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A nda l usia
Music in... Andalusia

1 Look and match. Then trace.

singer dancer guitarist

T h i nk

2 Look and circle flamenco instruments.

Nutshell instrument

1 Materials

a flat an elastic band

half a nutshell

2 Make
3 Play

• Clean the inside of the nutshell. • Turn over the nutshell.

• Hold it with two fingers and a
• With your thumb, tap the

• Put the toothpick on the

• Put on the elastic band. Make
sure the toothpick can move
but doesn’t fall.

• The sound is similar to

• You can use it when you sing!

Patios in... Andalusia

Hi! I’m Miguel and I’m from Córdoba. My house has got
a living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom. It hasn't got
a garden, but it's got a patio! Look at the beautiful flowers!

1 Look and number. Then trace.

1 patio 2 flower pot 3 roses 4 carnation

T h i nk

2 Can you see flowers? ✔ or ✘.

Paper flowers

1 Materials

Coloured paper Scissors

Paper straw

2 Make
3 Show

• Cut out the petals.

• Put the petals on the straw.

Look! This is my flower.
It’s red, yellow and pink.

Celebrations in... Andalusia

Hi! I’m Ana and I’m from Seville. Look! This is Feria de abril.
I like special clothes. I’m happy!

1 Look and match. Then trace.

1 horses 2 hat and trousers

3 decorations 4 dress

T h i nk

2 Look and count.

A festival poster IL

my co

1 Choose
2 Draw

• Choose a festival. • Draw special clothes for the


3 Write
4 Show
My dress is red and white.
I stamp my feet.
Look at my
special clothes.
I’ve got a red
and white dress. FERIA DE ABRIL

my costume stam
Pearson Educación, S.A.
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First published 2019

EAN: 8435085122927
Set in Camphor 17/21pt
Illustrators: Miguel Calero and César de la Morena
Picture credits: The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind
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