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 Bilingual Education in the Classroom

Bilingual education is the process of teaching students using two languages. Educators usually
teach students in their native language in conjunction with a second language utilizing differing
levels of the native and second language depending on the requirements specified in lesson plans
and teaching models.
 Bilingual Education in Policy in the Philippines
The policy on Bilingual Education aims at the achievement of competence in both Filipino and
English at the national level, through the teaching of both languages and their use as media of
instruction at all levels. The regional languages shall be used as auxiliary languages in Grades I
and II.

Read more about Bilingual in the Philippines in the link below:

Common terms used in bilingualism and bilingual education

1. Monolingualism: It is used to describe someone who can speak or understand only one
language. It can also mean written in, spoken in, or involving only one language.
2. Majority Language: It is the language that the majority of the people in a given population
3. Minority Language: It is a language spoken by a minority of the population of a territory.
4. Assimilation: Jean Piaget's theory of language development suggests that children use
both assimilation and accommodation to learn language. Assimilation is the process of
changing one's environment to place information into an already-existing schema (or
5. Additive Bilingualism: It is when a student's first language continues to be developed
while they are learning their second language.
6. Subtractive Bilingualism: It is when a student learns a second language at the expense
of their first language

Aims of Bilingual Education

1. Assimilate individuals or groups into the mainstream of society.
2. Unify a multilingual society.
3. Enable people to communicate with the outside world.
4. Provide language skills which are marketable.
5. Preserve ethnic and religious identity.
6. Reconcile and mediate between different linguistic and political communities.
7. Spread the use of a colonial language, socializing an entire population to a colonial
8. Strengthen elite groups and preserve their privileged position in society.
9. Give equal status in law to languages of unequal status in daily life.
10. Deepen an understanding of language and culture.

LPPMS S.Y.2021-2022
College of Education
ISU- City of Ilagan
Types of bilingual education (McCarty, 2012)
1. Immersion Program: In immersion programmes learners are fully immersed in the target
language for a certain period of time, both in and outside the class. It is sometimes
compared to submersion, where individual learners are placed in classes where
everybody else speaks the same language.

2. Maintenance/Heritage Language: serve the purpose of preserving the ethnic identity,

culture and language of minority group members. Immigrant communities in particular
have a need to maintain communication channels with first generation immigrants and
people in their country of origin.

3. Two-way/Dual Language: a unique kind of language education because it involves two

languages in two ways: Two languages are used for instruction, and two groups of
students are involved—students who are native English speakers and students from an-
other language background.

4. Mainstream Bilingual: It includes international schools and the European Schools

Movement (Baker, 2006, p. 227). It serves children like majority students or temporary
residents whose native language is an international language such as English.

LPPMS S.Y.2021-2022
College of Education
ISU- City of Ilagan
LPPMS S.Y.2021-2022
College of Education
ISU- City of Ilagan
Factors affecting Bilingual Education:
Lim & Pawilen (2021). A Course Module for Language Programs and Policies in Multilingual
Young et.a.l (2016). Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education: Guide for Teacher Educators
and Students.

LPPMS S.Y.2021-2022
College of Education
ISU- City of Ilagan

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