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2.0 Introduction:

This very chapter is aimed at discussing the different aspects of application of the lean

construction which enables the research work to be more succinct in nature which will let the

researcher to gain more attention in making the research work. It is well known that the

application of the lean principles in an industrial structure helps that organisation to manage and

develop the environmental performance. The cultural statistics of an organisation is also seemed

to be affected severely by the application of the lean management (Bhasin and Burcher, 2006).

What is more, the lean construction is the process that instigates the organisational success and

brings the competitive advantages. With deliverance of the lesser wastage, the lean industry let

the organisations to use the natural resources like energy, frost generated products and others to

gain more convenience in the environmental performance.

It is needless to be noted that the lean products and almost all of the lean management strategies

are aimed at the procuring the cost savings for the designated company and guaranteeing the

environment superficiality. Bhasin and Burcher (2006) have stated that with the lean strategy is

better be said as a stride to the green revolution. Application of the lean strategies in the

construction industry is really a ladder of the success to be mounted. It is apparently needed to be

mentioned that the senior authority of the firm is needed to apply the proper constructional

attributes to gain the utmost propagation in this aspect. The role of the senior management for

the development of the lean, as deWeck and Simchi-Levi (2006) has critically monitored, is

really creditable. The procedures and the ways of application are needed to be conveyed among

the fellow employees from whom a proper application of the strategy and lean initiatives is really


This very chapter will reveal the existing literature and conditional framework which enables the

researcher to provide more calibers to the research study. By discussing the intricate

manufacturing and technical necessities, the process of organisational advancement in this

process will also be discussed in the course of this very chapter.

2.1 Concept of Lean:

Lean is the systematic approach which concentrates on the ethical value of the product and the

also focuses on estranging the waste generation and finally evolves through the process of

continuous improvement of the performance of the development of the product or the service.

The concept of lean coincides with some of the significant approaches that describe the

development of this very conception in a large aspect. The idea of efficiency, effectiveness is the

most significant approaches that lean management needs to be concerned about (Gammelgaard,

2009). On the other hand, the lean approach is needed to be customer driven which leads to

attract the customers and the application of the value added service is the most stupendous effect

that makes the application of the lean principles more provident in its approaches. As the lean

principles are completely customers oriented, capitalization of the market place is the most

sophisticated approach for lean. Simultaneously, to gain the market advantages and to sustain the

faith of the customers of the market place, the products or the service provided by the

organisation is needed to be low in cost, so that it can be purchasable by all kinds of the targeted

customers of the market place (Gammelgaard, 2009). At the same time the quality of the product

is needed to be maintained which will let the customers to get attracted to the products once

again. Henceforth, it can easily be mentioned that application of all these qualities are the best

approaches that let the lean to be more sophisticated in its application in the market place. Lean,

although, Kilpatrick (2003) has stated, being started from the manufacturing industry, but the

application of these strategies are the most pragmatic and ballistic in nature which leads to gain

the organisational and market success.

2.1.1 Evaluation of the Concept of the Lean Construction:

Although the application of the lean strategy is having the basic statistics to curtail down the cost

in implementing some of the most sophisticated projects. As the application of the lean in

general way is rendered in the manufacturing industry which in the basic aspect is much related

to this sector. Construction industry, in a large aspect has been being rejecting the idea of

implementation of lean conception being considered that construction is different, which

although was first applied by the Toyota systems at the first phase. Although having of immense

uncertainty and large investment application of the statistics, critics had always been alienated

construction industry from that of the other residual approaches.

But Sezen (2009) has mentioned that in aspect of minimizing the wastage procured by the

construction industry and to save the greens, application of the lean principles has a profound

effect. He has also stated that to removal of the wastage of the construction process, application

of lean is very much fruitful. He has shown some of the distinct points why lean is far more

different from that of the application of the lean such as, the objectives in the construction

process is far more succinct and prominent than that of other industrial approaches, in the

construction industry the customers aims at the maximizing the performance of the construction

project and the concurrency of the production very often misses out the project strategies (Sezen,

2009). In a large aspect the application of lean is different from that of the application of it in the

other sectors of industry. The maximum optimization is the most intricate fact that let the logical

sequence not to be broken up. The application of the lean principles in a large aspect is a

deliberate concept that propagates more ideality for the development of the construction industry

in a large aspect. Staats et al. (2011) have pointed out that the lean principles are so much

flexible and adorable that with the necessary changes they can easily be suited in various places

for the various industries which enable the conditional approaches. To bridge the sustainable

gaps in the construction approaches implementation of the lean principles let all the aspects more


In the lean construction the primary concern is the lean production which actually leads to the

proper application of the construction structure. Illustration of two concepts, dependence and

variation important for the lean industry is needed to be mentioned here (Maloni et al. 2012). For

the exposition of these two concepts, the combinatorial approach is very much important which

the leads to the successful elevation to the lean principles. For better understanding of lean

construction approach the researcher is going to state an example which suits the most for the

proper entitlement of this research works. Let’s suppose that there are so many cars plying on a

road. If the car ahead of the car does not leave the space for the car following, it may not be

possible for the cars to move anyway. But in doing so the cars are needed to keep the minimum

distance between them which will let the cars move freely and properly through the roads. The

speed of the cars may vary, but application of the same process is very much important for this

fact. If the road is compared with the lean principles, bridging the gaps is the adaptation of the

process by the different industries. Managing of all these predicaments are the positional aspects

for the development of the application of the lean in respect of construction industry (Rahman et

al. 2010). Managing all the essential propagandas is really the matter of commending forces that

let the construction to be properly conveyed.

The lean construction is the most sophisticated approach that actually leads to the functionality

of the reliable aspects that actually lets the contemporary development of the project. More to be

added in this aspect, the labor work is the most conditional approach that is having the situational

approach. The cost controlling system of the construction companies are in a large aspect seems

to be deductive in nature which lets the organisational growth to have the steady reliable

propagation (Lambert and Cooper, 2000). The logistic approach of the lean principles is in a

large aspect let the steady process to be developed. Application of the lean construction is the

most strategical approach for the conditional development of the industry.

Alarcon and Seguel (2002) have stated that the fundamental approach of lean is based on some

of the statistics:

Lean philosophy implies its effectiveness in the minimization of the elimination of the wastage,

simplification of the process and the basic need of proper improvement in a continuous state

(Alarcon and Seguel, 2002). The lean strategy is based on the principles least approach of time,

space and cost as well.

Lean strategy states that what is the process needed to be adapted for the implementation of the

different aspects. By the proper application of the business strategy, success of the business can

be expected.

Lean enabler is called to be the tool that lets the planning of execution and inventory to be

properly managed.


Lean Strategy

Lean Enablers

Figure 2: Basic fundamentals of Lean

(Source: Alarcon and Seguel. 2002)

With the application of the basic fundamentals of the lean principles, propagation can be

assessed in this aspect. The lean principles are the most evolving factor that let to have the

organizational success. With the application of the basic situations, construction industry can

expect to make the fundamental growth in the market of business which enables more success

for the company. It is commented by Shinkle et al. (2004) that the value chain system and the

supply chain system for the industries of these days are the most conditional facts, for the

construction industry, application of both these aspects is very much sophisticated.

2.1.2 Lean Construction Philosophy:

Lean enterprise management is the most ardent approach that let the lean industry to attain the

continuous development. The lean management philosophy is the consistent approach that leads

to the organisational success (Candido et al. 2007). Application of the different statistics and

philosophy, lean industry is one of the most proficient approaches that lead to the general

development. The application of the lean philosophy that had been developed in Japan seems to

have been modified in its application in the European countries. The scopes of the manufacturing

for the lean industry had not been a part of the managing the production system rather the

technical clumsiness is the most conditional aspect for the development of the lean

manufacturing process. Candido et al. (2007) have mentioned that “production” and “service”

often coinciding terms for each other but the application of both of these aspects let the

organisational success. The scopes of manufacturing with the days have also enriched a lot

which also has added more chare in the concerning factor. Application of the lean philosophy

although seems not to be so much sophisticated for the construction industry because of its

frictional and project based ideality which often becomes the impediments to apply all the

sophisticated principles of lean. Rather the investment for this industry is also huge, which also

bars implementing these strategical aspects. More to be added, as Fotopoulos et al. (2012) has

mentioned that in the application of the lean strategy, there are some more applications needed to

be applied like application of the proper principles, quality improvement, justification of the

challenges and the responsiveness of the common people. For the project management purpose

minimization of the waste and the quantification of the strategy is the most prominent aspects

that lets to the development of the immense generation of the strategical approaches.

Bjornfot and Sarden (2006) have stated that there are some conditions of the lean philosophy are

needed to be maintained such as curtailing the budgets, cutting of the services, minimization of

the wastage. Proper application of all these aspects is the most conditional and the fundamental

approaches for the development of the lean construction. Fotopoulos et al. (2012) have

proficiently said that by controlling one aspect links all the other approaches that leads to the

success of attaining of all the other approaches. He has also pointed out that the smart approach

of six sigma application is in a large aspect having the similar effect with the lean principles.

Therefore, proper application of all these aspects in a large aspect is helpful for the development

of a construction organisation.

2.1.3 Lean Construction Strategy:

Application of different lean strategies seems to cast the most effective impact on the

development of the construction industry. As it has already been pointed out that reducing the

non value added services is the main principle of lean practices, implementation of a proper

strategy leads to have an immense growth for the organisation. () has critically assessed that the

main focus seems to be cast upon the management of the employees, improving the efficiency of

the employees, reducing the cost and capitalization of the market place. More to be added, proper

supply chain management, communication between the employees and the departments are also

given preference for the growth of an organisation as a whole.

() has narrated that with the application of the lean strategy the conditional growth of

organisational culture can be assessed. Necessities of the implementation of different strategies

are discussed in the following section.

Process Strategy:

The process strategy seems to focus on the perpetual flow of the production. () has narrated that

the application of the pull strategy casts the most indigenous approach to the development of the

process strategy. It is witnessed that an organisation is labeled to work in different ways to attain

the different objectives to meet the demands of the market place. Therefore, the tasks are needed

to be properly queued which will let the organisation to gain more capitalization for the market

place. () can be quoted by saying that the quick strategic implementation of the sequences of the

project is the most conditional approaches that leads to attain the success of the organisation. In

the figure below the researcher seems to have stated the queuing process of the tasks applied in a

construction organisation.

Lean Construction Improvement

Value Added and Waste

High Production and

Vision, Mission, Objectives, Commitments and Strategical Approach of improvement strategy

Business areas of Improvement and application

Projects to be undertaken

Measurement of Improvement

Figure 3: Lean Construction Improvement Process


To maintain the process strategy, necessity of setting up of a changeover is very much needed for

the development of the situational the growth of an organisation. The parts of the production

seem to be more strategical in their approaches in making usage of the mechanism and

machinery. Application of proper process strategy provides more stability to the growth of the


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Facility Strategy:

The aim of most of the construction companies is to appease the thrust of the customers

satisfactorily. To capitalize the market place and to attract the customers of the market, the

companies seem to award their customers with different facilities. More to be added, the quality

of the product is also one of the most sophisticated approach for the fundamental growth of the

organisation. Apart from the customers of the market place, both the suppliers and the

transporters are also needed to be given more fascination which indulges them to remain

motivated and to maintain a succinct relationship with the organisation. () has critically stated

that the implementation of the cellular and hybrid strategy, more sophistication to the customers

can be provided. The manufacturing cell of the construction industry needs to be more energetic

in bring the variation in the project as well which, as according to (), is very much fruitful to

attract more customers to the products.

Inventory Strategy:

As it has been narrated already that storing does not come under the principles of lean strategy,

therefore, application of the just in time process is mandatory for the construction industry. () has

stated that inventory is nothing but the evil concept that is nothing but a zest in construction

industry. Once the problems related to inventory is found, it needs to be solved and fetched out.

Integration of the suppliers in another aspect is the most committed approach for lean

construction. Reliable and proficient transportation system, proper shipment strategy is the most

robust application of the strategies that helps in the development of the industry.

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Quality Improvement Strategy:

Maintaining the quality of the product seems to have the most quintessence impact in

capitalizing the market place for an organization. For the improvement of the quality of the

product or the services, cultural and ethical improvement is the most sophisticated approach. The

improvement strategy of the product leads to attain the organisational success. The necessities of

the customers are needed to be given preference which will virtually let the organisation to

satisfy the customers.

Proper Equipment Strategy:

To enrich the production power, curtailing down the man power is very much necessary which

actually reduces the expenditure. In that place application of machinery is needed. () has

critically narrated that installation of the mechanism may seem to be cost worthy at the initial

stage, but as a whole, this very application actually reduces the gross cost incurred by the

organisation. Stabilization of the application of the tools and techniques is in a large aspect

fundamental in their approaches. Apart from the individual based work, application of the team

work seems to be more beneficial and instrumental for the genuine development of a

construction project.

Management Strategy:

The management strategy for the lean construction is needed to be sophisticated in nature. The

organisational objectives are needed to be achieved with the implementation of proper

management statistics. The top management associates of a construction company is needed to

be effective and foreseer in nature because the strategies adapted by them leads to attain the

fundamental prospect of the project. More to be added, it is the management team of a

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construction firm who let the staffs to be motivated by the way which let them to work succinctly

for the development of the company. Application of the lean principles is in a large perspective

more inductive in nature. The management team is also responsible for managing the repository

needs of the organisation and the employees as well. Strategic implementation of the growth of

the organisation is in a large aspect seems to propagate the general aspects for the development

of the organisation. The management needs to make it assured that no jittery in the production

should be entertained which may hamper the growth of the company.

2.2 Basic Principles of Lean Construction:

Often it is heard that the application of the lean principles are the most stereotype aspects that

leads to achieve a genuine goal that in general way is the underlying cause for the improvement

of the business statistics. Kincaid (2004) has mentioned that with the validation of the waste

controlling, an organisation can expect to gain more advantages in the business aspects. Proper

application of the lean strategy helps a construction company to reduce the upheaval of the cost,

minimizes the waste elimination and also improves the quality of the service provided to the

customers. Application of the lean sigma strategy is also an effective approach for the

fundamental growth of the business statistics. There are some elementary and customary facts

that are needed to be maintained (Lambert et al. 1998). In the following section the research is

going to discuss about the application and proper manipulation of these aspects.

Customer Oriented:

Understanding the necessity of the customers is the primary fact for the development of the

construction industry. In Malaysian perspective, the basic necessities of the customers are needed

to understand by the construction companies and have to chalk out the planning that how

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proficiently can it be applied. The concept of the customer, in this aspect, however, can be

individual or a group of customers having the same perspective of choice and taste. Ng et al.

(2010) have stated that often the necessities of the customers remain unspoken, but the

construction organisation is needed to be sophisticated in their approach to understand their


Project Oriented:

As most of the construction works are time worthy and project based, it is expected that a lump

sum amount is needed to be invested. Therefore, project based work is the most efficient

application to resolve any peculiar problem that stand in propagating all these aspects.

Application of the strategy that helps in the improvement of the project provides more

sustainable effect in the development of the process. But as Sahoo et al. (2008) have noted that

the application of this may seem to be the most sophisticated approach that lets to the

development of prominent validation. Application of the compressed cycling process,

elimination of the defunct, application of the compression process is in a large aspect seem to be

the most effective factor leads to the success of the construction project.

Application of Improved Methodology for the Project:

With the proper implementation of the methodology to attain the success of any construction

project is really strategic. The possible causes of the emergence of the waste and elimination of

those sources are the most sophisticated aspect that leads to the proper implementation of the

project. Understanding of the relationship between the input and the output is literally essential

for the development and growth of the organisation (Stump and Badurdeen, 2012). Identification

of the problems and the possible solutions of those problems are the most convenient factor that

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helps in the development of the construction project. More to be added, controlling and

monitoring of the ongoing process is the most important factor for the development of any

project (Stump and Badurdeen, 2012). Application of the methodology helps in improvement of

the action taken by the organisation.

Development of the infrastructure and the application of the technology is the most sophisticated

approach that leads to the prominent organisational development. It seems to be an efficient

aspect that leads to the development of the organisational prospect. Lean projects are the most

sophisticated approaches that help in getting more sophistication. It also helps in maintaining the

sound improvement (Jayaram et al. 2008). Application of sophisticated approaches leads to have

the organisational success that narrates more enthrallment for the construction project.

Application of Technology:

Application of the technology in a large aspect seems to be the most important factor that leads

to curtailing of the unwanted cost. In these days the construction companies are being seen to use

different tools and technologies instead of depending upon the man power always (Jayaram et al.

2008). Application of proper technologies is helping the construction industry to gain the

maximum advantage of the market place. Application of the process management tools, data

management tools, project management tools and others are the most the most exquisite

applications that leads to minimize the total cost that generates.

Application of Strategic Management:

It seems that a strong management team, from all the avenues are the most important fact that a

construction company is needed to apply. Human Resource (HR) management and Customer

Relationship Management (CRM) are the most sophisticated approaches that lead to the growth

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of the organisation. Application of the strategic management strategy is not only stalemate but at

the same time it is also the most sophisticated approach towards the development of the

organisation in a large aspect (deWeck and Simchi-Levi, 2006). With the recruitment of the

experts and the other probationary associates who can manage any situation more sophistically,

leads to utmost growth of the organisation as well. More to be added, the statistical approach

which leads to the development of the organisation is also a strategical aspect for the attaining

the success for a construction firm.

Setting up the Focus:

To attain the growth of the company the employees and the entire process running

simultaneously are needed to be focused to attain the success of the project. Mentzer et al. (2001)

have critically stated that focus of the project is needed to be profound in nature. All the

simultaneous processes are needed to attain the utmost success for the success of the project

itself. Collins et al. (2004) have mentioned that in these days the companies prefer the quality

based production which leads to attain the organisational success. More to be added, the

cumulative success in a large aspect is correlated with balancing between the aim and objective

of the company as well which contains the utmost success. The best result is expected to be

generated from the customers of the construction project as they are the persons to propagate the

ultimate factor. As most of the construction companies of Malaysia states that the application of

the team based organisational achievement are having the constructive ideality, application of the

team concept is undoubtedly the most significant aspect of organisational development. Towill

and Christopher (2002) have critically assessed that the orientation of the team is undoubtedly

the most elegant fact for development.

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2.3 Supply Chain Management:

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is called to the tool used in the lean strategy application,

consists of funds, materials and other necessary components. Collins et al. (2004) have stated

that the movement in the supply chain is of three dimensions: suppliers to the manufacturer,

manufacturer to the final assembling point and from the final assembling point to the distribution

point and to the customers. Therefore, it can be summed up by saying that the supply chain is the

combination of the network which consists of suppliers, transporters, distributers, retailing

personals, inventory and the other necessary people (Mentzer et al. 2001). From the assessment

of the raw materials through the production and manufacturing finally reaching to the customers

is the process that let the supply chain management to become successful. All the middlemen and

the coordinators in this process are needed to play their profound action in fruitful

accomplishment of this complete process.

Components Manufacturer Retailer Consumer

Figure 3: Process of Supply Chain Management

(Source: Mentzer et al. 2001)

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It is needed to be mentioned that in the supply chain incorporation of different companies are

having their immense contribution. Application of this system coordinates to generate the

strategy for making a fruitful business in the market place (Jie, 2010). With the proper

implication of the supply chain in production, the company can expect to have profit and

competitive advantage of the market place. Application of proper supply chain is called to be the

most strategic principle for construction industry. Jie (2010) can be quoted by saying that

application of the supply chain in a large aspect depends on the demand and product supply.

Therefore, the focus is needed to be cast upon the on the manufacturing section which leads to

the proper implementation of the production activities. By applying the supply chain

management, a company can expect to reach to the maximum number of people. The flow of the

product is in a large aspect lets to balance for demand and supply.

Market Environment

Lean Supply Chain

ive nt
En me
vir Environmentally Sustainable Supply Chain
on Global Supply Chain on
me En
nt al

Regulatory Environment

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Figure 4: Supply Chain Management Lean Construction

(Source: Towill and Christopher, 2002)

The supply chain management depends on some of the primary aspects that lead to the

superficial acceleration the business. For the construction industry, supply is called to be the

elementary approach that leads to the conventional growth of any project. What is more, supply

of the necessary raw materials following by the chain management, can be said being one of the

most significant aspect for the development of the project itself (Towill and Christopher, 2002).

The supply chain approach following the lean principles in another aspect is the fundamental

development of the business. A supply chain strategy narrates the fact that how it evolves in the

proper orientation of the supply strategy. From the proper application of this strategy, a company

can expect to attain the maximum functional mobility in the market place (Sharma, 2003). The

supply chain is more targeted towards getting the benefit and the market advantages that let an

organisation to attain the market success and the utmost advantage of the market place. The

supply chain strategy helps in achieving the business success and the objectives that an

organisation needs to attain literally.

Sharma (2003) has pointed out that among the most sophisticated principles that lean

manufacturing strategy needs to apply for getting the market advantages; proper orientation of

the supply chain management is one that the organisations are needed to attain the success.

2.4 Comparative Research between Lean Manufacturing Process and Lean Construction:

Both the manufacturing and the construction industries are following the principles of lean. But

it is needed to be mentioned that there had been a continuous fight about the application of the

lean strategies between these two different sections of industry. It is also seen that there has been

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differences in the application of the principles of lean for these two different sections. But Sahoo

(2008) has stated that the aim of both of the projects is to meet the objectives that foretasted by

the organisation.

Lambert and Cooper (2000) can be stated by saying that the lifecycle of a product in a

manufacturing firm is more sustainable which let the companies to work in a strategical way. But

on the other hand, lifecycle of the product in a construction firm is not so much sustainable

which does not let the products to be used properly. The consistency in availability of the raw

materials for both of the construction and manufacturing industry is prominent in nature. It is

needless to be said that construction industry needs to have a large amount to be invested but

being a time worthy process; an investor can expect to have the desired result only after the

fruitful completion of the project. Therefore, it is natural that the investors also lose their interest

which makes the projects to suffer from the paucity of the funding. Conversely, the

manufacturing process is not at all time-worthy; rather one can come to its access whenever

needed. Capacity of innovation for a manufacturing firm is more intrinsic and effective than that

of a construction firm (Bhasin and Burcher, 2006). Application of the lean principles for the

manufacturing companies is more sophisticated than that of the application of lean in the

construction industry. Furthermore, decision making, planning and application of the strategy is

more sophisticated for manufacturing company which is blatant for construction industry. The

mechanical application and process of innovation is really subtle for mechanical industry. But it

is to be stated that the ability of project optimization for construction industry is more stable than

that of a manufacturing firm. Application of extent equipments to slaughter down the cost for the

construction industry is called to be the most effective approach for construction industry. Rather

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the application of the proper operational management strategy is in another aspect very much

strategic for the development of a construction firm.

Bhasin and Burcher (2006) have stated that quality control is the most stupendous approach for

maintaining the organisational growth. To gain the ample advantage of the market place, supply

chain management for a construction industry is needed to be very much sophisticated in nature

which leads to the growth of the market place. As the motto of the lean industry to cut the

expenditure, application of more technologies are in a large aspect is very much superficial for

the attaining the organisational success. As the deployment of the employees is less in the

construction industry, the employees can be given proper wages. But it is needed to be

mentioned that the wages often seem to vary for the employees which, in general way, is based

on the skills and experience of the employees. Plenert (2011) has mentioned in the

manufacturing industry at the same time the wages of the employees vary from others being

judged on the basis of their performance, skills and potentiality of working ability. Workforce of

the organisation, in this aspect, can also be sophistically retained. It may be said that the

manufacturing industry is more secured and safe, but there is no place to deny the fact that with

the adaptation of more expertise norms, the danger of the construction industry is averted in a

large aspect.

Maintaining the affluence of the quality for both the industries is a must. In the manufacturing

industry as the main focus is concentrated on the attending the growth of the market place and

thereby capitalization of the market place, the customers are needed to be kept engrossed with

the quality based products. The necessities and the demand of the customers are needed to be

properly entertained so that they reach to the level of satisfaction. Plenert (2011) has stated that

as the customers purchases the manufacturing products frequently, letting them fascinated for the

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products is quite easy for the manufacturing companies which seems to be quite difficult for the

construction companies where the customers attend the companies only for few aspects.

Therefore, appeasing the taste and the necessities of the customers for the construction industries

is really sophisticated in nature. To make the product or the service quality based the companies

apply all the necessary facts that always may not be possible for the manufacturing industry.

Specification of the service or product in the construction industry is really propositional in

nature. Quality assurance is the most sophisticated approach for the application of the

profoundness in this aspect.

Maintaining the corporation and product driven strategy is another sophisticated fact applied for

the development of both the construction and the manufacturing companies which plays one of

the most significant role in the development of the industry. Environmental consideration and the

application of the safety measure is more prominent in both of the industries (Tommelein, 2013).

Regaining of the systemic entitlement is the most sophisticated approach that let to attain the

organisational success. Introduction of the strategic management for the development of the

industries is called to be the synchronized approach that helps in the growth of the organization.

The operational layout in the construction industry propagates to be the dynamic approach if

considered or referred with the lean construction. Orientation of the corporate transparency can

be called the best approach which helps the lean principles to be fruitfully applied for the

construction industry in a large aspect. On the other hand, the supply chain management is

another fact that let to attain the organisational success for the construction industry that helps in

the consideration of the growth of the industry. Hafey (2010) has stated that the contracting for

the construction industry is another aspect that lets to curtail down the cost of the other facts that

expects the development in a large aspect. Relevance and subjectivity are the most prominent

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aspects that separate the construction industry with the manufacturing industry in the application

of the lean principles.

2.5 Lean Construction and the Application of Tools and Techniques:

Application of the tools and techniques for lean construction industry is the most sophisticated

approach of the development in the construction industry. Hafey (2010) has pointed out that the

lean work structure is in a large aspect different from that of the work breakdown structure.

Application of the lean work structure is in a large aspect is the application of the sophisticated

but consecutive production structure. The lean work structuring process includes the facts like

proper execution of the project, designing for the operation, scheduling for the sophisticated

execution of the process and other essential aspects. In the next figure the researcher has

dimensioned and tried to link the objectives of lean industry with the sophisticated business


To sterilize any process, application of more structuring and scheduling is the most essential fact

that needs to be applied. Application of the scheduling of the process that lean construction is in

need of is the most eminent aspect that is to propagate entire process. Pezziardi (2010) has

mentioned that with the scheduling and proper framing of the time, one can expect to curtail the

time of application. By keeping the traditional process of structuring and applying the lean

principles, an organisation can expect to make the biggest mistakes. Business statistics is needed

to be developed in such a way that it can evolve through all the propagations which let the

business to be developed. This is why the lean construction is called to be a deviation from the

conventional construction strategy.

23 | P a g e
Combination of Business Objectives and Procedural Approaches

Minimization of Deliverance of the Maximum Value

Waste Project

Reduce Reducing Getting Deliverance of the product Deliverance of products

defective cycling time more from to accomplish the on time
products the so called necessities of customers

Hike in the Structuring for Minimization of

Improve of
resource and value generation the production
the supplier
productivity disruption
quality and
Understanding the Ready boost to the
Reducing cost for purposes of the disruption
Improve of acquiring the customers
the quality of resources
Increment of the Elimination of
controlling system Disruption and
regain the flow

Structuring the Controlling the Reducing

work flow work flow storage

Reducing Reducing Reducing

inspection time processing time information

Figure 5: Lean structure to be followed by construction organisation

(Source: Forbes and Ahmed, 2011)

Feasibility is the most diplomatic fact in the application of the lean strategy which allows the

construction work to give a proper orientation. Project control and application of the strategic

management for the development of lean industry is the most important factor of development.

24 | P a g e
Application of pull scheduling in another aspect is the most the sophisticated approach for the

lean. Proper development of a strategy leads to strengthen the workforce. Bhasin (2012) has

stated that a job or task taken by an organisation is needed to be segregated in some of the phases

which needs to be controlled by different expects. Execution of these phases of that very

construction project can run simultaneously or one after another or according to the demand of

the work sequence. All the planning is needed to be framed in respect of proper and strategic

diversification. Bhasin (2012) has also mentioned of strategic constraints that also helps in the

strategic development. Analysis of all the constraints and necessity of justification of their

approaches are needed to be specifically addressed. Preparing a design for lean construction is

the most sophisticated approach for the growth of the organisation. Pezziardi (2010) has

mentioned that the application of different tools for the implementation of the lean principles is

the most essential factor. Preparing a sophisticated design for the growth of the construction is

the most essential thing. As it has been being discussed that strategical approach of lean

principles, with the conditional stability is coincided with the indomitable propagation,

application of the lean construction principles is, needless to say, coefficient. Designing and

strategizing is the most conditional approaches that is very much needed for the development of

a construction project.

In this modern age, application of the technologies and tools for the construction is one of the

prosperous stages for the growth of the business. Application of 3D representation in the

designing stage seems to be one of the most profound applications that need to have the

sophisticated implementation. Maintenance, alteration and logistic assemblage are the most

profound aspects that are needed to be maintained. Application of the detailed engineering is in a

large aspect is responsible of the structural development in a construction work. Project

25 | P a g e
designing, as Kincaid (2004) has mentioned that evolves that whether the project will sustain its

immense credibility or not. Now a day, it is seen that the physical perspective is setting up for the

detailed cross functional strategies. Intermingling of the strategical aspect with the management

oriented vicinity leaves a vicarious effect for the development of the system.

2.6 Application of Assemblage in Lean Construction:

Staging the assemblage of the different parts of the construction is a profound approach which

includes installation, commissioning, logistic and other necessary aspects. This application

actually aims at minimization of the cost that actually helps in the proper orientation of the


Kincaid (2004) has stated that installation of the new and modern machinery while erecting a

building has become a mandatory. It is generally seen that modern construction companies, in

general way, attains their ancillaries which develops the distinct parts of a construction project

and later in the construction site the assemblage is done. This process not only curtails the cost, it

also saves time. The range of deliverance in a large aspect is conditional for the development of

the project. Flexibility of a project needs to be very much conditional which helps in coping up

with the time and management aspects. Projection of the lean approaches is diplomatic which

leads to have the organisational success. Elimination of the certain aspect that possess as harm to

the development of the project is needed to be properly checked and rejuvenated. With the

skilled workers a construction company can expect to gain its high ambience.

2.7 Malaysian Market for the Lean Construction:

Jie (2010) has justly stated that in the last few years Malaysia seems to one of the fast growing

countries in the world which has witnessed the growth of population. The rate of population

26 | P a g e
instigated the construction process as well. Rather a report by Jayaram et al. (2008) has projected

that people of attraction of the common people of Malaysia are getting switched to immense

urbanization because of having immense comfortablity in the cities. This has resulted in the

infrastructural growth of the cities. The essence of construction lies upon the greatness of urban

social ethos. It is also expected that in the coming days Malaysia will be one of the most

sophisticated countries in the world. Jie (2010) has also noticed the growth of the country is so

much imperial in these days that the profoundness can easily be relished. Rather with the growth

of the population, the growth of the other circumstantial aspects is also provident. The economic

development of the country has also been a matter of immense propagation in these past days.

Application of the sophisticated technologies and more conditional aspects has let the country to

maintain the pace of development. Rather all the surrounding conditional facts for the

construction growth have been in favor of the country.

As it has been discussed already that the market of Malaysia is growing rapidly which indulges

in application of more lean principles which helps to make the companies to make an immense

benefit. At the same time lean industry helps the companies to attain the competitive advantage

of the market place which allows the companies to manufacture a high quality of product

(Alarcon and Seguel, 2002). Apart from that as the cost for the manufacturing process reduces a

lot and the west elimination becomes one of the most proactive factors for attending the lean

principles, nature of productivity and profitability increases. In a recent research it is stated that

Malaysia from 2001- 2014 has gone through the flux of the growth in the construction industry.

The discreet data available in this aspect shows that the application of the lean principles in

Malaysia is in large aspects proved to be successful for the development of various operations.

The concept of continuous improvement has cast its imperial contribution in this growth.

27 | P a g e
Application of the lean principles and six sigma seems to have the most profound effect on the

development of this industry.

Bhasin (2012) has eloquently stated that with the gradual growth of the circumstantial aspects are

proved to be effective for the further development of the construction industry. A report by

Alarcon and Seguel (2002) has typically displays that the growth of the Malaysian economy are

in a large aspect is boosted by more urbanity. The metropolitan cities have received the most

conditional growth in these days. On the other hand, the foreign companies are investing in a

large aspect which is also allowing in bringing the change in the taste of the common people.

Rather the liberal policies applied by the Malaysian government are also very much fundamental

in this growth.

Application of modern technologies has become a great opportunity for the development and

growth of Malaysia. People seeking for more comfort are getting attracted by these superficial

approaches. Bhasin (2012) can be quoted by saying that Malaysia is having the most

sophisticated approach for the general development of the construction industry. Rather to match

with the growth of the global economy, Malaysia has also strengthened its economical

approaches. At the same time, a report by Apte and Goh (2004) has pointed out that in 2013 the

GDP growth of income among the Malaysians was 5.7% which is expected to rise to 6.2%

within 2014. Though the inflation rate has increased to cope up with the gradual fluctuation of

the global economy but it is to be said, the intense growth of overall economy has nothing but

paved the way for the immense growth of the construction industry as a whole. The political

stability of the country has added more stability to the intensity of the growth of the country.

Zachariassen and Arlbjorn (2010) have critically assessed that among the Asian countries,

Malaysia seems to cast the baton which propagates the beacon for the other countries. A

28 | P a g e
successful implementation of the lean strategies has become the most conditional aspects which

instigated the growth of the country.

2.8 Scopes of Implementation of Lean Construction in Malaysia:

So far it has been discussed it is witnessed that lean construction is having a proficient market in

Malaysia. It is sure that with the passing of days that Malaysia is becoming one of the most

sophisticated places in the world where with the grace of intense urbanization lean construction

has attained popularity. The organisational issues are the most attending purposes that are needed

to be fulfilled. Frequent breakdown in the working structure and the development of the

technical issues, Malaysia is having a probable and opportunist atmosphere to be developed

intensely (Salem and Zimmer, 2005). At the same time with more international companies are

investing in Malaysian economy, it is expected that in the coming years, the manufacturing

industry is going to be one of the most proficient in its approaches in Malaysian background.

Rather is also needed to be ascertained that with days Malaysia is strengthening is economy

which is also enabling its sophisticated business atmosphere. The development of the

transportation system and development of infrastructure is also letting the situation more

proactive for the application of lean principles in the construction industry. As Salem and

Zimmer (2005) have pointed out that the prosperous fate of the Malaysian industries are having

the intense and gracious benefits for the development by implementing the evolving strategical

abilities. It is also expected that in coming days, the application of the strategical approach will

also be very much successful for the lean construction in Malaysian perspective. With the

gradual elimination of the poignant rational approaches, implementation of the lean strategy in

Malaysia is also getting pace. This very research work seems to be the most sophisticated

approach in acquiring the organisational success. The administrative functions are also getting

29 | P a g e
more strategic in the implementation of the proper infrastructure and transportation abilities.

More to be added, the gradual growth of lean construction is also strategical in implementation

of more innovative ideas which are really sophisticated in nature.

But at the same time the organisations are to face the teething competition of the market place

and generation of low selling revenue have become the point of worry in the successful

implementation of lean principles. The brand value is also propagating a daunting impact in the

scurrilous proposition in the market place (Paranitharan et al. 2011). Paucity of proper funding

and inappropriate management skills are the most pretentious factors in the way of development.

The growth and the development of the lean construction seem to be fully dependent on the

conditional growth of the industry which is also very much significant in its approaches to attain

a sophisticated risk.

2.9 Impediments in Implementation of Lean Construction in respect of Malaysia:

It has already been stated that the application of lean strategy seems to be a more sophisticated

approach for the manufacturing industry; therefore, a lot of changes in needed while applying the

same policy in the construction industry. At the same time, as Salah et al. (2011) has stated that

the circumstantial aspects of construction industry always differ from one place to another. Even

within a country, the application of the different strategies seems to be needed. Henceforth, it is

natural that lean construction has to face several problems in respect of implementation of the

strategies. Rather as construction industry is more risky in nature in capitalizing the market

place, application of the lean strategies become more difficult. There had been several studies

conducted on the implementation of the lean strategy in the construction industry. But still no

proper solution has come out. The challenges often seem to hinder the successful application and

30 | P a g e
let the work to be lingered further. The prominent barriers that construction industries face are

discussed in the following section of the study:

2.9.1 Call of Conventionality:

In a large aspect it is seen that the conventional approaches are called to be most sophisticated in

attending the success for any project. Rather as the constructing process goes through the sub

constructing stages as well, often the conflicts are common. The participants of a project get only

a little space to attend the sophistication. The construction companies in a large aspect often

seems to work with the subcontracting firms as well which lets the construction companies to

become more coordinating. Rather the people who are responsible for the implementation of this

work are not so much proficient with the application of the new strategies which begets a chaotic

situation in the development process. Rather the sterilization of this potential aspect is made

barrier by the conventional application of the construction. Therefore, often it seems that the lean

policy needs to compromise with the credential facts. To circumvent this problem, different

stereotypical strategies have been taken but no proper utilization seems to have taken place.

2.9.2 Cultural Barriers:

The cultural impediments are the most sophisticated impediments in the way of implementation

of the lean construction. For the lean approach, changes in the mind of the common people of the

market are very much necessary. Lehtinen and Torkko (2005), while saying this, has given a

profound example; if a person is not sophisticated in his approaches to curtail the wastage, how

can be possible to apply the same principle for the construction industry in a large aspect.

Therefore, changing in the traditional approaches is very much necessary. Maloni et al. (2012)

have pointed towards the lack of commitment, criticism, social barriers and other things which,

31 | P a g e
in accordance to him, are the most severe approaches that acts hindrance in the justification of

this fact. The cultural and the social approaches are the most prominent approaches that act

barriers in the implementation of these ideologies. Lehtinen and Torkko (2005) have stated that

construction industry is really a potential place of risk of investment, at the same time with the

severe attacks of cultural prodigality has resulted in acceleration of the risk. More to be added,

the construction development in a large aspect is an ardent approach that creates poignancy.

2.9.3 Financial Stringency:

Financial crunch seems to be called one of the most prodigious aspects that act as barrier in the

development. A lot of investment is needed for the application of the technologies and the

technical equipments which often seem not to be so much affluent for the construction

organisations. Only the installation of the machinery is not enough which is needed to be

accompanied by the expert staffs and well experienced employees at the same time. Collins et al.

(2004) have pointed out that as the companies are not so much sophisticated in their approaches,

allocation of the finance are often seemed not to be proper and delicate in nature, which let the

construction companies to suffer a lot. More to be added, in order to apply the lean principles

people necessity of money is a must which in a large aspect is violated. Friel (2005) has also

been critical in stating that as a construction project demands for a huge amount of money itself,

it is not always possible for the construction organisations to typically face all the challenges

with providing the proper financial assistance. Rather the price of the instruments needed for

proper lean construction is so much expensive; it is always not possible for the companies to

install them or to make them in use properly. Sharma (2003) seems to be more critical in his

approaches when he advises in removing some of the long standing problems to give more

potentiality in this aspect. He has mentioned that the stability of the economy of the market place

32 | P a g e
of that country or that area is really essential. On the other hand, a controlled inflation is very

much favorable for the application of the lean principles in the construction industry. Rather the

social, political stability is very much needed. Low remuneration employees, less experimental

cost, proper management and leader to handle the financial problems are the other necessary

aspects that Sharma (2003) has stated to be applied in the conditional and financial regeneration

of lean construction. Apart from that, the legislation and the administration of that area is needed

to in the favor of the development of the project.

2.9.4 Lack of Awareness:

Application of the lean principles for a long time had been considered to be applied only in the

manufacturing industry which later had been incorporated in the construction industry and

others. Therefore, the awareness of the people is not so much sophisticated for the application of

the lean principles. Friel (2005) can be quoted by saying that in Malaysian construction industry,

application of lean had been an alien like concept some years ago even. They have also added

that the companies seem not to be so much aware about the application of the lean. More to be

added, having no proper awareness, application of lean is in no way can be diversified. Proper

understanding of the necessary facts of lean industry is very much essential. Gammelgaard

(2009) can be quoted by saying that although the application of the lean principles is very much

sophisticated in nature and accepted by most of the construction firms, but the application of

which is really rare. Lack of proper comprehension is the most problematic situation that faced

by the construction firms. The concept of lean applied for construction industry is different from

the manufacturing industry, but, it is seen that proper understanding of this process is a difficult

problem for the genuine and gothic development of the companies.

33 | P a g e
2.9.5 Lean Construction Dichotomy:

Drawing up the proper planning and designing seem to be the most conditional approach for

construction industry. But in a large aspect as the planning is different from that of the

application, it seems that there are so many problems that the construction industries are to face.

The application of the lean strategies is in a large aspect is different from that of the correlation

which is actually needed to be applied. Significant designing is the most potential aspect for the

construction industry to be developed properly. Solving the uncertainties are the most peculiar

factors having estranged qualities with the lean implementation in the manufacturing sector.

Thomsen (2006) has argued that the application of the lean is in a large aspect is nothing but the

sectional fact which actually needs to build up its own market as well. Strict adherence in this

aspect is the most specific fact which allows containing the different circumstances. Forbes and

Ahmed (2011) have added that there had been so much arguments on this factor about the

implementation and theoretical approaches which lets the workforce to be downed by a large

number. It is called to be the most poignant approach where no conditionality is retained.

Thomsen (2006) has narrated that with the application of the modern technologies designing can

be done more sophistically.

2.9.6 Application of Poor Management System:

It is seen that the management system of the construction industries are not so much efficient

which seems to be the barrier for the development. Application of staggering management is

called to be the most difficult problem for implementation of strategies which let to have the

organisational success. Satisfactory challenges are very much proficient for the general

development of the construction organisation (Forbes and Ahmed, 2011). The objectives are

34 | P a g e
often seemed to be remained unfulfilled which manipulates all the problems. For the poor

management system, achievement of the objectives is not so much profound in nature which in a

large aspect seems to cast its implementation in the growth of the industry. More to be added,

strategic implementation of the strategy is in a large aspect missing in the industrial approach.

2.10 Conceptual Framework:

Application and determination of the conceptual framework for the implementation of a process

is very much significant. The conceptual framework deals with the physical growth of a research

work. It clearly states that what are the possible reasons and the possible causes of the reasons

and what are the provident remedies of these very problems. Application of the lean tools in the

construction process is called to be the fundamental attributes which leads to the fundamental

development processes. The conceptual framework attends different facts that propagate

different matters at the same time which combines with the objectives and hypothesis of the

research work. The conceptual framework combines the idealities which is having the most

approaches. For this very research work the researcher has also aimed to maintain a propositional

attribute which leads to the circumstantial development of the organisational strategy for a


Application of the lean principles seems to have the stupendous effect in the propagation of the

construction industry. From this very framework it is quite clear that strategical approaches are

very much gracious for the development of the lean construction. The support of the

management seems to be very much strategical in planning for the conditional growth.

Considering the changes, proportional aspects are the most human oriented approaches that the

sets to entitle the proper strategical approaches. It seems that the application of the conceptual

35 | P a g e
framework provides more potentiality to the development of the research work. The work

structure that is provided by a research study allows the fundamental aspects to be strategized.

This actually helps in developing the research structure.

Soft Aspects of Hard Aspects of

Application of Lean Application of Lean

Application of the lean statistics for the social,

environmental, economical and cultural

Successful Implementation of Lean construction

Figure 6: Conceptual Framework

(Source: Designed by the researcher)

2.11 Summery:

Throughout this chapter the researcher has narrated the conditional and theoretical approaches

that lead to undertake the conditional stabilities which are nothing but the propositional aspects

that leads to have conditional approaches. The lean principles applied in the construction

industries are nothing but the strategical principles which leads to a successful accomplishment

of the construction work. In this very section of the research work, the researcher has pointed out

the facts that seemed to be responsible for giving a profound instigation and platform to the

36 | P a g e
research work. By analysing the conceptions formed by the forerunners of this research work, the

researcher is aimed to narrate all the principle aspects with intense sophistication. More to be

added, this literature review section, as the researcher thinks, will provide more sustainability to

the research study. The ethical approach of the lean principles to the successful accomplishment

of the study seems to be one of the most credential aspects which will lead to a success of this

research study.

Finally it can be said that this analysis is the most credential approach to maintain the most

enigmatic approaches while conducting the research work. At the same time this literature

review section provides more strength to the research study.

37 | P a g e


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