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SEMESTER: 2022/23.1 (2022.2)

Fakultas : FHISIP/Fakultas Hukum, Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Kode/Nama MK : BING4103/Writing I
Tugas :3

No. Soal
1. A. Daily Activities

Covid-19 has affected many aspects, including our daily life and routines. You have to adjust with
the life in new normal. There are new routines that you should always follow during the pandemic. You
also have to stay at home and work/study from home.

Write one paragraph (or more) about your daily activities during the pandemic. You should tell about the
new rules you should follow, the activities you do, your likes and dislikes about the life in new normal.
Your writing should consist of 100-150 words.

2. B. Writing Plans/Activities

You are going to think carefully about your future plans after graduating from Universitas terbuka.
Write a text which tells about the plans. You can write about what you will do, where you will live/ stay,
how you will make your plan come true, how Universitas Terbuka helps you prepare to reach your
dream, etc. Your writing should contain 200-250 words.

Good luck!

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