Oral Care

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Good day sir. Im Romelyn Ocso from BSN1-7A and today I will be
doing the oral care for the unconscious client. So the purposes of this is to
maintain the intactness and the health of the lips, toungue and muccous
membranes of the mouth. So following the nursing process for the
assessment phase, I have to inspect lips, gums, oral mucosa, and toungue
for deviations from normal. Identify presence f oral problems such as
tooth caries, halitosis, gingivitis, and loose or broken teeth. And assess
for gag reflex, when appropriate.


First Procedure is to explain to the client what you are going to do, why
it necessary and how he/she can participate.So in this case my patient is
unconscious. There’s a concept that although the patient is unconscious
we still have to talk to them as if they are conscious because there’s a
concept that they might still hear us. ( Hello sir. Im Romelyn Ocso your
student nurse for today. May I see your name? Okay. So for today sir I
will be providing your oral care to prevent oral infections and maintain
the cleanliness. I hope we can do it wll. )

Second and Third Procedure is to perform hand hygiene and provide

for client privacy. ( So sir I’ve already perform hand hygiene and I
already close the curtains and the door for your privacy. )

Fourth Procedure is to prepare the client.

* First Position the unconscious client in a side lying position
* Place the towel under the client’s chin
* Place the curved basin against the client chin and lower cheek to
receive the fluid from the mouth.
* Lastly apply gloves

Fifth Procedure clean the teeth and rinse the mouth.

* Brush gently and carefully to avoid injuring the gums if the client has
artificial teeth.
* Rinse the client’s mouth by drawing about 10ml of water or alcohol
free mouthwash.
* Watch carefully to make sure that all the rinsing solution has run out of
the mouth into the basin.
* Repeat rinsing until the mouth is free of dentrifice, if used.

Sixth Procedure inspect and clean the oral tissues.

* If the tissues appear dry or unclean, clean them with the foam swabs or
gauze and cleaning solution.
* Use a moistened foam swab to wipe the mucous membrane of one
* Clean all the mouth tissues in an orderly progression
* Observe the tissues closely for imflammation and dryness.

Seventh Procedure is to ensure the client’s comfort.

* Remove the basin, and dry around the client’s mouth with the towel.
* Lubricate the client’s lips with water-soluble moisturizer.
* Remove and discard gloves.
* Lastly perform hand hygiene.

Last Procedure is to document assessment of the teeth, toungue, gums,

and oral mucosa. Include any problems such as sores, or imflammation
and swelling of the gums.

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