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GROUPS OF 5. Play the Name Game.

Diana: My name is Diana.

Luis: This is Diana. My name is Luis.
Olga: This is Diana. This is Luis. My name is Olga.
Tran: This is Diana. Excuse me. What’s your name again, please?
Luis: Luis.
Tran: OK, thanks. This is Diana. This is Luis. This is Olga. My name is Tran.
Laila: This is Diana. This is Luis. This is Olga. This is Tran. My name is Laila.

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A Complete the sentence. Check (✓) all the boxes that are true for you.
I want to learn English to .

✓ get a job ✓ go back to school ✓ help my children with


get a new job make new friends ✓ talk to doctors and my

children’s teachers

B PAIRS. Talk about your answers in Exercise A.

A: I want to learn English to get a job .
B: That’s interesting. I want to learn English to get a new job .

C CLASS. Tell the class your goals.

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A GROUPS OF 3. What do students bring to class? Make a list of ten things.

School Supplies
1. a pencil 6. a pen
2. a book 7. a crayon
3. an eraser 8. a sharpener
a book a book
4. a scissors 9. a marker
a book a book
5. a paper 10. a backpack
a book a book

B SAME GROUPS. Take turns. Ask, Are you ready for school today?
A: Are you ready for school today?
B: Yes. I have a pencil, a book , and a crayon . What about you?
Are you ready for school today?
C: Yes. I have a pencil, a pen , and a backpack .

C Before you come to class next time, check that you have your supplies. Use the list.

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A Think about your classmates, friends, co-workers, and family. In your notebook, write the
names of people you want to speak English to.

Classmates Friends Co-workers Family

Diego Hugo -------- Luis

Carlos Daniel ------ Sergio

B Choose two or three people from your list. In your notebook, write your goals for speaking
to each person in English. Use the ideas below or your own ideas.

I want to talk to Diego in English about our future

as engineers.
I want to say to Hugo that is a great player the
I want to talk to Sergio about the new adidas shoes.

C Which goals will you do this week? Circle your goals for this week.

I will learn 10 new verbs, 10 new nouns and 20 sentences in native English.

D PAIRS. Tell your partner your goals for this week. Check with each other next week.
Did you complete your goals?

This week, I want to talk to Daniel in English. What about you?

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A GROUPS OF 3. Talk about your jobs. How are you professional at work? What things can
you say in English that are professional? Make a list of five things.

How I Am Professional at Work

1. I say “please” and “thank you” to my co-workers.

2. The electricity is a very extensive field of study.

3. The accounting is a system of economy throughout the world.

4. The co-workers should be people social and collaborative.

5. At work I have to be responsible.

B SAME GROUPS. Take turns. Ask, How are you professional at work?
A: How are you professional at work? I’m responsible.
B: I say “please” and “thank you” to my co-workers. How are you professional at work? I am kind
to co-workers. I am kind to co-workers.
C: I say “please” and “thank you” to customers. I also say have a happy day.

C Before you go to work next time, check your list. Try new ways to be professional at
your job.

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A GROUPS OF 3. Talk about what you can do to learn new vocabulary in English.
Make a list of six things.

How to Learn New English Vocabulary

Watch TV in English
I will listen to music in English.

I will study English in the afternoons.

See series in English.

I will learn new words every day.

I am creative to review and learn.

more easily.

B Look at the list. C heck (✓) the ones you already do. Which of these things can you do
this week? Choose one and circle it.

C Write your vocabulary goal for this week.

D SAME GROUPS. Tell your group your goal. Check with each other next week. Did you
complete your goals?

I will study more to learn new vocabulary this week.

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A When do you study or practice English? Write a daily planner. Use the planner below as a
model. Make one planner for every day of the week.

Day: Monday

Activity Time

Go to work 7:00 A.M.—2:00 P.M.

Go to English class 3:00 P.M.—5:00 P.M.

Watch TV in English 5:30 P.M.—6:30 P.M.

Help my kids with their homework 6:30 P.M.—7:30 P.M.

Do my English homework 8:30 P.M.–9:00 P.M.

Day: Tuesday

Activity Time

Normal classes 7:10 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.

I will listen to music in English. 12:20 p.m. – 14:00 p.m.

I do my homework. 14:00 p.m. – 15:40 p.m.

Study English in the afternoons. 15:40 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.

See series in English. 17:00 p.m. – 19:00 p.m.

B GROUPS OF 3. Show your planners to your group.

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A GROUP. Find three classmates. Ask them the questions below. Write down their names in
the left column, and their answers in the right column.

Sami: What is your favorite food?

Lin: My favorite food is tacos. What is your favorite food?

Name What is your favorite food?

Diego My favorite food is pizza.
Carlos My favorite food is meat.
Marcelo My favorite food is pasta.

Name Do you like healthy food?

Diego Yes, I like salad.
Carlos No, I don’t like.
Marcelo Yes, I like the fruits.

Name Where do you go food shopping?

Diego I go to the supermarket.
Carlos I go to the market.
Marcelo I go to the store near my house.

Name What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Diego I eat cereal with milk.
Carlos I eat bread with coffee.
Marcelo I eat eggs with bread.

Name Do you like to cook?

Diego Yes, I like.
Carlos Yes, I like.
Marcelo No, I don’t like.

B Report to the class. Say three new things you learned about your classmates.
Olga usually eats eggs with bread for breakfast.
Ken’s favorite food is pizza .
Marcelo doesn't like to cook.

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A CLASS. What dates are important in your calendar this month? Look at the events in the
box for some ideas. Make a list of important dates and events in the next month.

holidays classes tests doctor visits birthdays work events

B Make a calendar. Write the important events on the calendar.


classes 1 classes 2 classes 3 classes 4 classes 5 6

test birthdays test

7 classes 8 classes 9 holidays10 holidays 11 holidays 12 13

Doctor visits

14 holidays15 holidays16 classes 17 classes 18 classes 19 20

test test

21 classes 22 classes 23 classes 24 classes 25 classes 26 27

28 classes 29 classes 30

C PAIRS. Plan ahead. Are there any events this month you need to prepare for? Are there
any events next month you need to prepare for? What do you need to do? Say one or
two things for each event.

A: Our new English class starts next month. I need to register.

B: Me, too! I’m also taking a computer class. I need to register, too.
A: Next month, I also have that review class in English . I need to register now .

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A CLASS. Think about things you read in English. Read the chart. Can you think of other
things you read in English? Add three more.

Activity Always Sometimes Never

I read signs in English on store windows.

I read signs in English on doors.

I read traffic signs in English.

I read street signs in English.

I read ads in English.

I read food labels in English.

I read menus in English.

I read signs on buses in English.

I read the lyrics of the songs.

I read subtitles of the movies in English.

I read signs on buses in English.

B Which activities do you do? How often? For each activity in the chart, check (✓) for
“Always”, “Sometimes”, or “Never”.

C GROUPS OF 3. Talk about your answers in Exercise B.

A: I sometimes read signs in English on store windows. What about you?
B: I always read menus in English. What about you?
C: I never read ads in English . What about you?

D What do you want to read in English? Write one goal for next week.
Read books in english.

E SAME GROUPS. Talk about your goals. Check with each other in two weeks. Did you
complete your goals?

Next week, I will read books in English.

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A CLASS. Barriers are things that keep you from your goals. Think
about your goals for studying English. What are some barriers?
Make a list. Use ideas from the box or your own ideas.

My husband needs the car. The baby-sitter can’t come.

I’m tired after work. The bus is often late.

Do homework for other classes. .

Receive other classes on the day. .

Sometimes English vocabulary is difficult. .

Always speak in Spanish. ✓ .

Not review English during the day. .

B Look at the list of barriers your class made in Exercise A. Which

one is the biggest barrier for you? Check (✓) for it.

C NETWORK. Find classmates with the same barrier you checked.

Make a group.

D GROUPS. What can you do to overcome your barrier? Make a

list of ideas.

How to overcome my barrier

• Ask my sister if she can babysit while I'm in English class.

• Speak English in the passing of day. .

• Write random ideas in English. .

• Read English in high voice. .

• Read English faster. .

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NOW I CAN . . .
A Look at the first page of each unit. Read the Unit Goals. Which goals did you check off?
Choose one goal that you are proud of from each page. Write the goals in a chart in your

Unit # Now I Can . . .

1 Now I can introduce someone.

2 Now I can talk about why I want to learn English.

3 Now I can talk about what to bring to class.

4 I want to learn English to get a job.

5 I have a pencil, a pen, and a backpack.

6 I want to talk to Diego in English about our furute as en engineers.

7 The co-workers should be people social and collaborative.

8 I will study english in the afternoons.

9 I will listen to music in English.

10 Olga usually eats eggs with bread for breakfast.

11 I also have that review class in English. I need to register now.

12 Read English faster.

B Report to the class. Tell the class one goal that you can do now.
Now I can read a bu s schedule in English!

C CLASS. Stand up and clap for everyone. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS!

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