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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or

Volume 59, No.30

July 24, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

More Than Just Numbers

We had what was an amazing week last week, both at Valley View Camp and when we arrived back home to Lebanon Road. What you are getting ready to read contains many names, because many were drawn by the message of the Gospel, but I hope you will see more than just numbers, and see each name as a soul responding to a wonderful God.
Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Adam Faughn
Witt, Melissa Wilson, Kevin Combs, and Andrea Grigsby responded, seeking prayers of either forgiveness or encouragement. Then, after a great week at camp, the good news just kept coming. As we sang the invitation song on Sunday night, three more responded. Timothy Brooks came forward to complete his conversion by confessing Christ and being baptized. He has been studying with some friends who are members of the Lords Church in Clarksville, but Timothy lives here. We are thrilled that he is with us, and I know you will continue to help him feel welcome at Lebanon Road. Also, both Austin Nichols and David Smith responded Sunday night, asking for prayers of encouragement. Both have struggled with different issues lately, but have been reminded of how great God is, and that He is always near. One of our elders, Joe Adams, led us in prayer in their behalf. If all this doesnt encourage you, I dont know what will!

I Wont Soon Forget

It happened again (and then again). Each time someone responds to the Lords invitation, I am thrilled, but I am also silently praying that someone else will come and sit with this penitent one. It takes courage to walk down an aisle, and I also pray that someone will recognize that, and will support the one about to become a Christian, or the erring one returning to the fold. And then, it happens. At Valley View, it happened every time. On Sunday night at Lebanon Road, it happened. Someone came and sat, with love and compassion, beside those who have responded. Others are sitting (or standing as we continue to sing) with tears of joy streaming down their faces. (Preachers get to see some really great stuff!!!) Then, after we pray (or after the baptism), the outpouring of love, comfort, and encouragement just goes on and on. People give hugs, say words of love, provide encouragement through their words, and shake hands. And, it just keeps going. Its as if time stops for awhile, and people forget about their schedules. Lines form, just waiting to give these expressions to this one who is needing love.

Adam Faughn

After a while, it may seem as though these scenes start running together, and that they could lose their appeal. That is never the case, however. Each time is special. Each time is a moving moment that I will not soon forget. Why do we do this? Because we are unified in love. At Lebanon Road, no one responds alone, and when the service is over, the one who has responded can almost never get away! It is just one of the many things that makes Lebanon Road such a special place. If you need to respond to the Lords invitation, please keep these things in mind. You will not respond alone, and you will be overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and support you will receive. Dont let anything keep you from responding, especially any fear of being alone, because you are not alone!

At camp, we were thrilled to witness 8 young people become Christians. Seven of those were from Pearlington: Brooke Autry, Dalton Netto, Maggie Autry, Joby Bennett, Blake Miley, Ryan Hood and Ryan Furey were each baptized for the remission of their sins. We at Lebanon Road were thrilled that our own Kyli Biggs was baptized by her grandfather, Al Cravens. Kyli is a great young lady, and we know you rejoice to learn of her conversion to the Lord. We rejoice with her and her family! During the week, there were also some from Lebanon Road who responded seeking prayers of forgiveness and encouragement. In addition to a couple from Pearlington and Stephanie Hargrove (who we still consider one of our own!), our own Alex

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: A Recipe for Spiritual Growth (Philippians 3:12-21) PM: Are You Prepared?

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Christine Carpenter had outpatient hand surgery on Monday. She is recovering at home. Maxine Cox had total knee replacement and is recovering at home. Tony Grigsby is at Baptist room 7618, but hoped to go home Wednesday. Tina Rich had surgery in Memphis and is staying with her son while she recuperates. Cliff Wilson is at Donelson Place room 105. Limited visits please. Martha Wright had a stent put in on Tuesday at Summit.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Lynn Wright Read Scripture: Scotty Studer Closing Prayer: Gene Duke Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Ronnie Oakley 1 Fred Kennel 2 Hollis Flatt 3 Fred Williams 4 Paul Tramel 5 Alan Witt 6 Bill Myers 7 Tim Ledbetter 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer Shea Cofer Closing Prayer: Lon Keele Read Scripture: David Smith Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lords Supper (Room) Jim Schroeder 1 Sammie Hunter 2 Wednesday, July 27th Read Scripture: Opening Prayer: Speaker: Song Leader: (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Gavin Hammers Tim Hill Richard Roberson

by Harry Middleton
You may remember the story of Helen of Troy. According to legend this beautiful queen was captured and carried away and became a victim of amnesia. She became a prostitute in the streets. She didnt know her name or the fact that she came from royal blood. But back in her homeland, friends didnt give up hope for her return. An old friend believed she was alive and went to look for her. He never lost faith. One day while wandering through the streets, he came to a waterfront and saw a wretched woman in tattered clothes with deep lines across her face. There was something about her that seemed familiar, so he walked up to her and said, What is your name? She gave a name that was meaningless to him. May I see your hands? he pursued. She held her hands out in front of her, and the young man gasped, You are Helen! You are Helen! Do you remember? She looked up at him in astonishment. Helen! he yelled out. Then the fog seemed to clear. There was recognition in her face. The light came on! She discovered her lost self, put her arms around her old friend and wept. She discarded the tattered clothes and once more became the queen she was born to be. God searches for you in the same way. He uses every method possible to look for you and try to convince you of your worth to him. (Author unknown)

Thank You
Dear Lebanon Road Family, My many many thanks for your prayers, the cards and the calls during my recent illness. Sam Richards

Joshs Jargon
I am so thankful for the chance to be a part of Lebanon Roads Bible camp two years in a row! I am confident in saying that this years camp was a beautiful success. I am also confident in saying that I have never appreciated A/C so much before in my life. Also, working with all our awesome kids at camp gave me an appreciation for the theme of Hebrews 4: Rest. In the first eleven verses the word rest is used nine times. I believe that one of the points of this chapter is to encourage active Christianswho are properly mixing their faith and actions together and thus creating lives that glorify Godthat our Lord will ultimately grant peace and rest to those worthy of rest. We have had, and will continue to have, a wonderfully busy summer; however, I believe that it is fitting to remind ourselves of the admonition found in verses nine and eleven to help us continue, There remains therefore a rest for the people of GodLet us labor therefore to enter into that rest. May God bless us with enthusiasm and joy in our work together here at Lebanon Road!

Teacher Workshop

Mark Your Calendar...

Today: Sycamores services at 2:00 led by Joe Adams, Lynn Wright and Sonny Gossett Tonight:: Visitation team 2 and letter writers will meet following services. July 23-28: Mission Trip July 30: Teachers Workshop August 6: Give Away Day August 13: Sounds Family Night August 19: Middle Tennessee Gospel Singing at Lebanon Road September: Crisis Care Class

Young at Heart Game Day

Give Away Day

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Johny Baker Nursery Attendant: Audree Keele

The Record
Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Wednesday Night: Contribution:
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331 277 257 134 +100 camp $10,138.50

Thursday, July 28th In the Fellowship Hall 11:30Lunch / Finger foods 12:15Games Begin Bring some finger foods and enjoy lunch or show up just in time to play games.
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