EYL - 2nd Meet

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Rafiidah Zaahiyah Rahmah

200502110115 – Akuntansi

English for Young Learners (EYL)

1. What do you learn from the curriculum search and also discussion?

2. What change of understanding do you learn from this learning activities?

Answer :

1. what I have learned is about The Basic Concepts of English Curriculum of Primary Schools,
Kindergarten and Nursery Schools.
The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and
learning materials and methods used as guidelines for organizing activities learning to achieve
certain educational goals (Law No. 2003 concerning the National Education System, Chapter I
Article 1 point 19).
The Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) for PAUD is an operational curriculum
developed and implemented in accordance with the characteristics of the PAUD unit. It means,
This curriculum is made by the education unit according to the characteristics of the PAUD unit
such as environmental conditions, students, educators, facilities and infrastructure, costs, and
underlying values, as well as the program to be carried out by the PAUD unit.

2. . The 2013 Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) includes development on
aspects of curriculum structure, learning process with a scientific approach, and appropriate
assessment authentic. The 2013 curriculum carries the development of constructivism learning
which is more flexible in implementation so as to provide space for children to develop their
potential and talents. The curriculum approach model applies and established at all levels and
levels of education since Early Childhood Education to secondary education. The constancy of
the approach model at all levels is aimed at to form more consistent attitudes, knowledge, and
skills of students from the start so that students are expected to be able to develop into human
resources human beings who have the competence of religious attitudes, are creative,
innovative, and competitive in a wider scope.
As the most basic level, the 2013 Early Childhood Education Curriculum is expected
become the foundation for the preparation of students to be better prepared to enter the
higher education. Delivering early childhood who are ready to continue their education not only
limited to children's ability to read, write, and count, but also in all aspects of development. This
responsibility must be shared between government, PAUD management and education,
parents, and the community.

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