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Bachele oMemmence
ocotioral designment
TDPIC: PastPien kohunaau ond kauity luikudl
Kasing kchemes
NAME Khaslerjah Aiman
ROLL NO.: 21100120 15025
SUBTECT: Jinancial Litoracp and Banking
SEMESTERE 2d kemeuto
weuld like to exprus nmy 4pecial tharks
atilaolu to my teachur for hii abl gwicenu
and suppout conpleting the prajeetuPout
i e Sherma and Eguity "Linkud davings
Kchennu ef duhyect Financial toacy ansl
Bankin , whihw enahled me t ean many
meuw hoigs

Kcondly, would Lku o thank my pawni

Ounolenol who halpeol mt n dimblig
the prejict nithn hu dapulatuol tniu prahu
Poat 64cw lar kaving kehems
ypes e Post i c Koving kehovnus
Publo PDutolent fund

kukanya damudloluk docounl

National dontngs Cudipalb
Snio LL Xowing dhuu
elJi m epoit
2. Eguity LEnkrd dauing seheme
Houo ELSS Mutual unds Wak?
ELSS Jax Ben
twho Ahsulol Umar Elss Mutual Funds
dduantages of ELSS Mukual tunols
J a x ipliciuons on ELSs.
Way m inELSs und
ost Ci daa ouing.dchan
Tost e u l a sauing schumu a n Muahl and
usk inuutnent tosl dhot auww nuutobs
a ALcu etunn. Operatid ky pasb olu all
o the clunliy, thiu Achumd a w
9p to uy
dnalian eitcn on vimuhnent. hu tar saig
Achuns e teone tam buruis a s pe dleint
Auchons a the dncome ax det, 1961

upu out ico éauino kdchuruet

Fost elfc ta saurng schenu conmprisus olilJeent
plons "ku Publio holilert Aund, dukarya domriddsi
decount, Aatiinal Souigs Codipicali, srio tlkr
Sauings dehenu (SCss), fast u Sautngs decount ard
5-yeat 7une Dpaiil
Jake a ontauld Losk a t hue schums:
Pubus aneiclhnt_und_ (PPF)
.Many 4alauao undiinduala pAlo PF as an wut-
-munt and luumut osl ou tho sehme elpu i c
-omt t a duducions up to Ks. 1.6 lakh per anancal
y o urolt seion boC.
Zhe mumum olapal eguwned Jo epen h i accountj
uh Rs. 500, Anol thu uppet luint "i ks. 15 lakA.
h e accourt tvwre us 15yeors from bu dat
spening the accaut. Jeu" omly hane to pay . 500
p nancol yea to krep e accouut actuu.
.Thu schune oos an ntest ali e 71% pa. com-
poundlud oñhualy. Aao, he n t o i t easnnol on
& account " tan- pu
h anmaunt unmeatiol PPL c a n ke oloimed as
oleoluction under sectuon 80ce t h
dct. dncome lac
The rmualor c a n titind thi accaunt ov fuuthw
fin yeoas block.
Kukanya damuiddlh decount (55A)
Thu a onenmnent dehnne dedicaliol the fnanial
htung the
gil chilo.
Only i t cheLhin hla thu age f l0years au
eligihito get bu bunfik thä áccoirt.
h occount nuut k peniol and apercalid
-enti o by pan-
quardans t l the i l ohild attans
/8 yearu age
h i mininnwm oluposit Heguid s Ks.250 and a
maximun Rs. 1.5 laki p e
fuiancial yea.
untnet a l 7.6 p.a.. é
applcakle. hu
nteu calcilatool my yat and
-oluol Anualy. cempaun-
h e rtereat ehrnud d (wmpt prom taz.
hi guanolan can
epenoti the ascount untl
iilchilol attaihs 8yans age.
Yow oupoit for a
can maxiMUM 15years
khu dati perung tho accaunt.
he olpositi nnoolu in SSA account ill gualily
fox diolucion wndu decten 80c ef the h c o n
Jarn doct.

Noional Aaning4 Cedilicat. (NSC)

.NSC connes wit a tinuhe fuu yeas, whou YOU
nud o mnake amininun"ölpoiit R.1000.
ho mo maxumum olsporit oltirid for thu
Zhu untowst na 6.8% p.a. companoded
annualy onol paiol out only at nmaturity.
dn indinduall con
undot the scheme. ope any mumker accon
hu cvtJicalt c a n hu
pludgcol o
ranfevro a
ALcwuyo the housing financ concony, banks,
Overmunt comypaniw aho othurs
cxannple, Rs. 1,00, 0oo inmuuteo will grow
Rs1,38, 949. 29 alten fuu
Zhe anmount yeau4.
diposiled n thiu account gualjus
for Section 8oC
NSC carn ke
O co-
puolgrol Al a secunily w t schidulio
eperotnu kanks.
Cunnanty Natiinal dounirgs
s acci hl. Certihèali (VilaJesue)
Åenio endaning scheme (SC65)
hu iea gouement- backuod sctiement schumu that
alloud yod t maku a lump
Aurn dipaiit, i.e. onu
dpeit can
nang fom Ri./c60 p to fa. 5 lakh
hi aceount c o r ke opennol indundlually o foirtly
wtthw ApOuse omly
h schme ofers an ntvuat rat . 4 % p.a. hu
ntwst å poyable guaty
Lholtindual dbonn hu oge ef 60 an eligible to
epen thud occount.
Rtiud ciniarn tmplayerd ageol biturer 55yea
60years anol Aetiro olulnce enmplayees ag1ol
htinw50yeoHs and 60yeaá cann also spurn thu
occount suhjuot to umuiting thu neliimrt benils
unchinone maonth puom l l d a t ucepl f Che
The inuutnont undor thi schirnt gualips fov oledu-
-oton under decion 8oc ef the dnoone dar Deb.

Past Cis Jn epaiit (TD)

he an fowe pasibluinuwus fo past elficu am
olpout aicount youu can choosu pom, .e. dyea,
yeans, 3yeas, and 5yeas
Vhi minimum duposit allounol in thi account a
Rs. 1000.
he inteout caloulaid guately but s payakle
om o n annual kasis. tor a tenuri f up ó 6yeau,
the Mai 5.5% p.a., and for a 5-yeo tem, hu
Hati s 6.7% p.a.
h imeslrnnt in thu accunt witho furu year mat-

wwy wit gualily fo Secthon 80c deduehinw

Thu Post elpie TD accourt a n alo ku
as a
kcwrily schuoluled o c00pealuiiu banks.
Aupoits cannat ke wihorauh kifou thu expis
A L nonths penm the daú gf olposit.
Enyity Linked dauing chema
Eguity Linkd dauing dchume o ELss a upe
Tutlal funol schhu hoat prinarily inmuls n H
stock miankt on Eguity. dnnetuni uup tó 1.5 lac
done in bLSS Mutual unds an lgchlu fos t a
oluductiom ndr &tction 80C hs bcom a r
dot. he aduantage EL3s Aas ouir otw taz davng
nbunnurl Ashotest look-in period 3yeais.
Whumuans you can ull youw melinent only altr
3yeans, om the dati a pnchase Houweu
|nmainmse rultanns prom tZSS unds, i t s ALcomm-
- nolud to keep youk nuutinena ntaot for the nnax-
Lnum dunalion posiklu. y o u kaui an bLeS siP
(&ystnnaië dnnuthwnt Plon), tach intalment has
a Look-n pevool t u yea , hhich nuans
ash el your s t á l r n n i l l kae a alernt
natastty dati.
Hour EL5 Mutual undls hWok?
ELSS hunds ar olinuifiol tguity fund husu pnd
purnarily inueut n stock hol conpaiiu i
to dnuutmunt
0Apecipo hepeitio accorbg
chDAn pron
sbjiotund e th fund. Au atachs ane

rosmiarkt capitalialion lharge Cops, Miol

Coyps, mall Cap8) onod ndusy sectos hes fArds
oum tb mauinisu wapital apprectaier enu tihe
Long run. hi pnd nnanajén picts stocks alter
Conducting an in-olphmaarket sseoncd o6
olelinn dplnal sük -acliusfrol poutfalo nebons.
ELSS Jan Bnlith
dnnestnntk madi in an bLSS fund are eligiklu forr
tar 6unlia wndor dectow 80 thu écomu la
dct, 1961' while thee is no uppe lmit to hu amunt|
hal c o n be vestuo, a maninnun e hs.l.5 lakhs
elgublu fo a tax dhdustin as pet Ahu tnoome Jar
nils and iaue up to 46,800 o year as da amout
ulhD Ahould huet in ELS5 Mainal hund?
salaried ndiuoluak: hhn yow a r l a salariud mp-
-Loyu, thue i a cwtain "amount thatgou toco-
Lds Enylayen Buouidsnt fund (CPE) whiil is a ficl
uncomu produel. / oe wanb balanei ot slek
anol nuhun on Ahei iuestrmnt poutfaluo thn ELSS
thu but sptir. dn addihon o thu
Crbaorodinaiy dtuns, m t n l s in 6Lss upsidu
a L also
ellgeble ortar dluducton undot ALctibn 80c,
Unt Lerkud dniuwranee Plons (OLIPs) and hhile
the Natoval
Pnuon dcheme lNPS) alao olD t h sanm, they kam a
bghor lock-n puiod and luu potntial esctun
Fox instante, ULIPs kaue a
lock-n peuod e uu yeau
NPS n u o a suluent doluuion wH partal
Cpasu ó iguiy and he rnuteol amount
Lockrd till the 'age 6 0 yearu.t an tLss
fund, you haue tio detit lock-in pruool efonly
thuc yeats.
uut um inuslo: you ae a nuw innalo, ELss
a n idhal chaice, aice in addtion o tar beneli4
yow gut a lanouU eguily anmeAting and mutiual l-
nds. es, éguily nntnUs do uceny a
highe sok,
but that is genetally oN tiv Ahoit orh.ayou
nmesl or nmn thai yeas, thu Ak nauch
Loune iki all equuty unmeihmnt, thu but way i to
stat imeslung i monthly SIPs hioughs ke yex.
Aduantagu ELS5 Mtual una
Hus a losk at the aolnantages ELss Mutual
Ahentest Lock-in: ELSS has thi shotst lock in
thue yans. Jan - sounng ureol olpaii kauo
fn-yedr lock-i, whil PPE kou a 15-year matw
dl n all, ELSS efou
liguiolty in thu mediun
Potontiay bighv Jelnwnk: Unlike GLSS whue larw
s mmakat linkuol, othurr 80c imuulinwnb lik
PPP os PDs ane u d dnconu pMoolucts. ELSS Kas
ttho potntial toguvnati
Algnijcontly hughm
Aalt n a nmoiuw o lovng t m innestrnl
Bettoe past- taz Melunns: Long Jom Capital
Lom ELSS a n ta pwL p tó lnAit yains
1z 1 lac.
4ans 1Lac attaacls a tax nat
tuut to%
tan ratu, coupled wito highrl
n s w the best poat tad rutivns.
Kegular msng haaal-Js anal cemennint:
tt eay o
nonthly IP
a implicalion on EL54
Capilal 9ains o m tLSS get thu dannu Guatment
unncomie Jad Calculalio as net f hu Eguily
dnatuumntt Ahost tvm copital gains (STCG).aitact
a tar Is%, wilo Long dvum lapilal Cjains (LTC)
Au uly taxablo khu gans czceuol 4
lac dunng
the Lnancal yal 21C6 othacl a tax
10% an
huomowt cxcesdwg 1 lac


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