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 Cruelty to animals
 Violence
 abusive behavior
In this essay I will talk about animal abuse and why I am against it. We will talk about
animals, the types of abuse that there are and the causes of the people who do it. Since
there are many people who do not give it enough importance or simply not all are against
abuse, because they think that animals have no rights. But I think that if dogs or any other
animal dominated the world, we wouldn't want to be treated badly. The problem here is
that there are many people who believe that animals do not deserve rights and that is
why they mistreat and torture them without problem.
1ts Supporting detail:
I think it is a very inhuman act to harm any animal, since, just as we living beings, they
feel, and a person with consents and good values, does not think about harming others.
Education, values, and the type of person who decides to be each one, is related to this
type of actions. Animal abuse is commonly practiced by insecure people, with low self-
esteem, who feel powerless and under the control of others.
2nd Supporting detail:
The motive is almost always to intimidate, threaten, frighten, or offend. A person who
abuses an animal does not feel empathy towards other living beings and has a greater risk
of generating violence towards other people. A study done in the United States found that
not all animal abusers become serial killers, but most of the murderers or people who
commit acts of cruelty have a history of mistreating animals.
3rd Supporting detail:
Every year, millions of animals are mutilated, intoxicated, electrocuted, and burned in
experiments. They often argue that these actions are in the name of science, but the truth is that
most occur in the political and cosmetic industry.

The conclusion I reached is that animal abuse is an action that must be stopped
immediately. It is our duty and responsibility to know that animals like us have rights and
that they are living beings.

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