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Mathematical modeling of liquid -level systems

liquid -level systems

fluid-Flow Basics
• In analysing systems involving fluid flow, it is necessary to divide flow
regimes into laminar flow and turbulent flow, according to the magnitude of
the Reynolds number
• If the Reynolds number is greater than about 3000 to 4000, then the flow is
• The flow is laminar if the Reynolds number is less than about 2000
• In the laminar case, fluid flow occurs in streamlines with no turbulence
• Systems involving laminar flow may be represented by linear differential
• Industrial processes often involve flow of liquids through connecting pipes
and tanks.
• The flow in such processes is often turbulent and not laminar.
• Systems involving turbulent flow often have to be represented by nonlinear
differential equations.
• If the region of operation is limited, however, such nonlinear differential
equations can be linearized.
• We shall discuss such linearized mathematical models of liquid- level systems
in this section.
• Note that the introduction of concepts of resistance and capacitance for such
liquid-level systems enables us to describe their dynamic characteristics in
simple forms.
Hydraulic Resistance:
• Figure shows liquid flow in a pipe, with a restricting device (a valve)
providing a hydraulic resistance (R) to the flow.
• Note that the walls of the pipe will also provide a small amount of resistance
to flow, depending on how rough they are.

• When turbulent flow occurs from a tank discharging under its own head or
pressure, the flow is found by the following equation:
90 = KA 2gh
• Where qo is the flow rate (fts/s), K is a flow coefficient, A is the area of the
discharge orifice (ft?), g is gravitation constant (ft/s?), and h is pressure head
of liquid (ft).
• We can define hydraulic resistance (R) to flow as follows:
R= Potential/Flow =h/q0

• Therefore, the instantaneous rate of change of hydraulic resistance to flow is

• Rearranging Equation we arrive at:
• Differentiating Equation with respect to go gives us,
Dh/ dqo=2h/ KA 2gh

• According to Equation 5.1, the denominator of Equation 5.6 is q, so

substituting q into Equation 5.6 gives us, the instantaneous hydraulic
resistance as
Dh/ dqo = Ri=2h/q0
• The hydraulic resistance is analogous to electrical resistance in
that it is inversely proportional to flow q but directly
proportional to two times the differential pressure, h, or the
driving potential.
• The difference lies in the fact that turbulent flow involves the
square root of the driving potential or head h.
Hydraulic Capacitance
• In a tank being filled with a liquid, the equation for the volume (V) of the
liquid in the tank is given by the following equation:
V(1) = Axh(t)
V(t) = the volume of liquid as a function of time
h(t) = height of liquid
A = the surface area of the liquid in the tank
• Note that the volume V of the tank and the liquid height or head are a function
of time. The flow of liquid into the tank , q; and the flow liquid out of the tank.
q. . vary with time.
• Rearranging equation
V (t)/ h(t) = Quantity/ Potential=A
• Comparing this equation to the equation for electrical capacitance (i.e.,
C=q/V) clearly shows that liquid capacitance C, is simply the surface area of
the liquid in the tank, or C, = A. Furthermore, taking the derivative of
Equation with respect to time yields
dV (1)/ dt=A h(t)/ dt
• Consider the liquid-level system shown in Figure

• Assume that the system consists of a tank of uniform cross sectional area A
., which is attached a flow resistance R such as valve, a pipe, or a weir
• The volumetric output flow-rate q., through the resistance R is related to the
head h and can be given by a linear relationship as
• The transient mass balance equation can be given as
Mass flow-in - Mass flow-out = Rate of accumulation of mass in the tank
• In terms of variables used in this analysis, the mass balance equation
d(PV) _d(pAh)= pq. (t) - pq.(t)= A dh/dt

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