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1 - ArcheType: WhiteMagic

2 - ArcheType: Protection

3 - ArcheType: Shadow

Spells Avaliable
Archetype Description
Shadow When dual wielding, the user's attack speed is increased by 10%.
Shadow Increases the slow on abilitys by 25% base.
Shadow Lowers the cooldown of Illusive, Shadow Step and Assassinate by 50%.
Shadow Deals minor damage & Generates 1 Shadow.
Shadow Deals
Deals moderate
damage &damage Cripples&(slows)
Generates 2 Shadow.
the target for 2 seconds. For every Shadow consumed the
Shadow crippling duration is increased by 0.5s.
Shadow Generates 1 Shadow per second for 10 seconds.
Shadow Dash
Snares behind the target,
the target slowing For
for 1 second. them by 30%
each pointfor 2 seconds
of Shadow & Generates
consumed 1 the
snare Shadow.
target for 0.5
Shadow seconds longer.
consumed. Additionally, if used within 2 seconds of Shadowstep, Assassinate will deal 150%
Shadow increased base damage.
Shadow Dodge
Hits theall incoming
target targetable
multiple abilities
times, then for 4 seconds
exploding to nearby& Generates 1 Shadow.
targets as well. Deals 30% more
Shadow damage
Deals for every
damage Shadow targets
& Reduces consumed.healing received by 50% for 5 seconds. For every Shadow
Shadow consumed the reduced healing duration is increased by 2s.
WhiteMagic Increases the healing power of Flash Heal, Holy Light, Mend and Healing Channel by 10%.
WhiteMagic After healing yourself, you receive +5 Defense Power for 5 Seconds. This does not stack.
WhiteMagic Reduces
Heals thethe cooldown
target of Healing
for a small amount, Channel and more
heals 20% Devotion
per by 50%.
stack of Holy (Does not consume the
WhiteMagic Holy on use). Generates 1 Holy.
Deals minor damage to the target, dealing 15% more damage per stack of Holy (Does not
WhiteMagic consume the Holy on use). Generates 1 Holy.
WhiteMagic Heals
Heals the
the target
target for
for aa moderate
minor amount amount.
everyHeals 50%
second formore per HolyAmount
10 seconds. consumed.
healed per second
WhiteMagic increased by 5% per Holy consumed.
Slows the target by 40% for 3 seconds and deals a small damage over time. Increases slow
WhiteMagic and damage over time duration by 1s per Holy consumed.
WhiteMagic Heals
All yourthe target for
attention a moderate
is focused amount.
on the target,Generates 3 Holy.
healing them every 0.5 seconds for 1 second.
WhiteMagic Duration increased by 0.5s per Holy consumed.
Heals everyone in an Area of Effect for 5 seconds. Healing increased by 10% per Holy
WhiteMagic consumed.
WhiteMagic Deals a large
Increases amount
Defense of damage
Power & MagiconAttack
a single target.
Power Increasing
(Magic Damage by &
50% per Holy
Healing consumed.
Power) by 25% for
WhiteMagic 10 Seconds. Gain 1 Holy.
Protection If you are wielding a shield, your Defense Power is increased by a bonus 5%.
Protection Increases the duration of banner abilities by 10 seconds.
Protection Reduces the duration of Slows, Stuns and Snares by 20%.
Protection Smash a target dealing damage and a slight slow for 3 seconds. Gain 1 Justice.
Protection Heal yourself for a moderate amount instantly. Gain 1 Justice.
Protection Let out a shout,
Summon a battletaunting all increasing
standard, nearby creatures to target
the defense you.ofGain
power 1 Justice.
all nearby allies for 20 seconds.
Protection Increases the Defense Power for each stack of Justice consumed.
Summon a battle standard, increasing the Attack Power of all nearby allies for 20 seconds.
Protection Increases
Summon athe Attack
battle Power healing
standard, for eachallstack
nearbyof Justice consumed.
allies based on your Defense Power for 20
Protection seconds. Increases the healing for each stack of Justice consumed.
Lay your hands on an ally, redirecting 50% of the damage dealt to them to yourself. Gain 1
Protection Justice.
Call down a spirit shield to protect you, increasing your Defense Power by 25% for 6 seconds.
Protection Defense
The user Power is increased
is unable for each
to be impaired stack
by any of Justiceimpairing
movement consumed. abilities or effects for the next 12
Protection seconds (slows, stuns and snares). Gain 3 Justice.
healing the user as well for each target hit. Increases damage and healing done per Justice
Protection consumed.
Bonus on Lv.75
75 Intelligence / 75 Wisdom

25 Might / 25 Dexterity

150 Dexterity

Spells Avaliable
Description Type Name
attack speed is increased by 10%. Passive Deadly Duelist
y 25% base. Passive Lethal Toxins
, Shadow Step and Assassinate by 50%. Passive Shadow Proficiency
es 1 Shadow. Active Quick Slash
s) 2 Shadow.
the target for 2 seconds. For every Shadow consumed the Active Eviscerate
y 0.5s. Active Crippling Dagger
d for 10 seconds. Active Sinister Plot
For by 30%
each pointfor 2 seconds
of Shadow & Generates
consumed snare1 the
target for 0.5 Active Shadowstep
within 2 seconds of Shadowstep, Assassinate will deal 150% Active Shadowbind
Active Assassinate
en for 4 seconds
exploding to nearby& Generates 1 Shadow.
targets as well. Deals 30% more Active Illusive
ets healing received by 50% for 5 seconds. For every Shadow Active Death Blossom
duration is increased by 2s. Active Anti-Healing Venom
Flash Heal, Holy Light, Mend and Healing Channel by 10%. Passive Invigorated Healing
ve +5 Defense Power for 5 Seconds. This does not stack. Passive Guardian Angel
ng Channel
ount, and more
heals 20% Devotion
per by of Holy (Does not consume the Passive
stack Prophet
.et, dealing 15% more damage per stack of Holy (Does not Active Flash Heal
erates 1 Holy. Active Smite
ount everyHeals 50%
second formore per HolyAmount
10 seconds. healed per second Active
consumed. Holy Light
econds and deals a small damage over time. Increases slow Active Mend
by 1s per Holy consumed. Active Holy Shackles
the target,Generates 3 Holy.
healing them every 0.5 seconds for 1 second. Active Devotion
Holy for
ffect consumed.
5 seconds. Healing increased by 10% per Holy Active Healing Channel
Active Circle of Light
a single target.
Power Increasing
(Magic Damage by &
50% per Holy
Healing by 25% for Active
Power) Holy Force
Active Living Saint
r Defense Power is increased by a bonus 5%. Passive Reinforced Shield
r abilities by 10 seconds. Passive Battle General
Stuns and Snares by 20%. Passive Strong Footed
e and a slight slow for 3 seconds. Gain 1 Justice. Active Shield Bash
mount instantly. Gain 1 Justice. Active Spirit's Resolve
rby creatures
easing to target
the defense you.ofGain
power 1 Justice.
all nearby allies for 20 seconds. Active Provoke
or each stack of Justice consumed.
easing the Attack Power of all nearby allies for 20 seconds. Active Banner of Protection
ling allstack of Justice
nearby consumed.
allies based on your Defense Power for 20 Active Banner of Justice
for each stack of Justice consumed.
ecting 50% of the damage dealt to them to yourself. Gain 1 Active Banner of Virtue
ect you, increasing your Defense Power by 25% for 6 seconds. Active Hand of Protection
ed stack
by any of Justiceimpairing
movement consumed.abilities or effects for the next 12 Active Spirit Shield
hes). Gain
target 3 Increases
hit. Justice. damage and healing done per Justice Active Unchained
Active Blessed Earth
Archetype Archetype2 Archetype3 Class Name
WhiteMagic Protection Shadow Apothecary
WhiteMagic Shadow Archery Archivist
WhiteMagic Spiritual Archery Bard
WhiteMagic Spiritual Protection Cleric
WhiteMagic Protection Archery Crusader
WhiteMagic Witchcraft Shadow Emissary
WhiteMagic Witchcraft Protection Justicar
WhiteMagic Spiritual Shadow Occultist
WhiteMagic Witchcraft Archery Oracle
WhiteMagic Warfare Protection Paladin
WhiteMagic Witchcraft Warfare Paragon
WhiteMagic Warfare Shadow Planeswalker
WhiteMagic Spiritual Witchcraft Scholar
WhiteMagic Warfare Archery Valkyrie
WhiteMagic Spiritual Warfare Warpriest
Protection Shadow Archery Boneweaver
Spiritual Witchcraft Archery Astral Ranger
Spiritual Protection Archery Confessor
Spiritual Witchcraft Warfare Hex Blade
Spiritual Witchcraft Shadow Hex Mage
Spiritual Shadow Archery Hex Ranger
Spiritual Protection Shadow Inquisitive
Spiritual Warfare Archery Marshal
Spiritual Witchcraft Protection Runesmith
Spiritual Warfare Shadow Soulblade
Spiritual Warfare Protection Spellbreaker
Warfare Protection Shadow Dark Knight
Warfare Protection Archery Fighter
Warfare Shadow Archery Shadestriker
Witchcraft Warfare Protection Bloodthrall
Witchcraft Protection Shadow Executioner
Witchcraft Warfare Archery Herald
Witchcraft Warfare Shadow Nightblade
Witchcraft Protection Archery Sentinel
Witchcraft Shadow Archery Trickster
Wizardry Spiritual Witchcraft Arcanist
Wizardry Spiritual Warfare Battlemage
Wizardry Spiritual Protection Blackguard
Wizardry WhiteMagic Archery Cabalist
Wizardry Protection Shadow Death Warden
Wizardry Warfare Protection Dreadknight
Wizardry Warfare Shadow Eldritch
Wizardry Witchcraft Protection Hex Warden
Wizardry WhiteMagic Witchcraft Loremaster
Wizardry WhiteMagic Warfare Magus
Wizardry Protection Archery Minstrel
Wizardry WhiteMagic Shadow Necromancer
Wizardry Warfare Archery Reaver
Wizardry WhiteMagic Spiritual Sage
Wizardry Shadow Archery Shade
Wizardry Witchcraft Shadow Shadowspell
Wizardry Spiritual Archery Soulbow
Wizardry Spiritual Shadow Soulknife
Wizardry Witchcraft Warfare Spellblade
Wizardry Witchcraft Archery Spellbow
Wizardry WhiteMagic Protection Warden
ArcheType ImageLogo Bonus Resource
Shadow Increases Dexterity by 2 Points Per Level Shadow (Max 5 Stacks)
WhiteMagic Increases your Intelligence and Wisdom by 1 per level. Holy (Max 3 Stacks)
Warfare Increases your Might by 2 per level. Blood (Max 10 Stacks)
Archery Increases Might and Wisdom by 1 point per level. Focus (Max 2 Stacks)
Spiritual Increases Wisdom by 2 points per level. Discipline (Max 5 Stacks)
Wizardry Increases Intelligence by 2 points per 3 levels. Arcane (Max Stacks 7)
Witchcraft Increases Dexterity and Intelligence by 1 point per 3 levels.
Rupture (Max Stacks 5)
Protection Increases Might and Dexterity by 1 point per 3 levels. Justice (Max Stacks 6)
Bonus on lv.75
150 Dexterity
75 Intelligence / 75 Wisdom
150 Might
75 Might / 75 Wisdom
150 Wisdom
50 Intelligence
25 Dexterity / 25 Intelligence
25 Might / 25 Dexterity
Archetype Name
Shadow Deadly Duelist
Shadow Lethal Toxins
Shadow Shadow Proficiency
Shadow Quick Slash
Shadow Eviscerate
Shadow Crippling Dagger
Shadow Sinister Plot
Shadow Shadowstep
Shadow Shadowbind
Shadow Assassinate
Shadow Illusive
Shadow Death Blossom
Shadow Anti-Healing Venom
WhiteMagic Invigorated Healing
WhiteMagic Guardian Angel
WhiteMagic Prophet
WhiteMagic Flash Heal
WhiteMagic Smite
WhiteMagic Holy Light
WhiteMagic Mend
WhiteMagic Holy Shackles
WhiteMagic Devotion
WhiteMagic Healing Channel
WhiteMagic Circle of Light
WhiteMagic Holy Force
WhiteMagic Living Saint
Warfare Ravenous
Warfare Hatred
Warfare Bloodlust
Warfare Brutal Strike
Warfare Guillotine
Warfare Shieldbreak
Warfare Feasting Strike
Warfare Bull Rush
Warfare Earthquake
Warfare Shockwave
Warfare Spiked Chains
Warfare Rampage
Warfare Heroic Leap
Archery Fleetfooted
Archery Bow Mastery
Archery Clear Focus
Archery Wind Arrow
Archery Concussive Shot
Archery Viper Arrow
Archery Rapid Fire
Archery Snaring Shot
Archery Aimed Shot
Archery Explosive Arrows
Archery Disengage
Archery Rain of Arrows
Archery Dragon Arrow
Spiritual Wind Mastery
Spiritual Meditate
Spiritual Lingering Impact
Spiritual Cyclone
Spiritual Barrier
Spiritual Regenerate
Spiritual Refresh
Spiritual Air Aura
Spiritual Haste
Spiritual Party Recovery
Spiritual Wind Wall
Spiritual Force Push
Spiritual Healing Air Sphere
Wizardry Arcane Brilliance
Wizardry Frost Armor
Wizardry Pyromancer
Wizardry Fireball
Wizardry Ignite
Wizardry Combustion
Wizardry Flame Tornado
Wizardry Pyroblast
Wizardry Frostbolt
Wizardry Frost Shards
Wizardry Cold Snap
Wizardry Teleport
Wizardry Blizzard
Witchcraft Witchcraft Mastery
Witchcraft Cursed Touch
Witchcraft Exploitation
Witchcraft Arcane Pulse
Witchcraft Curse
Witchcraft Arcane Torrent
Witchcraft Leech
Witchcraft Magic Rupture
Witchcraft Siphon
Witchcraft Hex
Witchcraft Shackles of Pain
Witchcraft Mirror Image
Witchcraft Death Touch
Protection Reinforced Shield
Protection Battle General
Protection Strong Footed
Protection Shield Bash
Protection Spirit's Resolve
Protection Provoke
Protection Banner of Protection
Protection Banner of Justice
Protection Banner of Virtue
Protection Hand of Protection
Protection Spirit Shield
Protection Unchained
Protection Blessed Earth
When dual wielding, the user's attack speed is increased by 10%.
Increases the slow on abilitys by 25% base.
Lowers the cooldown of Illusive, Shadow Step and Assassinate by 50%.
Deals minor damage & Generates 1 Shadow.
Deals damage & Cripples (slows) the target Dealsfor moderate damage
2 seconds. & Generates
For every Shadow 2consumed
Shadow. the crippling duration is increased by
Generates 1 Shadow per second for 10 seconds.
Dash behind the target, slowing them by 30% for 2 seconds & Generates 1 Shadow.
Deals aSnares
target for 1 second.
of damage toFortheeach point
target. of Shadow
Dealing consumed
40% more damage snare the target
per Shadow for 0.5 seconds
consumed. longer.if used
within 2 seconds of Shadowstep, Assassinate will deal 150% increased base damage.
Dodge all incoming targetable abilities for 4 seconds & Generates 1 Shadow.
Hits the damage
Deals target multiple times,
& Reduces then healing
targets exploding to nearby
received targets
by 50% for 5asseconds.
well. Deals
For30% more
every damage
Shadow for every
consumed theShadow
duration is increased by 2s.
Increases the healing power of Flash Heal, Holy Light, Mend and Healing Channel by 10%.
After healing yourself, you receive +5 Defense Power for 5 Seconds. This does not stack.
Reduces the cooldown of Healing Channel and Devotion by 50%.
the target
minorfor a smalltoamount,
damage heals
the target, 20% more
dealing per stack
15% more of Holy
damage per (Does notHoly
stack of consume
(Does the
not Holy on use).
consume the Generates 1 Holy
Holy on use).
Generates 1 Holy.
Heals the target for aHeals
minorthe target every
amount for a moderate
second foramount. HealsAmount
10 seconds. 50% more per per
healed Holysecond
increased by 5% per Holy
Slows the target by 40% for 3 seconds and deals a small damage over time. Increases slow and damage over time duration by
1s per Holy consumed.
All your attention is focused on the Heals the target
target, healingfor a moderate
them every 0.5amount.
secondsGenerates 3 Holy.
for 1 second. Duration increased by 0.5s per Holy
Heals everyone in an Area of Effect for 5 seconds. Healing increased by 10% per Holy consumed.
Deals a large amount of damage on a single target. Increasing by 50% per Holy consumed.
Increases Defense Power & Magic Attack Power (Magic Damage & Healing Power) by 25% for 10 Seconds. Gain 1 Holy.
Increases Healing from Warfare Abilities by 25%
Increases Attack Power by 10, but Lowers Defense Power by 10.
Deals a small amount of damage. Increases
Heals the theuser
a smallPower
amountby 1per
2 Stacks of Blood.
resource. This does not consume the Blood
resource. Gain 2 Blood.
Deals a small amount Deals a moderate
of damage amount the
and reduces of damage.
target's Deals
Defense20% moreby
Power damage
5% forper Blood consumed.
5 seconds. Increases the Defense Power
Reduction by 2.5% per Blood consumed.
Deals a small amount of damage. Heals the user for a large amount per Blood consumed.
Charge forward 6 tiles. Any targets nearby will be pushed back and stunned for 2 seconds. Gain 3 Blood.
Deal damage and Stun Deal targetsdamage
for 1.5and Slow enemies
seconds in a wavearound
infrontyou by 50%
of you. Stunfor 3 seconds.
duration Gain 5by
increased Blood.
0.1 seconds for each Blood
Deals a small amount of target to the target & slow them by 20% for 3 seconds. Increases the duration by 0.5 seconds per
blood consumed.
Gain 10
Jump to a chosen location Blood Stacks
slamming at the stunning
the ground cost of 10% of your
anyone Defense
within Power
a small forfor
radius 5 Seconds.
2 seconds, or slowing anyone
within a slightly larger radius by 50% for 2 seconds. Gain 5 Blood.
Increases your movement speed by 6%
Increases your range by 2 tiles.
Fires a high velocity arrow at the target Basic Attacks
dealing have a 10%
moderate chance
damage. to give you
Increases a Focus.
the users movement speed by 5% for 5 seconds
This can stack twice. Gain 1 Focus.
Fires a blunt arrow at the target dealing damage and slowing the target by 20% for 4 seconds. Increases the slow by 10% per
Fires a poisonous arrow at the target dealing damageFocus consumed.
and poisoning them for a small amount of damage every second for 8
seconds. Increases the poison
Fires multiple arrows over a short duration. The archer cannot move while damage by 10% per using Focus consumed.
this ability. Fires additional arrows over the
channel per focus consumed.
Charges a powerful shot, Fires an arrow
dealing a highatamount
a targetofsnaring
damage themon ainsingle
place target.
for 3 seconds.
Channeling Gaintime
1 Focus.
reduced by 0.5 seconds per
Focus consumed.
Changes your next 3 arrows out for explosive arrows that deal an area of effect attack instead of single target. Gain 1 Focus.
Fires andown
Channel a flurry of arrows explosive
in an arrow
area ofshooting the target
effect, dealing back and
damage several tiles anyone
snaring from you. hitGain
for 11second.
Focus. Increases duration
scorched and deal damage to any hostile of thethat
flurry by 1over
walks second per Focus
a scorched tile.consumed.
Lowers the cooldown by 15 seconds per Focus
Increases the strength of Barrier by 100%, as well as increases the duration of Air Aura by 3 seconds and Wind Wall by 2
The user now regenerates a small amount of health and mana while within combat.
Conjures a cyclone on the
the duration of all health
target, dealing damage over
bouncing (nottolimited
a nearby to only spiritual
target, abilities)up
and repeating byto
3 times dealing
reduced damage on each bounce. Gain 1 Discipline.
Creates a barrier around the target absorbing incoming damage for 10 seconds. Amount of incoming damage is based on the
amount of Discipline consumed.
Regenerates the targets health, healing them every second for 10 seconds. Gain 1 Discpline.
Creates a Refreshes
of wind mana,
around restoring
yourself, mana to them
reducing every second
incoming projectilefor damage
10 seconds. Gainfor
by 25% 1 Discpline.
15 seconds. Gain 1
Increases the Targets Haste (Attack Speed and Cast Speed) by 20% for 10 seconds. Increases the Haste amount by 5% per
Restores health and mana to all nearby party members Discipline consumed.
each second for 15 seconds. Increases healing and mana restoration
for each Discipline consumed.
Conjure a wall of wind infront of you, preventing all projectiles and movement through the tiles for 6 seconds. Gain 1
Pushes all creatures and players around the caster backDiscipline. 3 squares, slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds afterwards. Gain 2
Creates a sphere at target location that bounces restoring a large amount of health each second for 3 seconds to nearby
party members.
Mastering the elements, the user Duration
has a 5% ofchance
the Sphere extends
whenever by cast
they 1 second per discipline
a wizardry consumed.
spell to fill their Arcane to 7 stacks
Creates a passive Frost Armor around the user, slowing the movement speed of enemies who strike the Wizard with a melee
weapon by 10% for 2 seconds.
Shoots a fireball at With a special
the target, attunement
dealing to Fire,asthe
initial damage cast
well astime
damageof allover
Spellsforare reduced by
3 seconds. This20%.
damage over time can
Ignites the target consumingstack up to damage
all fireball 3 times refreshing
over time on eachonnew
stacks the stack.
targetGain for a1single
Arcane.larger burst of damage. Gain 2
Combusts a target dealing large amount of fire damage toArcane. the target as well as nearby targets (1 nearby target per Arcane
putting fireball stacks on each target hit. The Tornado pulsesAdditionally
Consumed), as well as stunning all targets hit for 1 second. 10% faster per deals increased
Arcane Stackdamage
consumed perup
Arcane Consumed.
to once every 0.3
Shoots a supercharged fireball at the target dealing massive damage. The cast time is reduced by 0.5s per Arcane Stack
Shoots a Frostbolt at the target dealingConsumed.damage With full Arcane
as well as slowingthis the
is antarget
instant bycast.
5%. This slow can stack up to 3 times,
refreshing on each new stack. Gain 1 Arcane
Consumes all Frostbolt Stacks on a target, firing 2 Frost Shards per Frostbolt Stack consumed up to a maximum of 6 Shards.
Bursts a cold spell onto every target within 5 tiles of theGain 2 Arcane.
caster, dealing damage and slowing them by 10% for 3 seconds per
Arcane Stack consumed.
Ice Shards crash down at aInstantly
area, dealingthe user
damageto a and
nearby desired
slowing location.
all targets hitGain 2 Arcane.
by 10% for 3 seconds. Slow is increased
by 10% per Arcane Stack up to a maximum of 80%.
Having mastered the dark art of Witchcraft, all Witchcraft abilities have a 20% lower cooldown.
A keen sense to find an enemies Increases the effectiveness
weakness, anytime you ofdeal
all Damage
damageover to a Time
targetabilities by 20%.
with a spell or a source from a spell, it will
apply a defence reducing stack of 0.5% for 30 seconds, this can stack up to 20 times.
Bursts an arcane pulse on the target, dealing damage and reducing the targets defense power for 10 seconds. This effect can
Curses the target applyingstack up to 3over
a damage times andforis 18
time refreshed
secondsby each new
dealing stack.
damage Gain31seconds.
every Rupture.Gain 1 Rupture anytime a
increases by 0.3s/1 missile for every Rupture Stack creature dies with
consumed. curse
Deals ondamage
extra it. for each Pulse Stack on the Target - Does
not consume the Pulse Stacks on use.
Rupture a leech
the target at the
from target,
within, slowlythem
slowing sapping
by 15%theirand
health foryourself
giving 10 seconds
15%and healing speed
movement yourself.
forGain 1 Rupture.
8 seconds. Amount of
speed stolen increased by 5% per Rupture Stack consumed.
Turns the target into a siphon
toad for away mana from
2 seconds, they the target,
cannot cast,restoring the mana
heal or attack whilestolen
Hex'd.to Duration
yourself. Gain 1 Rupture.
increased by 0.5 seconds pe
Rupture Stack consumed.
Summons a chain on the target, bonding you and the target for 5 seconds. If the caster receives damage from any source, the
target will
Creates a perfect copy of the caster, which also receive
will mimic50% of the
ranged damage
spells cast bydone. Gain 1 on
the caster Rupture.
their target by at 30% effectiveness
Creates 2 copies if 3 Rupture Stacks are consumed, and 3 copies
Instantly consume a Curse on a target, dealing a large amount of damage to the target. If a target if 5 Stacks are consumed.
dies from this, it will apply
curse to up to 2 enemies within 3 tiles. Increases the damage done per Rupture Stack consumed.
If you are wielding a shield, your Defense Power is increased by a bonus 5%.
Increases the duration of banner abilities by 10 seconds.
Reduces the duration of Slows, Stuns and Snares by 20%.
Smash a target dealing damage and a slight slow for 3 seconds. Gain 1 Justice.
Heal yourself for a moderate amount instantly. Gain 1 Justice.
Summon a battle standard, Letincreasing
out a shout,
defense all nearby
power creatures
of all to target
nearby allies you.
for 20 Gain 1 Justice.
seconds. Increases the Defense Power for
each stack of Justice consumed.
Summon a battle standard, increasing the Attack Power of all nearby allies for 20 seconds. Increases the Attack Power for
Summon a battle standard, healing all nearbyeach alliesstack
basedofon Justice
your consumed.
Defense Power for 20 seconds. Increases the healing for
each stack of Justice consumed.
Lay your
Call down a spirit hands
shield on an you,
to protect ally, redirecting
increasing your 50% Defense
of the damage
Power dealt
by 25% to for
them to yourself.
6 seconds. Gain 1Power
Defense Justice.
is increased for
each stack of Justice consumed.
The user is unable to be impaired by any movement impairing abilities or effects for the next 12 seconds (slows, stuns and
Blesses the earth around the user, dealing damagesnares). Gain 3 to
every second Justice.
all targets around and healing the user as well for each
target hit. Increases damage and healing done per Justice consumed.

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