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As a college student, it is my obligation to attend my major subjects at our university at a specified time

and day. Some of the subjects are scheduled in the afternoon and when going home, we will have to
wait about an hour for transportation. Also, there are days that are traffic and your estimated time of
the trip will be longer.

One of our municipality’s policies is our curfew hour is around 8 in the evening and I find it constricting
for me as a college student because I can’t control the time. I have no control over the things that could
happen along the way or at what time the transportation will arrive at the station. I know that this policy
is for the security of the people inside our municipality but for me as a student, I find it constricting.

Rules are implemented for our security, to make us more human, and guide our actions but rules are
constricting depending on what situation you are in.

Always be kind, do not speak bad words, always show respect to others, especially elders, do not be
vicious, and always respect your parents.

I follow these rules to show other people what kind of family I came from, I follow these rules for my
own benefit because if I do these rules, people around me will do the same thing. I follow these rules to
avoid conflicts. I follow these rules to make myself a better person and more human.

If there is something you really want, no one can stop you from achieving it.

It gives me the motivation to do the things that I feel I can’t and help me to keep holding on to that
dream until I achieve it.

I will carry that principle through my college journey, I will always apply it when I am down and when I
feel like I can’t do it anymore or from doubting myself from achieving my goals.

Rules Regulate Behaviors

Rules regulate behaviors. Rules restrict us from doing unjust and help us to evolve. As we follow rules,
we do change and affect others around us.

Rules Unfold Freedom

Rules unfold freedom. Rules can also give people the opportunity to do things that they are restricted
from or break some barriers that stop them to do so.

Rules as LOVE for Justice

Rules as love for justice. Rules make us appreciate justice as rules restrict the strong from harming the
weak and making us all equal.

Rules as EXERCISE of Authority

Rules as an exercise of authority. Rules help us to understand that there is no one above the law. It
explains why we should follow rules for the common good.
Rules as STANDARDS of Values

Rules as standards of values. Rules aid us to understand that rules are meant to be followed as rules are
the standard of values. As we follow rulesv we become more human.

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