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My reaction about the video that I watch, in the first place I’m not interested to watch but
when the speaker start to speech I’m so amaze and he catch my attention also. When he start
to share his story about what lesson he learned to Steve Jobs I felt this is interesting ,the topic
he discuss his also interested because there is some of the topic that I never know before. He
catch my attention the 12 topic that he discuss is also about life, business, computer, how you
to face the failure and etc. In the 12 topic that he discuss their two of them I realize first,
(Biggest challenges beget the best work) this paragraph catch my attention and it is true that
the biggest challenge in your life has a purpose and this challenge help you to become a strong,
fighter, and you will know your weakness. And last ( Some things need to be believed to be
seen) yes, there are situation that you need to prove , need evidence , need explanation not
also explanation but it also evidence that make it true.
Also I have a reaction to the speaker not only to the topic he release because without the
speaker we cannot know the other things that we need to know and realize. The speaker is also
a good speaker, good communicator, good delivering and good pronunciation. And I idolized
him. When you are a good speaker or communicator you will catch up the attention of listener.

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