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Easy Round
1. In which type of waste do sanitary napkins and diapers belong ?
a. Residual Wastes
b. Compostable Wastes
c. Recyclable Wastes
d. Special Wastes
Answer: A. Residual Wastes

2. Which in the 3R formula do Aling Rita practice if she uses basket during market days ?
a. Reduce
b. Recycle
c. Repair
d. Reuse

Answer: D. Reuse

3. E-waste is generated from what?

a. Elevated Nuclear Plants
b. Electronics
c. EPA regulated facilities
d. Eggshells

Answer: B. Electronics

4. What do you call the process of creating new products from waste material?
a. Reusing
b. Reducing
c. Recycling
d. Recovering

Answer: C. Recycling

5. Rosa is practicing _ by writing her notes on both sides of a piece of paper?

a. Reducing
b. Repairing
c. Recycling
d. Recovering

Answer: A. Reducing

Average Round

6. What do scientists call plastics when they break down into tiny pieces.
a. Microtrash
b. Microparticles
c. Microplastics
d. Macroplastics

Answer: C. Microplastics

7. According to the article, humans are also ingesting plastic that has ended up in the ocean. How is
this possible?
a. The tiny plastics particles in the ocean end up coming through the faucets in our sinks once
the salt water is converted to fresh water.
b. The fish in the ocean eat the plastics and humans eat the fish, causing the toxic chemicals
from the plastics to spread from the fish to humans.
c. Humans are mistaking plastics in the ocean for food just as the marine life and sea birds are.
d. All of the above.

Answer: B. The fish in the ocean eat the plastics and humans eat the fish, causing the toxic chemicals
from the plastics to spread from the fish to humans.

8. How much time does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose?

a. Around 450 years
b. Around 200 years
c. Around 50 years
d. Around 5 years

Answer: A. Around 450 years

Difficult Round

9. On April 4, 1998, President Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation number 237, designating the
month of ____ each year as Philippine Environment Month in order to devote time and effort to
the protection, enhancement, and development of the country’s environment?

Answer: June

10. This comes from landfills and is generated from liquid wastes, or solid wastes coming in contact
with rainwater.

Answer: Leachate

Easy Round
11. What can you do to help stop plastic pollution?
e. Reuse shopping bags
f. Pick-up plastic litter
g. Use steel straws
h. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

12. Where is pollution found on the Earth?

e. Only in the air
f. Only in the water
g. Only on the land
h. On land, in the air, and in the water

Answer: D. d. On land, in the air, and in the water

13. The Municipality of Sibalom prohibits the use of single-use plastic bags. Which of the following
would you use instead?
e. Cloth bags
f. Sack bags
g. Paper bags
h. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

14. Lucas thinks that the best way to reduce the amount of garbage his family produces is to burn all
of it. Why is this not the best way to reduce waste?
e. It is a lot of work
f. A fire creates too much heat on a hot summer day
g. Burning garbage can release toxins into the air
h. Biodegradable items do not burn

Answer: C. Burning garbage can release toxins into the air

15. When the restaurant’s staff offered plastic packaging, straws, what do you need to do?
e. Refuse
f. Talk to the Manager
g. Be Karen
h. Accept it

Answer: A. Refuse

Average Round

16. What do scientists call plastics when they break down into tiny pieces.
e. Microtrash
f. Microparticles
g. Microplastics
h. Macroplastics

Answer: C. Microplastics

17. According to the article, humans are also ingesting plastic that has ended up in the ocean. How is
this possible?
e. The tiny plastics particles in the ocean end up coming through the faucets in our sinks once
the salt water is converted to fresh water.
f. The fish in the ocean eat the plastics and humans eat the fish, causing the toxic chemicals
from the plastics to spread from the fish to humans.
g. Humans are mistaking plastics in the ocean for food just as the marine life and sea birds are.
h. All of the above.

Answer: B. bThe fish in the ocean eat the plastics and humans eat the fish, causing the toxic chemicals
from the plastics to spread from the fish to humans.

18. How much time does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose?
e. Around 450 years
f. Around 200 years
g. Around 50 years
h. Around 5 years

Answer: A. Around 450 years

Difficult Round

19. On April 4, 1998, President Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation number 237, designating the
month of ____ each year as Philippine Environment Month in order to devote time and effort to
the protection, enhancement, and development of the country’s environment?

Answer: June
20. This comes from landfills and is generated from liquid wastes, or solid wastes coming in contact
with rainwater.

Answer: Leachate


Easy Round
21. Which is the following is not the benefit of recycling?
a. Less trash filling up landfills
b. Less pollution
c. Fewer resources take from earth
d. High waste disposal

Answer: D. d. High waste disposal

22. The gold, silver and copper are sometimes recovered from what kind of wastes?
a. Glass and Ceramics
b. Electronic wastes
c. Papers and Cartons
d. Plastic bottles

Answer: B. Electronic Wastes

23. Which of the following is not a part of the environmental problem?

a. Mining
b. Waste segregation
c. Climate Change
d. Pollution

Answer: B. Waste Segregation

24. Which is the following statements is false about zero waste management?
a. Separate collection of each kind of waste
b. Segregation of garbage at the source
c. Community involvement
d. Open dumping

Answer: D. Open dumping

25. Which type of solid waste includes household wastes such as empty spray cans, batteries,
thinners, and paints?
a. Biodegradable wastes
b. Residual wastes
c. Special wastes
d. Recyclable wastes

Answer: C. Special wastes

Average Round

26. What is Carbon foot print

a. Your footprint in the sand
b. How much carbon dioxide you breath out
c. An astronaut’s footprint on the moon
d. Total amount of greenhouse gases

Answer: D. Total amount of greenhouse gases

27. Burning trash or wastes in our household is prohibited because of its harmful effects on the
health of the people and it damages the ozone layer of the earth. What law is being enforced by
EMB-DENR in implementing this order?
a. Building code of the Philippines
b. Fire code of the Philippines
c. Clean Air Act
d. Zero waste management

Answer: C. Clean Air Act

28. Waste removal system was established in which of the following cities for the first time?
a. Athens
b. Lahore
c. London
d. Paris

Answer: A. Athens

Difficult Round

29. What is this recycling symbol?

Answer: Mobius Loop

30. Under RA 9003, this shall refer to a solid waste management practice of separating different
materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and reuse of resources and to reduce
the volume of waste for collection and disposal.

Answer: Segreagtion / Waste Segregation

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