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Seminar III On

A Secure Data Encryption Technique using Blowfish

Algorithm for Cloud Computing

Presented By
Swapnil S. Jagtap
Under The Guidance of
Dr. D. B. Hanchate

Department of Computer Engineering,

Vidya Pratishthan’s
Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Baramati.

June 13, 2017

1 Introduction

2 Literature Survey

3 The Blowfish Encryption Algorithm

4 Block Diagram

5 Flowchart

6 Algorithm

7 Comparison

8 Conclusion

9 References

The Cloud Service Provider (CSP) has full control of the outsourced data;
it may learn some additional information from that data therefore some
problems arise in the circumstance.
To maintain the security of the data access control rights, restrictions and
privileges for an individual are established.
The sensitive data is encrypted before outsourcing to the cloud.
Efficient and reliable ciphertext encryption techniques.

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Figure: Security Algorithms

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Literature Survey

Authors Year Paper Title Description

In this paper a hybrid
cryptosystem is pro-
Secure File storage in posed in which AES,
Punam V. Maitri, Cloud Computing us- Blowfish and RC6 al-
Aruna Verma ing Hybrid Cryptogra- gorithms are used to
phy Algorithm provide block wise se-
curity to data with key
size 128 bits.
This paper presents
a hybrid cryptosystem
A Hybrid Data En-
using RSA and Blow-
cryption Technique us-
Viney Pal Bansal, fish algorithm. This
2015 ing RSA and Blowfish
Sandeep Singh technique provides fea-
for Cloud Computing
tures of both sym-
on FPGAs
metric and asymmet-
ric cryptography.

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Authors Year Paper Title Description
This paper describes
Enhancing Blowfish the way of implement-
Tejal Mahajan, Shrad- File Encryption Algo- ing Blowfish cryptog-
dha Masih rithm through Parallel raphy algorithm on
Computing on GPU GPU for improving
This paper analyzes
Hardware implemen-
various security mech-
tation of blowfish al-
Manju Suresh, Neema anisms for Internet of
2016 gorithm for the secure
M. Things (IoT) and the
data transmission in
significance of cryp-
Internet of Things
tography in IoT.
This paper presents an
Akashdeep Bhardwaj,
overview and compari-
GVB Subrahmanyam, Security Algorithms
2016 son of services that re-
Vinay Avasthi, Hanu- for Cloud Computing
quire data and link en-
mat Sastry

Swapnil S. Jagtap VPKBIET, Baramati June 13, 2017 4 / 18

Authors Year Paper Title Description
This paper describes
the way to imple-
Integrated ECC and
Payal Patel, Rajan Pa- ment the encryption
2016 Blowfish for Smart-
tel, Nimisha Patel algorithms on smart-
phone Security
phones to provide se-
curity to the data.
This paper describes
An Implementation the way of imple-
Kurniawan Nur Prase- of Data Encryp- menting the blowfish
tyo, Yudha Purwanto, 2014 tion for Internet of algorithm in internet
Denny Darlis Things using Blowfish of things for securing
Algorithm on FPGA the data from being
Protecting Data in This paper describes
Cloud Storage Using how the data can be
M Rama Raju, J Blowfish Encryption secured on the cloud
Purna Prakash Algorithm and Image- storage using the blow-
Based One-Time fish encryption algo-
Password rithm.

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The Blowfish Encryption Algorithm

Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher of 64-bit block.

Each 64-bit block is divided into two 32-bit blocks and the encryption of
each block is performed by performing 16 rounds of encryption.
It takes a variable-length key, from 32 bits to 448 bits.
It can be used as a replacement for DES or IDEA.
Blowfish is unpatented and license-free, and is available free for all uses.

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Features of Blowfish encryption

Fast: It encrypts data on large 32-bit microprocessors at a rate of 26

clock cycles per byte.
Compact: It can run in less than 5 MB of memory.
Simple: It uses addition, XOR, lookup table with 32-bit operands.
Secure: The key length is variable, it can be in the range of 32 ∼ 448
bits: default 128 bits key length.

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Block Diagram

Figure: Block Diagram of Blowfish Algorithm

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Figure: Flowchart for data encryption

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Algorithm: Blowfish Encryption

Input: a 64-bit data element, x

Divide x into two 32-bit halves: xL, xR

For i=1 to 16
xL = xL XOR Pi
xR = F(xL) XOR xR
Swap xL and xR
Next i
Swap xL and xR (Undo the last swap)
xR = xR XOR P17
xL = xL XOR P18
Recombine xL and xR

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Figure: Graphical representation of Blowfish algorithm

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Function module (F)

Divide xL into four 8-bit quarters named a, b, c and d.

F(xL) = ((S1,a + S2,b mod 232 ) XOR S3,c) + S4,d mod 232

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Figure: Graphical representation of Function module (F)

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Blowfish Speed Comparison

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Advantages of Blowfish Algorithm

Blowfish is better than other algorithms in throughput and power

No attack is known to be successful against this.
It requires less processing time as compared to other algorithms.
This algorithm can be used in anything from file/folder encryption to
encrypting HTTP traffic.

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Thus we can conclude that Blowfish Encryption Algorithm is efficient

than other symmetric key encryption algorithms in terms of processing time,
throughput and power consumption. And main thing of it is that it is free to

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1 Punam V. Maitri, Aruna Verma, “Secure File storage in Cloud

Computing using Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm,”IEEE WiSPNET,
2 Viney Pal Bansal, Sandeep Singh, “A Hybrid Data Encryption Technique
using RSA and Blowfish for Cloud Computing on FPGAs,”IEEE, 2015.
3 Tejal Mahajan, Shraddha Masih, “Enhancing Blowfish File Encryption
Algorithm through Parallel Computing on GPU,”IEEE, 2015.
4 Manju Suresh, Neema M., “Hardware implementation of blowfish
algorithm for the secure data transmission in Internet of
Things,”ELSEVIER, 2016.
5 Payal Patel, Rajan Patel, Nimisha Patel, “Integrated ECC and Blowfish
for Smartphone Security,”ELSEVIER, 2016.
6 Akashdeep Bhardwaj, GVB Subrahmanyam, Vinay Avasthi, Hanumat
Sastry, “Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing,”ELSEVIER, 2016.

Swapnil S. Jagtap VPKBIET, Baramati June 13, 2017 17 / 18

7 Kurniawan Nur Prasetyo, Yudha Purwanto, Denny Darlis, “An
Implementation of Data Encryption for Internet of Things using Blowfish
Algorithm on FPGA,”IEEE, 2014.
8 M Rama Raju, J Purna Prakash, “Protecting Data in Cloud Storage
Using Blowfish Encryption Algorithm and Image-Based One-Time
Password,”IJIR, 2016.
9 Mandeep Kaur, Manish Mahajan, “Using encryption Algorithms to
enhance the Data Security in Cloud Computing,”IJCCTS, 2013.
10 Randeep Kaur, Supriya Kinger, “Analysis of Security Algorithms in
Cloud Computing,”IJAIEM, 2014.
11 Ashima Pansotra1, Simar Preet Singh, “Cloud Security
Algorithms,”IJSIA, 2015.
12 Madhumita Panda, Atul Nag, “Plain Text Encryption Using AES, DES
and SALSA20 by Java Based Bouncy Castle API on Windows and
Linux,”IEEE, 2015.

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