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At recess time, some bullies were walking back and forth inside the classroom in which consist of four

students. One is an introvert while the three students are said to be bullies.

After a while, one of the bully approached the introvert student.

(Ian walked towards Rod’s direction)

Ian: Hey! Give me your pocket money

Rod: why? Don’t you have money of your own?

Ian: you’ll give me your money or what?

Rod: no, why would I?

Ian got pissed and pinned Rod in the corner. Ian then ordered the two bullies to guard the door.

Ian: you’re a though one, I gave you a chance to give me the money but you didn’t do as I say so you’ll
pay for it.

Ian punched Rod in the face and beat him till he beg.

Rod: okay, okay I’ll give you my money

Rod handed the money to Ian and they left after that.

The scenario was repeated for so many times so Rod decided to report the incident to their school

Rod: Hi Miss, I would like to report a bullying incident.

Phoebe: bullying? Who’s the victim?

Rod: it was me, they bullied me and even took my money for almost a week now, I can’t handle it all
alone now so I decided to step up and report the incident for my own sake.

Phoebe: may I know who are the students behind this bullying incident?

Rod: it was Ian, Alma and Michaela

Phoebe: okay Rod, I’ll be calling the said students here right now don’t worry, I’ll take action to this
inappropriate behavior.

The three bully students was called by Miss Phoebe at the teacher’s office.

Phoebe: so the three of you already know why I called you right? This is about your behavior that this
school don’t tolerate at doing.

The three just shrug and sat down, while Rod is looking down wards.

Phoebe: Do you guys know what you did?? You bullied someone, and you know the school don’t
tolerate this kind of behavior if you guys don’t change a bit the principal might expel you three. Bullying
is such a disappointing act you kids are bright and active at class but you bully other students and feel
Phoebe looked at Ian with a questioning expression

Phoebe: Ian, Do you know that bullying others are wrong?

(sisingit part naming ni kyla in which we’ll explain the definition of bullying, types of bullying, the
possible cause and effect of bullying to students and the prevention for bullying in schools or campus)

Phoebe: The school don’t tolerate this kind of behavior. The three of you will be punished by cleaning
and under going to disciplinary actions. Say sorry to Rod and the students you bullied.

(Ian, Alma and Michaela: we’re sorry Rod

They shake hands as a sign of piece.

Ariane: If you’re being bullied tell your parents or teachers for them to solve the situation. Bullying is
bad don’t make the others feel sad.


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