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Today's lesson.

One afternoon, I stopped by the internet café. I did want to print something.
There was a boy who was aged about 12 years old, (middle school age children)
brought a few pieces of paper notebooks that were torn. They contained writings like a
draft of a school assignment. He asked the internet cafe operator for the prices of
typing those draft and printing, how much they would cost. The operator said, the
costs were around 24 thousand. Typing fees and printing costs. Once he knew those
costs were 24 thousand ... the child kept silent ...
In his hands I saw, he only held 2 thousand bills and several coins which I did
not estimate amounted to 10,000. Seen on his face ... between confused and did not
know what to do. On the one hand, the work of the school which had to be done, on
the one hand, there was no money to print. The boy returned, and promised to return
again. But the assignment paper was left. I asked for those papers, and I read.
It turned out that the task of his school, making reports on learning activities at
home during the pandemic took place. I read until the draft was finished. The
grammar was quite good and the point was also right. He conveyed several obstacles
while studying at home. There was only one cell phone belonging to his father, while it
would be used by 3 people. (He and his two-younger siblings). Ya ALLAH.. Then I told
the operator to type and print, and I paid then. Not long after, the boy came, and told
the operator, asking for the draft back. The operator said that his assignment was
being typed and would be printed. The boy said he didn't have the money ... And the
operator said, someone had already paid.
This brings a lot of things to imagine ... how many children experience
something like this? When the parents have difficulty covering the living expenses,
plus the burden of package credit, typing task load, printing the job ...?
To the teachers ... try to reconsider. Giving assignments is a must, but in a
situation like this ...? Poor children, they are afraid of not doing the task, but to do the
task requires no small cost. Hopefully this situation ends soon, they can return to
school, without burdening their parents with extra expenses. There I give thanks to
Allah, although I live from hand to mouth, there is still a more 'difficult' life. Thank
you, dear Allah. ALLAH has already reminded me to be always grateful for the fortune
I am blessed on. Hopefully I will never forget to be always grateful to ALLAH.

Question = what will you suggest toward this condition? Write at least in
50 words, your position and your supporting ideas !

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