when submerged in anoxic water, relative to that while
merged at low temperature in normoxic water, discussed in detail breathing air at 201C (Herbert and Jackson, ’85b). Whether frogs
in the next section. are able to attain such a profound reduction in metabolic rate
Supply can also be matched to demand by increasing skin while hibernating is an open question, but if they cannot, energy
conductance for respiratory gases. Conductance has been limitations may be one reason why the overwintering survival of
reported to increase during cold submergence in frogs to frogs seems to be considerably less than that of turtles (Wilbur,
facilitate gas exchange. Pinder (’87) submerged paralyzed ’75; Galbraith and Brooks, ’87; Elmberg, ’90; Congdon et al., ’94,
R. catesbeiana at 51C and observed constant diffusional O2 2000). The aerobic metabolic rate of ranid frogs in normoxic
uptake as PwO2 was reduced from 140 to 80 mmHg, a response he water at 3–51C is about 6 mL O2 g1h1 (Bradford, ’83; Pinder,
interpreted as increased GO2. Below 80 mmHg, O2 uptake ’87; Tattersall and Boutilier, ’97; Ultsch et al., 2004). Herbert and
decreased sharply, although GO2 continued to increase. Later Jackson (’85b) reported the metabolic rate of the painted turtle (C.
studies on smaller species, which were also not treated with any picta bellii) in aerated water with air access at 31C to be 1.14 mL
drug (those used by Pinder were curarized), suggest that the O2 g1h1. For comparison with a 60 g frog, and assuming that
critical O2 tension of cold submerged frogs is much lower (Fig. 1), the slope of the log–log regression of body size against metabolic
in the neighborhood of 30–40 mmHg (Bradford, ’83; Tattersall rate in turtles is 0.75, it follows that a 60 g turtle (allowing for
and Boutilier, ’97, ’99a; Ultsch et al., 2004), and may be even most shell mass as relatively inactive tissue) would have a
lower during chronic hypoxia (see review of Tattersall and Ultsch, metabolic rate of 2.27 mL O2 g1h1, which is only 38% that of a
2008). Based on other studies (e.g., Burggren and Moalli, ’84), the frog of the same size. This is a conservative estimate, as a turtle’s
metabolic rate is probably lower than this because of denial to air
access. In fact, a series of studies of four species of turtles
submerged in respirometers at their winter hibernation sites
(2–91C: Graham and Forsberg, ’91; Graham and Graham, ’92;
Graham and Butler, ’93; Graham and Guimond, ’95) gave
metabolic rates (adjusted here to 60 g) of 0.68–1.83 mL O2 g1h1,
which are 11–30% of those measured for frogs. Even considering
all the assumptions in these calculations, it seems likely that the
metabolic rates of overwintering frogs are at least twice those of
turtles, and frogs, therefore, should be able to survive only half as
long if both taxa entered hibernation with similar relative energy
stores. Lower metabolic rates should also permit turtles to survive
a more severe hypoxia while remaining aerobic than frogs, by
Figure 1. Oxygen consumption (V̇O2) as a function of ambient PO2 virtue of a lower critical O2 tension (Ultsch et al., 2004).
in Rana pipiens acclimated and tested at 31C during progressive As discussed above, continuous submergence in cold water
hypoxia (from Ultsch et al., 2004). Pc is the critical oxygen tension. elicits a hypometabolism in frogs, and probably also in turtles.

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Rana temporaria submerged in normoxic water at 3oC accumu- gametogenesis and breeding, which occurs soon after ice melt
late no lactate initially, whereas those submerged in hypoxic (Lannoo et al., 2005) and, therefore, presumably before feeding.
(PO2 5 60 mmHg) water have an initial increase in plasma lactate Generally, the higher the latitude at which a frog occurs, the
to E9 mmol L1 that returns to control levels of E1.5 mmol L1 longer the hibernation period, and presumably the more energy
after 8 weeks of submergence (Donohoe and Boutilier, ’98). reserves the frog must have for overwintering; conversely, the
A progressive hypometabolism, triggered by both submergence shorter will be the period of activity available to accrue these
and hypoxia, lowers energy demands enough that extrapulmon- reserves. Thus, one could theorize that energetics limits the
ary respiration is not only sufficient for the frog to become northern distribution of frogs. From the viewpoint of the
completely aerobic, but also to metabolize the excess lactate. hibernation period, data are conflicting. A key factor is the rate
Among turtles, the anoxia-tolerant C. picta and C. serpentina of energy depletion during overwintering (e.g., metabolic rate);
accumulate relatively small amounts of plasma lactate (E20–25 however, this rate is quite labile, being dependent at least upon
mmol L1) after more than 100–150 days of submergence at 31C time submerged, temperature, and dissolved O2 (Boutilier et al.,
in normoxic water, which they are not able to metabolize; ’97; Boutilier and St-Pierre, 2002; Ultsch et al., 2004). Boutilier
however, the rates of accumulation fall substantially after 10 days et al. (’97) calculated that liver glycogen and fat body energy
of submergence, also suggesting a progressive hypometa- stores of R. temporaria would last 157 days for a frog submerged
bolism (Reese et al., 2002, 2004). Anoxia-intolerant species, such in normoxic water at 31C, assuming a metabolic rate depressed to
as A. spinifera, G. geographica, and S. odoratus, when submerged the point they observed relative to that of an air-breathing frog,
in normoxic water at 31C, accumulate either no or a but would last 308 days at a water PO2 of 50 mmHg, owing to a
physiologically insignificant amount of lactate during long-term further metabolic depression associated with hypoxia. Because
submergence, and remain essentially aerobic (Reese et al., 2003). their study considered neither muscle glycogen nor fats other
Frogs enter hibernation with empty guts and do not feed until than those in the fat bodies, both estimates are probably low.
emergence (Koskela and Pasanen, ’74; Bradford, ’83). Some Bradford (’84) submerged R. muscosa at 41C and they were still
species feed after emerging and before breeding, such as bullfrogs alive a year later. These studies suggest that the energetics of
(R. catesbeiana) and green frogs (R. clamitans), which are overwintering does not limit the northern range of frogs.
relatively late breeders (Martof, ’56; Willis et al., ’56; Hulse However, some species, such as R. temporaria, breed before
et al., 2001). In contrast, some species do not feed until after feeding, so the energetic requirements of overwintering are not
breeding in spring, such as northern European R. temporaria the only consideration; one must consider the total energy
(Pasanen and Koskela, ’74). In either case, the frogs must enter required from last feeding during autumn until the next feeding
hibernation with sufficient energy reserves for overwintering, after breeding in spring.
and in the latter case, enough additional stored energy must be An appropriate model to address energetic limitations on
available for reproduction. northern range limits is R. temporaria in North (E641N) Finland,
The major energy stores of frogs are glycogen and lipids. The where hibernation lasts 7–8 months (Pasanen and Koskela, ’74)
major storage depot for glycogen is the liver, followed by muscle and emergent frogs breed before feeding. For males (complete
glycogen. Fat bodies have typically been assumed to be the major data not given for females), the percentage of the weight of the
depot for lipids, and their reduction or depletion during liver expressed as a percentage of body weight was 5.07%
hibernation, along with decreases in glycogen stores, has been entering hibernation, 2.83% emerging from hibernation, and
noted in numerous studies (e.g., Smith, ’50; Pasanen and Koskela, 2.04% after breeding. The glycogen content of the liver at the
’74; Byrne and White, ’75; Pinder et al., ’92). However, fat bodies corresponding times were 16.4, 14.0, and 3.1%, which at first
constitute o25% of the total body fat in R. pipiens and R. would seem to indicate that much more of the glycogen energy
clamitans before hibernation (Brenner, ’69; Brenner and Brenner, stores were used during the post-hibernation breeding period
’69), so calculations of the potential energetic contributions of fat than during the much longer hibernation period. However, the
to the overwintering energy balance that utilize only lipids in fat size of the liver was decreasing during overwintering. If one
bodies are likely to be somewhat inaccurate, depending upon the considers the total glycogen stores, using data supplied on liver
ability to mobilize lipids from other locations. Measured whole- mass and the percentage of liver mass present as glycogen, it can
body lipid reserves were calculated to be sufficient for at least be calculated that male frogs entered hibernation with 326.5 mg
4 months at overwintering temperatures in red-spotted newts of liver glycogen, emerged with 159.0 mg, and had only 24.9 mg
from Ohio (Notophthalmus viridescens; Jiang and Claussen, ’92), remaining after spawning. Thus, as an approximation, 51% of the
which is the expected time of overwintering; the addition of liver glycogen stores were used during hibernation and an
glycogen stores would extend the calculated survival time. additional 41% were used during spawning. Only about 8% of the
Similarly, Bradford (’83) calculated that R. muscosa could easily original liver glycogen stores were left from the time of entering
survive its 8 months of hibernation using no more than half of its hibernation until the time the frogs were ready to start feeding
whole-body fat stores, with the remaining being available for again, which is tantamount to saying that liver glycogen stores

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are close to depleted during the period from last feeding to first submergence. If a species can survive and recover from simulated
feeding. The lack of after-spawning data for females prevents a hibernation longer than it would ever have to hibernate in the
complete comparison to males, but for those entering hiberna- field, then energetics is clearly not a limiting factor; but if its
tion, glycogen stores, calculated as above, are 253.8 mg energy supplies are exhausted in a time near that of its natural
compared with 111.6 mg when emerging, or 56% utilization, hibernation period, this would be evidence for the primacy of
about the same as males over the same period. Similar energetics in determining hibernation survival time, and hence
calculations for fat bodies (sexes combined) with a mean mass the latitudinal range limits of frogs. Such data are currently
of 258.0 mg at the start of hibernation yield 206.4 mg lipid. After unavailable; therefore, whether energetics is the limiting factor in
hibernation, there were only 14.0 mg of lipid left in the fat determining the tolerable duration of hibernation in frogs in their
bodies; this 93% utilization of lipids in the fat bodies indicates natural environments remains an open question.
that fats are the preferred energy source during overwintering. Frogs store energy for overwintering as lipids in fat bodies,
Similar calculations for data supplied on liver lipids give a 69.6% liver, and elsewhere, in addition to storing glycogen in the liver
utilization of an original 133 mg of lipid. Combining liver lipids and other locations. As described above, this anticipatory energy
with those from fat bodies and using a conversion of 9.4 cal g1 storage may be a requirement for successfully sustaining a
for lipids and 4.2 cal g1 for glycogen, indicates that 80.4% of the lengthy period of aphagia, including hibernation. Whether turtles
energy used during hibernation from these sources came from have such a requirement, considering their low rates of
lipids. This favoring of lipid utilization is to be expected, so long metabolism while hibernating, is an open question. All northern
as there is sufficient oxygen available, because of their high species tested can survive more than 200 days of submergence in
energy content relative to glycogen. Qualitatively, these data lead normoxic water at 31C without being supplied any extra food
to the conclusion that liver glycogen stores are about half before submergence (Ultsch GR, unpublished observations),
depleted during hibernation with most of the rest used for which suggests that energetics is not a factor limiting survival
breeding, and that lipids in fat bodies and liver lipid stores are during simulated overwintering periods in excess of what would
more reduced than liver glycogen stores after emergence from be expected naturally. Furthermore, several species can survive
hibernation, although the energy content of lipids remaining in for more than 100 days of submergence in anoxic water at 31C,
the liver and fat bodies is roughly equivalent to that of the which means that they can persist almost entirely on glycogen
remaining liver glycogen. These data support the theory that stores for more than 3 months without tapping lipid reserves.
energetics may limit the northern range of this frog species. If it Because lipid reserves supply more than twice the calories of
occurred any farther north, there might not be enough time to lay glycogen, total energy reserves seem to be more than sufficient
down sufficient energy stores during the shortened active season. for typical periods of aphagia. Crawford (’94) found that, in C.
Studies with other species also suggest that frogs may be picta in Michigan, total carcass energy stores remaining after
energy-limited in their duration of hibernation. Smith (’50) found hibernation were 62.2% of neutral lipids, 89.0% proteins, and
fat bodies and liver glycogen to profoundly decrease during 29.8% glycogen, percentages higher than that found for frogs
overwintering in R. temporaria. Brenner and Brenner (’69) found (see above). Crawford converted these data to energy equivalents
rates of decreases in whole-body lipids to be highly variable, (kJ) for 2 animals and found that lipids contributed 56.5%,
dependent upon sex and extent of darkness (continuous vs. glycogen 16.5%, and protein 27%, noting that the substantial
8 hr d1 of light), in R. pipiens at 51C. Initial body fat, expressed role of proteins is often overlooked; he also noted that substantial
as percentages of dry weight, ranged from approximately 11 to energy reserves were available upon emergence. These data
17%, with only 10–24% of the total being found in fat bodies. suggest that the energetic costs of overwintering are not a
Extrapolating their data for total body fat to 0% gives times of limiting factor in the life histories of turtles, as also suggested by
depletion from about 120 days for males exposed to darkness for Congdon et al. (’82), who calculated that only 4% of the annual
16 hr d1 to 350 days for females in continuous darkness. energy budget of Michigan C. picta is used during overwintering.
However, it is unlikely that the frogs would survive if all lipids Nevertheless, such data do not preclude the accumulation of
were entirely consumed; so, for this species, which in the energy stores before hibernation. Certainly, some energy stores
northern part of its range may hibernate for 4200 days, are used during the period of aphagia that starts with decreasing
energetics may be a limiting factor. However, Bradford’s (’84) water temperatures in autumn, continues through hibernation,
finding that R. muscosa could survive hibernation for at least a and a period of water warming following emergence in spring
year argues that hibernation duration is not limited by energetics (painted turtles typically do not feed at water temperatures
in a natural setting. Perhaps the simplest test of the effects of o151C). This energy must be restored during the activity
energetics in limiting overwintering survival would be to season, but there are few data tracking such replacement. In G.
submerge several species of frogs that hibernate aquatically in pseudogeographica from South Dakota, there was a progressive
cold normoxic water until death, and then compare their total 3–4-fold increase in liver glycogen from June 10 to September 3,
glycogen and lipid contents with those of frogs before but with a 34% decrease in liver lipids (Emerson, ’67). Because

J. Exp. Zool.

map turtles are aerobic during hibernation (Crocker et al., 2000a, b; In both the latter species, blood PCO2 fell during submergence,
Reese et al., 2001), fat accumulation should be energetically suggesting either decreased metabolism or increased skin CO2
favored over glycogen accumulation. As Emerson’s study did not conductance; plasma [HCO 3 ] also fell, although plasma [lactate]
measure total carcass lipids, which can be as high as 1.24 g of lipid remained close to control levels. Inorganic ions tended to fall, an
for every gram of lean body mass (Congdon and Tinkle, ’82), this effect owing most likely to an increase in body water. In the map
possibility cannot be ruled out. An informative study would be to turtles, body weight increased by 6.8% after more than 150 days
follow total body lipid, glycogen, and protein levels throughout an of submergence. In the turtles with less effective aquatic gas
annual cycle in a natural population of a northern turtle, such as exchange (painted turtle; Jackson et al., 2000a; snapping turtle;
the painted turtle. Reese et al., 2002), lactate increased significantly early in the
submergence period, but then tended to level off. In the painted
Acid-Base and Ion Balance turtle, C. picta bellii, blood pH fell early by about 0.2 U and
Frogs show little or no change in acid-base variables during remained at that value for the duration of the 125 day
submergence in aerated water at low temperature. In submergence (Jackson et al., 2000a); elevated plasma [lactate]
R. temporaria, Donohoe et al. (’98) did observe a transient and unchanged blood PCO2 indicated that this was a relatively
respiratory acidosis after 1 week at 31C, but blood pH returned to mild metabolic (or nonrespiratory) acidosis. In the snapping turtle
control values for the remaining 15 weeks. Likewise, blood pH (Reese et al., 2002), blood pH remained at the control level
remained unchanged during 125 days submergence in R. pipiens throughout the 150 days of submergence, although plasma
and 150 days submergence in R. catesbeiana, both at 31C (Stewart [lactate] was elevated throughout. Proportional decreases in
et al., 2004), although Pinder (’85, cited in Pinder et al., ’92) did blood PCO2 and plasma [HCO 3 ] accounted for the constant pH. In
observe significant increases in blood pH owing to respiratory the painted and snapping turtles, a pattern of ionic changes was
alkalosis in R. pipiens submerged in aerated and in ‘‘mildly observed that were qualitatively similar to those that have been
hypoxic’’ water (PO2 5 80 mmHg) at 51C for 14 days. Except for observed in submerged anoxic turtles (see below), including a
the short-term increase seen in R. temporaria (Donohoe et al., decrease in plasma [Cl], and increases in plasma [K1], [Ca21],
’98), blood PCO2 generally remains at control levels or falls and [Mg21], as depicted in Figure 2. The changes were small,
throughout submergence (Stewart et al., 2004). In hypoxic water, however, compared with the anoxic state. Here and elsewhere in
blood PCO2 fell and pH rose (Boutilier et al., ’97), which these this article the concentrations, [Ca21] and [Mg21], refer to total
authors suggested increased hemoglobin affinity for O2 and
facilitated O2 uptake from the water. Plasma lactate levels
remained at control levels throughout in all these studies,
consistent with an aerobic metabolic state.
Ion balance is only modestly affected in frogs submerged in
normoxic water at low temperatures, although a significant fall
in plasma [Na1] was observed in both R. pipiens and R.
catesbeiana (Stewart et al., 2004); plasma osmolality fell in R.
pipiens but not in R. catesbeiana, and neither [Cl] nor [K1] fell
in either species, so the osmoregulatory significance of the Na1
change is not clear. Donohoe et al. (2000) observed a significant
decrease in plasma [Na1] and also in skeletal muscle [K1], but no
change in either plasma or muscle [Cl] nor in ventricular muscle
[K1]. Despite these ionic changes, both types of muscles retained
control resting membrane potentials throughout submergence.
These authors postulated that Na1 may be selectively lowered to
reduce influx into cells and, thereby, lower the cellular work of
ion pumping. They also observed a 30% reduction in skeletal Figure 2. Ion balance diagrams (Gamblegrams) for the painted
muscle Na1/K1 pump activity as measured by ouabain–inhibi- turtle, Chrysemys picta bellii, at 31C, either predive with access to
table Na1 and Rb1 flux. air, submerged in normoxic water for 125 days, or submerged in
The effect of submergence in cold aerated water on acid-base anoxic water for 90 days. Ion identities for the Predive and
and ionic statuses of turtles depends on the effectiveness of their Normoxic bars are in the same order as in the labelled Anoxic bars.
aquatic O2 uptake. Those species with effective O2 exchange that Missing anions are presumably largely net negative charges on
remain fully aerobic during submergence had either a small plasma protein. Although not depicted in this diagram, the majority
increase (softshell turtle; Reese et al., 2003) or no change in blood of Ca21 and Mg21 in the anoxic state is combined with lactate.
pH (musk turtle; Ultsch, ’88; map turtle; Reese et al., 2001). Data from Jackson and Heisler (’82) and Jackson et al. (2000a).

J. Exp. Zool.

calcium and magnesium as measured by atomic absorption episodes (a few days) of severe hypoxia in their overwintering
spectrophotometry, i.e., existing both as free ions and combined environments (Stewart et al., 2004). But long periods without
with other solutes, such as protein or lactate. oxygen, on the order of a week or more, would likely prove fatal
for frogs, as is suggested by frequent reports of frog winterkills
(Manion and Cory, ’52; Merrell, ’77; Bradford, ’83; Licht, ’91).
HYPOXIC WATER Metabolic Rate
Overall Comparison of Frogs and Turtles Two key metabolic responses are necessary for turtles to survive
Frogs are distinctly less tolerant of anoxia than are freshwater anoxia at low temperature for extended periods. First, metabo-
turtles. Even the softshell, A. spinifera, the least tolerant of lism must be greatly depressed in order to slow the rates of
anoxia among turtles (Reese et al., 2003), survives experimental substrate depletion and metabolic waste production. Second, it is
anoxic submergence at 31C for about 3–4 times as long as either necessary to maintain adequate cellular energy balance by
R. pipiens or R. catesbeiana (Stewart et al., 2004; Tattersall and matching the rate at which ATP is being produced to the rate at
Ultsch, 2008), neither of which survived more than 4 days. When which it is being consumed. From a whole-animal descriptive
the comparison is with the most anoxia-tolerant turtle, C. picta perspective, several factors contribute to achieving metabolic
bellii, a 50-fold or more difference is observed (Jackson et al., reduction in the cold, anoxic turtle. First, turtles are ectotherms,
2000a; Tattersall and Ultsch, 2008). Differences in tolerance so their standard metabolic rate at any temperature is low
duration are associated with very different rates of development compared with that of an endotherm. Second, reducing
of metabolic acidosis in the three species (Fig. 3). Because of its temperature further reduces metabolic rate owing to the well-
more dramatic capacity to withstand anoxia, the following known effect of temperature on chemical reactions. In an
discussion of mechanisms underlying anoxic survival will focus animal’s temperature range when active, this effect typically
on the painted turtle and its special adaptations, and the lowers rates by 2–3-fold for each 10oC fall in temperature
comparatively limited corresponding traits of frogs will be (Q10 5 2–3). However, at temperatures below the normal activity
treated more briefly. It is important to emphasize at the outset, range, such as winter temperatures near 01C, Q10 values can be
however, that the resistance of frogs to anoxia, although modest much higher (Hochachka and Somero, 2002). Measurements of
in comparison with turtles, could nevertheless have significant aerobic metabolic rates in turtles (C. picta bellii) revealed that Q10
ecological importance by permitting them to survive brief values were as high as 8.5 between 10 and 31C (Herbert and
Jackson, ’85b). Finally, prolonged submergence and anoxia
further reduced metabolic rate by some 10-fold compared with
the aerobic rate at the same temperature. Anaerobic metabolic
rate has been measured in the turtles, T. scripta, at 241C by direct
calorimetry (Jackson, ’68) and C. picta at 31C by lactate
accumulation (Herbert and Jackson, ’85b); individual organ
anaerobic rates have been measured in brain (Lutz et al., ’85) and
liver (Buck et al., ’93). Together, these studies indicate a metabolic
rate in a cold anoxic turtle that is only about 0.6% of the rate of
an aerobic turtle at 201C (Herbert and Jackson, ’85b), and less
than 0.01% of a similarly sized resting mammal at its euthermic
body temperature (Jackson, 2000).
Profound metabolic depression greatly slows the rate at which
stored substrates are depleted. For an anoxic turtle that relies
exclusively on anaerobic glycolysis, its principal substrate is
glycogen, the bulk of which is in liver and skeletal muscle.
Glycogen breakdown leading to lactate as the end-product is
quite inefficient energetically. Only 3 molecules of ATP are
Figure 3. Henderson–Hasselbalch diagram showing the change in derived from each glucosyl unit (2 from glucose) in contrast to
acid-base status during submergence anoxia at 31C in the painted some 29 molecules for full aerobic oxidation (Brand, 2003). The
turtle, Chrysemys picta bellii (Reese et al., 2004), the softshell less the demand for ATP, the longer the glycogen reserves will
turtle, Apalone spinifera (Reese et al., 2003), and the leopard frog, last. In addition, low metabolism slows the rate at which lactic
Rana pipiens (Stewart et al., 2004). Note the similarity among the acid is produced. Two molecules of lactate are produced from
species in the slopes of pH decrease but the very different time each glycosyl unit or glucose molecule along with two protons, if
courses involved. the formation and hydrolysis of glycolytically derived ATP

J. Exp. Zool.

remain in balance (Hochachka and Mommsen, ’83). Under rates at low temperature have only been estimated indirectly,
anaerobic conditions, these protons impose a significant acid using the accumulation of lactate in the various body compart-
load on the organism. Either exhaustion of glycogen reserves or ments (Herbert and Jackson, ’85b; Jackson, ’97). The latter
accumulation of acid could be limiting factors in surviving method requires accurate knowledge of the size and lactate
anoxic submergence, and reduced metabolism will serve to slow concentrations of the various compartments. The initial calcula-
the development of each condition. In addition, as discussed tions (Herbert and Jackson, ’85b) were made before it was
below, large glycogen reserves and effective acid buffering are realized that a sizable fraction of the turtle’s postanoxic lactate
critical for extending anoxic survival in freshwater turtles. was situated in the shell and skeleton, but later estimates taking
Much of what we know about the responses of turtles to this into account with more direct measurements of extracellular
prolonged submergence, including their metabolic rate, has been volume gave similar values (Jackson, ’97, 2002). The exceedingly
learned from experiments in which the animals were artificially low rate of heat production by the cold anoxic turtle makes direct
denied access to the surface, i.e., using a forced-submergence calorimetry under these conditions technically difficult if not
protocol. It is important to justify this approach and to critically impossible, but whole-body homogenization (Gatten, ’81) can
consider how well it simulates normal behavior. It is well known provide a more direct and accurate measure of final whole-body
(Belkin, ’64; Ackerman and White, ’79; Burggren and Shelton, lactate. The rate of lactate accumulation in plasma and, thus,
’79; Gatten, ’81) that at temperatures in the vicinity of 201C, presumably anaerobic metabolic rate itself, slows considerably
turtles in a free-diving situation emerge to breathe before blood during the course of anoxic submergence in turtles; so, final total
oxygen falls to critical levels. In other words, they do not lactate must take this into account in determining the minimal
voluntarily become severely hypoxic in a laboratory setting. rate.
Forced submergence at room temperature, therefore, imposes a Metabolic depression is now known to be a common response
stress on the animals, and probably leads to an increased of many organisms to a variety of stresses (Guppy and Withers,
metabolism and an acceleration of oxygen depletion and the ’99). In the anoxic turtle as in other organisms, a coordinated
switch to anaerobic metabolism. Turtles typically struggle early reduction in both ATP production and ATP utilization occurs that
in the submergence period as they attempt to reach the surface to minimizes the decrease in cellular ATP. Indeed, ATP levels in a
breathe (e.g., Jackson, ’68). In a forced-diving experiment at variety of tissues of turtles are maintained or even increased after
201C, turtles (C. picta) were anoxic (PaO2 o1 mmHg) after 1 hr 5 hr of anoxia at 181C in T. scripta (Kelly and Storey, ’88). On the
(Wasser et al., ’91). In contrast, in a study by Burggren and production side, decreased activity of key glycolytic enzymes
Shelton (’79) on free-diving turtles (T. scripta) at 18–201C, a slows flux through the glycolytic pathway and prevents or
turtle remained submerged voluntarily for about 3 hr with lung minimizes the Pasteur Effect (Storey, ’96). On the utilization side,
and arterial PO2 falling to only about 20 mmHg. Results obtained reduced protein synthesis and transmembrane ion pumping
from forced dives at room temperature, thus, probably under- secondary to reduced ion channel leak pathways contribute to
estimated the turtle’s capacity for surviving long periods of slowing the rate of ATP hydrolysis (Buck et al., ’93; Bickler and
submergence. Buck, 2007). One open question is how this downregulation is
This confounding response may be less serious at winter initiated and controlled, although some oxygen or energy-
temperatures (E31C). At low temperature, turtles are typically sensing mechanism has been postulated (Hochachka et al., ’96).
quiescent and only rarely surface to breathe (Ultsch and Jackson, A related question is how these two processes, reduction of ATP
’82). Covering the water surface to prevent breathing is not production and reduction of ATP use, are matched to maintain
obviously different from the situation in nature when a turtle the cell’s energy balance, although the biochemical mechanisms
finds its access to the surface blocked by ice. Because the bulk of involved are beginning to be explored (Staples and Buck, 2009).
the discussion in this review concerns experimental submer- Comparative studies of submergence in turtles have revealed
gences at winter temperatures, we believe that these data can that considerable differences in anoxia tolerance occur among
reasonably approximate what occurs in nature, a supposition species that naturally encounter near-freezing winter conditions.
supported by field studies (Crocker et al., 2000a, b), at least for The basis for these differences is probably complex, but variable
hibernation in water with a high PO2. However, conditions in the metabolic rate depression is likely a significant contributor. As
laboratory are carefully controlled and a fully anoxic state may already noted, the rate of plasma lactate increase during anoxic
be imposed experimentally for many weeks, whereas it is not submergence can be used as an estimate of anaerobic metabolic
certain whether or how often this occurs naturally. Laboratory rate, and this variable was used to compare four species of North
studies, therefore, reveal what turtles are capable of and not American freshwater turtles after 11 days of anoxic submergence
necessarily what they commonly experience in their normal at 31C. The more anoxia-tolerant species, the painted turtle,
environment. C. picta bellii (Herbert and Jackson, ’85a; Jackson et al., 2000a), and
Although whole-body anaerobic metabolic rate has been the snapping turtle, C. serpentina (Reese et al., 2003), accumulated
measured at 241C in T. scripta by direct calorimetry (Jackson, ’68), lactate at an average rate of 3.2 and 3.6 mmol L1 d1,

J. Exp. Zool.

respectively, whereas among less anoxia-tolerant species, the map

turtle, G. geographica (Reese et al., 2001), the softshell turtle,
A. spinifera (Reese et al., 2003), and the musk turtle, S. odoratus
(Ultsch and Cochran, ’94), lactate increased by 4.7, 5.6, and
6.0 mmol L1 d1, respectively. These higher rates in the latter
species accelerate the development of lactic acidosis (Fig. 4) and the
depletion of glycogen stores, and can thereby shorten the time the
animal can remain anoxic.
As discussed earlier, the aerobic metabolic rate of frogs (e.g.,
R. temporaria), decreases during submergence at low temperature
in aerated (Donohoe et al., ’98) and hypoxic water (Boutilier et al.,
’97). Anurans subjected to anoxia at room temperature also
depress their energy metabolism by 75–80%, as measured by
direct calorimetry in the toad Bufo bufo (Leivestad, ’60) and in the
frog R. temporaria (Schulz et al., ’91), which is comparable to the
85% decrease observed using direct calorimetry in the turtle,
T. scripta (Jackson, ’68). Similarly, heat production of isolated
sartorius muscle of R. temporaria decreased by about 80%
when subjected to 1 hr of sustained anoxia following 2 hr of
progressive hypoxia at 201C (West and Boutilier, ’98). In frogs
exposed to anoxia at 201C, in contrast to what occurs in turtles,
brain ATP levels progressively fall (Wegener and Krause, ’93), a
condition described as ‘‘slow death’’ by Knickerbocker and Lutz
(2001). Frog muscle ATP, on the other hand, remains unchanged
during anoxia (Wegener and Krause, ’93).
At low temperature, anoxic metabolic rate can only be
estimated by the rate of accumulation of lactate in body tissues.
Figure 4. Time courses of changes in plasma [lactate] (top panel)
At 51C, blood and lymph lactate concentrations increased from
and blood pH (bottom panel) in Chrysemys picta bellii, Apalone
1 and 0.7 mmol L1 to 32.6 and 39.2 mmol L1, respectively, after
spinifera, and Rana pipiens submerged in anoxic water at 31C (see
4–6 days of anoxic submergence in R. pipiens (Christiansen and
legend of Fig. 3 for references). Standard error bars are shown
Penney, ’73). More recently, Stewart et al. (2004) observed plasma
although in some cases they are hidden within the symbol.
lactate levels averaging 38.5 mmol L1 and 37.3 mmol L1 after
4d or 3d anoxic submergence at 31C in R. pipiens and R.
catesbeiana, respectively. These latter rates of accumulation, 9.6 conservation is particularly important to ensure continued
and 12.4 mmol L1 d1, are 2–4 times higher than observed in delivery of glucose to the brain and heart.
various species of turtles as given above, suggesting significantly Brain tissue has limited glycogen reserves that may support
higher rates of anaerobic metabolism in the frogs. The higher some anaerobic metabolism (Partata and Marques, ’94), but
rates of lactate production contribute to a more rapid fall in blood becomes rapidly depleted during anoxia at 221C (Penney, ’74).
pH in frogs (Fig. 4). Heart muscle has substantial glycogen content in control
animals, but its depletion is typically faster than in liver and
Glycogen Stores and Utilization muscle (Daw et al., ’67; Penney, ’74; Wasser et al., ’91) and, like
Under anaerobic conditions, glycogen and free glucose are the the brain, the heart must then become more dependent on
metabolic substrates available to the turtle. Survival depends circulating glucose to support continued anaerobiosis. Anoxic
upon making supplies of these substrates last through the winter turtle heart studied in vitro preferentially consumed endogenous
months when hypoxic or anoxic conditions might occur. Turtles, glycogen but then could shift to exogenous glucose with no
compared with most other vertebrates, have relatively large change in function (Reeves, ’63).
reserves of glycogen primarily located in liver and skeletal Based on estimated metabolic depression, Hochachka (’82)
muscle (Daw et al., ’67). Skeletal muscle glycogen may only be calculated that sufficient liver glycogen alone was available to
accessible to muscle cells where it resides because lack of sustain anoxic turtles for up to 6 months at 31C, probably longer
glucose-6-phosphatase may prevent the production of exportable than any turtle would be subjected to anoxia in the wild. A recent
glucose from glucose-6-phosphate. Glucose derived from liver study (Jackson DC, unpublished), in which lactate levels
glycogen is available to all tissues of the body; however, its and glycogen contents were measured on control painted turtles

J. Exp. Zool.

Limited information is available on the importance of

Table 1. Glycogen concentrations in selected tissues of turtles
glycogen reserves in anoxic survival at low temperature in
(Chrysemys picta) at 31C either air-breathing or after 3 months
submerged frogs. However, the study by Christiansen and Penney
submergence in severely hypoxic (PO2 o10 mmHg) water (Jackson
(’73) suggests that substrate availability may not be the limiting
DC, unpublished data).
factor in R. pipiens. Whole-body glycogen levels fell by only
Air-breathing glycogen Anoxic glycogen 25% after 4–6 d at 51C, indicating that adequate reserves were
(mg gww1) (mg gww1) still available. Like the turtle, however, cardiac glycogen was
Heart ventricle 68.773.7 17.271.3 nearly depleted during this time, although an elevated circulating
Liver 141.174.7 95.5710.7 glucose level presumably was able to support cardiac function.
Pectoralis muscle 37.671.1 24.473.6 As discussed below, acidosis is more likely the crucial factor in
Retrahens capitis 25.471.6 14.272.0 anoxic tolerance in cold, anoxic frogs.
Lactic Acid Buffering and Acid-Base Balance
Anaerobic metabolism of a glucose molecule or a glycosyl unit of
(C. picta bellii) and on turtles after 3 months of submergence in glycogen produces two molecules of lactate and two protons.
severely hypoxic water (PwO2 o10 mmHg) at 3oC, supported Acid-base homeostasis requires that the generated protons are
Hochachka’s calculation (Table 1), although it is important to buffered so that body fluid pH does not fall to an incapacitating
note that considerable glycogen is also present in the large or lethal level. Freshwater turtles, as revealed particularly from
muscle mass of the turtle. Less than half the available liver studies of the painted turtle, C. picta bellii, have extraordinary
glycogen was utilized by the anoxic turtles even though their buffering capacity compared with other vertebrates, and this trait
plasma (ECF) lactate concentrations had reached nearly 100 mmol is crucial for their capacity to survive long periods of anoxia and
L1. The highest plasma lactates that have been reported, anaerobic metabolism. The bulk of this animal’s buffering under
E200 mmol L1 (Ultsch and Jackson, ’82), are explainable based these conditions is contributed by its mineralized tissues, shell,
on these glycogen levels. The stoichiometry between lactate and skeleton, which together account for 35–40% of its fresh
accumulation and glycogen depletion was also found to be body weight; however, its first line of defense against an acid
reasonable in the recent study. Estimated total lactate production, load, as in other organisms, is its extra- and intracellular fluid
calculated from measured changes in glycogen concentrations buffering.
and estimated organ masses (Stecyk et al., 2004; Jackson DC, Lactic acid is produced within the cells of an anaerobic animal
unpublished measurements), was 58 mmol and total accumulated and initial buffering occurs there. Intracellular buffering is not
lactate, based on measured values in plasma and shell using an exceptional in turtle tissues (Shi et al., ’97), but extracellular
earlier published analysis (Jackson, ’97), was 66 mmol. The buffering capacity is high compared with other vertebrates
somewhat lower value, based on glycogen depletion, may be (Smith, ’29). Plasma [HCO 3 ] in painted turtles is typically about
because the calculations assumed that glycogen was present only 40–45 mmol L1, compared with 24 mmol L1 in humans and
in liver and skeletal muscle and neglected other possible sites of other mammals (e.g., Herbert and Jackson, ’85a; Wasser and
glycogen storage. Exhaustion of glycogen reserves does not, Jackson, ’88). In addition, as also reported by Smith (’29), the
therefore, seem to be an important limiting factor in anoxic pericardial and peritoneal fluids of some species of freshwater
survival for the painted turtle (C. picta bellii) for submergences up turtles have comparatively large volumes and [HCO 3 ] in the
to about 3 months when plasma lactate levels are 100–150 mmol range of 120 and 80 mmol L1, respectively. Subsequent
L1. A recent study on the red-eared slider (T. scripta), however, measurements confirmed these observations in T. scripta
suggests that depletion of glycogen reserves may be a critical (Jackson and Silverblatt, ’74) and in C. picta bellii (Jackson and
factor in anoxic survival of this species (Warren et al., 2006). Heisler, ’84). Even these high levels of extracellular HCO-3,
Normoxic glycogen levels in liver and skeletal muscle were however, are inadequate to cope with the acid load observed after
significantly less than published values for the painted turtle, and anoxic submergence lasting 10 days at 101C (Herbert and
stores after less than 6 weeks of anoxic submergence at 31C were Jackson, ’85a) or 3 months or more at 31C (Jackson and Heisler,
more than 80% exhausted. In two separate studies (Ultsch, ’85; ’82; Ultsch and Jackson, ’82), when lactate levels can range from
Warren et al., 2006), survival duration of T. scripta has been 100 to 200 mmol L1. At these levels of lactate, supplemental
found to be significantly less than in C. picta bellii, and smaller buffering from the shell and skeleton is necessary to keep pH in a
glycogen reserves in Trachemys have been suggested as a viable range.
possible contributing factor to this difference. It is worth noting Indirect evidence for supplemental buffering was provided in
that anoxic survival in the painted turtle could be limiting if on- a study by Robin et al. (’81), who observed a ‘‘cation’’ gap in
board glycogen reserves at the start of hibernation were low and turtles (Pseudemys ( 5 Trachemys) scripta elegans) of about
insufficient oxygen was available to utilize lipid reserves. 24 meq L1 after 6 hr of forced diving at 241C. These authors

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postulated that titration of negative sites on plasma proteins in vitro incubated turtle bone powder (Jackson et al., ’99). The
likely accounted for the gap, but acknowledged that ‘‘theoreti- bulk of the bone calcium is located in the apatite and may,
cally, there might be an increase in various cationic species.’’ therefore, be inaccessible as a buffering source under these
Soon thereafter, we reported that a far larger cation gap in the conditions. Based on the mammalian data, this suggests that
painted turtle (C. picta bellii), submerged in anoxic water for up bicarbonate may be the buffer anion that is released from turtle
to 5 months at 31C, could be largely explained by increases in bone. However, both in vitro and in vivo observations indicate
plasma [Ca21] and [Mg21] (Jackson and Ultsch, ’82). These that carbonate is released from turtle bone. When bone powder
changes, plus significantly increased plasma [K1] and decreased was incubated under pH-stat conditions, using 1 M HCl as the
[Cl] and a small presumed decrease in protein anionic sites, titrant, CO2 was evolved from the incubation flask in approxi-
could fully account for ionic charge balance in the extracellular mately a 1:2 molar relationship to HCl, strongly suggesting that
fluid (Fig. 2). Subsequent work has shown that a similar pattern carbonate was released (Jackson et al., ’99). In vivo comparisons
of plasma ionic change occurs in C. picta bellii submerged at of molar decreases in bone and extracellular CO2 with total
different temperatures (Herbert and Jackson, ’85a) and in other lactate accumulated also are consistent with carbonate as the
species of freshwater turtles at 3oC (Ultsch and Cochran, ’94; ionic form released from bone (Warburton and Jackson, ’95;
Reese et al., 2001, 2003). Interestingly, little change in plasma Jackson et al., 2000a; Jackson DC, unpublished observations).
[Na1] was observed in these studies. These changes in plasma ion The presence of bicarbonate in mammalian bone is inferred from
concentrations represent severe disturbances of normal ionic comparing bone CO2 before and after drying. Labile bicarbonate
homeostasis, but can be considered as essential for preventing a is lost and total bone CO2 is reduced (Poyart et al., ’75). Results
fatal metabolic acidosis by maintaining a positive strong ion from our laboratory are contradictory in this regard; earlier work
difference (Stewart, ’83; Herbert and Jackson, ’85a). The net (Warburton, ’92) found no loss of CO2 from bone after heat
increase in strong cations was associated with the addition of drying, whereas more recent tests using a different method for
buffer anions that kept the decrease in plasma [HCO 3 ] much measuring CO2 did reveal a modest but consistent loss of CO2
smaller than the increase in plasma [lactate] (Fig. 2). (Taylor SE and Jackson DC, unpublished observations). Our
Both indirect and direct evidence point to the shell and other tentative conclusion is that accessible carbonate, associated with
skeletal structures as the source of the divalent cations, Ca21 and both Ca21 and Mg21, is the effective buffer in turtle bone,
Mg21. First, most of the body stores of these cations reside in the possibly located outside the crystalline structure of bone.
mineralized tissues, making them the most likely source. In Additional study is required to verify this hypothesis, however.
addition, measurements of their concentrations in skeletal muscle As noted above, plasma [Na1] does not usually change
cells of anoxic turtles revealed modest increases in concentration during prolonged anoxic submergence in turtles; however, both
of both Ca21 and Mg21 (Jackson and Heisler, ’83), ruling out the shell and skeletal [Na1] decreased significantly more than 15%
possibility that these cells, or presumably other tissue cells, could after 3 months of anoxia in C. picta bellii (Jackson et al., 2000a).
be the source of their elevated ECF levels. Finally, direct It is not clear where this Na1 went, because a large increase in
measurements of shell–mineral composition revealed that ECF [Na1] that would be expected from the magnitude of the
[Mg21] was significantly reduced in turtles following 3 months bone Na1 loss was not observed. We hypothesize that Na1 is lost
of anoxic submergence at 31C compared with control turtles to the surrounding water together with Cl-. Decreased plasma
(Warburton and Jackson, ’95). Because Ca21 is 50 times more [Cl] has been observed consistently in anoxic turtles (e.g.,
abundant in bone than Mg21, but only increases in plasma by Jackson and Ultsch, ’82; Jackson et al., 2000a), but the fate of the
about 3 times as much (Jackson and Ultsch, ’82; Jackson and lost Cl- has never been determined. Coupled excretion of Na1
Heisler, ’82), statistically significant changes in bone Ca21 were and Cl- could resolve both these uncertainties. Any loss of salt
undetectable. Based on abundance in bone, therefore, Mg21 is from the body may not be associated with water loss because
actually released preferentially to Ca21, an observation that may body weight of anoxic turtles increases (Ultsch and Jackson, ’82),
relate to the site of origin within bone for the released cations. presumably owing to uptake of water from the environment.
Studies of mammalian bone have indicated that buffer is Direct measurements of possible Na1 and Cl- loss from anoxic
released in response to acidosis primarily from the hydration turtles are necessary to confirm or refute this hypothesis.
shell of bone crystal in the form of Ca(HCO3)2 (Bushinsky, 2001; An uncertainty regarding buffer release from the turtle’s shell
Arnett, 2003). If this is also the case in turtles and if their release is whether it is passive or active. In mammalian bone, buffer
probability is the same, then the ratio of Ca21 to Mg21 in this release is thought to be mainly cell mediated, involving an
accessible site may be about 3:1. Present evidence suggests that upregulation of osteoclast activity and downregulation of
the apatite mineral of turtle bone is not broken down in response osteoblast activity (Arnett, 2003). Evidence for osteoclast dissolu-
to anoxic acidosis in turtles because phosphate levels have not tion of bone mineral is the presence of so-called resorption pits on
been observed to increase appreciably either in the plasma of the surface of the bone. In preliminary experiments, shell samples
anoxic turtles (Jackson et al., 2000a) or in acidic solution bathing from postanoxic turtles were examined but resorption pits were

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not found, consistent with the premise that buffer release is not
cell mediated (Arnett TR and Jackson DC, unpublished observa-
tions). In addition, the pattern of buffer release in an in vitro
preparation in which powdered bone was incubated at constant
and low pH was similar to the pattern observed in vivo during
experimental submergence anoxia (Jackson et al., ’99). These are
not conclusive experiments, however, and further study is
required to resolve the question of how buffer is released.
The shell and skeleton of the turtle contribute in another
important way to lactic acid buffering during anoxic submer-
gence. Lactic acid is taken up into bone, where it is buffered and
sequestered (Jackson et al., ’96, ’99; Davis and Jackson, 2007).
Figure 5. Summary of reactions and exchanges believed to be
After long anoxic exposures at 3oC, more than 40% of the total
involved in buffering lactic acid in the anoxic turtle, as discussed in
body lactate in C. picta bellii resides in the bone (Jackson, ’97).
the text. All lactic acid is produced in anaerobic cells, but only 20%
Similar uptake has been observed in mineralized tissues of other
remains and is buffered in that compartment. The balance moves
species (Jackson et al., 2001b, 2003; Warren and Jackson, 2005)
into the ECF where buffering is accomplished principally by
suggesting a generalized phenomenon. It is of greater quantita- 2
endogenous HCO 3 and by CO3 coming from bone and shell
tive significance in turtles because of their large mass of
accompanied by Ca (and, not shown, by Mg21 and Na1). About
mineralized tissue and the prolonged high levels of circulating
36% of the total lactate remains in the ECF. The balance of the
lactate that enable full equilibration with bone. The observed
lactic acid (44%) enters bone and shell where it is presumably
concentrations of lactate in turtle bone can reach levels that far
buffered by CO2 3 . The CO2 generated by this reaction diffuses into
exceed what can be explained by simple equilibration of the fluid
the ECF and from thence, together with CO2 generated by ECF
phase of bone with ECF lactate. This disequilibrium strongly
buffering, out of the animal into the surrounding water. A large
suggests that lactate exists in some combined form, perhaps
fraction of the ECF Ca21 complexes with lactate to form CaLa1.
complexed with bone calcium. It is known that a calcium lactate
The fate of the bone and shell lactate is uncertain, thus the
complex forms in the ECF of anoxic turtles (Jackson and Heisler,
question mark, but we hypothesize that much of it complexes with
’82); however, most of the ECF lactate is still in the ionized,
calcium. To simplify the diagram, some of the reactions are
dissolved state. Additional study is necessary to understand how
abbreviated and their stoichiometries are not exact. The large open
the bone of anoxic turtles can contain such high levels of lactate.
arrows depict exchanges between compartments and the small
The importance of this mechanism is clear, though. The
solid arrows depict chemical reactions or dissociations.
combined effect of the release of buffer into the ECF and the
buffering of lactic acid within shell and skeleton of anoxic turtles
accounts for as much as 75% of the total lactic acid buffering mineralized shell with only 25% as much Ca21 and buffering
(Jackson, ’97). The sequestration of lactate within bone relieves the capacity as the painted turtle shell (Jackson et al., 2000b). Its
other body fluids of a substantial fraction of the buffering that poorer bone buffering results in less buffer release and a greater
would otherwise be required. At the end of anoxia, when the turtle fall in blood pH for a given rise in blood lactate, compared with
once again becomes aerobic and ECF lactate begins to fall, lactate more anoxia-tolerant species (Fig. 4). Correlations in anoxia
is gradually released from bone as it continues to equilibrate with tolerance and bone buffering characteristics also exist among
the circulating blood. The lactate can then be utilized as an aerobic turtles with well-mineralized shells, although the relative shell
substrate or converted back into glycogen (Warren and Jackson, masses differ among these turtles as well (Iverson, ’84). Based on
2008). An additional uncertainty is how the lactate enters bone, comparisons of lactate uptake into shell disks, buffering by
whether by simple diffusion alone or via a transport mechanism. powdered shell samples, and shell total CO2 concentrations, the
Preliminary evidence indicates a small contribution by a lactate more anoxia-tolerant C. picta and C. serpentina exceed the less
carrier mechanism (Warren DE, unpublished observations), but anoxia-tolerant G. geographica and S. odoratus in all these
further investigations will be required to confirm this. The reactions indicators of shell buffering effectiveness (Jackson et al., 2007).
and exchanges that we hypothesize to occur in order to buffer the Field observations indicate that the less anoxia-tolerant species
lactic acid of an anoxic painted turtle are summarized in Figure 5. tend to select hibernation sites that have a dependably high PO2,
Differences in shell buffering also contribute to the variability such as streams or rivers, in contrast with the more anoxia-
in anoxia tolerance among turtle species described above. The tolerant species that can also be found in ponds, marshes, swamps,
most obvious example is the softshell turtle, A. spinifera, which is and other habitats that may become hypoxic (Ultsch, 2006).
the least anoxia-tolerant North American freshwater species As discussed above, cold anoxic frogs accumulate lactate in
studied to date (Reese et al., 2003) and which has a poorly their blood at a faster rate than do freshwater turtles, suggesting

J. Exp. Zool.

that metabolic depression is not as deep in the anurans. In buffer in the form of bicarbonate or carbonate? Is there any
addition, and perhaps of even greater significance, is the poorer breakdown of the apatite crystal structure of bone? Is the release
whole-body buffering capacity of frogs. Extracellular [HCO 3 ] in of buffer a passive physicochemical event or is it cell mediated?
frogs is in the order of 25 mmol L1 (Stewart et al., 2004) in When lactate enters bone, what is its chemical state? Is it
comparison with values of 40 mmol L1 or higher in painted combined with Ca21? Does the mechanical strength of the shell
turtles (e.g., Herbert and Jackson, ’85a). Frogs also have and skeleton suffer as a result of the buffer release? The extreme
considerably less mineralized tissue than turtles, although they nature of the turtle shell’s contribution to acid-base regulation,
do possess subcutaneous and endolymphatic deposits of CaCO3 accounting for 75% of the total lactic acid buffering, may make it
(Simkiss, ’68) that can contribute, as can their skeleton, to an ideal model structure for studying the role of vertebrate bone
buffering lactic acid during anoxic submergence (Warren and in acid buffering.
Jackson, 2005). Nonetheless, acidosis develops very rapidly in Because our understanding of the responses of turtles to
anoxic frogs compared with turtles, even the relatively anoxia- anoxic submergence is based almost entirely on simulated
intolerant softshell turtle (Fig. 4). experimental hibernation in the laboratory, questions remain as
to how accurately these laboratory studies describe the
CONCLUDING COMMENTS physiological status of animals in the field. Laboratory studies
The physiological mechanisms of frogs and freshwater turtles show us what these animals can do, but more field work is clearly
that permit them to survive weeks or months without breathing needed to test these conclusions under natural conditions. How
in ice-covered bodies of water are now understood, at least in likely is it that a painted turtle will experience 3 months of
broad terms. In normoxic water, both groups of animals can anoxic water in nature, and if it did, could it spontaneously
satisfy all or most of their tissue O2 demands by uptake of O2 recover? It is hoped that with further developments in remote
from the water. The high cutaneous gas conductance of frogs sensing and in noninvasive measurement of physiological
supports aerobic metabolism even in hypoxic water, although variables, these and other important ecophysiological questions
frogs are less able than turtles to survive in water when the PwO2 will be addressed and answered.
is too low to support aerobic metabolism. Metabolic depression in
both turtles and frogs in response to submergence and hypoxia/
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