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Article  in  Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and Oncology · January 2017

DOI: 10.1615/JEnvironPatholToxicolOncol.2017015804

19 4,329

4 authors:

Blessy Baby Mathew Himani Singh

Dayananda Sagar Institutions Sapthagiri College of Engineering


Vinai Biju Krishnamurthy Nidaghatta Beeregowda

Christ University, Bangalore Sapthagiri College of Engineering


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Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology, 36(1):55–71 (2017)

Classification, Source, and Effect of Environmental

Pollutants and Their Biodegradation
Blessy Baby Mathew,a,* Himani Singh,a Vinai George Biju,b & N. B. Krishnamurthya

Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru-560057, Karnataka, India; bCUFE, Christ
University, Bengaluru-560060, Karnataka, India

*Address all correspondence to: Blessy Baby Mathew, Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, 14/5, Chikkasandra,
Hesarghatta Main Road, Bengaluru-560057, Karnataka, India; Tel.: 080 2837 2800; Fax: 080-28 372797, E-mail:

ABSTRACT: Any foreign chemical substance that is unusually present within an organism or is
unexpectedly found in the environment at a higher concentration than the permissible limits can be termed
a xenobiotic or a pollutant. Such substances include carcinogens, drugs, food additives, hydrocarbons,
dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides or even some natural compounds. Pollutants are known
for their higher persistence and pervasiveness, and along with their transformed products, they can remain
in and interact with the environment for prolonged periods. In this article, the classification of such
substances based on their nature, use, physical state, pathophysiological effects, and sources is discussed.
The effects of pollutants on the environment, their biotransformation in terms of bioaccumulation,
and the different types of remediation such as in situ and ex situ remediation, are also presented.

KEY WORDS: bioremediation, xenobiotic biotransformation, environmental pollutants, photoremediation

I. INTRODUCTION isms higher in the food chain.3

Xenobiotic substances are considered toxins in daily II. CLASSIFICATION OF XENOBIOTIC

life, but they can also be unknown components in liv- SUBSTANCES
ing organisms that are generally not expected to be
present. The word xenobiotic is derived from Greek Xenobiotic substances can be classified based on the
words xenos (foreign), and bios (living), together following characteristics.
meaning strange things in life forms. In toxicology,
the nature of the substance and its concentration play A. Nature
important roles.1,2 Bioaccumulation is an example of
a xenobiotic process in which increasing concentra- Xenobiotics act as foreign components in the living
tions of the compound starts accumulating inside organism; at the same time, however, a xenobiotic
the organism due to poor metabolism. This process can be a usual substance for another organism, de-
occurs either by continuous accumulation due to ex- pending on the metabolic capability of the organism
posure to the substance in small quantities or when to transform or degrade it. Natural xenobiotics are
the exposure time is less but the exposure quantity the chemicals produced by a living organism mainly
is very high. Bioaccumulation can be further stud- for defense purposes, such as bacteriotoxins, zoot-
ied via bioconcentration, in which the intake of the oxins, or phytotoxins. They can also be biologically
chemical compound from the surrounding environ- active amines such as serotonin. Synthetic xenobi-
ment takes place and via biomagnification, in which otics are manmade substances that are toxic to the
more accumulation occurs in the tissues of organ- living organism or become toxic due to their trans-

0731-9989/17/$35.00 © 2017 Begell House, Inc. 55

56 Mathew et al.

formation or accumulation.4 (mostly from pharma industries) and hydrocarbons

(from petroleum effluent) are considered direct
B. Uses sources.8 Plastics that are durable but degrade very
slowly,9 paint containing emulsifiers and texturiz-
Active xenobiotics are compounds such as pes- ers,10 and dyes that are persistent in the environ-
ticides, paints, and dyes. Passive xenobiotics are ment affect the photosynthesis activity of aquatic
compounds that act as additives or carrier mole- life.11 Pesticides and insecticides like organophos-
cules used to facilitate the working of the active phorous compounds, benzimidazoles, methyl para-
components present in the substances even if they thion, and morpholine, along with paper and pulp
possess their own characteristics.5 effluent, also degrade very slowly12,13 and directly
affect the environment.
C. Physical State
2. Indirect Sources
Gaseous xenobiotics occur in vapor form (e.g.,
benzene) or aerosol form (e.g., pesticides) and can Indirect sources generally include hospital dis-
easily spread in the environment. Dust-form xeno- charge such as pharmaceutical compounds, non-
biotics are generally in a solid state but are very steroidal or anti-inflammatory drugs, pesticides,
minute and light weight; thus, they are easily car- and herbicide residues that are release into the soil
ried away with air or water (e.g., asbestos powder). or environment. These substances are indirect pol-
Liquid xenobiotics are chemicals dissolved in wa- lutants either in their original or fragmented state.
ter. These are generally effluents directly released Bioaccumulation and biomagnification plays an
to bodies of water. important role in their incorporation in the food
D. Pathophysiological Effects
B. Product and Processes as a Source
Tissue or organs targeted by the xenobiotic or the
affected biochemical mechanism can be used as a 1. Product
means of classifying xenobiotics, such as kidney
toxins affecting the kidneys and some methemo- The final outcome of a reaction or any process has
globin producing toxins.6 enormous value because xenobiotics do not de-
grade easily (e.g., pesticides, dyes, etc.).
SOURCES 2. Processes

These substances are everywhere, but it is important The activities of day-to-day life at domestic scale
to understand from where and how they are released or industrial scale result in the release of xenobiot-
or emitted in the environment. By understanding ics. They can include the steps involved in the pro-
their sources better, we can develop new methods duction of final goods or they can be components
to minimize their release or emission. The various involved from initial stages such as pretreatment
sources of xenobiotics are classified as follows. stages to final stages such as packaging and trans-
A. Direct and Indirect Sources
C. Deliberate and Accidental Causes
1. Direct Sources
1. Deliberate
Here, pollutants are directly released in the sur-
rounding environment. Chemicals such as phenols7 Chemical compounds, such as chemicals used in

Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology

Environmental Pollutants and Their Biodegradation 57

paper and pulp industries, used in different steps metals from their natural binding sites, causing
and processes are released into the environment cell malfunctioning leading to toxicity.19 Free-rad-
consciously. ical chain reaction is a constant phenomenon due
to sunlight exposure, emotional stress, harmful
2. Accidental eating habits, etc. This process leads to cell mal-
functioning by disturbing the cell structure and by
Xenobiotics are also released unintentionally into altering the lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids.20
the environment due to a sudden accident or any Surveys of DNA interactions with transition metal
technical problem. complexes have provoked considerable interest
due to their applications as new healing agents.
D. Moving and Stationary Sources They probe DNA structure and conformation, such
as binding of peptides and small organic and inor-
1. Moving Sources ganic molecules to DNA, which restricts transcrip-
tion and replication.21 Natural antioxidants such as
Sources that release effluent in moving state come
vitamins, polyphenols, flavones, and ginsenosides
under this category, which includes automobiles
can be identified via peroxidation of lipids where
emitting large quantity of pollutants such as carbon
large quantities of harmful byproducts are formed.
monoxide, lead, etc.
This process can help in assessing their function
in human red cells, human low density lipopro-
2. Stationary Sources
tein, etc.22 Accepted constituents of the Earth’s
Stationary sources are situated at one place and crust are stable, but uncritical human actions have
emit or release harmful pollutants, as in industries. drastically altered Earth’s geochemical cycle and
biochemical balance, which has resulted in metal
E. Regulated and Unregulated Sources accumulation.23 Certain environmental toxins are
chief constituents of several key enzymes and play
1. Regulated Sources a vital role in various oxidation–reduction reac-
tions. Some have been reported to affect cell or-
The effluent released can be regulated by setting ganelles such as membranes, mitochondria, lyso-
some norms and fixing strict laws and rules. This some, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclei, etc., whereas
regulation is generally applicable to large indus- some other enzymes are involved in metabolism,
tries and automobiles. detoxification, and impairment reparation.24 Endo-
crine-disrupting chemicals are another sort of ma-
2. Unregulated Sources jor threat to the environment because it has been
associated with abnormal thyroid function in birds,
In household activity, it is very difficult to regulate fish, etc. These chemicals have also been associ-
domestic waste generation.18 ated with reduced fertility and decreased hatching
in birds, fishes, and mammals.25
A. Soil
In plants and animals, certain metals may have es-
sential biological functions, but occasionally their Soil is adversely affected by human activities. Mi-
chemical synchronization and redox properties crobes present in the soil have the ability to de-
enable them to skip control mechanisms such as grade chemical compounds, but sometimes (due
homeostasis, transport, compartmentalization and to environmental factors), the rate of degradation
binding. They become fixed to undefined or non- process decreases or sometimes does not take place
specific protein positions by dislodging original at all.26–28 These chemicals can be the chlorinated

Volume 36, Issue 1, 2017

58 Mathew et al.

aromatic herbicides (triazine) and pesticides used excreted from the body. Here, lipophilic compounds
in the agricultural field or for gardening. They have are converted into hydrophilic compounds that are
ability to persist in the soil for very long time, and then excreted in hepatic bile and urine. These xeno-
many of them have half-life in years and vary ac- biotic compounds are not soluble in water and are
cording to the environmental conditions.29–35 Fig- nonpolar; hence, it is very important to make them
ure 1 presents the persistence time of some chemi- water soluble before their excretion.40
cal compounds used on soil. Biotransformation is mainly divided into three
phases. In phase I, the functional group is added
B. Bodies of Water or exposed (such as –OH, -SH, -NH2 or –COOH)
for the further transformation process. In phase II,
Many xenobiotics such as industrial chemicals, the parent molecule or the product of the phase I
pesticides, organic solvents that are released in the is conjugated with water-soluble and polar bio-
environment are very toxic. Among them, many molecules. In phase III, the elimination of these
are hydrophobic in nature and are mainly stored compounds from the body of the organism takes
in sediments. They are mostly nonpolar and have place.41 They are transformed in phase I, transport-
the ability to dissolve in the lipids inside the ani- ed in phase II, and eliminated by the process of
mal rather than water; thus, their exposure to lower phase III reaction (Fig. 2).
trophic levels causes severe toxic effects at higher
trophic levels through biomagnification.36–39 A. Phase I (Functionalization)


Biotransformation is also known as bioconversion. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that occurs

It is a process in which the compounds are convert- when electrons are lost; thereby, elements be-
ed from one form to another so they can be easily come oxidized. However, there are numerous

FIG. 1: Summary of the relative persistence levels of xenobiotic in soil (adapted from Rhine et al., 2003)33

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Environmental Pollutants and Their Biodegradation 59

FIG. 2: General mechanism of biotransformation (adapted from Klaassen and Amdur, 1996)42

reactions where oxygen is not involved such as undergo reduction reaction such as nitro (catalyzed
in the removal of hydrogen or during the loss by CYP and inhibited by oxygen), azo (inhibited
of electron by the substrate. On the other hand, by oxygen and carbon monoxide), sulfoxide (in
dehydrogenation is the chemical reaction that mammalian tissue), aldehyde, and ketone (in liver,
involves removal of hydrogen from a molecule, brain, kidney, and other tissue).
which is the reverse process of hydrogenation.43
Examples of simple oxidation reaction are given 3. Hydrolysis Reaction
in Fig. 3.
In this reaction, water molecules are consumed for
2. Reduction Reaction the breakdown of the substrate into smaller ones
and addition of hydroxyl (-OH) to one of the prod-
A reduction reaction is generally referred to as the ucts and hydrogen (H) to the other takes place.43
removal of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen; it Enzyme such as esterases (carboxylesterase, cho-
can also be termed as the gain of electrons by the linesterase, etc.) are involved in the hydrolysis re-
substrate (Fig. 4).43 Numerous functional groups action (Fig. 5).

FIG. 3: Oxidation reactions.

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60 Mathew et al.

FIG. 4: Reduction reactions.

FIG. 5: Hydrolysis reactions.

4. Monooxygenation Reaction

Monooxygenation of xenobiotics are catalyzed six isoforms (Table 1).

either by the cytochrome P450 (CYP)-dependent
monooxygenase system or by flavin-containing B. Phase II (Conjugation)
monooxygenases (FMOs). Cytochrome P450 is
used for the pigment with a heme Fe2+, a carbon The phase II reaction occurs in the parent molecule
monoxide complex that has an absorption spectral or the product of phase I to increase its hydrophi-
band at 450 nm.44 These are present in almost all licity (water solubility); it is achieved by the addi-
the organisms, from Archaebacteria to humans, tion of the glucuronides, sulfates, and gluthione.
but with the evident exclusion of enterobacteria Conjugation reactions usually involve metabolite
(e.g., Escherichia coli)45 P450s, which oxidize xe- activation by some high-energy intermediate and
nobiotic chemicals and are mainly localized and have been classified into two general types: type I,
expressed in the liver. They play a major role in in which an activated conjugating agent combines
the oxidation of xenobiotic compounds such as the with the substrate to yield the conjugated product,
clearance of drugs and the oxidation of the endog- and type II, in which the substrate is activated and
enous chemicals.46,47 On the other hand, flavin-con- then combines with an amino acid to yield a con-
taining monooxygenase (FMO) initially known as jugated product (Fig. 6). The formation of sulfates
the microsomal amine oxidase, has been used to and glycosides are examples of type I, whereas
metabolize tertiary amines to N-oxides, which is type II consists primarily of amino acid conjuga-
dependent on NADPH and O2.48 These FMOs have tion.50,51

TABLE 1: Isoform of FMO and its function

Isoform of FMO Functions
FMO1 Expressed in the embryo initially that disappears relatively
quickly after birth
FMO2 Mostly premature stop codon in Caucasians and Asians, which
prevent the expression of functional protein
FMO3 Responsible for the disease trimethylamineuria
FMO4 Inability of some individuals to convert the malodorous
trimethylamine, either from the diet or from metabolism to its
odorless N-oxide
FMO5 Poor catalytic activity hence minimal participation in xenobiotic
FMO6 Not yet known
Xenobiotic compounds contains nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, or other nucleophiles are oxidized by
FMO such as dimethylaniline, cimetidine, promethazine, etc.49

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Environmental Pollutants and Their Biodegradation 61

FIG. 6: Types of conjugation.

1. Glucuronidation Reaction 3. Glutathione Reaction

The glucuronidation reaction is carried out by the A glutathione reaction is carried out by the enzyme
enzyme glucuronosyl transferase when glucuron- glutathione-S-transferase (GST) along with gluta-
ic acid is added (Fig. 7). They are mostly found thione. These enzymes are found in cytoplasms of
in endoplasmic reticulum of liver, kidney, lungs, cells in liver, brain, kidney, testes, intestine, etc. Glu-
etc.52,53 Uridine-5-diphospho-α-d-glucuronic acid tathione adducts are excreted unchanged in the bile
(UDPGA) acts as a cofactor in these reactions. and in feces. Some chemicals do not require GSH
Glucuronidated products are transported from lu- transferase, and itself forms the glutathione adduct.60
men to cytoplasm by the transporters situated in
C. Phase III (Elimination)
the endoplasmic reticulum.43,54
Phase III biotransformation is a new concept that
2. Sulfonation Reaction
started in 1976 by the discovery of a 170-kDa
carbohydrate complex in the extracellular mem-
Sulfonation reaction is the reaction that is catalyzed
branes,61 which is termed as P glycoprotein (per-
by sulfotransferase where a sulfate group is added
meability glycoprotein). P-glycoprotein was the
at –C-OH, -N-OH and –NH, giving rise to O-sul-
initial member of what are currently referred to
fates and N-sulfates. Here, 3′-phosphoadenosine-
as the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of drug
5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) act as cofactors. There transporters.62
are two types of sulfotransferases: membrane
bound (in Golgi apparati)55,56 and soluble (in the VI. XENOBIOTIC DEGRADATION
cytoplasm).57 Drugs are often converted to sulfo-
nate conjugates for their proper pharmacological Currently, biological methods are used in the deg-
activity.58,59 radation and removal of xenobiotic compounds be-

FIG. 7: Glucuronidation reaction.

Volume 36, Issue 1, 2017

62 Mathew et al.

FIG. 8: Classification of different xenobiotic techniques (adapted from Varsha et al., 2011)64

cause the physiochemical methods initially used were them play important roles in bioremediation. Envi-
expensive and often resulted in products that were ronmental factors like soil (absorption), temperature,
toxic in nature and thus required further treatment.63 and pH (activity of enzyme) affect the degradation
Hence, the xenobiotic degradation technique can be of xenobiotic,70 which needs to be controlled and
further classified as bioremediation and photoreme- optimized.71 The management of xenobiotics can be
diation (Fig. 8). Bioremediation is also referred as effectively done by bioremediation, which is carried
biotreatment, bioreclamation, and biorestoration. It out in two ways: in situ and ex situ bioremediation.
is generally defined as a treatability technology that
uses biological activity to reduce the concentration or A. In situ Bioremediation
toxicity of a pollutant in the environment.64,65 It is not
only for the degradation of pollutants but also can re- In situ bioremediation, microorganisms are used
move the pollutant from the environment without de- in a direct approach at the site of pollution, such
grading it.66 In this process, microorganisms or their as soil and ground water. It is further divided as
enzymes are used for transforming or degrading the intrinsic bioremediation (without changing the
xenobiotic compound, mainly into methane, water, current condition) and enhanced bioremediation
and carbon dioxide.67,68 Bacteria in particular take up (including additives such as nutrients, oxygen
large quantities of metals and minerals to ensure ad- etc.).72,73 The main advantage of in situ bioreme-
equate resources for binary fission. Algae and plants diation is that it is not expensive and the place
are very good at absorbing nitrogen, phosphorus, where it is carried out is not disturbed. However, it
sulfur, and many minerals and metals from the envi- is time consuming, and the ability of the microbes
ronment. For example, plants like locoweed remove changes according to the season.
large amounts of the toxic element selenium.69 Many
factors such as the population of the microorganism B. Ex situ Bioremediation
and their ability to degrade xenobiotic compounds
along with the concentration of pollutant available to Waste and toxic substances are collected and trans-

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Environmental Pollutants and Their Biodegradation 63

ferred to a designated place to carry out the bio- dation mechanisms also vary; Pseudomonas, Esch-
remediation process. These methods are generally erichia, etc., are aerobic bacteria that require oxygen
applied on soil via excavation and in ground wa- for their function, whereas Syntrophobacter, Syn-
ter via pumping. Ex situ bioremediation is a better trophus, and Desulphovibrio are anaerobic bacteria
controlled, high-yielding process and is time effi- that do not require oxygen.75 Methanogenic bacteria
cient, but these can be an expensive process and produce methane gas along with carbon dioxide after
sites of pollution are greatly disturbed.74 the degradation of the xenobiotic compound76 via the
methanogenesis process. Due to their plasmid borne
C. Microbial Bioremediation mechanism, they are sometimes specifically used for
the degradation of oil derivatives (cyanobacteria)77
Microbial biodegradation is carried out by different and for the degradation of synthetic polymers such
organisms like bacteria, fungus, and algae. Nearly as sphingomonads.78 Due to recombinant technology,
50 microbial strains of microorganisms capable of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are being
degrading xenobiotics have been isolated, such as developed that carry the specific genes responsible
Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Alcaligenes, and for the degradation of specific compounds. The best
Nocardia. Microbial degradation of xenobiotics example of these GMOs is the “super bugs” of Pseu-
assumes significance because it provides an effec- domonas spp.; they are able to degrade large quanti-
tive and economic means of disposing toxic chem- ties of hydrocarbons present in oil spills.79
icals, particularly the environmental pollutants. A
selected list of microorganisms and the xenobiotics 2. Fungi in Bioremediation
degraded is given in Table 2.4
Bioremediation with fungi is referred to as mycore-
1. Bacteria in Bioremediation mediation because fungi are used for the remedia-
tion process of several xenobiotic compounds. They
A wide range of bacteria participate in the bioreme- play a very significant role in the degradation of xe-
diation of xenobiotic compounds, and their degra- nobiotics such as heavy metals, hydrocarbon in oils,

TABLE 2: List of microorganisms that degrade the xenobiotic (adapted from Gadzała-Kopciuch et al.,
Microorganism Xenobiotic
Pseudomonas spp. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons: alkylaminoxides, alkylammonium benzene,
naphthalene, anthracene xylene, toluene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mala-
thion, parathion, organophosphates.
Mycobacterium spp. Benzene, branched hydrocarbons, cycloparaffins.
Alcaligenes spp. Polychlorinated biphenyls, alkyl benzene, halogenated hydrocarbons.
Nocardia spp. Naphthalene, alkyl benzenes, phenoxyacetate.
Arthrobacter spp. Benzene, polycyclic aromatics, phenoxyacetate, pentachlorophenol.
Corynebacterium spp. Halogenated hydrocarbons, phenoxyacetate.
Bacillus spp. Long chain alkanes, phenylurea.
Candida spp. Polychlorinated biphenyls
Aspergillus spp. Phenols
Xanthomonas spp. Polycyclic hydrocarbons
Streptomyces spp. Halogenated hydrocarbons, phenoxyacetate.
Fusarium spp. Propanil
Cunninghamella spp. Polycyclic aromatics, polychlorinated biphenyls

Volume 36, Issue 1, 2017

64 Mathew et al.

polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, etc. This sort unicellular algae.91 Research in this field has been
of degradation can be further classified as fungal ongoing for many years, and it has been observed
biosorption, mycorrhizal fungal degradation, and that algae are capable of oxidizing many hydro-
ligninolytical fungal degradation. Biosorption by carbons into less harmful metabolites, which sug-
fungi is different from the bioaccumulation because gest their capability to degrade crude oil.92–99 The
the structure of biosorbents is not affected; hence, metabolism of algae to degrade xenobiotic com-
it is better than bioaccumulation.80 Fungal biore- pounds is represented in the Fig. 9, where algae
mediation is generally observed in waste industrial becomes degraded and produce water, carbon di-
effluents and biomass such as seaweed where the oxide, and less harmful metabolites, which in turn
xenobiotic compounds are attached to the cellular can be utilized as nutrient source by the algae.100
structure.81 Cell walls and their components partici-
pate in biosorption. If there is no such physiologi- 4. Phytoremediation
cal activity, they can absorb significant amount of
organic xenobiotic compounds.82 Saccharomyces Phytoremediation is the direct use of living plants
cerevisiae, Botrytis cinerea, Mucor spp., Aspergil- for in situ remediation of contaminated soil, sludge,
lus carbonaruius, Aspergillus niger, and Rhizopus sediments, and ground water through contaminant
spp. are widely used for the absorption of heavy removal, degradation or containment.101 It is also
metals.83 Mycorrhizal fungal degradation is an- called green remediation or agroremediation when
other kind of symbiotic association of fungi and higher land plants are used.102 Some plants have
actinomycetes with the root zone of vascular plant, the ability to degrade organic pollutants or to sta-
which increases the amount of soil organic carbon. bilize metal contaminants by acting as filters by re-
Morchella conica and Tylospcno fibrilnsa are fungi sisting the lethal effects of some xenobiotics.103,104
that grow as symbionts and improve degradation of Phytoremediation has been studied extensively in
organic xenobiotic compound present in the soil.84
research and small-scale demonstrations; it is eco-
Ligninolytic fungal degradation occurs when the
friendly and cost effective, but full-scale applica-
fungi are able to degrade lignocellulose present in
tions are currently limited because they are time
paper and pulp effluents by producing the lignolytic
consuming.105,106 Phytoremediation can be further
enzymes. Fungi such as Trichoderma harzianum,
classified as follows.
Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, etc., can be used to
degrade synthetic dyes.85,86
a. Phytoextraction
3. Algae in Bioremediation
Phytoextraction, also called phytoaccumulation,
Algae bioremediation is also known as phycoreme- refers to the uptake and translocation of metal con-
diation. Many algae have the ability to resist heavy taminants in the soil by plant roots into the aboveg-
metals and thus are used for their degradation. round portions of the plants.107 Certain plants like
Algal species of Stigeoclonium lenue, Anabaena Brassica juncea, Berkeya coddii, Allysum bertolo-
inacqualis, Chlorella, Westiellopsis prolifica, Syn- nii, Thlaspi caerulescens, and Thlaspi goesingense
echoccus spp. and certain other fresh algae like are called hyperaccumulators because they absorb
Chlorella vulgaris,  Scenedesmus platydiscus,  S. unusually large amounts of metals.108 Many com-
quadricauda, and S. capricornutum are capable bination of plants are used, but according to the
of uptaking and degrading polyaromatic hydrocar- type of metal present, specific combinations can be
bons.87 Operational conditions often act as a limit- planted at a site. After the plants have been allowed
ing factor for the practical application of these or- to grow for several weeks or months, they are har-
ganisms.88–90 Metals are taken up by algae through vested and are either incinerated or composted to
adsorption and are then chelated by some of the recycle the metals.

Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology

Environmental Pollutants and Their Biodegradation 65

tion, phytostimulation, or plant-assisted bioreme-

diation/degradation, consists of the breakdown of
contaminants in the soil through microbial activity
that is enhanced by the presence of rhizosphere. It
is a much slower process than phytodegradation.

e. Phytodegradation

Phytodegradation or phytotransformation is the

breakdown of contaminants taken up by plants
through metabolic processes within the plant or the
breakdown of contaminants external to the plant
through the effect of compounds such as enzymes
produced by the plants.107

f. Phytovolatilization

Phytovolatilization is the uptake of soluble con-

taminants or transpiration of a contaminant by a
FIG. 9: Algae bioremediation metabolism of the con- plant with release of volatile compounds into the
taminants through algae produces CO2, H2O and less-
atmosphere.110 A genetic engineering approach is
harmful components (adapted from Cao et al., 2013)100
used to enhance the scope of phytoremediation by
increasing the productivity of enzymes with great-
b. Phytostabilization er potential and understanding its activity,111–114
e.g., transgenic plants that overexpresses mercury-
Phytostabilization is the use of certain plant spe- resistance genes.115 Further examples of phytore-
cies to immobilize contaminants in the soil and mediation are given in Table 3.
ground water through absorption and accumula-
tion by roots; it is also known as phytoimmobiliza- 5. Photoremediation
The word photo means light; hence, in the light
c. Rhizofiltration (i.e. UV, IR and visible radiation from the sun) are
used to degrade xenobiotic compounds that have
Rhizofiltration or phytofiltration is the adsorption the ability to absorb photons. Photoremediation is
or precipitation of xenobiotic in a solution sur- also used for pesticides, heavy metals (e.g., Pb, Cr,
rounding the plant root zone. The plants used for Fe, etc.), and dyes.121 The dyes used in the paper-
cleanup are raised in greenhouses with their roots pulp and textile industries have greater potential
in water rather than in soil. to cause toxicity to the organism,122,123 and these
dyes are degraded by visible light using hierarchi-
d. Rhizodegradation cal CuO/ZnO materials for electron transfer as de-
picted (Fig. 10).
Rhizodegradation occurs when naturally occurring
biodegradation in soil is enhanced by plant roots VII. CONCLUSION
and preferably leads to destruction or detoxifica-
tion of an organic contaminant. Rhizodegradation, We are all surrounded by chemical or natural com-
also called enhanced rhizosphere biodegrada- pounds with the potential to become xenobiotics or

Volume 36, Issue 1, 2017

66 Mathew et al.

TABLE 3: Plants and their phytoremediation process116–120

Plant name Common name Phytormediation function
Azolla filiculoides Water fern Metals hyperaccumulation
Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop Metals accumulation
Canna flaccida Golden canna Heavy metals removal in constructed wetland
Carex pedula Drooping sedge
Miscanthus floridulus Giant miscanthus
Miscanthus sacchariflorus Amur silver-grass
Chara, Algae If they could be induced to grow mining ef-
Nitella, fluents, they would provide a simple, long-term
Mougeotia, solution to remove radionuclides
Cladium Jamaicense Sawgrass Brine concentration
Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth Metals accumulation and biosorption
Elodea canadensis Phytofiltration of storm water and removal of
Eriophorum angustifolium Cottongrass Phytostabilization of metal rich mine tailings,
Eriophorum scheuchzeri Cottongrass treatment of acid mine drainage
Glyceria fluitans Floating Sweet-grass
Juncus articulatus Jointleaf Rush
Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla TNT transformation and metals accumulation
Hydrocotyle umbellata Pennywort Biosorption of toxic metals
Ipomea aquatics Water spinach Metals accumulation
Lemna minor Duckweed Concentrates technetium-99
Lemna, Spirodela and Duckweed Biosorbents of inorganic and organic pollutants
Wolffia and metals accumulation
Nymphaea violacea Waterlily Uranium and thorium series radionuclides
Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce Metals accumulation
Polygonum punctatum Dotted smartweed radiocesium (137 Cs)
Sagittaria latifolia Broadleaf arrowhead/
Potamogeton natans Floating pondweed Phytofiltration of storm water and removal of
zinc, Metals uptake
Salvinia molesta Kariba weed Metals accumulation
Scirpus spp Bulrush Used in constructed wetland
Scirpus validus Great Bulrush Brine concentration
Spartina alterniflora Cordgrass Saltwater, brine concentration
Spirodela oligorrhiza Giant duckweed Metals accumulation
Sporobolus virginicus Coastal dropseed Brine concentration
Tamarix spp. Salt cedar Hydraulic control of arsenic
Vallisneria spiralis Eel grass Metals hyperaccumulation
Zizania aquatica Wild rice Uptake of 129 I.

pollutants when produced in large quantities. They sified by their nature, constituents and the target
can start accumulating in the environment, causing organ or tissue that they eventually affect. Other
harm in the long run. These substances can be clas- than the subtypes discussed here, further classifi-

Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology

Environmental Pollutants and Their Biodegradation 67

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archical CuO/ZnO materials for the photodegradation of dye contaminants under the irradiation of visible light
(adapted from Liu et al., 2012)124

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Volume 36, Issue 1, 2017

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