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SEMESTER: 2022/23.1 (2022.2)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4114/Structure I
Tugas :2

No. Soal
1. Please, identify and indicate all auxiliaries which you can find in the sentences below!
1) Look! I can lift this chair with one hand!
2) A variety show will be presented at our local cinema by the company.
3) The artists who should have appeared did not come.
4) There must have been several hundred people present just before the show began.
5) The play may begin at any moment.

2. Please, fill in the blanks with the verb which agrees with the subject.
1) Politics ... one of the most popular subjects in social sciences.
2) The news about Iraq ... very sad.
3) The Philippines ... sea borders with Indonesia, Malaysia, and China.
4) The rich people ... pay more taxes and make more donations.
5) The committee ... the deadline of paper submission.

3. Please, change these sentences into simple present tense and present progressive tense.
1) I have listened to this song many times.
2) They celebrated their achievement as the champion of the President Cup.
3) Sinta launched her new book on her birthday.
4) We drank coffee to release our stress.
5) He bought me a new car.

4. Please, change these sentences into simple past tense and past progressive tense.
1) He spends his holiday in Europe.
2) They have a special candlelight dinner.
3) We go dating on our anniversary.
4) Eka and Ratna study for the exam together.
5) I help my mother to clean our house.

5. Please, change these sentences into simple future tense and future progressive tense.
1) They watch the match between Blue United and Red City together.
2) The flight starts at 07.00 a.m.
3) Her father gives speech in the meeting.
4) We discuss our research project very soon.
5) Rudi works on his thesis to get a master degree.

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