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Passive magmatism on Earth and Earth-like planets

Sanzhong Li a,b, Xiyao Li a,b, Jie Zhou a,b,∗, Huahua Cao a,b, Lijun Liu c, Yiming Liu a,b,
Guozheng Sun a,b, Yanhui Suo a,b, Yang Li d, Shengyao Yu a,b, Zhaoxia Jiang a,b
Frontiers Science Center for Deep Ocean Multispheres and Earth System, Key Lab of Submarine Geosciences and Prospecting Techniques, MOE, College of
Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61820, USA
State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Magmatism has occurred throughout Earth’s history. From the early Earth to the modern plate-tectonic
Received 15 October 2021 Earth, the amount of magmatism has varied, but it has always occurred on multiple scales, in various tec-
Accepted 19 October 2021
tonic environments and at various depths in the crust and mantle. Magma compositions also vary. In this
paper, we argue that the mechanism of magma emplacement has generally been passive at all stages of
Keywords: Earth evolution. We conclude that most magmatism related to subduction, rifting, mid-oceanic spread-
Passive magmatism ing, flood basalts and large igneous provinces and related to mantle upwellings, magma underplating,
Plate tectonics slab windows, orogenic collisions as well as Archean TTG formation are predominantly passive from the
Mantle plumes lithosphere-scale to the crystal-scale. Our results weigh against the view that magmatism drives plate
motions. Most of the magmatism on other Earth-like planets is also passive regardless of the tectonic
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Ocean University of China.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Plate-related magmatism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. Mantle convection-generated magmatism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2. Magma accretion at mid-oceanic spreading centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. Passive large igneous provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.1. Shatsky rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.2. Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.3. Hawaiian-Emperor island-seamount chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.4. Afar flood basalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4. Passive magma underplating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4.1. Collisional magma underplating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4.2. Subduction-related magma underplating and granitic plutonism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4.3. Hotspot-related magma underplating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4.4. Rifting-associated magma underplating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.5. Dynamic mechanisms of magma underplating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5. Passive subduction-related island-arc magmatism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.1. Characteristics of island-arc magmatism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.2. Passive petrogenetic process of island-arc magma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Zhou).
2772-8838/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Ocean University of China. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

2.6.Passive orogeny-related plutonic emplacement . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.6.1. Continental margin orogen. . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6.2. Intercontinental orogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6.3. Intracontinental orogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.6.4. Passive plume-related supercontinental fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Author statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Declaration of Competing Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1. Introduction ment phenomena in the modern Earth in order to clarify the pro-
cesses that drive magmatism. We then extend this problem from
Traditionally, magma emplacement on the pluton scale is classi- the present Earth to the early Earth and from there to the other
fied into two basic types: "forceful"(or "active"), including doming, Earth-like planets. We then review the proposal that magmatism is
diapirism and ballooning; and "passive" or "permitted", involving a driver of plate motion. Finally, we focus on the later, plate-related
stopping, cauldron subsidence and sheeting (Hutton, 1988). How- magmatism, to review whether different types of magmatism are
ever, the relationship between these two types is obscure. Most active or passive on the Earth and whether it is valid to apply the
geologists know that magma in a pluton expands transversely and present-day tectono-magmatic processes to those in the Archaean
compresses wall-rocks, resulting in an emplacement mechanism and those on the other planets (Bogatikov, 20 0 0).
involving increased magma volume similar to an expanding bal-
loon. This mechanism is called active or forcing emplacement. Its
2. Plate-related magmatism
driving force is thermal buoyancy. Given that pluton-scale magma
always has positive buoyancy, which, according to the above def-
It could be challenging to distinguish proposed hotspot from
inition, implies that all magma emplacement should be active.
non-hotspot volcanism. The latter may be unrelated to ac-
Therefore, we suggest that it is not appropriate to distinguish ac-
tive mantle processes but instead due to lithospheric extension
tive versus passive magmatism based on the local buoyancy of
(Foulger, 2010). For example, there are several linear volcanic
the plutonic or magmatic body. Instead, it has been consistently
chains in the Pacific Ocean (Lynch, 1999) whose ages are incom-
shown that, on the reginal scale, almost all magmatism is syn-
patible with the mantle plume paradigm but can be better ex-
tectonic (Karlstrom, 1989; Vigneresse, 1999; Petford et al., 20 0 0),
plained by transient extensional stress when plate motion changes
because lithospheric deformation clearly controls multi-scale gran-
(Anderson et al., 1992; Sandwell et al., 1995; Wessel et al., 1996).
ite emplacement, strongly influences the ascent and segregation
of melt in continental gneissic rocks, and indirectly so during the
phase of initial melting (Vigneresse, 1999; Petford et al., 20 0 0; 2.1. Mantle convection-generated magmatism
Brown, 2013). According to this definition, most magmatism is pas-
sive in that its emplacement is subject to tectonic encouragement The concept of mantle convection goes back a century to the
or permission. Thus the defined syn-tectonic "passive" magma em- initial proposal that convection currents in Earth’s mantle actively
placement contrasts with "active" or "forceful" mechanisms such drive continental drift and that crustal deformation is a passive re-
as balloon swelling or magma diapirs that are due to density over- sponse (Holmes, 1931). In general, the active mantle convection is
turn at pluton scale regardless of the tectonic environments. symmetric and often seen in Early Earth, but the passive man-
Hutton (1988) suggested that if the magma filling rate exceeds tle convection is asymmetric and usually seen under plate tec-
the tectonic opening rate, active emplacement occurred, and if not, tonic regime. Coltice et al. (2017) stress the importance of self-
the emplacement process is passive. High magma fluxes relative organization and plate-like behaviors emerging in convection mod-
to crustal strain rates could strongly influence the magmatic sys- els. They proposed a global structure of mantle flow and surface
tem from below (Menand et al., 2010). However, this would not tectonics emerging spontaneously from dynamic interactions at lo-
violate the tectonically driven nature of magma emplacement that cal plate boundaries. The plate re-organization comes from dis-
determines the regional tectonic opening rate. In this paper we at- tributed feedbacks and is not controlled by forces or structures
tempt to distinguish active and passive magma emplacement from forced from the outside. So global tectonics is traditionally consid-
the initial control or driving mechanism to the pumping force of ered to be a passive expression of active mantle convection. For ex-
magma segregation, migration and filling of voids during emplace- ample, it is traditionally considered that magma ascending beneath
ment. We define active magmatism as the process by which the the mid-oceanic ridge causes a seafloor spreading and a sideway
magma controls its own movement by its positive buoyancy, and push of the ocean floor, namely, "ridge push". In this case the as-
passive magmatism as the process by which magma enters an ac- cending magma must be active.
commodation space that is made available by tectonic or environ- In contrast, Anderson (2007) and Davies (2011) proposed that
mental processes. lithospheric plate motion drives mantle convection by a top-down
The problem of magma emplacement mechanism is fundamen- mechanism. The plates in the top thermal boundary layer are inte-
tally related to the discussion of top down vs. bottom up pro- gral parts of mantle convection, lithospheric plates move as blocks,
cesses (Anderson, 2001) and the onset of plate tectonics on Earth mantle flow under them is continuous and asymmetric, they con-
(Korenaga, 2013; Palin et al., 2020). There are two main viewpoints trol where magma rises and sinks, and each plate drives a asym-
regarding the fundamental driver of magmatism on Earth, i.e. metric "convection cell" or roll-like flow. Thus, magma ascent re-
top down (negative buoyancy) and bottom up (positive buoyancy) lated to asymmetric mantle convection is also passive in this case.
(Anderson, 2007), equating to passive and active magma emplace- A key "ingredient" for plate tectonics is the tectonic plates
ment, respectively. In this paper we first summarize multi-scale, that are cold and rigid. Only under this circumstance can plates
multi-level and various tectonic environmental magma emplace- subduct and continue subducting and therefore drive plate motion.

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Intense magmatism, especially with high intrusive rates as pre- tle convection. In particular the nature of intra-plate magmatism
dicted for early Earth leads to the warming up of plates, making varies little between the continents and the oceans, indicating the
them weaker. This therefore does not satisfy the thermodynamic high homogeneity of the asthenospheric material supplied by man-
conditions for plate tectonics (van Hunen and van der Berg, 2008; tle convection, as well as the relatively-high upwelling of astheno-
Fischer and Gerya, 2016; Lourenço et al., 2020; Fischer et al., 2021). spheric material to keep its minimum interaction with the host
But plates are heated by magmatism as a feedback of mantle con- lithospheric rocks (Bogatikov, 20 0 0). Also, the solid-state mantle
vection or flow. It also indicates that the mantle convection is pos- convection in the Earth mantle shapes the first-order or second-
sibly changed by the changing plate motion in a passive way, and order tectonic activities of the Earth, and some plumes as broad
the magmatism that follows is controlled by the changing plates. hot regions are chemically distinct from the surrounding regions
Coevally the areas of melting in the Earth’s outer layers are more in deep lower mantle.
and more obviously controlled in some way by mantle geodynam- One typical example comes from the South Atlantic mid-
ics or by the ascent of heated asthenospheric material, where the oceanic ridge. The strike of the divergent crustal-level spread-
melts will ascend through the cooler and more viscous lithosphere ing center deviates from the strike of the divergent lithospheric
to the Earth’s crust. Although irregular ascent in the form of di- mantle-level spreading center (Fig. 1) as revealed by seismic to-
apirs (plumes) of different shapes and sizes results in lithosphere- mographic images (Liu et al., 2018). This implies that the upper
plume/pluton interaction in complex tectonic settings observed at spreading center in the crust and the lower spreading center in
the Earth’s surface, the magma ascending is also passive. In spite the lithospheric mantle of the South Atlantic Ocean are decoupled
of present-day magmatism and geodynamics are undoubtedly in- in a scissor-like way. This decoupling is induced by asymmetrical
terrelated and operated closely in the past as two aspects of the extensional tectonics with a regional detachment fault across the
same process of planetary evolution, but the fundamental pro- South Atlantic Ocean. The asymmetrical extensional tectonics re-
cess of plutonic emplacement is controlled by tectonic processes sulted in diverse magma emplacements between the upper crust
in the surface Earth. Thus, it is important to consider magmatic and the lower lithospheric mantle. Most of these phenomena show
and geodynamic processes together to understand better the prin- that the mantle convection under plate tectonic regime is passive.
cipal features of the evolution of Earth as a self-developing system In addition, some microplates on the mid-ocean ridge such
(Bogatikov, 20 0 0). as the Galapagos, Easter and Juan Fernandez microplates are lo-
Although mantle flow generated by plates and plumes can in- cated over mid-oceanic ridge upwellings (Li et al., 2018). How can
teract, plates and plumes are viewed as playing different roles in microplate-scale mantle convection form within this upwelling?
the mantle convection (Bogatikov, 20 0 0). One of the most fun- Neighboring spreading centers propagated toward one other to
damental differences is that plate cooling is regarded as decreas- separate the upwelling into small-scale mantle cells which grew
ing mantle temperature while plume activity is considered to de- and rotated in a toroidal convection style. Thus, the reorganized
crease the temperature of the core (Davies, 2011). Upwelling un- toroidal convection is passively controlled by the propagation of
der mid-oceanic ridges creates plates at the top thermal boundary two interactive spreading centers.
layer, removing heat from the mantle. At the base of the man-
tle heat enters from the core (Davies, 2011) to produce mantle 2.2. Magma accretion at mid-oceanic spreading centers
plumes (Burke et al., 2008). The mantle plume paradigm proposes
that plumes carry heat from the core and transfer it to the mantle, The rise of magma beneath mid-oceanic ridges is also passive
crust and surface, but mantle plume activity is also passive because and results from far-field plate drag forces in subduction zones
it originates from the pre-existing mantle heterogeneity controlled (Forsyth and Uyeda, 1975; Davies, 2011). This model could be chal-
by early Earth’s dripping process and later Earth’s subducting slabs lenged, e.g., there is no subduction zone and no far-field plate
(Burke et al., 2008; Davies, 2011). drag around the Atlantic Ocean, but there is still magmatic ac-
In subduction zones, plates are thought to be driven by the tivity at its mid-oceanic ridge. In this case, it means that mag-
negative buoyancy of subducted mantle lithosphere (Forsyth and matism should be active beneath the Atlantic mid-oceanic ridge.
Uyeda, 1975). Observations do not support the view that buoy- However, if the Atlantic Ocean is viewed in a global context, its
ancy under mid-oceanic ridges drives the plates. Magma from mid- mid-oceanic spreading could be driven by the deep African LLSVP
oceanic ridges is passively driven by heat transfer through the hot (Burke et al., 2008) and the retreat of the eastern Pacific subduc-
and cold thermal boundary layers. Even most plume-ridge interac- tion zones (Doglioni et al., 2015). In fact, any magmatic zoning in
tions are very common based on the recent plate reconstructions age and petrochemistry should be a passive process controlled by
(Madrigal et al., 2016; Sager et al., 2016), less mantle plume such as tectonic processes in either divergent or convergent plate margins.
the Hawaii Hotspot within the plate is exceptional (Foulger, 2010). In addition, the formation of narrow Cenozoic volcanic zones at
This indicates that most of the traditionally-considered active man- mid-oceanic ridges has been studied using mantle electromagnetic
tle plumes are also passive and under the control of plate tec- imaging (MELT) which deployed seismic, electrometric and mag-
tonic processes. The typical example is that subducting slabs in- netic instruments on the East Pacific seafloor (Team, 1998). The
duce toroidal cells in subduction zones (Király et al., 2017). These observations were used to test two models of how magma rises
toroidal cells or small-scale mantle flow are obviously induced and to the surface. One model proposes that melt forms in a narrow
controlled by slab shapes. zone beneath the mid-oceanic ridge and moves vertically upward
The upwellings that occur beneath mid-oceanic ridges are not through buoyancy generated by the melting process. Mantle den-
active but passive and a response to far-field stress change due sity decreases due to the extraction of the molten material. The
to changing tectonic processes along subduction zones or orogens second model proposes that the degree of melting of the mantle is
(Li et al., 2018). If active upwellings existed, anomalously high low. Melt first appears near the mid-oceanic ridge, moves horizon-
seafloor topography would be expected. Seafloor subsides as a re- tally toward the lower part of the mid-oceanic ridge, and upwells
sult of thermal expansion, causing it to sink slower than predicted from there. The location and morphology of the melting zone, im-
by the square root of seafloor age cooling relationship, when it aged using seismic observations, shows that melt is distributed
moves away from the spreading center. This may break the rela- throughout a wide range beneath the East Pacific Rise. The degree
tionship between depth of the seafloor and the square root of age. of melting is 1–2% within several hundred kilometers of the East
It means that local mantle plumes cannot change regional mantle Pacific Rise and can extend to depths of 100 km or more beneath
convection. Instead they passively contribute to the whole man- the ocean floor. The observations favor the second model. The mid-

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 1. Decoupling between active migration of the South Atlantic mid-oceanic ridge and passive mantle convection beneath the divergent lithospheric mantle-level spreading
center. The neutrally buoyant compositional anomalies are deduced to be detached lithospheric mantle (Hu et al., 2018). Based on this model, the toroidal and poloidal
mantle convection under the South Atlantic Ocean is passively controlled by the combined effect of plume, slab window, LLSVP (Hu et al., 2018) and asymmetric extension
(Blaich et al., 2011). In the Neo-Mesozoic, the African Plate was relatively fixed and the South American Plate drifted westward with a clockwise rotation (Hu et al., 2017;

oceanic ridge is a weak zone in the lithospheric plate. Thus, melt and concentrate mantle upwelling, but it will not significantly af-
moves passively in response to pressure gradients. Therefore, the fect the size of the melting area (Sparks and Parmentier, 1993). The
magma rising beneath a mid-ocean ridge is also a passive process. main effect of thermal buoyancy on melting of the mantle beneath
Furthermore, most studies of buoyant flow and melting show a mid-oceanic ridge is that it can lead to melting of the local edge
that buoyancy caused by changes in heat content and chemi- of the hot mantle convection cell far from the spreading center. In
cal composition can increase the rate of mantle upwelling be- summary, all the melts are passively controlled by mantle flow.
neath spreading centers, but cannot change the passive upwelling On a small scale, porous flow along particle boundaries
mode beneath mid-oceanic ridge axes (Sotin and Parmentier, 1989; (Waff and Bulau, 1979; Watson, 1982; Cooper and Kohlstedt, 1986)
Scott and Stevenson, 1989; Cordery and Phipps Morgan, 1992). controlled by a constant wetting angle (Laporte et al., 1997) and
Thus, if the rate of melt formation increases, a significant propor- flow through networked fractures (Shaw, 1980; Spence and Tur-
tion will be retained in the mantle and the buoyancy of the re- cotte, 1985; Sleep, 1988; Ryan, 1988; Stevenson, 1989) are two pos-
sulting mantle increases. This will concentrate mantle upwelling sible mechanisms for melt migration. Both of these must occur in
flow. Meanwhile, if the permeability of the mantle is low enough, specific regions of the mantle. Melt is produced at the boundary
a proportion of the melt will remain in the mantle and the melt- between crystals. It initially migrates through the pre-existing pore
ing area under the spreading center will be reduced to only 20– space around the crystals. However, when the spreading center is
40 km wide (Rabinowicz et al., 1984; Scott and Stevenson, 1989; near the surface, the mantle is in the sub-solidus state. When the
Cordery and Phipps Morgan, 1992). If melt fraction of the mantle melt migrates in the crystal pore space, it maintains heat balance
increases (≥15%), the viscosity will be greatly reduced and mantle with the solid matrix. The melt cannot move in pores where the
upwelling will be confined to a very narrow area. temperature is lower than the solidus. In this case, the melts must
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of mantle flow and move in the lithosphere through fractures or faults that function
melting indicates that buoyant flow in the mantle can affect the as melt channels. It is seen, whatever the spatial scale, that melt
amount of melt formation along the spreading center. The com- or magma migration is passive.
ponent of buoyancy produced by inhomogeneous extraction of the Because the releasing layer forms along the top or crest of the
melts will result in mantle upwelling being divided into the wider, melting region, it is critical for melt extraction from the spread-
enhanced upwelling region and the weaker upwelling region along ing center. As the distance from the spreading center increases,
the ridge axis. In the region where mantle upwelling is enhanced, cooling gradually affects the whole melt and solid matrix system.
the degree of melting of the mantle is large. In the region where The top slope of the melting region reduces with distance from the
mantle upwelling is weak, the degree of melting of the mantle spreading axis. Thus, magma emplacement in the mid-ocean ridge
is small and there is little or no melting (Parmentier and Mor- is controlled by cooling of the overriding oceanic plate. The posi-
gan, 1990). The buoyancy induced by thermal processes can also tion and slope of each layer are controlled by the temperature dis-
affect the axial variation of melting processes, and further enhance tribution because the releasing layer is generally located at the top

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

of the melting zone. The upwelling and temperature distribution triple-junction (Sager, 2005). Some lavas from Shatsky Rise have
determine the spatial distribution of melting. Because the consoli- geochemical and Nd-Hf-Pb isotope compositions similar to modern
dation boundary layer is at the top of the melting zone, the shape East Pacific Ridge basalts (Heydolph et al., 2014).
of the melting zone and the direction of melt migration can be The single plume model cannot explain several other obser-
controlled. This supports the idea that migration and emplacement vations from Shatsky Rise. For example, the initial eruption was
of melts are passive in the mid-ocean ridges. coincident with reorientation of the Pacific-Izanagi-Farallon ridge
and an 800-km jump of the triple junction (Sager et al., 2016).
2.3. Passive large igneous provinces It has been suggested that the formation of Shatsky Rise in-
volved interaction between a plume head and spreading ridges
Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) are produced by large-volume in a triple junction during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
magmatic events in the Earth involving extensive partial melt- (Fig. 2; Sager, 2005). Meanwhile, recent plate tectonic reconstruc-
ing of the mantle (Coffin and Eldholm, 1994; Xu et al., 2004; tions for the circum-Pacific plate boundary show that Mesozoic
Sheth, 2007; Bryan and Ferrari, 2013). Global tomography indicates LIPs in the Pacific Ocean usually formed at the edges of the Pa-
that large low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) exist beneath the cific LLSVP, at mid-oceanic ridges, and some are close to triple-
Pacific and Africa, and the majority of LIPs were generated along junctions (Madrigal et al., 2016). Similarly, some oceanic LIPs
their edges (Burke et al., 2008; Torsvik et al., 2010). Meanwhile, formed at triple-junctions in the Pacific Plate, such as Shatsky
some LIPs, such as the Iceland, Central Atlantic, Karoo, Parana- Rise and the Ontong-Java-Manihiki-Hikurangi Plateau (Sager, 2005;
Etendeka, Afar and Deccan areas, represent large-volume, long- Madrigal et al., 2016).
lived melt production on divergent plate boundaries (Foulger et al., Recent comprehensive study suggests that the Tamu Massif
20 03; Chorowicz, 20 05; Guan et al., 2021). In these regions, pre- formed via an interaction between the mid-ocean ridge at a
magmatic continental extension often precedes the major mag- triple-junction and a mantle plume head, accompanied by seafloor
matic production phase (Guan et al., 2021). Seafloor spreading spreading. The Ori Massif then formed off the mid-ocean ridge
usually initiates within volcanic passive margins and then prop- with no obvious preferred stress field, and is attributed to a mantle
agates away to create non-volcanic passive margins as a conse- plume tail interacting with the mid-oceanic ridge (Li et al., 2016).
quence of the consumption and cooling of a sub-lithospheric posi- These features emphasize that the magmatism of Shatsky Rise is
tive thermal anomaly (Guan et al., 2021). Major transform faults of- a consequence of passive overflow under the decompression con-
ten exist between volcanic passive margins and non-volcanic pas- ditions of a spreading ridge on a triple-junction to guide an up-
sive margins during the breakup of a supercontinent, acting as me- welling of high-temperature materials from the deep mantle such
chanical barriers to mantle melting and magmatism transporta- as the Jason LLSVP (Madrigal et al., 2016). In the Shatsky Rise,
tion. It clearly indicates that magmatism in passive continental nine ridge jumps in a short time span reorganized the northwest
margins is controlled by rifting, spreading and transform move- margins of mantle convection under the Pacific plate (Sager et al.,
ments. However, It is a longstanding controversy whether such 2019). Its close correlation to a mid-oceanic ridge indicates not
LIP magmatism is related to mantle plumes or to plate tectonic only passive mantle convection in motion but also passive oceanic
processes (Foulger, 2010). Some passive LIP magmatism was re- LIP magma emplacement.
cently reported, the best example is the Columbia River Flood
basalt that originated from fast passive upwelling due to a slab 2.3.2. Iceland
tear (Liu and Stegman, 2012). Another example is from plate re- Iceland is considered as a classic example of a hotspot originat-
construction showing that the locations of oceanic LIPs when they ing from the deep lower mantle (Shen et al., 1998) possibly at a
formed are linked to LLSVPs and mid-oceanic ridges, implying po- known ultralow velocity zone (French and Romanowicz, 2015). Ice-
tential interactions between mid-oceanic ridges and the LLSVPs land is close to a version of the northern margin of the Africa or
(Madrigal et al., 2016). In this case, plume-related magmatism Tuzo LLSVP (Burke et al., 2008). However, Iceland is also suggested
could be a passive response (adiabatic melting) controlled by the to represent relatively normal magmatic rates, with the unusually
upwelling of deep mantle materials from the LLSVPs, but also in- thick crust being largely stretched continental crust (Foulger et al.,
fluenced by mid-ocean ridges or triple-junction tectonics where 2020). The Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf compositions of basalts around Iceland re-
thin lithosphere enables decompression melting. In this way, melt quire the existence of at least four mantle components in their
upwelling forming LIPs is driven by thinning of the overriding source, such as continental lower crust and mantle lithosphere,
lithospheric plate (Anderson, 2007). along with shallow N-MORB source mantle.
Geophysical evidence shows that the conduit of the Iceland
2.3.1. Shatsky rise hotspot is vertically oriented in the deep mantle, but upwelling
Shatsky Rise is one of the largest oceanic plateaus with an area materials turned horizontally and appear to meander through the
of approximately 5.3 × 105 km2 in the northwest Pacific Ocean. upper mantle above 500 km (French and Romanowicz, 2015). The
The Tamu, Ori, and Shirshov massifs display 2–3 km of bathymet- horizontal channeling of plume-derived materials down the nearby
ric relief relative to the surrounding seafloor (Shimizu et al., 2013; ridge could explain the wide mixing of MORB-like mantle and the
Sager et al., 2016). The Nd-Hf-Pb isotope compositions of basaltic Iceland Plume around the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Magmatism relating
lavas from Shatsky Rise show that their mantle source became to the Iceland hotspot track between 70 Ma and today is related to
more heterogeneous with time (Heydolph et al., 2014). Meanwhile, drifting since the onset of oceanic spreading in the North Atlantic
geochemical features, such as high-Nb and low 3 He/4 He ratios Ocean, following the breakup of Eurasia and North America.
favor the interpretation that a mantle plume carried subducted, In the early stage, the Iceland plume head may have spread out
recycled crustal materials to the surface from the deep mantle more widely beneath a lithospheric cap, allowing a decompres-
(Hanyu et al., 2015). This leads to a formation model involving a sion melting only at thin spots (Kempton et al., 20 0 0). Then, mag-
mantle plume. matism in Iceland occurred when the Mid-Atlantic Ridge moved
Nevertheless, Shatsky Rise is located at the intersection of NW- above the upwelling materials from deep mantle. The primary
trending Hawaiian magnetic lineations and SW-trending Japanese cause of ongoing excess magmatism is long-term tectonic dise-
magnetic lineations, showing that it formed along the trace of a quilibrium inherited from continental breakup across major older
triple junction (Sager et al., 1999). The formation track of Tamu, lithospheric structures (Foulger, 2017). On the one hand, upwelling
Ori, and Shirshov massifs is consistent with movement of the materials flowed horizontally and promoted mantle heterogene-

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 2. Tectonic evolution of plume-ridge interaction of Shatsky Rise (massifs in blue) and its adjacent ocean (Sager, 2005). Black line represents lineation at a given time,
gray line represents transform faults perpendicular to lineations, red line represents mid-ocean ridges meeting at the triple junction, and black arrow represents jump
trajectory of the triple junction. Yellow area in the Pacific Plate represents an oceanic microplate. a, 151 Ma; b, 144 Ma; c, 139 Ma; d, 131 Ma.

ity and thermal anomalies. On the other hand, oceanic spreading (Burke and Torsvik, 2004). However, mantle shear velocity anoma-
induced an extensional setting and promoted passive melting of lies in a wide cross-section across the Hawaiian chain do not con-
the heterogeneous mantle beneath Iceland. tinue into the lower mantle as near-vertical cylindrical anomalies
(Ritsema and Allen, 2003).
2.3.3. Hawaiian-Emperor island-seamount chain The three-dimensional rendering of the Hawaiian Hotspot
The Hawaiian-Emperor island-seamount chain is built of age- shows that the plume conduit is vertically oriented in the lower
progressive volcanism and is the typical example of a hotspot mantle and rooted at the base of the mantle, which could co-
track formed as the Pacific Plate moved over a deep-rooted man- incide with an ultralow velocity zone. The conduit is deflected
tle magma source (Wilson, 1963). It consists of over one hundred WNW-wards into the mantle transition zone above approximately
volcanoes and extends for more than 60 0 0 km across the north- 10 0 0 km and appears to interact with a low-velocity finger ori-
ern Pacific Basin (Sharp and Clague, 2006). The Hawaiian-Emperor ented in the Pacific Plate absolute plate motion direction above
seamount chain is considered to be a LIP, or Large Basaltic Province 500 km (French and Romanowicz, 2015). Moreover, features of
(Coffin and Eldholm, 1994; Sheth, 2007). the anomaly change at around 10 0 0 km and show that horizon-
Geochemical studies of lavas in the Hawaiian Islands show two tally elongated arms branch out from the plume stem, implying
lava series-the Loa and Kea trends. The Loa series mainly repre- deep mantle upwellings may have encountered resistance to di-
sents the mantle plume component, and the Kea component is rect continuation into the upper mantle (French and Romanow-
sourced from passively upwelling asthenosphere (Hauri, 1996). The icz, 2015). The Hawaiian Hotspot thus represents primary up-
Hawaiian hotspot is considered to have a deep plume origin, and wellings in the lower mantle from the Pacific LLSVP, and the up-
shear wave velocity anomalies at 2800 km depth show that the wellings spread horizontally above a depth of 500 km and are
original eruption site of the Hawaiian Hotspot overlies high hori- entrained into upper-mantle circulation. Decompressive melting
zontal gradients in seismic velocity peripheral to the Pacific LLSVPs

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

at shallower depths then resulted in eruptions along weak litho- 2.4.1. Collisional magma underplating
spheric zones. Delamination occurs when continental collision and extrusion
lead to crustal thickening and eclogtization, resulting in grav-
ity instability of the lithospheric mantle or lower crust. Then,
2.3.4. Afar flood basalt
denser lithospheric mantle overlies lower density asthenospheric
The Afar flood basalt in East Africa erupted in the period 31–
mantle and causes mantle convection (Houseman, 1996). When
28 Ma. Little volcanism continues to the present. Afar lies at the
there is suitable tectonism, the lithospheric mantle destabilised
center of a triple junction where the three branches are the Red
and sinks into the asthenospheric mantle. Delamination leads
Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the East African Rift (Chorowicz, 2005;
to transition from contraction to extension, as well as uplift of
Foulger, 2010). Three-armed rifts and uplifting domal topography
the asthenosphere, decompression melting and basaltic magma.
have been suggested to indicate that the magmatism under this R-
Thus, basaltic magma passively rises to the crust-mantle bound-
R-R-type triple junction is active (Chambers et al., 2021). However,
ary and intense magma underplating occurs in the lower crust
Chambers et al. (2021) suggested that the overall crust contains
previously deformed by the continental collision. As the temper-
vertical micro-cracks and dykes during early continental breakup
ature of the lower crust rises, local deep melting occurs, and the
when a new rift is narrow and sill formation is the dominant
magma generated by melting intrudes along secondary strike-slip
magma or melt storage mechanism. As the rift widens, vertical
faults to cause large-scale magmatism (Gao and Jin, 1996;Li, 2019).
dyke intrusion becomes dominant and is likely controlled by vari-
Similar to the numerical simulation results of Larsen and
ations in crustal thickness and stress state. Furthermore, magmatic
Yuen (1997), the formation of plume/magma underplating is trig-
evolution transforming mafic mantle melts to more felsic compo-
gered by cold downwelling reaching the lower boundary layer
sitions depends strongly on the depth of storage. At depth, it re-
(Fig. 4a).
sulted from a deep plume which rose on the northern margin of
Magma underplating seems to be widespread in East China,
the Africa LLSVP (Burke et al., 2008). That means that the emplace-
where a typical case of magma underplating caused by continental
ment of magma is passive on a multi-scale view.
collision and crustal thickening is the Lower Yangtze zone revealed
The geochemistry of the basalts suggests at least three domains
by a deep seismic profile (Lv et al., 2004). In the Late Triassic to
for their mantle source, namely subcontinental lithospheric man-
Early Jurassic, the South China and North China blocks collided and
tle, a plume source with high-μ Sr-Nd-Pb-He isotopic affinities,
fused on a large scale, resulting in intense continental contraction
and a plume source analogous to some ocean island basalts with
and transpression with a large-scale strike-slip fault system. At the
high 3 He/4 He values (Furman, 2007). Meanwhile, thinner litho-
same time, the thickened (>40 km) lower crust and mantle litho-
sphere formed by continental break-up processes in the Afar re-
sphere in the Lower Yangtze resulted in an eclogite-phase transi-
gion, which shows all the stages from rift initiation to break-up
tion in the mafic lower crust. Then delamination of the lower crust
and incipient oceanic spreading (Corti, 2009). The magmatism of
or the lithospheric mantle occurred due to gravitational instabil-
the Afar flood basalt was most probably a passive response to the
ity (Fig. 4b). About the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous, delami-
wide continental rifting under Afar and surrounding regions. This
nation of a mantle micro-block caused uplift of the asthenosphere,
induced passive decompression melting of the heterogeneous man-
accompanied by magma underplating of the lower crust. This also
tle which mingled with thermal anomalies controlled by the up-
led to the collapse of the "Eastern North China Plateau" and sub-
welling of deep mantle materials that rose from the LLSVP.
sequent large-scale magmatism and mineralization in the middle-
lower reaches of the Yangtze River (Zhang et al., 2001; Lv et al.,
2.4. Passive magma underplating 2004). Thus, all the volcanism and plutonism at that time was pas-
sively induced by collision-related magma underplating or delami-
Magma underplating is an important process for vertical con- nation in the Lower Yangtze River region.
tinental growth. On the one hand, magma underplating refers to Seismic reflection profiles in stable continental regions have
the process of basaltic magma (generated by partial melting of the demonstrated that magma underplating is often associated with
upper mantle or decompression melting in the asthenosphere) in- Archean crustal blocks that were reworked in the Proterozoic,
truding or adding to the bottom of the lower crust. On the other probably in collisional environments (Thybo and Artemieva, 2013).
hand, the basaltic magma causing underplating provides a large A well-documented example of magma underplating comes from
amount of heat and CO2 , which leads to the increase of regional the Lithoprobe seismic refraction profile across three Archaean
heat flow and induces partial melting of lower crustal rock to form crustal domains (Fig. 5): the Hearne Province (Loverna Block) in
magma. Thus the concept also means the process by which partial central Alberta, the Medicine Hat Block (MHB) in southern Al-
melting intrudes and adds to the mid-upper crust. It is generally berta and the Phanerozoic-modified Archaean Wyoming Craton in
believed that mantle materials enter the crust through underplat- central Montana (Fig. 5a; Clowes et al., 2002). A sharp change in
ing and lithospheric roots enter the mantle through block delami- crustal thickness and velocity structure of the lower crust corre-
nation, so the crust and mantle evolve through interaction of these sponds to the Vulcan Structure, which is a major tectonic bound-
two processes. Since magma underplating is one of the main pro- ary between the Hearne and Wyoming provinces clearly defined in
cesses of crust-mantle interaction, it is of great significance in the potential-field data and interpreted as a zone of palaeo-collision.
study of granitic genesis, anomalous crustal accretion, basin evolu- Based on seismic refraction and xenolith data, the high-velocity
tion, regional mineralization, and other subjects (Du et al., 2003). lower crustal layer is interpreted to be the result of Palaeoprotero-
Magma underplating is observed in a variety of tectonic set- zoic magma underplating (Clowes et al., 2002). This underplated
tings, including island arcs, wide extensional continental areas, rift layer extends southward from the suture beneath the Phanerozoic-
zones, continental margins and palaeo-suture zones in Precam- modified Archean Wyoming Craton.
brian crust (Fig. 3; Thybo and Artemieva, 2013). Magma under- A somewhat similar crustal structure is observed in the Baltic
plating generally occurs in four geological settings:  1 continental Shield (Fig. 5b). Crustal thickening is associated with the presence
collision and crustal thickening; 2 subduction at the active conti- of a 0∼5 km thick high-velocity layer at the base of the crust.
nental margin;  3 hot spots such as continental flood basalts and Thus, the high-velocity lower crustal layer is attributed to Protero-
oceanic hot-spot basalts in Hawaii; and  4 continental rifts devel- zoic basaltic magma underplating and mixing with pre-existing Ar-
oping mafic rocks. The latter is the most widely distributed and chaean mafic granulites as a response to accretion of the Svecofen-
well-studied. nian arc complex to the cratonic margin.

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 3. Global locations of major magma underplating (after Thybo and Artemieva, 2013). The lines represent seismic profiles; inset map shows detail in Europe.

Fig. 4. (a) Four snapshots of the temperature field for a non-Newtonian model (after Larsen and Yuen, 1997). The dimensional temperature field ranges from 450 K (blue)
to 1950 K (red). (b) The magma underplating and micro-block delamination under the lower-middle reaches of Yangtze River (after Lv et al., 2004). YC, Yangtze Block; DB,
Dabie ultra-high-pressure transition zone; NCB, North China Block.

It is worth noting that magma underplating adds mafic mate- (Lv et al., 2004; Li, 2019), which are coupled to each other and
rial to the bottom of the continental crust and increases crustal produce material circulation between the crust, lithospheric man-
thickness (Zhang et al., 2016a), leading to delamination of the up- tle and asthenosphere (Gao and Jin, 1996). However, both are pas-
per mantle and lower crust. This in turn leads to new magma sive processes, and gravitational instability is the driving force.
underplating of basaltic melts (Warner, 1990; Lv et al., 2004). How-
ever, there remains the classical chicken-and-egg dilemma regard- 2.4.2. Subduction-related magma underplating and granitic plutonism
ing which comes first. In any case, magma underplating and de- To a first order, regional spatio-temperal magmatic zoning is
lamination are usually two stages of the same dynamic process often passively dominated by advancing or retreating subduction

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 5. Seismic velocity structure along crustal profiles in Precambrian terranes including interpreted underplated bodies. (a) N-S-striking profiles across the Canadian-US
border between three Archaean crustal domains: the Loverna Block in central Alberta, the Medicine Hat Block (MHB) in southern Alberta, and the Archaean Wyoming Craton
in central Montana (after Clowes et al., 2002). (b) SW-NE-striking profile from the Baltic Shield, showing an interpreted underplated body in the suture zone between the
Archaean Karelian Craton and the Proterozoic (Svecofennian, ca. 1.9 Ga) mobile belt (after Korsman et al., 1999).

and rollback of subducting slabs such as along the West Pacific ward from the subducting plate and then pass up into the hotter
continental margin (Li et al., 2019a). In the mantle wedge, it is mantle wedge.
commonly thought that hot diapiric flow prevails above subduct- Some typical examples are also identified in geophysical imag-
ing slabs (Gerya and Yuen, 2003). However, hydration and partial ing, such as the Kuril Arc, which is located in the subduction zone
melting along the slab can enable a Rayleigh-Taylor instability to of the Pacific and Eurasian plates. The presence of a large body of
develop at the top of a cold subducting slab (Gerya and rocks with high seismic velocity in the lower crust is interpreted
Yuen, 2003; Li et al., 2019). When the oceanic plate subducts to as an underplated body which, through fractionation, has provided
a depth of 80–100 km (T<650◦ C, P: 30–40 kb), the crust dehy- magma that today forms the new upper crust (Fig. 8). This separa-
drates and quartz eclogtization occurs (Fig. 6a). When the oceanic tion between an upper body with “normal continental crust” and
plate subducts to a depth of 10 0–20 0 km (T: 70 0–90 0 °C), talc, ser- a lower body with high velocity is suggested to be an effective fac-
pentine, and brucite in the oceanic crust become unstable and de- tory for producing continental crust (Taylor, 1967; Tatsumi, 2005).
hydrate, resulting in partial melting of the quartz-eclogitic oceanic However, it is unclear if the associated subduction delaminates the
crust and magma underplating. Finally, a series of calcium-alkaline underplated material into the mantle (Thybo and Artemieva, 2013).
magma forms, mainly composed of andesite but including basalt to In short, magma underplating is more common in subduction
rhyolite (Fig. 6b). Strain partitioning in the continental margin de- systems. The generation mechanism is that pressure-dependent
velops during the magma ascent that facilitates melt flow, which dehydration reactions within the basaltic crust of a subduct-
bears consequences for the chemical evolution of the magma ing oceanic plate release water into the overlying mantle wedge
(Vigneresse, 1999). (Liu et al., 2021), creating a thin layer of hydrous peridotite above
3-D magma underplating is suggested to form from thermal- the slab that extends along the slab surface at this depth. This
chemical instabilities developed at a depth of around 10 0–20 0 km layer is less dense and less viscous than peridotite in the overlying
as a result of dehydration of serpentines and subsequent hydra- mantle wedge and develops Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities (Li et al.,
tion reactions involving peridotites (Fig. 7a; Ulmer and Tromms- 2019b). Thus, the primary cause of passive magma underplating is
dorff, 1995). Gerya and Yuen (2003) investigated using two- Rayleigh-Taylor instability due to density and viscosity contrasts.
dimensional (2-D) numerical modeling the geodynamically plau-
sible scenario of cold but compositionally lighter plumes emerg- 2.4.3. Hotspot-related magma underplating
ing from the upper surface of the slab due to a supercritically A hotspot is the part of a mantle plume that is exposed on the
unstable situation in thermal-chemical convection. According to surface or ocean floor. A mantle plume is a cylindrical thermoplas-
the numerical and visualization results, from 25 to 34 Myr, there tic flow of rising solid material, that is, a column of hot mantle
emerges a Rayleigh-Taylor instability driven by compositional vari- material formed by ascent from the asthenosphere or lower mantle
ations along the upper surface of the serpentine-free (light bright- that penetrates the lithosphere. Christensen and Harder (1991) pro-
blue) hydrated peridotite zone (Fig. 7c). This instability is related posed a three-dimensional mantle convection model, and believed
to the strong density contrast between the hydrated lower-density that the formation and development of mantle plumes are due to
layer and the higher density of the overriding dry asthenosphere significant differences in the viscosity between different layers of
(Hall and Kincaid, 2001). Hydration leads to a sharp decrease in the Earth. The following numerical models (Fig. 9) are all based on
density and viscosity of mantle rocks, creating favorable condi- this principle and carry out initial simulations of mantle plumes.
tions for the development of a compositionally driven Rayleigh- It is thought that the viscosity of the materials plays an im-
Taylor instability along the propagating hydration front (Figs. 7b portant controlling role in the formation of a mantle plume. The
and 7c). Then magmatic underplating occurs. The diapirs rise up- greater the depth, the greater the viscosity of the fluid, which leads

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 6. Passive magmatic activity in subduction zones controlled by dehydration and subduction.

to fluid viscosity contrast between upper and lower layers. This men, 2003). Propagation of magmatic rocks from the channel
difference in viscosity is an important driving force for the forma- into the crust develops spontaneously and is mainly controlled by
tion and evolution of mantle plumes (Gerya and Yuen, 2003; Li and crustal rheology and density. Viscous and plastic strain of both the
Wang, 2004; Gerya and Burg, 2007; Meng et al., 2015). lithosphere and the crust take an active role and make an impor-
The quantitative model of mantle plume dynamics is based tant contribution in injecting high-density magma into lower den-
on the principle of heat-driven mantle flow. When the fluid in a sity rocks.
certain layer of the Earth is heated by a source in the lower layer From the above, upward magma transport from sublithospheric
or within itself, the fluid undergoes thermal expansion, lowering depths is driven by the positive buoyancy of the partially-molten
the fluid density of the layer. This results in a density contrast be- rocks with respect to the overriding colder mantle lithosphere.
tween the upper and lower layers, and thermal buoyancy. When Gravitational balance controls the height of the column of molten
the thermal buoyancy is large enough to overcome the viscosity rock (Gerya and Burg, 2007). In conclusion, magma underplating
barrier, the lower fluid will move upward and the top fluid will related to hotspots is a passive process controlled by gravitational
move downward, thus completing convective exchange of material balance.
(Li and Wang, 2004).
In terms of mantle plume initiation, most scholars believe that 2.4.4. Rifting-associated magma underplating
mantle plumes are driven by thermal buoyancy and originate from A continental rift is an extensional zone within a continent, tra-
the core-mantle boundary or a discontinuous interface. Mantle ditionally associated with the uplift of the mantle asthenosphere.
plumes rise through the crust-mantle boundary in the form of The large-scale emplacement of basaltic magma is one of the main
magma underplating. Mechanisms of localized upward fluid/melt features of continental rifting. Continental rifting can be generally
transport include hydrofracture (Clemens and Mawer, 1992), dif- divided into active rifting and passive rifting. Active rifting is tra-
fusion (Scambelluri and Philippot, 2001), porous flow (Scott and ditionally a consequence of long-term upwelling convection in the
Stevenson, 1986; Connolly and Podladchikov, 1998; Vasilyev et al., mantle, which causes the continental lithosphere to collapse due to
1998; Ricard et al., 2001) and reactive flow (Spiegelman and Kele- thinning and uplift. Examples are the East African Rift and the Gulf

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 7. (a) Conceptual 3-D model of the cold-plume/underplating generation process (after Gerya and Yuen, 2003); (b) 2-D numerical simulation of the subduction of oceanic
lithosphere (Ulmer and Trommsdorff, 1995); (c) Development of the geometry of the mantle wedge during ongoing subduction for a reference model (after Gerya and
Yuen, 2003).

of Aden. However, as mentioned earlier, we consider it passive on destruction of the mantle, some by pressure release along conti-
a large scale. The active rifting has been passively dominated by nental fault zones, and some by delamination or gravity collapse.
the supercontinent Pangea dispersal since 180 Ma. Passive rifting Similarly, there are many conditions for the formation of a ten-
occurs via thinning and rupture of the lithosphere due to crustal sile stress field. Some are caused by vertical mantle uplift or crustal
extension or shearing. The initial fractures of the lithosphere are collapse, some by regional horizontal tension, and some are de-
caused by the stress contrast generated by edge convection or rived from regional compression or shearing (Yang et al., 1995).
interaction among lithospheric plates (Sengör and Burke, 1978; Therefore, the magma underplating associated with active rifting
Baker et al., 1971) such as the Baikal Rift. is the reason for the formation of a rift, while formation of the
Extension via continental rifting is favorable for magma to un- magma underplating itself is a passive process caused by the loss
derplate and collect in a magma chamber under the lower crust. of mantle equilibrium. As for magma underplating related to pas-
Continental rifting is a combination and superposition of tensile or sive rifting, the rifting is the cause of the magma underplating. Due
normal lithospheric faults and magma emplacement. Lithospheric to regional tensile stress, the lithosphere thinned and fractured,
faults not only accelerate magma underplating, but also provide providing a channel for upwelling of mantle-derived magma. Then
a channel with little resistance for magma flow. Magma under- underplating occurs to restore isostatic balance, which is a passive
plating accompanied by lithospheric fractures and the upwelling process initiated by the rifting.
of hydrothermal fluid contributes to the development of conti- At the Baikal and Kenya rift zones, there is strong evidence for
nental rifting (Pakiser et al., 1990; Richards et al., 20 0 0). How- underplated material in the form of mafic sills in the lower crust
ever, is it the mantle uplift that causes the crust (lithosphere) to directly below the graben (Fig. 10a, b). Around the rift grabens, the
crack and sag, or is it the crustal faults that provide the con- profile across the Baikal Rift as a typical pull-apart basin shows a
ditions for uplift of the mantle and the upwelling of magma? large, high-velocity body in the lower crust, and the profile across
There is a causal problem here (Liu et al., 1989). It can be con- the southern Kenya Rift shows a similar, smaller body above a
cluded from the definition that the mechanism of active rift- slight uplift of the Moho. The high-velocity bodies are interpreted
ing predicts uplift→volcanism→rifting, and passive rifting predicts as mafic intrusions in the form of sills that compensate fully or
rifting→uplift→volcanism (Yang et al., 1995). partially for the expected crustal thinning at the rift zones. The
Active rifting is controlled by magma underplating/diapirism of high-velocity underplated layer restores crustal isostatic equilib-
anomalous mantle, and passive rifting is controlled by the tensile rium across the rift zone (Thybo and Artemieva, 2013).
stress field. Magma underplating/diapirism in the anomalous man- Another example is palaeo-rift zones. Around rift grabens, pro-
tle is diverse. Some features are related to thermal mantle plumes, files across the Donbas Basin and the Oslo Rift show large high-
some are caused by melting of a subducted slab and equilibrium velocity bodies in the lower crust (indicative of magmatic com-

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 8. Seismic P-wave velocity structure of the crust along a profile across the Kuril Arc in northern Japan (after Nakanishi et al., 2009; Thybo and Artemieva, 2013).

Fig. 9. Numerical thermo-mechanical models of mantle plumes and magma underplating. (a, b) Distribution of rock layers in the intrusion area during emplacement of an
ultramafic body into the crust from below the lithosphere via a magmatic channel (a) and the strain rate (b) (after Gerya and Burg, 2007). Color code: 1 = weak layer
(air, water); 2 = sediments; 3 and 4 = upper crust (3, solid; 4, molten); 5 and 6 = lower crust (5, solid; 6, molten); 7 and 8 = mantle (7, lithosphere; 8, asthenosphere);
9 and 10 = peridotite (9, molten; 10, crystallized); 11 and 12 = gabbro (11, molten; 12, crystallized). Arrows show the calculated velocity field. (c) Four snapshots of the
temperature field for a Newtonian mode after Larsen and Yuen (1997).

pensation of crustal thinning). The interpreted underplated body is fected by magma underplating (Behrendt et al., 1990; Hinze et al.,
highly reflective below the Donbas Basin, indicative of 30 0–50 0 m 1992).
thick sills (Lyngsie et al., 2007), and transparent below the Oslo Magma underplating related to rifting is the most widely dis-
Graben, indicative of long-term cooling of a large magma cham- tributed and most carefully studied at present. Magma underplat-
ber (Fig. 10c, d). The underplated material intruded during the rift- ing is a passive process in continental rifts and extensional regions.
ing episodes. Seismic models complemented by gravity constraints Due to decompression of the upper mantle, a giant peridotite body
indicate that a layer up to 15 km thick in the lower crust was af- may intersect with the solidus to induce partial melting and intru-

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 10. Seismic P-wave velocity structure of the crust along profiles across rift zones: The Baikal Rift zone in Siberia (a, after Thybo and Nielsen, 2009), southern Kenya Rift
(b, after Birt et al., 1997), Donbas Basin in Ukraine (c, after DOBRE fraction Working Group, 2003) and Oslo Graben in Norway (d, after Stratford and Thybo, 2011).

Fig. 11. Cenozoic passive plutonism in the northern South China Sea margin (a). (b) Seismic profile over large-scale extrusive structure; (c) stratigraphic architecture before
and after magma underplating.

sion of the basic magma to the bottom of the lower crust. Gabbro to magma intrusion at the base of the crust are highly variable
and ultrabasic rocks are then formed by crystallization and differ- and the resulting structure may take on many forms (Fig. 12). We
entiation generates a new Moho or a thickened, diffuse Moho tran- highlight the following:
sition zone. Case a: (a1) Classic magma underplating process; (a2) leading
On the pluton scale, we also find outcropping plutons that in- to a large-scale underplated layer below the Moho; (a3) Parts of
trude strata containing undeformed layered relic bedding the same such an underplated layer may eventually be metamorphosed to
as that of the host strata. This is also seen in seismic profiles across eclogite facies; (a4) and possibly be partially delaminated at a later
the continent-ocean transition zone of the northern South China stage.
Sea (Fig. 11). In Fig. 12, we can easily see that normal faulting is Case b: (b1) Crustal stretching leading to massive mafic intru-
earlier than magma underplating and can deduce that the normal sion/underplating in the form of a crustal batholith; (b2) layered
faulting induced the decompression and the following magma un- intrusion/underplate along the Moho, possibly at a late stage of de-
derplating. That implies that the magma underplating is a passive velopment.
process. Case c: (c1) Classic passive rifting due to extension caused
by far field stresses leading to an uplifted Moho; (c2) successful
break-up may be accompanied by mafic intrusion/underplating at
2.4.5. Dynamic mechanisms of magma underplating
the continent-ocean boundary.
"Magma underplating" refers to the “addition of mafic magma
Case d: (d1) Magma-compensated crustal thinning associated
to the lower crust and uppermost mantle around the Moho”. The
with rift development creating mafic intrusions/underplating in
examples presented of crustal magma underplating by mantle-
the lower crust and around the Moho; (d2) successful break-
derived basaltic materials demonstrate that the processes related

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

Fig. 12. Conceptual models of processes associated with magma underplating (after Thybo and Artemieva, 2013). Cases a-d are all based on the same original model of the
crust and mantle.

up may be accompanied by mafic intrusion/underplating at the 2.5. Passive subduction-related island-arc magmatism
continent-ocean boundary, with complicated resulting structure
from the two-phase development. 2.5.1. Characteristics of island-arc magmatism
In cases b, c and d, all the magma underplatings are passive. Island arc systems represent the sites of subduction of one
All of the fore-mentioned cases are pluton-scale effects, sec- oceanic lithospheric plate beneath another oceanic/continental
ondary processes induced by magma underplating. However, the lithospheric plate (Frisch et al., 2011; Kearey et al., 2009;
first-order control of the magma underplating are the tectonic pro- Wilson, 1989). Their characteristic features are linear or arcu-
cesses that produce the magmas. Magma underplating can take ate chains of islands forming the volcanic front, often flanked by
place in a wide range of tectonic settings and models also vary marginal basins formed by seafloor spreading processes behind the
(Fig. 12). However, the cause of the magma underplating may be arc (Wilson, 1989). They are consequently typical of the margins of
the same in all cases. shrinking oceans such as the Pacific, where the majority of island
The initial Moho is a compositional boundary at the base arcs are located. They also occur in the western Atlantic, where the
of a primitive continental crust. However, during geologic evolu- Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) and the South Sandwich (Scotia) arcs
tion, the Moho is not necessarily a boundary between different are formed at the eastern margins of small oceanic plates decou-
compositions, but instead a boundary between rocks in different pled by transform faults from the general westward trend of move-
metamorphic states with different seismic and density properties ment (Kearey et al., 2009).
(Mengel and Kern, 1992). Because of the density contrast across Island arcs are generally 20 0–30 0 km in width, several thou-
the Moho, mafic magma rising from the mantle may experience sand kilometers in length, and are characterized by significant
neutral buoyancy around the Moho, in which case it may pond at magmatic activity (Winter, 2001). The points of volcanism, vol-
this level to create classic underplating and new crustal materi- canic centers and surrounding crust, can remain fixed for long pe-
als. Examples of processes that could cause the Moho to change riods of time (∼1–10 Myr, depending on location), and the flux of
are metamorphism, collision, delamination, subduction and rifting. magma is low (∼2–10 km3 yr−1 ). The volcanism is also typically
However, the ultimate mechanism is the density/viscosity contrast more explosive, and strato-volcanoes are a common volcanic land-
between the upper and lower layers of the crust-mantle bound- form (Marsh, 2007).
ary or a discontinuous interface. That means that the near-Moho The basic structure of island arcs in terms of the positions and
underplating is also controlled by many complex processes, pre- form of the volcanic centers is exceptionally clear. The arc begins
existing structures and compositional heterogeneity. with a single sharp line of volcanoes. This is the volcanic front, as
When the thermal buoyancy generated by the density/viscosity named by Sugimura (1968), and by far the principal locus of vol-
contrast is large enough to overcome the viscosity obstacle, the canism. The vertical depth from the volcanic front to the Benioff-
lower fluid will move up and underplate. The top fluid will move Wadati Zone is between 100 and 200 km (Gill, 1981), with aver-
downwards to complete the convective exchange. At advanced ages of about 110 km (Tatsumi et al., 1986). The front comprises
stages of a tectono-magmatic cycle, when the thermal structure of a series of unusually regularly spaced volcanic centers separated
the lower crust is perturbed sufficiently to cause pervasive partial by 50–65 km. The relatively young Scotia Arc shows this basic de-
melting near the continental Moho, that mantle-derived magma velopmental form rather clearly. After about 3 Myr, secondary vol-
mostly underplates the Moho. From the point of view of the under- canic centers may appear behind the front, forming a weak sec-
plate, the magma underplating is active as it results from its own ondary front. These are always smaller and spaced closer to the
buoyancy. However, if we consider the buoyancy is triggered by the front than the principal spacing between centers along the front.
density/viscosity contrast, the magma underplating is passive as it Leskov Island in the Scotia Arc and Amak and Bogoslof islands in
is driven by Rayleigh-Taylor instability resulting from perturbation the Aleutians are prime examples of these secondary centers. Ev-
of the Moho thermal structure. ery arc seems to have them although other forms of volcanism,

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

especially on continents, sometimes complicate identification. On mas must form from partial melting of the mantle wedge above
a similar timescale, young centers also appear within the main the subducted slab (Marsh, 2007; Wilson, 1989; Wyllie, 1984). This
front at points approximately midway between the older initial is consistent with the simulation results of most thermal models-
and well-developed centers. These centers never reach the strength the mantle wedge above the slab is sufficiently hot.
of the main centers (Marsh, 2007). Water plays an important role in the formation of island arc
The types of volcanic rocks that occur in island arcs generally magmatism (Murphy, 20 06, 20 07; Peacock et al., 1994). The ad-
form two volcanic series (Gill, 1981; Baker, 1982). 1) The low- dition of water can reduce the solidus temperature of the mantle
potassium tholeiitic series dominated by basaltic lavas associated wedge peridotite. When the oceanic crust subducts to a depth of
with lesser volumes of iron-rich basaltic andesites and andesites. 50 km or less, chlorite, phengite and other silicates begin to de-
Tholeiitic magmas are dominant in the early stages of oceanic compose, and the altered oceanic crust dehydrates (Winter, 2001).
island-arc genesis and are closer to the trench. 2) The calc-alkaline With increasing pressure and temperature, prograde metamor-
series which is mainly composed of andesites (Thorpe, 1982) mod- phic reactions take place and basaltic components of oceanic
erately enriched in potassium, other incompatible elements, and crust are converted through greenschist and amphibolite facies
light rare-earth elements. The calc-alkalic magmas are most com- minerologies to eclogite, and they dehydrate (Anderson et al.,
mon in mature oceanic arcs and generally occur farther from the 1980; Wyllie, 1984). When the subduction plate enters the as-
trench than arc tholeiites. There is also a tendency in both suites thenosphere and reaches a depth of 80–125 km, the dehydration
toward more silicic compositions with increasing arc maturity and peaks (Frisch et al., 2011) and releases a large amount of water
crustal thickness. Many calc-alkalic suites range from basaltic to as a separate fluid phase. Most H2 O rises into the overlying man-
rhyolitic and are typified by an abundance of intermediate (an- tle wedge, lowers the mantle solidus, and magmas develop and
desitic) rocks. volcanism suddenly begins at the volcanic front (about 100 km,
All these characteristics show that the magma emplacement Wilson, 1989). With the increase of subduction depth, the magma
and spatial distribution of volcanism in island arcs are con- source becomes deeper. With the increase of distance from the
trolled by the shape or subduction angle of the subducting slab magma front to the back arc, the water released from the subduc-
(Kearey et al., 2009). This means that all island arc-related magma tion zone reduces and the magmatic activity decreases. When the
emplacement is also passive in regional or deep tectonic settings. depth of the subduction zone reaches 200–250 km, most magma-
tism disappears (Frisch et al., 2011).
2.5.2. Passive petrogenetic process of island-arc magma For pluton-scale or chamber-scale magmatism in continen-
Theoretically, oceanic island arcs should represent the prod- tal margin arcs, trans-lithospheric and tectonically-controlled
ucts of the most complicated type of subduction-related magma- magma plumbing systems likely feature a compositionally graded,
tism, specifically one in which contamination of ascending magmas sub-vertical succession of intermittently connected and variably
by continental crustal materials is eliminated (Wilson, 1989). In a crystal-rich storage chambers (Loucks, 2021). Deep entrapment
normal subduction system, the subduction continuously transports of buoyant magmas by orogenic tectonic stress produces conti-
cold oceanic lithospheric materials deep into the upper mantle, nental crust, adakites, and porphyry copper deposits. The stress-
thus cooling the upper mantle (Murphy, 20 06; Winter, 20 01) and compensated effective buoyancy of the magmas tends to a critical
lowering the temperature in the subduction zone and its vicinity state of unsteady and transitory balance along the chamber at all
compared with the surrounding mantle at the same depth. There- depths because, at every stalling depth, magma density changes
fore, near the subduction zone, the geothermal gradient (tempera- as it cools and crystallizes. Also, the externally imposed tectonic
ture increases with depth) and the heat flow to the surface are low stress waxes and wanes on time scales that are comparable to the
(Murphy, 2006), making subduction zone magmatism seem to be trans-lithospheric transit time of magma batches in compressive
a paradox (Frisch et al., 2011; Kearey et al., 2009; Marsh, 2007; arc segments. The volcanic-to-plutonic mass ratio in arc segments
Winter, 2001). Without considering the thermal regime in sub- is a sensitive function of the tectonic stress regime (Loucks, 2021).
duction zones, no adequate petrogenetic model can be developed Coevally fluid exsolution begins at lower- or mid-crustal depths
(Winter, 2001). during ascent. Such melts escape to shallow depths as orogenic
Over the past two decades, numerous thermal structure models stress begins to wane from peak values at Moho-vicinity depths.
of subduction zones have been published (Anderson et al., 1980; The escape or exsolution of melts or fluids raises the solidus tem-
Furlong et al., 1982; Davies and Stevenson, 1992; Winter, 2001). perature relative to its actual temperature, and induces crystalliza-
Any thermal structure model must include the effects of frictional tion that reduces the mobility of the crystal mush. Ore-forming
heating along the upper surface of the slab, convection within the intrusions have sub-vertical magmatic foliation, lineations and in-
asthenosphere mantle wedge and dehydration in the subducting trusive contacts. The space of fluid exsolution is often passively
oceanic crust (Marsh, 2007; Wilson, 1989). controlled by deformation or decompression in magma chambers
During subduction, the cold oceanic crust is progressively so magmatic foliation and lineation is only a secondary expres-
heated by conduction from the surrounding mantle, and also pos- sion of chamber-scale magma flow under the stress inside the
sibly by frictional heating at the surface of the slab (Marsh, 2007). chamber.
Meanwhile, the frictional resistance associated with the sub- In summary, the formation of all island-arc magmas and their
ducted plate pulls the adjacent mantle wedge down with it distribution of spatial emplacement are dominated by subduction
(McCulloch and Gamble, 1991). This material must be replaced, rate and the geometry and dynamics of the subducting slab, in-
and induced flow in the mantle wedge forms an almost closed cluding features such as slab windows, double saloon-door tec-
ring. That is, wedge flow of asthenospheric mantle occurs tonics, tearing, delamination, oceanic plateau subduction, frictional
(Winter, 2001). Due to low thermal conductivity, the rate at heating, dehydration, degassing and toroidal or poloidal mantle
which the subducting oceanic plate heats up is slow compared wedge convection. This implies that all the island-arc magma em-
with the sinking speed (Winter, 2001). The subducting plate must placement is passive. It cannot drive plate subduction on regional
reach nearly 200 km for the basaltic ocean crust melt. This is at or plate scales. This means that plate tectonics is not magma-
odds with the fact that the magma source area is about 110 km driven, and magmatism is not an engine of plate motion even at
below the volcanic front of Benioff-Wadati Zones (Gill, 1981; mid-oceanic ridges. The interaction of the subduction zone and the
Marsh, 2007; Wilson, 1989). From this it may be deduced that the asthenosphere with the mantle generates the melts that rise to
subducting plate is too cold to melt and that the island arc mag- feed the volcanism typical of island arcs.

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2.6. Passive orogeny-related plutonic emplacement ious compositions in the continental margin orogen, is passive on
the orogen scale.
An orogenic belt is the product of plate convergence (Guo et al.,
2022). It is a narrow and intense compressional belt caused by 2.6.2. Intercontinental orogen
lithospheric tectonic evolution and reconstitution of material and The continental collisional process can be summed up in three
structure (Groves et al., 2022). The convergence of lithospheric steps: (1) after the oceanic crust disappears, one continental litho-
plates can be subdivided into three stages. The first stage in- spheric plate is subducted beneath the other by gravitational drag
volves subduction of oceanic plate, forming the continental mar- of the subducted oceanic crust. This results in intense crustal
gin orogen (accretionary orogen, B-type/oceanic subduction). In the thickening, ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (Palin, 2022), and
second stage, subduction of the oceanic plate is completed and granitic rocks and veins which are generally small in scale and
collision between two continental blocks forms the intercontinen- originated from the melting of felsic crust and sedimentary rocks.
tal orogen (collisional orogen, A-type/continental subduction). In (2) When subduction reaches a certain depth (10 0–30 0 km) and
the third stage, continuous plate convergence results in compres- the oceanic crust breaks off from the continental lithosphere, ex-
sional deformation extending to the continental blocks on both humation and decompression melting of the subducted oceanic
sides, forming the intracontinental orogen (without A-type sub- and continental crust generates magmatic rocks that are pecu-
duction; Condie, 2007; Cawood et al., 2009; Xiao et al., 2010; liar to intercontinental orogens (Li et al., 2022). At the same
Zheng et al., 2013a; Zhang et al., 2016b). In either case, mountain time, breakoff of the oceanic crust leads to upwelling of mantle
roots appear under the orogenic belts due to the superposition of source materials that heat and melt crustal materials (Wang and
converging plate edges and lithosphere thickening. Magmatism in Zhang, 2022; Meshram et al., 2022). (3) In the post-orogenic pe-
orogenic belts occurs at every stage of oceanic subduction, conti- riod, when the continental crust stops subducting, the orogen un-
nental collision and collapse of orogenic belts (Zheng et al., 2015). dergoes denudation, unrooting, collapse and asthenosphere up-
welling. The interaction between mantle and continental crust gen-
2.6.1. Continental margin orogen erates a post-collisional magmatic system in which the melts inter-
The continental margin orogen does not show evidence for mingle (Song et al., 2015).
strong continental collision and deep subduction. It generally lacks Therefore, two necessary requirements for deep continental
widespread crustal thickening and uplift, as well as ultrahigh pres- subduction are: (1) there must be prior oceanic subduction, and
sure eclogite facies metamorphic rocks related to deep continental (2) the subducted continent is closely linked to the oceanic litho-
subduction. The existence of syn- and post-collisional magmatism sphere (passive continental margins) (Liou et al., 2004; Song et al.,
is doubtful, although thick continental arc crust can develop dur- 2006, 2014, 2015). Continental subduction/collision is crucial for
ing the oceanic subduction phase. The mechanisms of accretion are the interaction and exchange of materials between the continental
characterized by oceanic subduction (B-type), arc magmatism and crust and upper mantle. Continental deep subduction and crustal
continental collision (Song et al., 2015). thickening are the main mechanisms for formation of collisional
In the process of oceanic subduction, the lower sediments of orogenic magmatism. Magmatism can occur throughout the colli-
the accretionary wedge are brought under the continental litho- sional orogeny, while its timing depends on the lithosphere heating
spheric mantle wedge. Dehydration and melting will form vari- mechanism.
ous felsic melts when they reach certain temperature and pres- Syn-collisional thrust thickening of continental crust results in
sure conditions (Zheng et al., 2011). If the accretionary wedge de- heating-induced melting. Post-collisional exhumation of subducted
posits are mainly derived from chemical weathering of ancient oceanic or continental crust results in decompression melting.
crust on the continental margin, the resulting felsic melts gener- Magmatism occurs simultaneously with ultrahigh pressure meta-
ally have granitic composition and relatively enriched radiogenic morphism over the subsequent 20–30 Myr. It mainly involves
isotope composition (Zheng et al., 2007). On the other hand, if the partial melting of crustal materials (including subducted oceanic
accretionary wedge sediments are mainly derived from chemical and continental crust), forming tonalite and peraluminous gran-
weathering of island arc basalt, the resulting felsic melts generally ite, basically without the addition of mantle materials. In addi-
have granodioritic composition and relatively depleted radiogenic tion, metasomatism between the crustal melt formed during ex-
isotope composition (Wu et al., 2006; Zheng et al., 2008). If the humation of deep subducted continental crust and the overlying
accretionary wedge deposits are mainly derived from the chemi- lithospheric mantle in subduction tunnels generates mafic mag-
cal weathering of continental arc volcanic rocks, the resulting fel- matic rocks (Zhao et al., 2012). However, in some collisional oro-
sic melts generally have granitic compositions and moderate radio- genic belts, the deep subducted continental crust has too low a de-
genic isotopic compositions (Zheng et al., 2015). gree of partial melt to form sizable magma intrusions. There, only
Regardless of the various compositions, a portion of these melts migmatites and heterogeneous solid inclusions in ultrahigh pres-
will react chemically with upper mantle peridotite to form mafic- sure metamorphic rocks are found (Song et al., 2015). All the leu-
ultramafic mantle metasomatite (including pyroxenite or amphi- cosomes in migmatite are passively emplaced along weak fabrics,
bolite). Continental arc andesite and basalt can derive from the gneissocity, schistosity or fractures, as has been observed in geo-
partial melting of the metasomatite (Dai et al., 2012; Zhao et al., logical mapping.
2011, 2013; Chen et al., 2014). The other parts of these various The melting of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks can occur
melts are emplaced along the metamorphic subduction zone and simultaneously with continental deep subduction, while prominent
accretionary wedge to form common S-type granite (Zheng et al., partial melting occurs during the exhumation stage of ultrahigh
2015). Since the source rocks of these granitic melts are accre- pressure metamorphic rocks (Chen et al., 2012, 2013; Yu et al.,
tionary wedge rocks, S-type granites have similar geochemical 2012; Zhao et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2014). It is this type of melt-
compositions to surrounding sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, dur- ing that promotes exhumation of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic
ing the post-collisional lithospheric extension stage, orogenic col- rocks (Zheng et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2013). Deep continental sub-
lapse results in dehydration and melting of metamorphic sedimen- duction can lead to exhumation of early subducted oceanic crust.
tary rocks under the accretionary wedge, which also contributes Decompression-heating and dehydration of hydrates (lawsonite-
to formation of post-collisional S-type granite (Gao et al., 2014; zoisite) are the main mechanisms of partial melting. Further ex-
Zhao et al., 2015). Thus, all the magmatism is dominated by tec- humation can lead to melting of the subducted continental crust.
tonic processes, so the magma emplacement, regardless of the var- The ultrahigh pressure metamorphic process during deep subduc-

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

tion of continental crust is accompanied by partial melting and (McKenzie, 1978; Bird, 1979; Houseman et al., 1981; Marotta et al.,
magmatism (Song et al., 2015). The generation of these melts 1998). Unrooting triggers the transformation of the local tectonic
is generally attributed to decompression of eclogite and mineral environment from compression to extension. It manifests in exten-
dehydration melting. Residual early subducted oceanic crust is sional tectonics, heat flow increase and regional uplift and collapse
most likely the main source rock of sodium tonalite-trondhjemite of orogens.
(Song et al., 2015). The related magmas are constrained in the sub- According to Marotta et al. (1998), unrooting mainly comprises
duction channel or exhumed along with high pressure metamor- two types: (1) convective erosion of the thermal boundary layer,
phic rocks in the orogen. i.e. the lithospheric mantle is partially stripped off through erosion
Asthenospheric mantle rapidly upwells at the slab window af- by the asthenospheric mantle (Bird, 1979); (2) delamination, i.e.
ter slab breakoff, resulting in partial melting of the metasomatic the stripping of lithospheric mantle (generally including the lower
upper lithospheric mantle through the action of subduction fluid crust) (McKenzie, 1978; Houseman et al., 1981, 1997). The impor-
(Zhu et al., 2015). A series of high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonite tant difference between them includes the existence of lithospheric
magmas forms according to the melting degree. With the intensi- mantle melt during post-orogenic extension. The part-stripping of
fication of asthenosphere upwelling the upward migration of man- lithospheric mantle usually results in partial melting of its up-
tle melt can also cause partial melting of rocks in the lower crust per part, forming potassium-rich magma with the characteristics
of the overlying continent and even the upper crust (Zhu et al., of metasomatic mantle. However, delamination of the lithospheric
2015). Some form bimodal magma assemblages with mantle de- mantle usually leads to asthenospheric upwelling and decompres-
rived melts. Magmatism is usually accompanied by high temper- sion melting forming mafic magma with the geochemical charac-
ature metamorphism and later surface uplift. Magmatic rocks lin- teristics of depleted mantle. This can interact with the middle- and
early distributed along large-scale strike-slip faults of the orogen upper crust to cause partial melting (Wang et al., 2014). Mantle-
reflect the spatial distribution of deep melt sources or the distri- derived magma provides a heat source for the melting of lower
bution of pathways for them to rise. Numerical simulation shows crust. The mantle components increase and the crustal materials
that the time interval between slab breakoff and continental col- decrease with(?) metasomatism of the asthenosphere over time.
lision is controlled by the initial thermal structure and rheological This reflects lithospheric extension and asthenosphere upwelling
characteristics of the subducted plate and thermal erosion of the late in the orogenic cycle.
mantle (Gerya et al., 2004). Breakoff generally occurs 5–30 Myr af- Magmatism in collisional orogenic belts can thus occur in the
ter collision and associated magmatic activity lasts for 10–20 Myr. stages of continental deep subduction, exhumation and uplift after
Recent simulation studies have shown that the depth of slab breakoff, unrooting and collapse and unroofing of the orogen. The
breakoff is generally greater than 200 km in large and deep dehydration of crustal materials, decompression of thickened litho-
subduction-collisional orogens (van Hunen et al., 2011; Li, 2022). sphere, and heat input of the mantle are the fundamental causes
This is consistent with the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic depth of magmatism in different periods and on different scales. All these
of continental crust. There is no partial melting of the astheno- processes produce passive magmatism that are controlled by tec-
spheric mantle without decompression at this depth (Davies and tonic evolution in structural levels or belts.
von Blanckenburg, 1995). Shallow (< 70 km) slab breakoff could be
triggered by subduction of a mid-ocean ridge or juvenile oceanic
crust, resulting in decompression melting of the underlying up- 2.6.3. Intracontinental orogen
welling asthenospheric mantle to form magma with the geochem- Intracontinental orogens are characterized by multiple cycles of
ical characteristics of depleted mantle (van de Zedde et al., 2001). syn-orogenic magma intrusion and volcanism. The magma source
This is contemporaneous with, or only briefly separated from, the has the characteristics of transition from a mantle source to a
alkaline magma derived from subducted fluid metasomatic man- crustal source over time (Song, 1999; Shao et al., 2005). There is
tle and followed by a large amount of continuous crustal melt- no spatial zonation of magmatic and volcanic rocks in composi-
ing and granitic magma. Slab breakoff is not a requirement for tion and there is no migration trend of subduction-related mag-
the exhumation of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks. Decou- matic intrusion and volcanic activity in the marginal orogenic belt.
pling between the low-density continental mid-upper crust and In addition, syn-orogenic magmatism is weak in some intraconti-
the lower crust-lithospheric mantle can also lead to exhumation nental orogens, indicating the influence of temperature is very low
of ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks (Chemenda et al., 1995, (Shao et al., 2005).
20 0 0; Zheng et al., 2013b). The origin of intracontinental orogenic belts has been contro-
The post-collision stage generally refers to the late stage of the versial. Evolution of the Earth is unbalanced. From its formation
continental orogenic cycle. Magmatism occurred in the relaxation to the present, the Earth has been far from an equilibrium state,
phase, accompanied by early large-scale horizontal movement of and the transport of materials in the Earth is not complete. Verti-
plate boundaries and subsequent unrooting, collapse or unroof- cal adjustments of material continue to occur even though there is
ing, lithospheric extension, asthenospheric mantle upwelling and gravitational stratification. The interface between layers is rugged.
crust-mantle interaction. It marks the termination of the orogenic The same is true of the thermal interface. Not only are there
cycle (Song et al., 2015). The magmatism can generally last 10– large-scale mantle plumes but also many small mantle diapirs that
40 Myr. The rock types include: (1) potassium and high-K calc- manifest as local thermal anomalies in the crust. After thick conti-
alkaline magma derived from the metasomatic lithospheric man- nental crust is consolidated it prevents internal heat from spread-
tle; (2) peraluminous granite derived from partial melting of conti- ing outwards. When the heat accumulates to a certain degree, the
nental upper crust; and (3) I-type granite, granodiorite and diorite consolidated upper crust is weakened, softened or broken by heat-
formed by crust-mantle interaction and partial melting of conti- ing, resulting in crustal activation and deformation. This is a pre-
nental lower crust, accompanied by mantle-derived mafic dikes. All requisite for an intracontinental orogen (Song, 1999).
the post-collisional magmas are emplaced along, and controlled by, Small-scale mantle heat flow can only cause local thermal
weak structural belts or levels. anomalies and crustal weakening in rheology, leading to local ex-
The unrooting of orogenic belts generally refers to the separa- tension and subsidence. As the heat dissipates, the cooling crust
tion of the lower part of orogenic belts from the upper lithosphere. contracts. Crustal composition is heterogeneous. Vertical hetero-
It requires lithosphere thickening, mineral phase and rheologi- geneity is manifested in stratification of crust. There are obvious
cal transformations, gravity, and asthenospheric mantle convection differences in the mechanical properties of each layer due to their

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

different compositions, temperatures and pressures, which deter- Similar to breakup and supercontinental fragmentation, some
mine the stratified sliding and structural differences of the crust. LIPs within large continents also show some passive plume tec-
Horizontal heterogeneity of the crust is not only manifest in its tonics. For example, tomographic inversions reveal unprecedented
composition, but also its thermal state (Song, 1999; Shao et al., detail of upper-mantle structures of the western USA and tightly
2005). Crustal mechanical properties are determined by geother- constrain geodynamic models simulating Farallon subduction influ-
mal gradient. Strain focuses in a weak area in a unified stress field, encing the Yellowstone plume. The best-fitting geodynamic model
determining the localization of an intracontinental orogenic belt (Liu and Stegman, 2012) depicts an episode of slab tearing about 17
and the location of intracontinental magmatism. million years ago under eastern Oregon, where an associated sub-
At present, there are various opinions about the dynamic mech- slab asthenospheric upwelling thermally erodes the Farallon slab,
anism of intracontinental orogens, among which deep thermal ac- leading to formation of a slab gap at shallow depth. Driven by a
tivity is popular. In addition, collision-related stress is also consid- gradient of dynamic pressure, the tear ruptured quickly north and
ered an important dynamic mechanism. Therefore, a combination south and within about two million years covered a distance of
of deep thermal activity and collisional stress should be considered around 900 km along all of eastern Oregon and northern Nevada.
in work to understand the intracontinental orogenic mechanism. Therefore, the Yellowstone plume originated passively from the
Delamination of a dense lithospheric layer due to far-field col- tearing of the Farallon Slab at depth. So the tearing of the sub-
lision or subduction is caused by its gravity instability and is ducting slab at depth is also considered as a new breakup regime
accompanied by asthenospheric upwelling. Continued subsidence of continental slivers or micro-blocks of supercontinental margins.
of high-density lithospheric layers will cause folding of weak-
ened crust. The thermal action of asthenospheric upwelling will 3. Discussion
induce high grade metamorphism, metasomatism, migmatization
and granitic plutonism (Shao et al., 2005). Balanced uplift of the Magmatism is the main agent of mass and heat transfer from
thickened zone will eventually complete the orogeny. Therefore, mantle to crust, hydrosphere (oceanic and continental hydrother-
the magmatism or magmatic zoning is a passive result of plate mo- mics) and atmosphere (emissions of volcanic gas and ashes) on
tion along collisional or subduction zones during intracontinental Earth (Menand et al., 2010). Magmatism is widespread within the
orogenic evolution. inner Solar system and can be observed on the rocky planets
(Pozzobon et al., 2021). The thermal and chemical evolution of the
2.6.4. Passive plume-related supercontinental fragmentation rocky planets is dominated by their surface tectonics and mag-
The present plate reconstruction for the Tethyan Tectonic Do- matic processes (Lourenço et al., 2020). Lourenço et al. (2020) pro-
main shows that most supercontinents broke up first along the su- posed by simulations using a viscoplastic rheology that the Earth-
percontinental margins (Li et al., 2018b). Furthermore, deformation like planets underwent three common tectonic/convective regimes
triggered the whole process of magma generation in the supercon- at low-to-intermediate intrusion efficiencies, i.e. stagnant-lid (a
tinental margins (Vigneresse, 1999). Depending on the stress rate, one-plate planet with a thick crust, large yield stress values and
a certain amount of magma is upwelled continuously or not and intermediate to high eruption efficiencies), episodic-lid (where the
thus is separated from its source region. Consequently, the control lithosphere, with intermediate yield stress values and intermedi-
deformation has on dynamic upwelling and emplacement is partly ate to high eruption efficiencies, is usually stagnant and sometimes
reflected in the magmatic evolution (Vigneresse, 1999). overturns into the mantle), mobile-lid (similar to plate tectonics at
In addition, the lid effect of continents traps heat to trigger low yield stress), and a plutonic squishy lid at high intrusion effi-
large-scale crustal extension and breakup of supercontinents that ciencies (≥70%). Venus is in an “episodic lid” regime characterized
cause massive mantle plumes. However, the traditional idea is that by bursts of surface mobility due to episodic overturns of an un-
the lid effect of a supercontinent can directly trigger massive man- stable stagnant lid (Armann and Tackley, 2012) or internal mantle
tle plumes that cause large-scale crustal extension and breakup of instabilities (Bédard, 2018) but is possibly currently in a plutonic-
supercontinents. In the latter case, it is difficult to understand how squishy lid regime (Lourenço et al., 2020).
the shallow thermal effect of a lid-like supercontinent triggers a Perhaps in the early Earth, lithosphere differentiation domi-
superplume originating at the core-mantle boundary if there is no nantly controled early Archean or Hadean vertical tectonics as pro-
top down mechanism. posed by Capitanio et al. (2019) and Fischer and Gerya (2016).
The reconstructed early Mesozoic Gondwanide fold belt of Thus it is possible that eclogtization, dripping or delamination
South America, southern Africa, and Antarctica, could have resulted during lithosphere differentiation resulted in mantle thermal het-
from a ‘plume-modified orogeny’-a flattening of a downgoing litho- erogeneity that triggered small, ephemeral plates with a thin
spheric slab due to the buoyancy of a plume rising beneath a con- lithosphere (Ernst, 2017). Lithospheric drips resembled initial sub-
tinental margin subduction zone (Dalziel et al., 20 0 0). We believe duction zones (Lourenço et al., 2020). This may be more likely
that such a plume could only play a modification role although than magma intrusion resulting in small, ephemeral plates dur-
the ∼180 Ma Karroo and Ferrar LIPS associated with the ∼165 Ma ing a plutonic-squishy lid stage or localized intrusions connect-
opening of the ocean basin between East and West Gondwanaland ing to each other to develop more diffuse plate boundaries
resulted from impingement of such a plume (Dalziel et al., 20 0 0), (Lourenço et al., 2020). Then under a mobile-lid stage, modern
because the deep origin of mantle plume could be unrelated to plate tectonics and mantle convection control plume dynamics as
the shallow effect of thermal insulation beneath the Gondwana- proposed by Arnould et al. (2020). Thus magmatism on Earth-like
land sublithosphere. Therefore, we deduce that the initial breakup planets can be divided into three stages in response to the three
in triple junctions of the Supercontinent Pangea caused the re- tectonic stages of pre-plate, micro-plate and large-scale plate tec-
gional extension due to the shallow effect of thermal insulation tonics. This is related to various Earth thermal regimes over time
beneath the Gondwanaland sublithosphere. This kind of supercon- (Bogatikov, 20 0 0), with concomitant changes in the type of geody-
tinental fragmentation is only passive plume-related. The Late Pa- namics involved-from plume tectonics in the early Precambrian to
leozoic ‘Ancestral Rockies’ deformation in the southwestern United plate tectonics after the Neoarchean.
States could be driven by the same regional extension that initi- General magmatic compositions also evolved over time
ated the break-up of Pangea approximately 15 Myr earlier in the (Ernst, 2017), so the general trend of magmatism including mete-
Central Atlantic, and the related plume is passively accommodated orite impact-related magmatism would be passive under the differ-
along the weak tectonic zones. ent tectonic regimes through Earth history. Mantle plumes under

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

modern plate tectonics are passive based on plate reconstructions least 3.5 Ga ago to form cratonic nuclei and its thickness was
(Magdrial et al., 2016). What about mantle plumes under pre-plate about 200 km. Modern large-scale plate-like geodynamics did not
tectonics? In the Hadean Earth or Eoarchean, accretion and differ- operate at this time (Pearson et al., 1995). There is no geologi-
entiation was driven by iron-enriched drops or eclogitic dripping cal evidence for large-scale plate tectonics in the Archaean. How-
toward the deep mantle (Fisher and Gerya, 2016; Lourenço et al., ever, geological and petrological data shown that plume tectonics
2020). These vertical tectonics during differentiation of the Hadean with some microplates possibly dominated during this time, and
Earth produced vertical mantle convection rather than modern episodic subduction induced by frequent slab break-off initiated
poloidal or poloidal mantle convection. (van Hunen and van der Berg, 2008). Low-grade granite-greenstone
The magma ocean surface cooled readily after 4450 Ma belts formed above flattened plume heads and high-grade gran-
(Maruyama et al., 2018), leading to thermal heterogeneity and ulitic micro-blocks formed in some places above descending flows
mantle overturn. Even the theory of stagnant lid tectonics holds of mantle material. Specific nappe-folded belts appeared between
that the post-4450 Ma Earth had one global plate mainly between low-and high-grade tectonic units (Bogatikov, 20 0 0) to develop
2800 Ma and 600 Ma (Piper, 2018; Stern et al., 2018). The breakup dome-and-keel tectonics. Andesites, dacites and rhyolites in the
of this single global plate or stagnant lid to form global ridge- upper parts of the lava sequences of some greenstone belts are
only tectonics was recently proposed to have been engineered by mainly high magnesian and similar to early Palaeoproterozoic
cooling of the early Earth possibly by icy satellites (Tackley, 20 0 0; boninite-like series. Their origin was unlikely to be related to ac-
Tang et al., 2018). This implies that magmatism between 4450 Ma tive plate margins as in the Phanerozoic (Furnes and Dilek, 2022;
and 40 0 0 Ma or 380 0 Ma was also controlled by Earth surface Yang et al., 2022).
cooling. Thus, the magmatism at this time was not active emplace- Evidently, the granite-greenstone belts developed around the
ment but a passive process relative to cooling. confined granulite-gneiss belts. The excess crustal material from
On early the Earth at the pre-tectonic stage there are at present neighboring granite-greenstone areas must have flowed and ac-
few data available on microplate processes between 4.4 and 4.0 cumulated above the zones of descending convection currents
Ga (Ernst, 2017). However, numerical modeling shows that eclog- under the granulite-gneiss areas. Where mantle-derived magma-
itization in the early Earth significantly relaxes the limitation for tism was widespread simultaneously with extension, only crustal
developed, ongoing subduction processes. Furthermore, the lower enderbite-charnockite magmatism and syn-kinematic metamor-
viscosity leads to more frequent slab breakoff, and sometimes phism occurred. There were no mantle diapirs or asthenospheric
to crustal separation from the mantle lithosphere. Early mantle lenses beneath these tectonic units, and the source of the heat had
micro-blocks were not very buoyant, but too weak to enable ex- another origin, not linked with mantle heat. Within high-grade tec-
humation of ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks (van Hunen tonic units, crustal material underwent sealing and heating dur-
and van den Berg, 2008). ing flow, which led to the partial melting of descending material
Tectonic plates on Earth are generally considered rigid to a and wasting away of newly formed acid melts. As a result, restites
first order. It was considered that the motion of Earth’s tectonic became basic in composition but with specific features; high-iron
plates is magma-driven, for example, in mid-oceanic ridges accord- minerals, not typical of basic igneous rocks but typical of ender-
ing to the theory of Plate Tectonics. If so, then the intensive mag- bites and charnockites, are widespread here (Sharkov et al., 2004).
matism in early Earth should have produced plate tectonics, and They are represented by high-density garnet granulites and eclog-
the early Earth or Hadean magmatism should have controlled top ites, which could descend into the ultramafic mantle to the neces-
down plate processes. The more violent the magmatism, the more sary depths as mantle micro-blocks (Li et al., 2018b).
intense the plate tectonic process should be. However, it is not In early Earth or microplate stages without large-scale plate tec-
thought that Hadean magmatism actively drove plate tectonics be- tonics, mantle convection can also occur due to primordial heat
cause the early Earth at the magma ocean stage had no plates. In left over from the accretion and differentiation, and internal ra-
fact, magmatism in the early Earth was possibly passively driven dioactive decay (in some bodies tidal heating) under pre-plate
by gravitation or differentiation (Thébaud and Rey, 2013). Magma tectonic regimes. That means that top-down-dominated mantle
in the shallow Earth may have undergone small-scale thermal con- convection is passive. However, this mantle convection revealed
vection driven by gravity (Ernst, 2017). by sagduction-related vertical fabrics (Thébaud and Rey, 2013) is
Subsequently, the Archean TTG magma that is widespread in different from modern plate-related asymmetric mantle convec-
the Neoarchean was passively emplaced by Taylor-Rayleigh insta- tion. During the Paleoarchean to the Mesoarchean, cooling affects
bilities or controlled by gravity or eclogtization (Bogatikov, 20 0 0; zones of downwelling as greenstone belts are advected downward,
Thébaud and Rey, 2013). Many field observations confirm that em- whereas adjacent domes generally composed of granulites warm
placement of the granitoids was controlled by shear zones reacti- as deep and hot material is advected upward. Archean greenstones
vated during oblique collision between micro-blocks and that plu- sink into a less dense, hot and weak felsic crust. Then, long-lived
tons were constructed by multiple injections of magmas, generat- lateral heat exchange between domes and basins dominates as
ing extensive hybridization (da Silva et al., 2020). Therefore, it is domes cool while downwelling zones increasingly warm. There-
clear in long-term Earth history that magmatism in the Hadean fore, sagduction was able to drive crustal-scale deformation and
and Archean Earth was passive. Oval gneissic domes in many magma emplacement in the interior of continents, away from plate
Archean terranes and cratons were commonly recognized by previ- margins (Thébaud and Rey, 2013).
ous studies to be related to active magma diapirism resulting from Vertical dripping or non-plate-involved mantle convection also
density overturns. However, growing evidence shows that gneis- happens in bodies without significant lithospheric movement such
sic domes are composed of high-grade metamorphosed granitic as in early Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury where mantle plumes
gneisses (Thébaud and Rey, 2013). The domal shape is a result of dominated or weak mantle convection operated (Redmond and
crustal rheology or creeping and cannot be used as evidence for King, 2007; Lourenço et al., 2020). When large-scale plate tecton-
active magma emplacement. The so-called active magmatism was ics operated on Earth, plate tectonics can be the surface expression
generally dominated by gravity-driven density overturns. of modern or poloidal mantle convection on Earth. It results from
During the micro-plate stage of Earth’s evolution, the forma- mantle convection, but this mantle convection is poloidal. There-
tion of early Precambrian granite-greenstone areas appears to have fore, vertical mantle convection in early Earth and modern Venus is
begun at least 3.96 Ga ago, but mainly at 3.8–3.4 Ga. Accord- not modern, plate-drive mantle convection that results from litho-
ing to isotopic data, the Archaean lithosphere stabilized before at spheric movements. Furthermore, the idea that mantle convection

S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhou et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100008

is continuous with surface motions seems to occur only in modern 4) Most magmatism in other Earth-like planets under pre- or no-
Earth. That is the first order picture, but there is diverse hetero- subduction environments is probably passive like that of the
geneity in the mantle, phase changes, and strong feedbacks and early Earth.
interactions. Finally, although not all the modern convective cells
actively control where magma rises and sinks, most mantle con- Author statement
vection cells actively control the movement and zoning of rock,
perhaps due to the conditions in a specific region where magma Sanzhong Li: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing- Original
is generated. This means that mostmagma emplacement is pas- draft preparation
sive whether there is vertical or poloidal mantle convection and Xiyao Li: Writing- Reviewing and Editing
whether there is plate tectonics or non-plate tectonics. Jie Zhou: Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing
Mège and Masson (1996) adopted a plume tectonic model to Huahua Cao: Visualization, Investigation,
interpret the emplacement of the Tharsis province, Mars, but they Lijun Liu: Writing- Reviewing and Editing
showed that the magma emplaced along rifted grabens. Some Yiming Liu: Resources, Data Curation
scholars proposed the volcano chains including Tharsis were con- Guozheng Sun: Reviewing and Editing
trolled by initial plate subduction on Mars following the Plate Tec- Yanhui Suo: Resources, Data Curation
tonic theory. However, Pozzobon et al. (2021) reported that active Yang Li: Resources
rifting along the fissures or faults on Mars was followed by a phase Shengyao Yu: Editing
of volcano growth and concentric magma intrusions when volcano Zhaoxia Jiang: Reviewing and Editing
and magma chamber dynamics prevailed. This indicates that active
rifting controlling passive magma intrusions is common on Mars. Declaration of Competing Interest
Even for Earth’s Moon, without tectonic activity, near-surface
regions are found to cool and then experience a resurgence of high The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
temperature in early Moon, as radionuclide-rich magmas from the cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
lunar interior accumulated near the surface (Wood, 1972). New influence the work reported in this paper.
observations shows that residual diapiric buoyancy, and contin-
ued production and arrival of diapiric material, enhances melt vol-
ume and overpressurizes the source regions, producing sufficient
stress to cause brittle deformation of the elastic part of the overly-
This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foun-
ing lithosphere; a magma-filled crack initiates and propagates to-
dation of China (grants Nos. 42121005, 91958214 and U1606401),
ward the surface as a convex upward, blade-shaped dike (Head and
the National Key Research and Development Program of China
Wilson, 2017). However, meteorite impacts also induce regional
(2017YFC0601401 and 2016YFC0601002), the National Program
fracturing and local magma cannot trigger regional-scale linear
on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction, SOA (grant No. GASI-
cracking but rather radial cracking. Thus its magmatism is also
GEOGE-01) and Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Sci-
probably controlled passively by fractures and heterogeneity of ra-
ence and Technology (2016ASKJ13, 2017ASKJ02). This study was
dionuclides. In particular, Michaut et al. (2020) reported that some
also supported by the Taishan Scholar Programs (tspd20210305)
horizontal crater-centered magmatic intrusions were controlled by
awarded to Prof. Sanzhong Li. We really appreciate Prof. Foulger
floor-fractured craters on the moon.
to review and polish our manuscripts several rounds. We’d like to
give our thanks to Prof. Carol Stein and two anonymous reviewers
4. Conclusions for their constructive comments and suggestions.

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