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Monday 31st May 2021 Topic: Drama

1. Write the title of the play and the name of the playwright.
2. Discuss what the play is all about.
3. Explain the effectiveness of two styles used in the play.
4. State two themes and state its relevance to your society and to you as a student.
5. Explain the setting of the play.
6. Explain how you felt after reading the play.
7. Name a character who taught you a lesson.
8. State one issue portrayed in the play.
9. Describe the opening scene of the play studied this year. Mention the props, the characters and how the stage
10. How is the title appropriate for the play?

Tuesday 1st June 2021 Topic: Mass Media

1. Which form of mass media would be able to reach a widest audience? State a reason for your answer.
2. What advantage does a mobile phone have over the other forms of mass media?
3. Differentiate between the two types of cartoons.
4. Name two newspapers that are published daily in Fiji.
5. State two benefits of using radio.
6. List two differences between a magazine and a newspaper.
7. Which form of media would you use during a disaster and why?
8. Who is a disc jockey? Give an example.
9. What is one advantage of newspaper over magazine?
10. Identify your favourite type of media. Give reasons for your answer.

Wednesday 2nd June Topic: DICTIONARY

Words with Multiple definitions

Position /рu’zishun/ Noun

a. (of a place). The Place where sb/sth should be
b. (of a body). The way in which sth or sb sleeps or stands or the
direction in which sth is pointing
c. (of a situation, usually single). The state or situation sb/sth is in
d. (Of an opinion). What you think about sth
e. (LevelSource:ofimportance)TheOxford.TheWordpowerplace
Dictionarylevelofperson,New3rdcompaEditiony etc. compared to others
f. (Job). Your role in a particular work
g. (In a sport). The part you play in a team.

. Match the meanings from the extract with the appropriate examples stated below. Write down the letter of
your choice in the spaces provided.

(i) There have been over a hundred applicants for the position of Sales Manager ________
(ii) I’m sorry, I’m not in a position to help you financially _______
(iii) Are you happy with the positions of the chairs? _______
(iv) My leg hurts when I change position _______
(v) The position of women in the society has changed _______
(vi) What is your position on smoking? _______
2. What does the abbreviation sth stand for?

Thursday 3rd June 2021 Topic: WORD CONFUSED
Underline the best answer.
1. Mr Raj was (quite/quiet) pleased with Ashok’s report.
2. Amoe said he felt very (exciting/excited) when he watched the Britannia arrive in Suva.
3. Satya could not (except/accept) Vidya’s invitation to go fishing because he had a bad cold.
4. Jope finished his homework and (than/then)went outside to play.
5. Mereani is feeling (worse/more worse)today than she was yesterday.
6. Jone loves(watching/looking) films.
7. We were pleased when a (police/policeman) arrived to stop the fight.
8. (curried/curry) mutton is Rajendra’s favourite food.
9. The new pupil didn’t (know/no) anybody in our class.
10. Pauliasi put on his best (cloths/clothes) and went to church.

Friday 4th June 2021 Topic: Personal Writing

Theme: Using Time Wisely

Other styles of writing

Use the pictures below to write on the theme in any appropriate style of personal writing. Indicate your style clearly

Monday 7th June 2021 Topic: Verbs

Choose the correct form from the brackets after each sentence.
1. I’m sorry but I didn’t (see/saw) you coming.
2. We watched Paula (jump/jumped) over the high jump bar.
3. We saw the thief climb in the window and(went/go) towards the table.
4. If I (Know/knew) how to drive I would take my friends around Viti Levu.
5. If there (is/was) no oxygen in the air, we would not be alive.
6. We (would have helped/would help) you if we had known you were in trouble.
7. Manasa (would not have been/would not be) hurt if he had been wearing a crash helmet when he had an
8. The teacher promised that he(will help/would help) us if he had time.
9. If Pushpa (wins/will win) the race, her parents will be proud of her.
10. If Filipe (worked/had worked) harder, he would have passed his U.E.

Tuesday 8th June 2021 Topic : Word Formation
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.
1. The climbers had reached the limit of their …………………………. (endure)
2. Each branch of government has ………………………….. powers. (limit)
3. The inheritance allowed him to ………………………………. his debts. (liquid)
4. The ruler’s …………………………. practice led to the uprising. (license)
5. We took a …………………………. stroll after dinner. (leisure)
6. Be prepared for a …………………………. speech after dinner. (length)
7. Father likes to take the …………………………. travelled roads. (little)
8. The hot climate made everyone ……………………………. (lethargy)
9. Shyness is a ……………………….. in politics. (liable)
10. Talking things out will ………………………… the tension. (less)
Wednesday 9th June 2021 Topic: Formal Letter Writing
You are the Class Captain of Year 9A and your English teacher has requested you to write to the Director of the
Curriculum Advisory Services, Waisomo House, Suva, inviting him to be the Chief Guest at your Annual Prize
Giving Ceremony. If you are a boy, your name is Jaden Smith and if you are a girl, your name is Faith Hill. Be
sure to include the following information in your letter:

(i) purpose of writing Activity :

(ii) the importance of the occasion and why he should attend it plan the letter
(iii) the specific date, time and venue for the occasion.
(iv) any other relevant details

Thursday 10th June 2021 Topic : Comprehension

Read the passage and answer the questions which follow.

Danger is always there: Diabetes

Can we end diabetes? This is the question every Fijian is asking in a bid to end this deadly sickness that has been
identified as a major cause of death and disability in Fiji.

Despite the major awareness programmes carried out by health stakeholders in a bid to ensure Fijians are made known
of the dangers of diabetes-a leading Non Communicable Disease (NCD), it seems a majority of the public do not
realise the impact of diabetes and take action to counter it.

As Fijians joined the rest of the world in celebrating the World Health Day, Diabetes Fiji chairman Dr. Wahid Khan
advised "If you are a diabetic, it is your responsibility to see that your sugar is well controlled; that you exercise
regularly and that you take your medications regularly,"

"If you are not a diabetic, then you have to still work hard so that you do not become a diabetic. “We invite all
Fijians to join our battle in stemming diabetes among our communities."

The advantages of eating healthy at any given time always outweigh unhealthy eating, but for some reason,
people still opt for junk food and unhealthy meals over fruits and a bowl of salad. Starting the day with a healthy
breakfast helps you avoid hunger spasms that could send you running for fast foods before lunch.

Many low-income earners are consuming unhealthy food often because they cannot always afford to eat healthy.
For some others, it is mainly because of the fact that people are accustomed to unhealthy eating from when they
were younger.
Fijians have not been successful in managing their diabetes. This is proven by the fact that Fiji has the highest rate of
amputations in the Western Pacific Region. In addition, the prevalence has amplified fourfold in the last 25 years. In
fact, diabetes is a major cause of death and disability in Fiji.

"My generation will not be able to turn this typhoon around, but we could stop it. The model change will come
with altered lifestyles of our children and this change has to start at home. So we urge all parents to do the right

“Make them eat right, live right and exercise regularly.”

Adapted from:


1. In line 1, the word bid is similar to

A. hope. B. desire. C. attempt. D. aspiration.
2. What is the main idea in paragraph 2?
A. Diabetes is the most common NCD.
B. People must take action against diabetes.
C. Stake holders are raising awareness on NCDs.
D. People are ignorant despite the awareness campaign on diabetes.
3. As a diabetic, two responsibilities that need to be carried out on a regular basis are
A. fasting and exercising. B. exercising and taking medication.
C. controlling sugar level and exercising. D. taking medication and controlling sugar level.

4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a reason for unhealthy eating habits?
A. Healthy foods are more expensive. B. Some simply prefer to eat unhealthy foods.
C. Healthy foods do not have favourable taste. D. People are not used to eating unhealthy foods.

5. Which of the following sentences proves that the number of diabetic patients in Fiji has increased
dramatically over the years?
A. It is a major cause of death and disability in Fiji.
B. In the last 25 years the prevalence has amplified fourfold.
C. We have the highest rate of amputations in the West Pacific.
D. Fijians have not been successful in managing their diabetes.

6. As used in the passage, My generation Line 20 refers to

A. all Fijians. B. Dr. Wahid Khan.
C. people suffering from diabetes. D. Diabetes Chairman’s age group.

7. The phrase, this typhoon line 20 is used figuratively as a

A. simile. B. metaphor. C. alliteration. D. onomatopoeia.

8. The best way to stop diabetes is to change our

A. homes. B. models. C. lifestyle. D. generation.

9. Who does the pronoun them in line 23 refer to?

A. Fijians B. Parents C. Children D. Diabetics

10. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?

A. To inform. B. To criticize. C. To advertise. D. To persuade.

Friday 11th June 2021 Topic: Sentence Completion

Add 5 to 8 words to complete these sentences

1. Mr and Mrs Thomson liked living on the island, although __________________________.

2. Despite having so much time_________________________________________________.
3. Emele always gets above 90% in her English test, despite ___________________________.
4. In spite of the bad weather in the weekend ______________________________________.
5. Although I woke up late, _____________________________________________________.
6. I ran as fast as_______________________________________________________.
7. Mary is as tall as ____________________________________________________.
8. The building was as old as_____________________________________________.
9. The netball court was as big as a________________________________________.
10. The house was as big as a______________________________________________.

Monday 14th June 2021 Topic: WORD CONFUSED
1. Eroni was worried he had (left/forgotten) his book at home.
2. The teacher told Josefa off, but his hand had no(effect/affect) on him.
3. Pupils are not (aloud/allowed) to chew chewing gum at most schools.
4. It was such a (frightful/frightening) film that most of the audience were trembling with fear.
5. Masi lives in a house (beside/besides) the sea.
6. Pita was so(tied/tired) that he went to sleep quickly.
7. First (prize/price) in the best Barman in Fiji competition was a trip to New Zealand.
8. Shobna was (wondering/wandering)along the road, thinking about her mother.
9. Ofa went for a short (work/walk) with her Dog.
10. Sereana couldn’t go for a swim because she had (forgotten/remembered)to bring her togs.

Tuesday 15th June 2021 Topic: Dictionary

Study the dictionary entry below and answer the questions that follow.

Colonial /kolonial/adj, n
 Adj. 1. Connected with or belonging to a country that controls another country. 2.
Typical of or connected with the US at a time when it was still a British Colony.
 Noun person who lives in a colony.

1. What information is given straight after the headword?

2. What do the numerals 1,2 refer to?
3. State what the following symbols stand for:
- Adj: ______________ - SYN: ________________
- IDM: _____________ - [US]: _______________

Wednesday 16th June 2021 Topic: Articles

Write down a, an, the or no word according to what you think should fill the blank spaces in the following
1. Patrick’s father reads ____ Fiji Times nearly every morning.
2. We spent over half ________ hour looking for Pana’s lost pens.
3. Biu was wearing ___________ new shorts and his favourite Bula shirt.
4. Mrs Lal sent Jai to the shop to buy one and __________ half pounds of sharps.
5. Anil is __________ best soccer player at his school.

Thursday 17th June 2021 Topic: Poetry

Answer the poetry questions with reference to the poems studied this year.

Do Not Despise Me Someone Needs You Urban Light Our World

1. Write the appropriateness of the title for each poem.
2. Explain one theme and its relevance to your society.
3. What was the mood of the poem and how is it portrayed?
4. Describe the setting of each poem.
5. Identify the figure of speech used in each poem and give an example.

Friday 18th June 2021 Topic: Personal Writing
Theme: Fight against Virus

Use the picture below to write on the theme in any appropriate style of personal writing. Indicate your style

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