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English for Academic &
Professional Purposes

Capsulized Learner Empowerment Tool-Kit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

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Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Learner Empowerment Tool-Kit

EAPP-12 QUARTER 4 WEEK 5 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC Preparing and Implementing Research Instrument

LEARNING CS_ENII/12A- Designs, test and revises survey questionnaires
1. Familiarize the types of research instruments
2. Identify and designs, test and survey questionnaires

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Preparing and Implementing Research Instrument
Research Instrument
➢ It is a tool to gather data on a specific topic of interest. When conducting a research,
you need to prepare and implement the appropriate instruments to gather the data
you need.
➢ When preparing an instrument, you must ensure that it is valid and reliable. An
instrument is valid when it directly answers or addresses your research questions. It
is reliable when it provides you consistent and stable data over a period of time.
General Guidelines In Preparing An Instrument
Do a preliminary research by visiting your library or checking online sources.

➢ Talk to a person who is knowledgeable in preparing research instruments.

➢ Master the guidelines in preparing and administering each type of instrument.
➢ Clarify your research questions. Be sure that your instruments will directly address
your specific research questions.
➢ Based on the data you need, decide on the number of people whom you want as
respondents or participants.
➢ Prepare the instrument using the appropriate format model instrument. Get model
instrument, if necessary. You may visit Google Scholar to get sample of your
intended instrument , pilot,
➢ Edit your instrument.
➢ Pilot your instrument to further improve its quality. After receiving the feedback from
The Research Instruments
One of the most important components of a research design is the research
instruments because they gather or collect data or information. Without them, data
would be impossible to put in hand.
Types of instrument
A. Survey- contains planned questions which are to measure attitudes, perceptions,
and opinions.
➢ It can be in a form of interview or questionnaire.
➢ Types of questions: recall, recognition, and open-ended.

B. Interview- allows the researcher to qualitatively gather data.
-responses are usually open-ended.

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

Different stages:
➢ Pre-interview stage- interview guide is prepared and respondents are identified and
➢ Warm-up stage- initial part of questioning to the respondents
➢ Main interview stage-main questions are asked related to the research questions.
➢ Closing stage- respondents are acknowledged and thanked.

C. Questionnaire – it lists questions to get specific information.

➢ They can be carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post.
➢ Open questions- Open questions allow people to express what they think in their
own words. Open-ended questions enable the respondent to answer in as much
detail as they like in their own words. For example: “can you tell me how happy you
feel right now?”

➢ Closed question- Closed questions structure the answer by only allowing responses
which fit into pre-decided categories.Data that can be placed into a category is
called nominal data. The category can be restricted to as few as two options,
i.e., dichotomous (e.g., 'yes' or 'no,' 'male' or 'female'), or include quite
complex lists of alternatives from which the respondent can choose (e.g.,
polytomous).Closed questions can also provide ordinal data (which can be
ranked). This often involves using a continuous rating scale to measure the strength
of attitudes or emotions. For example, strongly agree / agree / neutral / disagree
/ strongly disagree / unable to answer.

Parts of questionnaire

➢ Personal information section- personal information

➢ Basic questions section- establish if the person is right for the study and establish
rapport with the interviewees.
➢ Main questions-related to your research.
➢ Open-ended questions- brief explanation or response to an open-ended question.

D. Observation – allows the description of behavior in a naturalistic or laboratory

➢ (watching what people do) is a type of correlational (non-experimental)
method where researchers observe on going behavior
Types of observation:
a. Participant and non-participant observation- interacts with the subject; without
interacting with subjects.
➢ A variation on natural observations where the researcher joins in and
becomes part of the group they are studying to get a deeper insight into their
b. Structured and unstructured observation- has a list of behaviors to observe;
allows behaviors to emerge.
➢ Research conducted at a specific place, time, where participants are observed
in a standardised procedure. Rather than writing a detailed description of all
behaviors observed, researchers code observed behaviors according to a
previously agreedupon scale.

c. Covert and overt observation- subjects are not aware that they are being
observed; subjects are aware they are being observed.
➢ The study the spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings.
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

The researcher simply records what they see in whatever way they see it.
E. Experiment- a procedure undertaken scientifically to make a discovery and to test
➢ Experimental research design is centrally concerned with constructing
research that is high in causal (internal) validity. Randomized experimental
designs provide the highest levels of causal validity. Quasi‐experimental
designs have a number of potential threats to their causal validity .


Advantage Disadvantage
Observation -Provides direct access to a -Provides no control for
phenomenon situation
-Applicable to a wide range -May be biased
of contexts -Does not provide data for a
-Complements other more stable conclusion
instruments -Time consuming
-May influence data
because of observer’s
Experiment Provides control of situation -May result in an artificial
and variables situation
- Establishes cause and -Prone experimenter’s
effect effects
- Can be replicated
-Yields quantitative data
can be statistically analyse
Questi -Least expensive -Has the lowest response
onnaire -Least time consuming rate
-Flexible in terms of -Does not generally provide
administration (online or opportunity respondents to
offline) clarify questions/items
-May generate more -Requires participants to
consistent responses read and write
-Easier to analyze data
-Involves more number of

Interview -High response rate -Time-consuming

-Allows probing -Expensive
-Can clarify items to be -Difficult to analyze data
asked -Requires transcription
-Does not require
participants to read and
write lengthily
-Can address complex

SAQ 1: Which types of research instrument would you consider to use for your
future research? Why?

What is Digestion?
SAQ 2: Based from your understanding, what is the between differentiate
Observation from Experiment?

What is Digestion?
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

Let’s Practice
Directions: Read and understand the statement and encircle the letter of the correct of your

1. What is the use of research instrument?

a. A Research Instrument is a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data related
to your research interests.
b. Allows the description of behavior in a naturalistic or laboratory setting.
c. A procedure undertaken scientifically to make a discovery and to test hypothesis.
d. Contains planned questions which are to measure attitudes, perceptions, and
2. Which type of research instrument is very time consuming?
a. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Observation
d. Experiment

3. Which type of research instrument is considered to be the most standard?

b. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Observation
d. Experiment

4. Which among the type of research instruments is practical and less expensive for
research study?

a. Interview
b. Questionnaire
c. Experiment
d. Observation

5. Most surveys are structured which means that

a. There is one-on –one relationship between the researcher and the respondent.
b. They use random selection to select respondents.
c. The interviewer decides when, where, and how to ask the questions.
d. The same questions are asked in the same order for all respondents.

Key Points

In research instrument, there are still more types of instruments. The content above is just
the common instrument, that anyone used for his/her research.
Research Instrument
• Is where the researcher chooses the data collection tool, such as a survey,
experiment, etc. to achieve the Research Objectives.
• contains planned questions which are to measure attitudes, perceptions, and

• allows the researcher to qualitatively gather data.
• responses are usually open-ended.
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

• it lists questions to get specific information.

• allows the description of behavior in a naturalistic or laboratory setting.

• a procedure undertaken scientifically to make a discovery and to test hypothesis.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Read and understand the statement and encircle the letter of the correct

(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)

1. Below are example statements of observational research study, which is not

a. .A zoologist watching lions in a den after prey is introduced to determine the

swiftness of the animals' response
b. A baker watching her cake in the oven to ensure it rises and is cooked
c. A little league coach watching children play to determine strengths and
d. What is your favorite color?

A soft-drink company wants to compare the formulas it has for their cola product. It
created its cola with different types of sweeteners (sugar, corn syrup, and an
artificial sweetener). All other ingredients and amounts were the same. Ten trained
testers rated the colas on a scale of 1 to 10. The colas were presented to each taste
tester in a random order.
2. Which type of research designed is used in the above situation?
a. Interview
b. Questionnaire
c. Experiment
d. Observation

Which of the following are important attributes of an employee? (Please tick all that
( ) Good timekeeping
( ) Well developed customer relation skills
( ) Good numerical skills
( ) Ability to liaise with other staff in other departments.
3. Which research design is being used in the above statement?
a. Interview
b. Questionnaire
c. Experiment
d. Observation

Question/statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

4. My manager considers
my feelings.
5. My wellbeing is a priority
for my manager.
6. My manager depend me

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

from unfair criticism.

4.What type of research instrument does it belong?
a. Interview
b. Questionnaire
c. Experiment
d. Observation

5. Research design are the above questions is applicable to use for you research?
a. Interview
b. Questionnaire
c. Experiment
d. Observation

Source: “Preparing and Implementing Research Instrument”, Dana Althea Algabre,

October 30, 2018,
Source:“Experimental research design”, Ojmarrh Mitchell, published October 02,

Source:“Using Research Instrument”, D Wilkinson, 1995,
Source: “Questionnaire” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, last edited on 7 July2020,
Source:“Research Instrument Examples”, Teachers College, Columbia

Source:“Questionnaire: Definition, Examples, Designs and types”, Saul Mcleod,


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learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning
resources available for the learners about the learning continuity plan of this
division in this time of pandemic.
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learning resource. This material is not intended for uploading nor for
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Zamboanga City Division only. No malicious infringement is intended by the

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Learner Empowerment Tool-Kit

EAPP-12 QUARTER 4 WEEK 5 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC Designing, validating & pre-testing a questionnaire

LEARNING Designs, test and revise survey
COMPETENCY questionnaire
LEARNING a. Designs, test and revise survey questionnaire
OBJECTIVE b. Explain and identify about research questionnaire
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

A questionnaire is a set of questions for gathering information from individuals. You can
administer questionnaire by mail, telephone, using face-to-face interviews, as hand-outs, or
electronically (i.e., by e-mail or through Web-based questionnaires).
A questionnaire is a series of questions asked to individuals to obtain statistically useful
information about a given topic. When properly constructed and responsibly administered,
questionnaires become a vital instrument by which statements can be made about specific
groups or people or entire populations.
Why using a questionnaire?
A well given questionnaire:
- Give accurate and relevant information to your research question
- Minimises potential sources of bias
- Will more likely be completed

Types of Questionnaire


Ask for
Logical “yes” or Multiple Choice Solicit objective
“no” type Questions data
opinions (free
to answer)

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)


-Free to answer -Read and think individually
- A chance for vivid expression - Tabulation is not automatic
-Influential on the reader
-Boring to the interview


-Easy to answer -Not much involvement
- Quick and not boring - Hardly any thinking
- Easy to compose results -No place for expression
- Questionnaires are inexpensive tool for data collection
- Questionnaires are generally sent through mall or through investigators to
- But the responder remains incognito
- Add the method is very slow
- Also non- response becomes a major problem as responders either do not return
answered questionnaires or do not answer them at all!
Questionnaires can be paper-based, or electronic STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE
(CLOSED ENDED QUESTIONS) is based predominant on closed questions which produce
data that can be analysed quantitatively for patterns and trends. The agenda is entirely
predetermined by the evaluator and provides little flexible for respondents to quality their
A closed question can be answered with either ‘yes’ ‘no’.
Yes/No question
Do you have a library membership card?
Yes ( ) No ( )
What purpose do you visit the library? (Multiple choices)
( ) To read news papers
( ) To refer books
( ) To borrow and return books

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

( ) To brows Internet
Scaled questions- responses are grade on a continuum (example: rate the appearance of
the product on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 appearance0 being the most preferred
Non-structured questions, or open-ended questions, are questions where there is no list of
answer choices from which to choose. Respondents are simply asked to write their
response to a question.
Here is an example:
An open question is likely to receive a long answer.
Example of a Non-structured Question
1. What are the facilities and services do you expect from your library?
2. What are the benefits for automating a library housekeeping functions?
It is best to use non-structures questions when you are exploring new ideas and you
what to expect from the respondents.
Take a mixed approach. In some situations, you may have a partial list of answer
choices, but you may still have some doubt or uncertainty about other possible
responses. You can create a partially structured question such as the following:
Example of a Partially Structured Question
What purpose do you see web based resources?
-for research work
- to write assignment
- to improve subject knowledge
-for the purpose of seminar presentation
Any other (Please specify): 1.______________
A question that is answered only if the respondent gives a particular response to a
previous question. This avoids asking of people that do not apply to them.
1. Do you have computer knowledge?
YES ( ) NO ( )
2. If ‘yes’ how long have you been using?
-from last 6 months ( )
-from last 1 year ( )
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

-from last 2 years ( )

-from last 3-4 years ( )
✓ Define the objectives of the survey
✓ Determine the sampling group
✓ Write the questionnaire (language and item-writing)
✓ Administer the questionnaire
✓ Interpret the results
Ask only necessary background questions
Avoid sensitive and embarrassing questions
Keep questions simple and straightforward
Do not ask questions that turn off the participants’ spirits
o Can reach a large number of people relatively easily and economically
o Provide quantifiable answer
o Relatively easy to analyse
o Provides only limited insight into problem
-limited response allowed by questions
-maybe not the right questions are asked
Varying response
o Need to get it right first time
-Hard to chase after missing data
Cautions Regarding Questions And Questionnaire Construction
1. Question number
2. Order of Questions
3. Check the spellings of the question statements
4. Do not use offensive language
5. Avoid double-meaning Questions
6. If there are any difficult terms in the questionnaire than do explain them.
7. Avoid unnecessary questions
8. Know the academic and mental capacities of the target population
9. If there are certain personal or emotional question ask them in the middle or at the

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

10. Don’t ask for elaborate answer

11. Use polite language
12. Don’t write questions that already contain the answer to the question
13. Let he respondents know that their privacy will be ensured

Let’s Practice

Directions: Read carefully and encircle the letter of the best answers of your choice.

1. Which among the following is not part of the advantage of QUESTIONNAIRE as a

research instrument when it is being used?
a. Practical
b. Positivists believe that quantitative data can be used to create new theories and /
or test existing hypotheses.
c. There is no way of telling how much thought a respondent has put in.
d. Can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited
affect to its validity and reliability.

2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using closed questions in a survey?

a. It makes answers easier for the researcher to process and analyse.
b. It minimises the risk of variability in the way answers are recorded.
c. They prevent respondents from giving spontaneous, unexpected answers.
d. Closed questions are quicker and easier for respondents to complete

3. A Type of questionnaire that can answer by “YES” or “NO”?

a. Open ended questionnaire
b. Closed ended questionnaire
c. Semi-structured questionnaire
d. Partial structured questionnaire

4. What is the fourth cautions regarding questions and questionnaire construction?

a. Avoid double-meaning Questions
b. Know the academic and mental capacities of the target population
c. Don’t ask for elaborate answer
d. Do not use offensive language

5. Which among the following questions is an example of open ended question?

a. Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor?
b. Would you consider using our product/service again?
c. Did you experience good customer service?
d. Are you feeling better today?

Key Points

Good questionnaire design is a key to obtaining good survey result. Questionnaire appears
should be designed to appear as brief and small as possible. A questionnaire is relevant if
no unnecessary for solving the business problems is obtained. Accuracy means that the
information is valid and reliable. Question sequence is very important to the success of the
survey. The opening questions should be designed to interest respondents and keep them

Pretesting or pilot testing of a survey is conducted to test the survey instrument and data
collection procedure before data collections begins. The objective is to ensure that the
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

questions being asked accurately reflect the information the researcher desires and that the
respondent can and will answer the questions.

Example: Are you happy with your child’s teeth arrangement?
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Don’t know
(4) Agree (5) Strongly agree
A semantic differential scale is a list of opposite adjectives to measure psychological
meaning of an object to an individual.
Example: Rate the park on the following dimensions:
Safe ____ : ____ : ____ Dangerous
Dirty ____ : ____ : ____ Clean
Quiet ____ : ____ : ____ Noisy

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Encircle the correct answer.
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)

1. How do you describe a questionnaire?

a. A questionnaire is a set of questions for gathering information from individuals.
b. A questionnaire is the verbal between two people with the objective of collecting
relevant information for the purpose
c. A questionnaire contains planned questions which are to measure attitudes,
perceptions, and opinions
d. A questionnaire allows the description of behavior in a naturalistic or laboratory

2. What is a questionnaire example?

a. How do you handle stress and pressure?
b. A scientist looking at a chemical reaction in an experiment.
c. An astronomer looking at the night sky and recording the movement and
brightness of the objects.
d. My manager considers my feelings. Disagree( ) Neutral( ) Agree( )
3. Why use questionnaire research design?
a. It is used to provide the proper treatment for diseases.
b. It provides a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large amounts
of information from a large sample of people.
c. It help you explain better understand, and explore research subject’s opinions,
behavior, experiences, phenomenon, etc,
d. It fosters an in depth and rich understanding of a phenomenon, situation and/or
setting and the behavior of the participants in that setting.
4. When might questionnaire be used?
a. When the nature of the research question to be answered is focused on
answering a how-or what-type question
b. People often decide to use questionnaire for research questions that need a
different method.
c. It is often used where there is time priority in a causal relationship(caused
precedes effect)
d. It is often used when detailed information is required and when researcher wishes
to examine processes.
5. Why is pretesting a questionnaire is very important?
a. Is where a questionnaire is tested on a (statistically small sample of respondent
before a full-scale study a full-scale study.
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

b. Is an important way to pinpoint problem areas, reduce measurement error, reduce

respondents burden, determine whether or not respondents are interpreting
questions correctly, and ensure that the order of questions correctly, and ensure
that the order of questions is not influencing the way a respondent answer.
c. It allows teachers to see levels of proficiency for each student. They should
assess the degree to which students meet expectation using just prior knowledge.
d. To ensure that the product actually meets the client’s requirement.

Source: “Questionnaire designing in a research process” Rajneesh

Gautam, Published on Jan 6, 2015,
REFERENCE/S research-process

Source: “Questionnaire designing for a survey”, The Journal of Indian

Orthodontic Society, June2012,
igning for_a_Survey

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learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning
resources available for the learners about the learning continuity plan of this
division in this time of pandemic.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this
learning resource. This material is not intended for uploading nor for
commercial use, but purely for educational purposes and for the utilization of
Zamboanga City Division only. No malicious infringement is intended by the

Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 1)
Written by: Jenny Rose D. Falcasantos (T-1) Limaong National High School (Lesson 2)

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