The Human Cheek Cell Answer Key

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The Human Cheek Cell : KEY

1. List the 3 parts of the Cell Theory:

All living things are made of cells

Cells can only come from other cells

Cells are the basic unit of structure and function

2. Describe or define each of the following:

Cell membrane: Outer boundary of the cell

Cytoplasm: Fluid within the cell

Nucleus: Control center of the cell

Organelle: Cell structure that has a specific function

3. Sketch the cell at low and high power. Label the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane of
a single cell. Draw your cell to scale.

Low power should have cells that are fairly small within the viewing field; at high power a
cheek cell will take up about half of the viewing field.

4. Why is methylene blue necessary?

Because cells are transparent, methylene blue stain is necessary to make the cell parts

5. The light microscope used in the lab is not powerful enough to view other organelles in the
cheek cell. What parts of the cell are visible?

Nucleus and cell membrane.

6. List two organelles that were NOT visible but should have been in the cheek cell.

Mitochondria or lysosome or endoplasmic reticulum.

7. Is the cheek cell a eukaryote or prokaryote? How do you know?

Eukaryote. It has a nucleus.

8. The mouth is the first site of chemical digestion in a human being. Your saliva starts the
process of breaking down the food you eat. Keeping this in mind, what organelle do you think
would be numerous inside the cells of your mouth?


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