Soal Pbis4114 tmk3 2

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SEMESTER: 2022/23.1 (2022.2)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4114/Structure I
Tugas :3

No. Soal
1. Please identify and indicate all positive degrees of adjectives and adverbs, which you can find in the text

In the first half of the 1900s, several rival steamship companies were warring for the right to claim to build
the biggest and most luxurious ocean liner. The Cunard and the White Steamer Lines were the two leading
competitors. In 1907, Cunard built a ship called the Mauretania, which held the lead in speed for twenty-
two years. Its other leading ship, the Lusitania, had its maiden voyage also in 1907. It had amazing interior
decoration. On May 7, 1915, the Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic. Almost 1,200
of its 1,959 passengers died.

The White Star Line made plans that same year to build three 'Olympic' class ocean liners. They would be
the largest ships ever built. Beginning in March 1909 and continuing for two years, the Hartland and Wolff
shipbuilders in Belfast, Ireland, worked on the Titanic. The company launched the Titanic on May 31, 1911,
into the River Lagan in Belfast. The ship was then towed to a special dock where it would be fitted out with
a lavish interior and twenty-nine giant boilers to give power to its two engines.

2. Please, create three sentences including the comparative degree of adjectives and three sentences
including the superlative degree of adjectives using the words below.
1) busy
2) famous
3) popular

3. Please, create three sentences including the comparative degree of adverbs and three sentences
including the superlative degree of adverbs using the words below.
1) carelessly
2) happy
3) beautifully

4. Please, change the adjectives in the brackets into the comparative or superlative degree of adjectives

Located in a large urban area, COU provides (cultural) activities and entertainment for its students than
Elliott does. The town of Elliott is (quiet) and (peaceful) than the capital, and because there are only a few
bars, restaurants, and movie theatres, serious students find it (easy) to study there. It is also much (safe)
than the capital.

5. Please, create three sentences including the comparative degree of adverbs and three sentences
including the superlative degree of adverbs using the words below.
1) dangerously
2) simply
3) truly

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