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08.11.2022 H.

Chapter-6 (History)

New Questions and Ideas

Extra Efforts

Founders and their Teachings


The original name of Gautama Buddha was Siddhartha. Siddhartha was born about 2500
years ago at Lumbini in Kapilvastu. He began meditating under a peepal tree at Bodh
Gaya. After meditating for many days; Buddha finally attained the enlightenment. Then
he went to spread his learning among the people.
Main Teachings of Buddha:
 This life is full of desires. Once a desire is fulfilled, we crave for more.
 Life is a suffering because of endless cycle of cravings.
 One should be kind to others; including animals.
 The results of our actions (karma); whether good or bad; affect us in this life
and also in the afterlife.

The most famous of the Jaina thinkers was Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th tirthankar of
the Jains.He was a Lichchhavi prince born in Vaishali in the Vajji sangha, and at the age
of thirty he left his home in search of enlightenment.

Main teachings of Mahavira are:

 People, who wish to know the truth, must leave their home.
 The truth-seeker must follow the rules of ahimsa.
 Lead a simple and pure life.
 He taught not to steal and lead a simple life.

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