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Chapter End Assessment

Class: VI Integers Maximum Mark: 10

Objective Questions:
Q1. The successor of the predecessor of -50 is (1)

Option 1: -48

Option 2: -49

Option 3: -50

Option 4: -51

Q2. Which of the following group of numbers is non negative integers? (1)

Option 1: {_ _ _ _ _ -2,-1, 0}

Option 2: {1, 2, 3, 4}

Option 3: {0, 1, 2, 3,_ _ _ _ _ }

Option 4: {_ _ _ _,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1}

Q3. Which of the following statement is not correct? (1)

Option 1: the sum of any two negative integers is greater than both the integer

Option 2: zero is an integer as it is neither positive nor negative

Option 3: the sum of any two negative integers is smaller than both the integer

Option 4: all whole numbers are integers

Q4. Number of natural numbers lying between -7 and 7 is (1)

Option 1: 13

Option 2: 7

Option 3: 12

Option 4: 6

Q5.To subtract 5 from (- 12), we add ……… to (-13) (1)

Option 1: - 4
Option 2: - 5

Option 3: - 6

Option 4: - 7

Subjective Questions:

Q6. Ramesh thinks of an integer. He subtracts 12 from it and gets the result as – 6. What
was the integer he thought of? (1)

Q7. Add without using number line: (2)

(a) 34 - (-78) + 23 - (-44) - 99

(b) (-23) - (-100) + (- 34) – 12 + 6

Q8. Fill in the blank: 167 + _____ = - 234 (1)

Q9. Using the number line write the integer which is 4 less than -1 (1)

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