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Experiment No. 07

Title: PID control of Mechanical System using suitable simulation software.

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GCOERC, Nashik Page No.

TITLE: PID control of Mechanical System using suitable simulation software.
AIM: To developed simulation model of PID Control.
APPARATUS: MATLAB Simulink Software.
PID controllers are found in a wide range of applications for industrial process control.
Approximately 95% of the closed-loop operations of the industrial automation sector use PID
controllers. PID stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative. These three controllers are
combined in such a way that it produces a control signal. As a feedback controller, it delivers the
control output at desired levels. Before microprocessors were invented, PID control was
implemented by the analog electronic components. But today all PID controllers are processed
by the microprocessors. Programmable logic controllers also have the inbuilt PID controller
instructions. Due to the flexibility and reliability of the PID controllers, these are traditionally
used in process control applications.
What is a PID Controller?
The term PID stands for proportional integral derivative and it is one kind of device used to
control different process variables like pressure, flow, temperature, and speed in industrial
applications. In this controller, a control loop feedback device is used to regulate all the process
This type of control is used to drive a system in the direction of an objective location otherwise
level. It is almost everywhere for temperature control and used in scientific processes,
automation & myriad chemical. In this controller, closed-loop feedback is used to maintain the
real output from a method like close to the objective otherwise output at the fixe point if
possible. In this article, the PID controller design with control modes used in them like P, I & D
are discussed.
The history of the PID controller is, In the year 1911, the first PID controller was developed by
Elmer Sperry. After that, TIC (Taylor Instrumental Company) was implemented a former
pneumatic controller with completely tunable in the year1933. After a few years, control
engineers removed the error of steady-state that is found within proportional controllers through
retuning the end to some false value until the error wasn’t zero.

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This retuning included the error which is known as the proportional-Integral controller. After
that, in the year 1940, the first pneumatic PID controller was developed through a derivative
action to reduce overshooting problems.
In 1942, Ziegler & Nichols have introduced tuning rules to discover and set the suitable
parameters of PID controllers by the engineers. At last, automatic PID controllers were
extensively used in industries in the mid of 1950.
PID Controller Block Diagram
A closed-loop system like a PID controller includes a feedback control system. This system
evaluates the feedback variable using a fixed point to generate an error signal. Based on that, it
alters the system output. This procedure will continue till the error reaches Zero otherwise the
value of the feedback variable becomes equivalent to a fixed point.
This controller provides good results as compared with the ON/OFF type controller. In the
ON/OFF type controller, simply two conditions are obtainable to manage the system. Once the
process value is lower than the fixed point, then it will turn ON. Similarly, it will turn OFF once
the value is higher than a fixed value. The output is not stable in this kind of controller and it will
swing frequently in the region of the fixed point. However, this controller is more steady &
accurate as compared to the ON/OFF type controller.

Fig. PID Controller

Working of PID Controller
With the use of a low cost simple ON-OFF controller, only two control states are possible, like
fully ON or fully OFF. It is used for a limited control application where these two control states
are enough for the control objective. However oscillating nature of this control limits its usage
and hence it is being replaced by PID controllers.

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PID controller maintains the output such that there is zero error between the process variable and
setpoint/ desired output by closed-loop operations. PID uses three basic control behaviors that
are explained below.
P- Controller
Proportional or P- controller gives an output that is proportional to current error e (t). It compares
the desired or set point with the actual value or feedback process value. The resulting error is
multiplied with a proportional constant to get the output. If the error value is zero, then this
controller output is zero.

Fig. P-Controller
This controller requires biasing or manual reset when used alone. This is because it never
reaches the steady-state condition. It provides stable operation but always maintains the steady-
state error. The speed of the response is increased when the proportional constant Kc increases.

Fig. P-Controller Response

Due to the limitation of p-controller where there always exists an offset between the process
variable and setpoint, I-controller is needed, which provides necessary action to eliminate the

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steady-state error. It integrates the error over a period of time until the error value reaches zero.
It holds the value to the final control device at which error becomes zero.

Fig. PI Controller
Integral control decreases its output when a negative error takes place. It limits the speed of
response and affects the stability of the system. The speed of the response is increased by
decreasing integral gain, Ki.

Fig. PI-Controller Response

In the above figure, as the gain of the I-controller decreases, the steady-state error also goes on
decreasing. For most of the cases, the PI controller is used particularly where the high-speed
response is not required.
While using the PI controller, I-controller output is limited to somewhat range to overcome the
integral wind up conditions where the integral output goes on increasing even at zero error state,
due to nonlinearities in the plant.
I-controller doesn’t have the capability to predict the future behavior of error. So it reacts
normally once the setpoint is changed. D-controller overcomes this problem by anticipating the

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future behavior of the error. Its output depends on the rate of change of error with respect to
time, multiplied by derivative constant. It gives the kick start for the output thereby increasing
system response.

Fig. PID Controller

In the above figure response of D, the controller is more, compared to the PI controller, and also
settling time of output is decreased. It improves the stability of the system by compensating for
phase lag caused by I-controller. Increasing the derivative gain increases the speed of response.

Fig. PID Controller Response

So finally we observed that by combining these three controllers, we can get the desired response
for the system. Different manufacturers design different PID algorithms.
Tuning Methods
Before the working of the PID controller takes place, it must be tuned to suit with dynamics of
the process to be controlled. Designers give the default values for P, I, and D terms, and these
values couldn’t give the desired performance and sometimes leads to instability and slow control

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performances. Different types of tuning methods are developed to tune the PID controllers and
require much attention from the operator to select the best values of proportional, integral, and
derivative gains. Some of these are given below.
PID controllers are used in most industrial applications but one should know the settings of this
controller to adjust it correctly to generate the preferred output. Here, tuning is nothing but the
procedure of receiving an ideal reply from the controller through setting best proportional gains,
integral & derivative factors.
The desired output of the PID controller can be obtained by tuning the controller. There are
different techniques available to get the required output from the controller like trial &error,
Zeigler-Nichols & process reaction curve. The most frequently used methods are trial & error,
Zeigler-Nichols, etc.
Trial and Error Method: It is a simple method of PID controller tuning. While the system or
controller is working, we can tune the controller. In this method, first, we have to set Ki and Kd
values to zero and increase the proportional term (Kp) until the system reaches oscillating
behavior. Once it is oscillating, adjust Ki (Integral term) so that oscillations stop and finally
adjust D to get a fast response.
Process Reaction Curve Technique: It is an open-loop tuning technique. It produces a response
when a step input is applied to the system. Initially, we have to apply some control output to the
system manually and have to record the response curve.
After that, we need to calculate slope, dead time, the rise time of the curve, and finally substitute
these values in P, I, and D equations to get the gain values of PID terms.

Fig. Process Reaction Curve

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Zeigler-Nichols method: Zeigler-Nichols proposed closed-loop methods for tuning the PID
controller. Those are the continuous cycling method and damped oscillation method. Procedures
for both methods are the same but oscillation behavior is different. In this, first, we have to set
the p-controller constant, Kp to a particular value while Ki and Kd values are zero. Proportional
gain is increased till the system oscillates at a constant amplitude.
Gain at which system produces constant oscillations is called ultimate gain (Ku) and the period
of oscillations is called the ultimate period (Pc). Once it is reached, we can enter the values of P,
I, and D in the PID controller by Zeigler-Nichols table depends on the controller used like P, PI
or PID, as shown below.

Q. Following is the plant model where transfer function of plant is as 1/s+1 and to tune PID
values of Kp = 1, Ki = 0.25 and Kd = 0.28.

First we create a model in MATLAB Simulink Software at that time firstly we assume the values
of Kp = 1, Ki = 1and Kd = 0 and tune the PID. We note the response of PID controller.
After that we assume the values of Kp = 1, Ki = 0.25 and Kd = 0.28 and tune the PID. We note
the response of PID controller.

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Take a Colour Print Out

Fig. PID Model Developed in Simulink Software

1. PID Value as Kp = 1, Ki = 1 and Kd = 0

Fig. PID Value as Kp = 1, Ki = 1 and Kd = 0

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Fig. Run the PID Model

Fig. PID Response of Controller

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2. PID Value as Kp = 1, Ki = 0.25 and Kd = 0.28

Fig. PID Value as Kp = 1, Ki = 0.25 and Kd = 0.28

Fig. Run the PID Model

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Fig. PID Response of Controller

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