Bimothly Reflection

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12th Grade
Roberta Davó
October 12, 2022

Bimonthly Reflection

1. What did you learn this semester that you didn' know before?

I learned in detail about the Treaty of Versaille and about the Paris Peace Treaty which was
discussed during The Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). We learned about how the Treaty of
Versaille condemned Germany to lose all of its colonies outside of Europe. And how returning the
territory of Alsace-Lorraine to France contributed deeply to the economic crises in Germany as it
was a very rich region in Iron which had been under Germans ruling for 40 years. I learned about
the Initial Challenges in the Weimar Republic as the Sparsists (the communist party) was uprising
and was fighting for power to be given to the workers’ council. I learned about Hitlers Munich
Punch and the abdication of the Kaiser. We also discussed the French occupation of the Ruhr and
Stresseman’s strategies to resolve the conflict (The Golden Age).

2. Did you like the topics? Yes? No? why?

Yes, I really liked all of the topics of this bimester as we study each one of them by looking at
different perspectives and points of view. We went into detail in each one and made different
activities to analyze what we learned during class.

3. What are the most significant challenges of this bimester so far? What do you think about
the Podcast Project?

The Internal Assessment is definitely the most challenging project we are facing this school year. It
is a project that has gotten me worried and nervous as I don’t feel prepared to do it. The Podcast
Project was a great and fun activity which summarized the topics we saw this bimester and can
be used as a template to study for the IB exam.

4. How much effort did you put in? Do you think that was adequate?

This bimestre I tried to do my best by listening carefully and engaging in class, taking notes and
doing all my work on time and format. But a thing that I would like to improve in the next bimester
is to participate more during class discussions.

5. What aspects could improve the next Bimester? [Class, teacher, dynamics, yourself]

I liked the variety of the work we did this bimester such as individual work as well as group
projects. We learned with a vast variety of material such as books, videos, magazines, podcasts

and movies. A thing I would like to do differently next bimester is to start studying for the IB exams
and revise last year's material.

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