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Detailed Lesson Plan

Understanding Culture Society, and Politics

August , 2022

At the end of the interactive discussion, students are able to:
a. Determining the context, content processes and consequences of socialization and enculturation;
b. Appreciating the role of socialization and enculturation in upsetting the society; and
c. Performing the role of socialization and enculturation in forming oneself in society.


Topic: Enculturation and Socialization

References: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 2016 by Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. pp. 63-

Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, balloons, needle, Mask, Manila Paper and Pentel pen

Skills: Listening, understanding, analyzing, performing, speaking

Values: Cooperation and Collaboration

Methodology: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction and Application)


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greeting
Good morning, Mabuhay! Blessed be God forever! Good morning Sir!

If I say good morning, you will say, I feel it! I feel it!

2. Prayer
Let us all stand and feel the presence of the Lord. (The student will lead the prayer)

3. Classroom Management
Before you sit down, kindly pick up the pieces of papers (The students will follow the instructions)
and plastics around you. Then, arrange your chairs properly.

4. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today? Anyone? None Sir.

B. Recall

Who can still remember about our topic last meeting? Yes, Sir, our topic last meeting was all about
Ms. Dela Cruz? culture.
Very Good. So, what is Culture?
Culture is defined as that Complex whole
which encompasses beliefs, practices, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, and everything that a
person learns.

That’s correct!

Is there any question about our previous lesson? None Sir.

C. Motivation

Before we proceed to our formal discussion, we will be

having an activity called: “Balloon Popping”

Kindly listen to the instructions.

Guideline: You will pass the balloons next to you and when
the music stops, the person who hold the balloon will be the
one to pop it using a needle and you will be the one to
answer the mystery question inside of it.

Let’s start? Yes Sir!

Questions to be answered by the students:

1. How do you socialize?
2. Give at least one culture that you have
adapted in your place?

How did you find the activity? It’s fun, Sir.

What do you think is our lesson for today? It’s all about socialization and enculturation.


D. Presentation of the topic and the Learning Objectives

Our lesson for today is all about socialization and


(The teacher will post the learning objectives on the board (The student will read the learning objectives)
(through PPt) and will ask one student to read)

E. Unlocking of Difficulties Enculturation- the process by which an

The following are the terms that you will be able to individual learns the traditional content of a
encounter as we go on with our discussion. culture assimilates its practices and values.

(The teacher will call some of the student to read the Genealogy- is a line of descent traced
different terminologies and their corresponding meaning) continuously from an ancestor.

F. Activity

Let’s proceed with our first activity

Now, you are going to perform: “The thoughts of the

Community” through Pantomime.
(The student will listen to the instructions)

1. The class will be divided into 3 groups.
2. Each group will choose a leader
3. Within 5 minutes, each group must finish doing their
assigned task.
4. Each group will be given 2 minutes to present and give an
explanation in ¼ manila paper right after the presentation

Guide Questions:
1st Group:
What is socialization and enculturation?

2nd Group:
Give at least one goal of socialization?

3rd Group:
What are roles of norms and values in forming one’s

(after 5 minutes)

Okay class, time’s up. Let’s proceed to your presentation.

G. Analysis
1st Group: (Answers may vary)
Expected answers of the students for each task based from 2nd Group: (Answers may vary)
their performance: 3rd Group: (Answers may vary)

Than you very much to your tremendous presentation!

Palakpakan natin ang ating mga sarili.

Now, let us elaborate and discuss socialization and


H. Abstraction

Socialization refers to a lifelong experience by which people

develop their human potential and learn culture. However,
enculturation is the process by which people learn the
requirements of their surrounding culture and acquire the
values and behaviors appropriate and necessary in that
Before pandemic, we have a lot of
Can you give us an example showing socialization in your socialization, for example; Social gathering
community? like fiesta, birthdays, weddings, different
parties, and many more.
Yes Ms. Reyes?

Good! Brilliant idea.

Now, there are three goals of socialization. What are that (The students will read the three goals)

The three goals of socialization are:

a. It teaches impulse control and help individuals develop a

b. It teaches individuals how to prepare for and perform
social roles.
c. It cultivates shared sources of meaning and value.

Under socialization and enculturation, we have identity

formation, norms and values, statuses and roles. Let us
discuss them one by one.

Identity formation

The development of an individual’s distinct personality,

which is regarded as persisting entity in a particular stage by
which a person is recognize. Identity formation can be
considered as primary or secondary can be considered as
primary or secondary.
(The student will read the meaning)
Kindly read what is primary identity.

Yes mr. Sanchez?

Okay, very good.

We also have the secondary identity.

Secondary identity refers to a child gets encultured and

socialized with his or her society’s norm, he or she
participates in the constructions of his or her secondary. This
includes roles and statuses that are achieved such as
occupation, educational background, and economic status.

Human identity is categorized in fourfold understanding

approach which are holonic identity or the duality of identity (The student explains further)
that produces the “me” and “I” that humans have.

How would you explain this one, Mr. Villafuerte?

Okay, that’s it.

From each identity, where do they differ?

Yes Mr. Andaya? They differ from its roles, functions and
perspective in the community.
Very good.

Norms and Values

What are Norms? Anyone? Norms is a rule that guides the behavior of
members of a society or group.
Can you give us an example of what Ms. Robredo defined
Norms? (Student cited perfectly)

 Norm- are the concept of cultural values that refers

to all ideas in society that are considered good,
acceptable and right.

How about values? Yes Mr. Torres? Values are culturally defined standards that
people use to decide what is desirable, good
and beautiful, and that serve as broad
guidelines for social living.
Kindly give us an example.
One of the examples are the instinct of the
mind and heart. Saying “po” and “opo” to
older people.
Very well said!

There are different aspects of sociological values:

a. it exists at different levels of generality of abstraction.
b. values tend to be hierarchically arranged.
c. values are explicit and implicit in varying degrees.
d. values are often conflict with one another.

Status and Roles

These are important concepts in socialization because the

behavior of young members of society are controlled by
assigning them to a certain status which they will enact.

What is a status? Yes? Status is a position in a social system.

a. ascribed status – a social position receives at birth or takes

on involuntarily later in life.
b. achieved status- social position a person takes voluntarily
that reflects personal identity and effort.

Considering that status is a position in society, how about

the meaning of role? Role is the set of expectation from people
who occupy a particular status.

Very well said.

Role strain- conflict among the roles connected to two or

more statuses.

Role manipulation- through impression management has

bearing on the formation of a person’s self-identity.

Role Set- it is the status that has multiple roles attached to it.
In legal term, we have different set of role we need to obey,
which we called the “act of consequences”

a. malfeasance-wrong idea
b. nonfeasance-failure to act
c. misfeasance-illegal or improper manner

Can someone give me an example to differentiate the

different set of roles and obligations.

Do you have any questions? None sir.

Now, you have fully understood the norms, values, role, and
status of the human’s identity that I have discussed earlier.

We now proceed to the next activity.

I. Application

Create a Slogan out of what you have learned from our


Relevance to the Theme 30
Originality 30
Creativity 25
Impact and Presentation 15
Total 100

Why is it important to understand the concepts of (Some students will be called to answer the
socialization and enculturation through slogan making? After questions based from their slogan)
a few minutes I will call some of you to read and share your

From our activity, can you consider now yourself as a

complete individual if you possess the right norms, values,
roles, and status? Yes Sir.

Thank you for your answers. I hope all of you have fully
understood the lesson.

Are there any questions? Clarifications? None Sir.

If none, let us proceed to your evaluation.


True or False:

Instruction: Write “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if not. (1/4 sheet of paper)

1. Socialization is a process that takes place only during the early years of our life.

2. The social self can also be considered as the mind.

3. The self develops purely from social interactions.

4. We can manipulate other impression of us.

5. Enculturation is the process by which people learn the requirements of their surrounding culture and acquire
the values and behaviors appropriate in that culture.


½ yellow paper

Research on the nature or religion.

Prepared by:

Kim Brian C. Salvador


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