To Be The Best

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"To be the Best"

Career and Education


I believe that everyone has their own dream, their career, and a path that they chose to believe
in because they loved that path. For me my dream was to be the greatest Mechanical Engineer
that no one would ever defeat. I want to build something that is new to the people, something
that no one can ever copy, something that will be needed for the next 100 years of our
existence, and these inventions will help my fellow people to live a life that we deserve while at
the same time it's saving our planet.


If you're having a thought why did I choose Mechanical Engineering as my career, well it's just
the same thing as anyone who chose the field of Mechanical Engineering. At an Early age I
always disassemble my toys and then fix them again. At first I was disassembling old toys like
mini skateboards, then I proceeded to electric toy cars, and now some old cell phones that our
family doesn't use anymore. Well to be honest some of the toy cars don't work anymore and the
cell phones were not fixed, I just love to disassemble things that are broken to see if I can do
something about it. As I grew up my love for Mechanical Engineering expanded, I loved using
hammers, screwdrivers, saws, and other mechanical tools for Inventing. And I learned that the
time you go to school to learn will be getting more exciting, School and Education will help you
to choose the right career that you will take when you grow up. Through School and Education, I
found what is the right Career path I will need to take. Through learning I learned that 200
students in one school has the same dream of Mechanical Engineering, but we only know a few
people who wants to be a Mechanical Engineer, because some of them stopped attending to
school due to bad habits like being influenced by bad friends, addiction to drugs and alcohols,
and lastly some had started to have a family at an early age.


Now we have reached the conclusion on this part. If you've noticed there's two topics in this
Career I chose and Importance of Education. There are only a few conclusions about my career,
and that is if you chose a job and you're having a hard time at it, maybe it's because it was not
your choice, it was the choice of the people around you. Find a Career that is connected to your
habit and maybe it will make your career more easier. The conclusion about Education is that
school isn't just important but also a key for us to make the career we choose easier and more
exciting. Missing the Opportunity to be Educated is like losing half of your body, this is a big part
of your life so think before wasting the opportunity to learn.

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