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8 NCM107 (minerals)

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1. is more than Macromineral

0.005% of body

2. is under 0.005% Micromineral

of body weight.

3. CALCIUM func- For bone and teeth formation.

tions: For muscular contraction.
For blood coagulation.
For nerve transmission.

4. Vitamin _ en- D
hances absorp-

5. PHOSPHORUS For bone and teeth formation. Participates in many meta-

functions: bolic processes.
Transports glucose in the cells.

6. POTASSIUM Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. Important for car-

functions: bohydrate and protein metabolism.

7. SULFUR func- Found in highest concentration in the hair, nails, and skin.
tions: Maintain protein structure.

8. SODIUM func- Maintaining fluid balance and acid-base balance


9. CHLORINE func- Always in combination with calcium and phosphorus

tions: in helping maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and
acid-base balance

10. MAGNESIUM Essential part of many enzyme systems responsible for

functions: transfer of energy. Essential in cellular metabolism

11. IRON functions: As a constituent of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Necessary

for hemoglobin formation. A protein compound containing
iron in the form of heme group.

8 NCM107 (minerals)
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12. ZINC functions: Essential component of several metalloenzymes. For nu-
cleic acid metabolism and protein synthesis.

13. SELENIUM func- Reduce or prevent the effects of Vitamin E deficiency.

tions: Antioxidant

14. MANGANESE Acts as a catalyst for a number of enzymes necessary in

functions: glucose, protein, and fat metabolism. Plays a role in the
formation of urea as part of the enzyme arginase

15. COPPER func- Maintain the integrity of the myelin sheath surrounding the
tions: nerve fibers.

16. IODINE func- Participation in the synthesis of thyroxin, a hormone in the

tions: thyroid gland.

17. MOLYBDENUM It is present in bound form as an integral part of various

functions: enzyme molecules

18. COBALT func- Constituent of Vitamin B12.

tions: Essential vitamin factor necessary for red blood cell for-
Essential for normal functioning of all cells.

19. CHROMIUM Raise abnormally low fasting blood sugar levels. Improve
functions: faulty uptake of sugar by body tissues.

20. FLUORINE func- Found primarily in the bones and teeth. Effective in the
tions: treatment of osteoporosis.

21. The macrominer- calcium, phoshorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine,

als are: and magnesium.

22. The microminer- iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, iodine, fluorine.
als are:


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