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Mind Map Summary

What are you Passionate about?

- I devote a lot of my time to sports (playing or watching) as well as listening to music
which is the reason I am really passionate about music & sports
- Apart from that, I love travelling around, getting to know people from different
cultures and visiting beautiful places around the world. I am also passionate about
aviation since planes are not only technologically fascinating for me, but also denote
the start of every journey and therefore evoke positive feelings

Career Options
- I could imagine working in the aviation sector one day, maybe for an airline since I
would have a perfect mix of business administration (my actual major) in
combination with aviation and tourism which I am also passionate about
- Other options would be working for travel agencies or managing music or sport

Core Values
- My top four core values are reliability, equality, respect and trust. Reliability is
important to me because without being able to rely on each other (friends, family,
colleagues) it is difficult to achieve common goals. Regarding the second one,
equality, everybody should be treated equally regardless of his/her race, gender or
religion. This also implies a friendly working and living together based on mutual
respect. Last but not least, it is absolutely important to me that I can trust the people
I am working or being friends with

Career Goals
- One of my major short term career goals is getting an internship at one of the
companies I am really interested in, so that I can get some working experience and
already network and establish contacts that might be important for my future career
- Regarding my long term career goals, I would like to get a job where I am really good
at and passionate about on the one hand and on the other hand, I hope to be able to
influence the company and the people affected by my job in a positive and
sustainable way. Of course, one main goal is to achieve financial freedom for me and
my family
Top Strengths
- I would consider communication and language as two of my top strengths since I am
good at communicating with other people, e.g. in team work or group projects and
my language skills help me to effectively communicate with people from different
countries. Besides that, I love planning & organizing and always keep the time in
mind when it comes to due dates of papers, quizzes etc.

Desired Strengths
- I would like to gain more language skills by learning further languages like Spanish or
Italian and also further develop my Excel skills. Since I have hardly any experiences in
negotiations, I would also like to acquire some negotiation skills that might be useful
for my future career

Role Models
- My role models are definitely my parents as they educated me with the values I have
mentioned above and support me and my whole family whenever I/we need them.
They are also happy and successful in their jobs since they are committed to their
work and always give their best. Therefore, I hope, I can say the same about me one

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