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Five pictures of heterotrophic plant with their names and mode of nutrition are as follows :


Name - Pitcher Plant

Mode of Nutrition - Autotrophic Nutrition

2. Symbiotic Plants
3.Carnivorous Plants
4.Parasitic Plants


1. How do plants get nitrogen from soil ?

Plants take nitrogen from the soil by absorption through their roots as amino acids, nitrate
ions, nitrite ions, or ammonium ions. Most nitrogen obtained by terrestrial animals can be
traced back to the eating of plants at some stage of the food chain.
Plants also get nitrogen through Nitrogen Cycle or nitrogen fixation.
The process of the nitrogen cycle transform nitrogen from one form to another by the
help of Nitrifying bacteria.

2. Why is nitrogenous fertilizer not added in soil in which leguminous plants are
grown ?
Nitrogenous fertiliser is not added in soil in which leguminous plants are grown because
the nitrogen fixing bacteria reside in the root nodules of the leguminous plants. These
bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into soluble nitrogenous compounds.

3. A parasite does need to digest the food it takes in. Why ?


4. Plants which are green but receive water and minerals from host plants.
- Non-green plants
5. Type of nutrition in which two organisms live together and benefit each other.
- Mutualism
6. Part of plant from which CO2 enters the plant.
- Stomata
7. Type of nutrition in which green plants make their own food.
- Autotrophic nutrition
8. Liquid present in thermometer.
- Mercury
9. A body condition which occours due to irregular food habits.
10. Mode of heat transfer by which sun-light reaches to earth.
- Radiation
11. Primary source of energy for all living beings.
- Sun
12. Part of plant which makes food.
13. Green coloured pigments in plant.
- Chlorophyll
14. Define - conduction, convection or radiation

Conduction :
Conduction is the transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle. It is the
transfer and distribution of heat energy from atom to atom within a substance. For
example, a spoon in a cup of hot soup becomes warmer because the heat from the soup is
conducted along the spoon. Conduction is most effective in solids-but it can happen in

Convection :
 Convection is the transfer of heat energy in a gas or liquid by movement of currents.

Radiation :
Electromagnetic waves that directly transport ENERGY through space. Sunlight is a form
of radiation that is radiated through space to our planet without the aid of fluids or solids.

15. Explain an activity to demonstrate that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.

16. What is sorter's disease ?
-- Sorter's disease is a fatal blood disease caused by bacterium anthrax resulting from
inhalation of spores in contaminated sheep.


1. The range of laboratory thermometer is from - 100C to 1100C.

- false
2. Temperature of our body can be measured by the help of clinical thermometer
- True
3. The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are known as
- True
4. We use iron utensils to cook food, because iron is a good conductor of heat.
- False
5. We use woolen and dark coloured clothes during winter.
- True

18. Which chemical is used to decolorized the leaves ?

- Alcohol
19. Which animal yield wool apart from sheep ?
- Yak

20. Give reasons for the following :

a. Shearing is done during the hot weather.

- Shearing is done during the hot weather so that sheep can survive without their
protective cover.

b. It hurts when hair is pilled out of body but does not hurt when it is shaved.
- Shaving is the removal of hair, by using a razor or any other kind of bladed implement, to
slice it down to the level of the skin thus it does not hurt when it is shaved.

21. Why do sweaters and shawls keep us warm during winters but not cotton clothes ?
- The woolen clothes like sweaters and shawls keep us warm for two reasons, one is that
wool is a bad conductor of heat and second, the air present in their pores is also a bad
conductor of heat and does not allow the internal heat to go out.

22. Preeti's grand mom showed her a cocoon silk moth.She was amused by it and asked
about its details.
a) What is a cocoon ?
- A cocoon is a silky case spun by the larvae of many insects for protection as pupae.
b) Mention the value shown by Preeti's grand mom.

23. Arrange the following in order :

a) Sorting, Shearing, Removal of burs, Scouring, Rolling into yarn, Dying.
- Shearing, Scouring, Removal of burs, Sorting, Dying, Rolling into yarn.

b) Cocoon, Adult, Egg, Silkworm/Pupa.

- Egg, Cocoon, Silkworm/Pupa, Adult.

24. Explain the activity - How CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis ?

- Carbon dioxide provides the carbon that the plant uses to produce glucose. Carbon dioxide
is combined with water using the energy from sunlight. The carbon in glucose is not only used in
cellular respiration to make ATP, but actually makes up most of the plants. The majority of a
plants mass comes from the carbon that it gets from carbon dioxide(not the soil or else potted
plants would gradually suck out most of the soil around them) after the sugar it makes is
metabolized into other things. The photosynthesis reaction is basically the opposite of cellular
respiration with 6 CO2 and water molecules going in (actually 12 water molecules but 6 are
reformed by the end) and 1 glucose precursor molecule (a 3 carbon sugar called gyceraldehyde
3-phosphate or G3P that can be used to make glucose)  and 6 O2 molecules coming out.  The
carbon enters photosynthesis in the Calvin cycle in which one carbon is fixated for every cycle.
This means that even there are actually 6 G3P molecules produced for every 3 CO2 molecules,
since 5 of them are needed for the continuation of the cycle there is a net product of only 1 G3P
for every 3CO2. A glucose molecule has 6 carbons and G3P have 3 carbons each so you need 6
CO2 molecules for every glucose.

This is a bit off topic but it is important to note that the oxygen released by photosynthesis is
NOT from the carbon dioxide. It is from the H2O used in the light reactions to produce ATP and
NADPH to be used in the Calvin cycle.

25. The difference in temperature between two objects A and B is 50C. What is the
difference in Kelvin ?

26. Why mercury is preferred in thermometers ?

- Mercury is preferred in thermometers because It is a metal and also good conductor of
heat. It has high coefficient of expansion. Hence, the slightest change in temperature is

27. People living in coastal prefer to live in a sea facing house. Explain.

28. Why does mercury not fall or rise in a clinical thermometer when taken out of
mouth ?
- Mercury does not fall or rise in a clinical thermometer when taken out of mouth because
of the Kink present in it and also it is always handled horizontally.

29. Why it is advised that the outer walls of house be painted white in places of hot
climate ?
- In places of hot climate it is advised that outer walls of house be painted white colour
because white colour absorb least heat. It reflects most of the heat and hence keeps the house

30. Name any three types of silk.

- The three types of silk are Eri silk, Tasar silk, and Muga silk

31. What is the rearing of silk worms called ?

- The process of rearing silk worm is called Sericulture, or silk farming.

32. Give reasons for the following :

a. Shearing is done during the hot weather.

- Shearing is done during the hot weather so that sheep can survive without their
protective cover.

b. It hurts when hair is pulled out of body but does not hurt when it is shaved.
- Shaving is the removal of hair, by using a razor or any other kind of bladed implement, to
slice it down to the level of the skin thus it does not hurt when it is shaved.

c. Mulberry silk is the most common silk.

- Mulberry silk is the most commom silk because it is domesticated and reared indoors.

33. There are different types of fibers used. What are plant and animal fibres ?
- Fibers obtained from part of plant are called plant fibers . These can be seed fiber, leaf
fiber, bast fiber, fruit fiber or stalk fiber.
Animal fibers are the fiber which are obtained from parts like animal hair. These can
also be avian fibers and silk fibers. Animal fibers generally comprise proteins such
as collagen, keratin and fibroin.
34. Fill in the blanks :
1. The normal temperature of human body is 98.6 ◦F
2. Two insulators of heat are plastic and rubber.
3. Two conductors of heat are silver and copper.
4. We use light coloured clothes during summers.
5. We use woolen and dark coloured clothes during winter.

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