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Note: All titles written in blue are the subheading titles that you need to use in each chapter.

Topic: The Impact of Employees Loyalty on The Productivity

What To Include:
1- Executive Summary: This is a brief summary of the report, no longer than half
page, which is designed to help the reader decide whether they wish to read the
full report. Although it is the first thing to be read, it should be written last and
should include:

 Background
 Methodology
 Key Findings
 Key Recommendations

2- Table of Contents: This shows how the report is structured and indicates the page
numbers of the main elements. You should also include a list of charts and
diagrams (where appropriate) and any appendices.

3- Introduction: The purpose of the introduction is to set the scene and show how
the chosen topic seeks to address an issue of strategic relevance to your
organization. A brief explanation of the product/service in organizational context
can highlight the key issue/problem that are influencing the business and
demonstrate a rationale for the report. The introduction should also outline the
aims and objectives of the study. The aim clarifies what the report is trying to
achieve while the objectives are more specific and show how the issue will be
addressed. The introduction can also outline the scope of the report including any
boundaries or constraints that may apply or affect the progress of the study.

 Background
 Research Topic Description
 Problem Statement
 Aim
 Objectives
 Scope of Work
 Limitations

4- Literature Review: The purpose of the literature review is to put the issue under
investigation into perspective and demonstrate your knowledge of the key works
and latest trends and technologies on the topic.

5- Data Methodology: This section is already completed by me, you can only revise the data
analysis section and adjust it as per what you will be using in the next chapter,
Data Analysis INSTRUCTIONS: Describe how the data was entered into the
computer and analysed. Which software was used? What statistical tests were used, if
any? How was the qualitative data analysed?

6- Findings, analysis, and discussion: Your results should be presented as clearly as

possible so that they are easily understood and accessible to the reader. Graphs,
charts and diagrams can be used to identify the key findings. In this section you

 Results
INSTRUCTIONS: Present the results for each research question. Include charts and tables
to illustrate the results. The text should highlight the most important information in the
tables and charts, but should not repeat all the information in the tables and charts. Use
R2 value, Anova, Mean, STD, P-Value….

6.1 <Research Question 1>

<Describe the results for the research question, including charts / tables as necessary>
Table 1 Example table

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3

Item1 Item2 Item3
Item1 Item2 Item3
Item1 Item2 Item3
Item1 Item2 Item3
6.2 <Research Question 2>

<Describe the results for the research question, including charts / tables as necessary>

Chart Title

Axis Title 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Axis Title

Figure 1 Example chart

6.3 <Research Question 3>

<Describe the results for the research question, including charts / tables as necessary>

6.4 > Research Question 4>

<Describe the results for the research question, including charts / tables as necessary>

 Discussion
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this section by writing a discussion of the results, including
possible explanations for the results (this could be due to the project or external
factors). The views expressed in this section should be balanced and based on the
evidence collected, not subjective opinion. No new results should be presented in this

<Insert a discussion covering the following points:

 Identify key issues in the results, particularly results that are large or unexpected.
 Give possible explanations for the results, including explanations related to the
program as well as external causes.
 Discuss the implications of the results for the outcomes and impact of the
 Describe problems and/or limitations with the study, as well as how they might
have affected the results.>

 Recommendations
INSTRUCTIONS: Based on the results make recommendations (e.g. how the program
should be designed, how it should be improved, or how future programs should be run,
etc). Recommendations should be specific and identify who is responsible for
implementing them.
Based on the results from the <insert> the following recommendations are made:

 <Describe recommendation>
 <Describe recommendation>
 <Describe recommendation>

Number of Words: 1500 (from Introduction to Conclusion without methodology) Note: Other
main paper components (reference, table of content, etc.) are not counted in the 1500 words

Referencing Style: Fully referenced using the (APA) method, containing all sources used for
each piece of work
General Instructions:
 All work should be spaced at 2.0, and handed in via the LMS
 Please note that for all submitted work it is recommended that you use the (Times New
Roman) font, regular style and ensure that you use font size (12)
 Insert page numbers

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