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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Puan Adlin Saroni who
tutoring me to do this wonderful project based learning (pbl) at MRSM Kuala Kubu Bharu. I also
would like to give my thanks to my parents for supporting me to do this project. On the other
hand, I would like to give a thousand of thanks to my friend for teaching me to do this pbl


Health issue occurs when the normal metabolism of the body failed or altered due to pollutant,
pathogen or other means that cause health problem which are considered as disease. Sometimes
these issues could be genetic, in which the patient might inherit the disease causing gene from
their parents. On the other hand, im doing this project basic learning (pbl) to learn more about
health issue. I also discover a lot of new deseases I never know before.

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