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Bardic Brooch Goodberry Bonsai Bush

Wondrous Item, uncommon Wondrous Item, uncommon

This small pin is set with a gemstone and comes in a variety A small shrubbery planted in a decorative pot. Unremarkable
of colors. When attached to a piece of clothing that is not at first, closer inspection reveals that it is magical in nature.
armor, the clothing magically appears to be covered in As long as the sprout receives at least 1 cup of water and 1
thousands of sequins that match the color of the jewel that is hour of direct sunlight each day, it will produce 1d8+2 berries
set into the pin. each morning. Treat these berries as if they were created by
While wearing the clothing to which the pin is attached, the the goodberry spell. The berries lose their potency 24 hours
wearer has advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks. after they are produced.

Breathless Elixir Hungry Chest

Potion, rare Wondrous Item, rare
This potion flask is filled with a translucent liquid that This appears to be your everyday small chest for holding gold
appears to have wisps of blue smoke floating around inside it. or valuables. However, you may push a button on the back of
After drinking this potion, you do not need to breathe for the the chest to activate it. When you do, it magically springs to
next 8 hours. You have advantage on saving throws against life and begins to move around the room, picking up any
the effects of any gaseous spells or abilities or effects that rely coins, gems or items in its path and depositing them inside
on inhalation to affect you. itself. The interior of the chest acts as a Bag of Holding. The
Additionally, if you have a breath weapon ability, you are chest can be active for a maximum of 1 hour in 1 minute
unable to use it for the 8 hour duration of this potion. increments, after which it deactivates and cannot be used
again until 2 hours have passed. It takes 1 minute for the
chest to clear a 5 foot square of space. It can navigate itself
Figurine of Wondrous around rooms and through open doorways, but cannot go up
or down stairs, and it is unable to pick up objects that are in
Power corners. The chest will continue to move around a room,
Wondrous Item, rarity by figurine even if it has already picked up all objects that it could, until
Opal Pig (Very Rare). This opaline statuette is cut into the the time limit expires or you press the button again to
shape of a pig. It can become a pig (statistics for a boar, deactivate it.
Monster Manual pg. 319) for up to 24 hours. Once it has
been used, it can't be used again until 5 days have passed. Knucklebones of
While the item is active, you may cast the locate object spell
at will and the pig will begin to lead you to the object. You
may also cast the spell find the path once while the item is
active and the pig will begin to lead you to the location. If the Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
24 hour limit expires while the pig is leading you to an object These humanoid knucklebones are carved with mystic runes.
or location, it reverts to figurine form and the spell ends. Whenever you cast a divination spell as a ritual you may
Sapphire Swordfish (Rare). This sapphire statuette is cut in throw them to the ground during the casting of the spell, if
the image of a swordfish. It can become a swordfish (use the you do, you gain 1d8 temporary hit points for each level of the
statistics for a dolphin, Volo's Guide to Monsters pg. 208) for spell. These hit points last for 8 hours, or until you lose them
up to 8 hours. Once it has been used, it can't be used again or take a short rest.
until 7 days have passed. It can only be activated while
underwater. While the item is active you can ride the
swordfish if your size is medium or smaller and you can
remove the swordfish's bill and use it as a weapon. The bill
becomes a +2 greatsword, you do not suffer the normal
disadvantage when using this weapon to attack while
underwater. Removing the bill requries an action, and the
weapon disappears and the bill returns when the swordfish
reverts to figurine form.

Goblin Bodkin
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this
crusted and shoddily constructed dagger.
When you damage a creature with an attack using this
dagger and the creature's size is larger than yours, you can
cause the attack to deal extra damage. The extra damage is
equal to your level. Once you use this ability, you can't use it
again until dawn of the next day.
Mistsight Spectacles Pendant of the Devoted
Wondrous Item, uncommon Wondrous Item, very rare
These magical eyeglasses never become smudged or dirty (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)
and never fog up due to warm breath or steam. This amulet bears the symbol of a diety, it can be used as a
While wearing these glasses you can see through fog or holy symbol by a cleric or paladin.
mist that would normally obscure your vision, even if it is Additionally, while wearing the pendant, you may use your
magical in nature, such as the mist created by the fog cloud Channel Divinity class feature one additional time between
or cloudkill spells. rests.

Morality Diadem Pocket-Book

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous Item, rare
This simple metal circlet rests gently on your head. While you This appears to be a normal notebook, with a ribbon attached
wear the circlet it slightly changes your appearance and to be used as a bookmark. When the book is opened it can be
grants you the knowledge of a single cantrip. The modifcation written in as usual, so long as the bookmark is between two
to your appearance and the cantrip you know are based on of the pages. When the bookmark is removed, however, it
your alignment. Charisma is your casting ability for the creates an extradimensional space that functions as if it were
cantrip. one of the side pouches of a Handy Haversack. The
bookmark must be replaced again before the notebook can
Diadem Table be closed.
Alignment Cantrip Appearance
Good Sacred
A faint, thin, glowing halo appears to
float just above your head. Prismatic Capsule
Neutral Guidance A pair of small antlers appear to poke Wondrous Item, uncommon
out of the top of your head, they are This 2 inch diameter colorful sphere feels chalky to the
a pale green-yellow color. touch. It dissolves over the course of 1 minute when placed in
Evil Firebolt Dark, curled horns appear to be
water. At the end of the minute it magically transforms up to
sprouting from your brow. 30 gallons of water into another subtance. Roll 1d8 to
determine what substance the water is transformed into,
according to the table below:
Olive Branch Prismatic Capsule Results
Weapon (special), rare Die
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this Result Effect
weapon. This weapon has two forms and can transform 1 The water turns to acid, which deals 1d4 acid
between them by pushing the button on the hilt, which is damage the first time a creature enters the acid or
intricately carved olive wood with a design of leaves and when it ends its turn there.
Dagger: The first form is a dagger; while wielding the 2 The water takes on a reddish color and a strong
scent of strawberries. Any creature that enters or
weapon in dagger form, you have advantage on Charisma touches the water smells of strawberries for 4
(Deception) checks. hours, or until it washes the scent away in regular
Spear: The second form is a spear; while wielding the water.
weapon in spear form, you have advantage on Charisma 3 The water turns into milk.
(Persuasion) checks.
4 The water turns green and semi-solid, into a jelly-
like substance. If eaten, it tastes like limes and
Pathtracer's Ring sugar.
Wondrous Item, common 5 The water turns dark brown and the surface
This magical ring looks fairly ordinary; a simple gemstone set becomes still. If disturbed, the surface dissipates
into a golden ring. However, while wearing the ring, you may and a cloud of smoke emerges to reveal a swarm of
touch the gemstone to a surface and draw on the surface as if spiders.
drawing with chalk. The color of the drawings match the 6 The water becomes sand.
color of the gemstone set into the ring. The drawings act as if 7 The water freezes solid and becomes ice. Any
they were drawn with real chalk and fade naturally over time, creature in the water when it freezes can make a
or can be wiped away as normal chalk could be. Strength saving throw (DC 10) to break free.
Additionally, you may use this ring to make a color, small 8 The water transforms into coins of varying
mark, or symbol appear on a surface for 1 hour, as the spell denominations worth 200 gold for each gallon of
prestidigitation. water transformed.
Rod of Glaring Brilliance Swap-It Moppet
Rod, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
While you hold this simple golden rod, you can use an action This tiny wooden doll is shaped like a humanoid, usually an
to cause the head of the rod to glow, producing the effect of elf or a dwarf but other varieties exist, and is wearing a tiny
the light cantrip. set of armor. Most are wearing chain mail armor, but some
The rod has 10 charges. You may use an action to cast one are found wearing leather.
of the following spells from it: guiding bolt (expends 1 charge) While holding this doll, you may use an action and speak its
or sunbeam (expends 5 charges). The rod regains 1d4+1 command word to instantly swap the clothes or armor that
charges daily, at dawn. you are wearing with what the doll is wearing. You may swap
back at any time by using an action to speak the command
word again. Any equipment swapped to or from the doll
Static Slippers retains any magical properties it might have.
Wondrous Item, very rare
These lavender colored wool slippers keep your feet nice and Viewing Vellum
warm. While wearing them, you may use an action to cast
shocking grasp as long as you have moved at least 15 feet Wondrous Item, common
across a solid surface during your turn. This is a small, rectangular piece of parchment with a circle
drawn in one corner.
As an action, you can hold the card in front of you and
Summoner's Deck press your thumb to the circle. When you do, an image
Wondrous Item, very rare appears on the card that is identical to what is in front of the
(requires attunement by a spellcaster) card, as if you were looking through a small window.
Containing 16 wooden or parchment cards, this magic deck The opposite side of the card is blank and has enough
allows you to augment your summoning spells (use an room to write approximately 25 words.
altered deck of playing cards to simulate the deck). When you As an action, you can speak a command word and cause
cast a conjuration spell that summons one or more creatures, the card to magically teleport to a creature with which you
you may draw a card at random from the deck, which are familiar. The card appears in the air in front of the
enhances the effect of your spell depending on the card creature and gently floats to the ground.
drawn. The effect lasts until the end of the spell and you may
only draw one card per spell cast. After a card is drawn, it is
shuffled back into the deck and can be drawn again.
Playing Card Effect
Jack, Queen, Creatures summoned with your spell have 1,
or King of 2, or 3, respectively, additional hit dice.
Jack, Queen, Creatures summoned with your spell add
or King of +1, +2, or +3, respectively, to their attack
Clubs and damage rolls.
Jack, Queen, Creatures summoned with your spell add
or King of +1, +2, or +3, respectively, to their armor
Spades class.
Jack, Queen, Creatures summoned with your spell have
or King of their movement speed increased by 10, 15,
Diamonds or 20 feet, respectively.
Ace of Double the number of creatures summoned
Hearts by your spell.
Ace of Clubs Creatures summoned with your spell have
advantage on attack rolls.
Ace of Creatures summoned with your spell have
Spades resistance to all damage.
Ace of Double the duration of the conjuration spell.
Thank You
My name is Levi Fawcett, but you can find me most places as
Thank you to everyone who helped me while I was creating
these items. It was a lot of work and I really enjoyed the
process. Thank you all for your support.
Thank you to The Homebrewery for the use of their online
software in making this document!
Austin Brownewell
Kathryn DiMartino
Austin Thomas
Whitney Spaulding
David Gardner

Kathryn DiMartino @

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