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M. Cremer* and M. Papageorgiou**

*Professur fur MeB - und Regelungstechnik, Universitlit Hamburg, Lohbrugger
Kirchstr. 65, 2050 Hamburg 80, F.R.G.
* *Lehrstuhl und Laboratorium fur Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik, Technische
Universitat Munchen, Arcisstr. 21, 8000 Munchen, F. R. G.

Abstract. A macroscopic model is presented in this paper which descri-

bes the traffic flow on a freeway by a set of nonlinear, deterministic
difference equations. The model is deduced from simple physical and
empirical considerations and contains a set of free parameters which
have to be identified using real traffic data. This model validation
procedure is formulated here as a parameter optimization problem which
is solved by nonlinear programming. In addition, model simplifications
can be judged quantitatively my means of this validation procedure. The
results demonstrate that the validated model copes surprisingly well
with real traffic behaviour though there is a great part of stochastic
events in traffic dynamics.

Keywords. Parameter identification; modelling; traffic flow; model

validation; nonlinear programming.


From the viewpoint of an individual driver make sure that the results are reliable
traffic phenomena may seem to be mainly and representative. In order to investi-
stochastic in nature. However, in a macros- gate the quality of the model a perfor-
copic treatement where traffic dynamics are mance index is formulated, which quanti-
represented by aggregate variables, traffic fies the coincidence between the models
flow turns out to be a fairly reproducible, behaviour and the real traffic flow pro-
deterministic process in a surprising man- cess. In addition this index makes it
ner. This makes it possible and also mea- possible to measure the degradation of
ningful to develope mathematical models for the model if certain simplifications are
the description of the dynamics of traffic made or if the sampling time is too lar-
flow. Overloaded and congested roads in ge.
most industrialized states give a well foun-
ded motivation to use these models for The paper is organized as follows. In the
numerous purposes such as system analysis, next section the aggregate variables of
traffic simulation and prediction, data pro- traffic flow are introduced first and
cessing and the development and judgement then the traffic flow model is established
of control strategies (e.g. by Nahi and Tri- from physical and empirical considera-
vedi, 1973; Isaksen and Payne, 1973; Gosh tions. The following third section starts
and Knapp, 1978; Cremer 1978; Looze et al., with some general reflections concerning
1978) • the causality of the process of traffic
flow. It justifies then the chosen least
This paper proposes a model for traffic square approach for the identification
flow on freeways which is an improved ver- of the model parameters. This procedure
sion of a model originally developed by is formulated as an optimization problem
Payne (1971). The model is formulated as which is solved by a nonlinear programming
a set of nonlinear difference equations routine using iterative comparison of mo-
and is expected to describe traffic dyna- del behaviour with real traffic data
mics in the whole range of possible car collected from a german Autobahn. The
densities. The equations contain a number results are then presented in the fourth
of parameters which are used to adopt the section. Using the tool of the valida-
model to real traffic data. This is done tion procedure certain simplificati on s
in a thorough, extensive validation pro- and their consequences are discussed as
cess, where the model calibration is for- well as the influence of the sampling
mulated as a parameter optimization problem intervall and the width of spatial dis-
which is solved by means of nonlinear pro- cretization. Finally a summary with con-
gramming. The data sets used cover a large clusions is given in the last section.
variety of different traffic situations to

77 1
77 2 M. Creme r an d M. Papageo r gi ou

MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF TRAFFIC FLOW to find relations which describe the

transition from state at time k T to the
Before we can start developing the model state at time (k+1) T. From a simple ba-
equations, we have to clarify first what lance of vehicles we obtain
should be understood to be the state of
traffic flow - on a longer road section and
by what variables it could be represented.
Consider a section of a two lane freeway
having a length of several kilometers. This Where ~ is the length of the j-th
section is thought to be subdivided into segment.j(On- or off-ramp volumes have
segments of length 400 to 800 meters as to be added eventually for j = 1 or j = n
is indicated in Fig. 1. w ~ thin the brackets). It should be pointed
out, that in this form eqn. (1) holds ex-

Following the ideas of Payne (1971) the

mean speed v. is influenced by three
terms: a relixation term, a convection
term and a density gradient term. This is
expressed by the following difference

Fig. 1: Section of a two lane freeway.

If there are any on- and off-ramps, they
are supposed to be at the ends of the sec- + i
[v . (v .
J J-1
- v.).sat(c.i - 1
J cj
J] (k)
tion only. A whole freeway is considered to
be built up as a tandem connection of such
With respect to this configuration for each (2)
segment the following variables are defi-
traffic density in segment j at
time k T (veh/km) The relaxation term (first bracket term)
effects according to the yet unknown time
mean speed of the vehicles constant an asymptotic adjustment to a
within se~ent j at time steady state velocity V(c j ) which depends
k T (km/h) on the density c. in the ~egment. The con-
vection term (se~ond bracket term) accounts
volume from the j-th segment to for the propagation of a speed difference
the (j+1)-th segment related to (v 1-v) into the j-th segment. However,
the time interval ve~Icle~ leaving segment j-1 contribute to
kT~t«k+1)T (veh/h) the mean speed in segment j according to
the ratio of vehicle numbers that is to
r(k),s(k): entering or leaving ramp volu- the ratio of densities.(Without the fac-
mes related to the time inter- tor sat (c j _ /C j ) which was not contained
val kT~t«k+1)T (veh/h) 1
in Payne's model difficulties may arise in
caS8S of congestion). The density gradient
time mean speed, harmonic mean term reflects drivers anticipation to a
ot the individual vehicle velo- foreseen relative density change which is
cities which are measured at weighted by a sensitivity factor V. The
cross-section j during denSity parameter K takes into account,
k T~t«k+1) T that this effect becomes negligible for
low density values. (Without this parame-
Here T is a fixed time interval and k is a ter, which was not included in Payne's
running integer time index. The state of equation too, the model has shown abnormal
the traffic flow process will then be de- behaviour in the low density range).
fined by the set of density and mean speed
values in the se~ents Cj(k), vi(k), while While the volumes q (k) and q (k) are con-
the volumes qi(k) can be expresled by these sidered to be knownoas externil inputs (see
variables as .ill be shown below. argumentation in the next section), the
volumes q (k) are regarded as internal
Having detined the process variables we try variablesjand are expressed in analogy to
Parame t e r ide nti f i ca tion fo r a traf f i c f l ow mode l

hydrom echani cs as a weight ed local mean of tion exit and propag ates in upstrea m di-
produc ts of densit y times veloci ty rectio n. Depend ing on the state of traf-
fic either the condit ions at the sectio n
entry or those at the sectio n exit take
more influe nce on the system s behavi our.
Since the model is to descri be traffi c
dynam ics in the whole densit y range
o ~ c ~ c max ' the valida tion should be
carrie d out on the basis of traffi c data
from low to high densit y. To have in every
case a correo t assign ment of stimul us and
Here the weigh ting factor a is again a reacti on the measur ed data at both ends
free param eter. of the sectio n are treate d as the system
inputs . The reacti on or output of the sy-
For the steady -state chara cteris tic V(c) in stem is then to be taken from a third
eqn. (2). May and Keller (1967) propos ed a place within the sectio n.
rather genera l relatio nship
Conseq uently a config uratio n with three
places for data collec tion was chosen
(Fig. 2). With the data from both ends
qo(k), wo(k) and q (k), w (k) as input
sequen ces and the ~ata fr6m the intern al
Where Vf is the free veloci ty at zero den- cross- sectio n q2(k), w2 (k) as output se-
sity, c max is the jam densit y and 1, m are quence s.
positi ve real param eters.
For the valida tion of the model as descri -
bed in the next sectio n we will use measu-
red time sequen ces of volume s q(k) and time - ......~--1650m
mean speed values w(k). While the volume s
are relate d to the state variab les by eqn.
(3), for the values Wj(k) we write simila r-

QO(k) ' WO(k)

The model eqn.'s (1) to (5) contai n the free

param eters Vf , c max ' 1, m, oc:. , K, V and ,. Fig. 2: Config uratio n of a sectio n with
which have to be identi fied by the calibr a- three measur ement sites.
tion of the model. Beside s, we will consi-
der the length of a segmen t ~ and theThe identi ficatio n of the unknown parame -
sampli ng time T to be dispos able to a cer-
ters is conneo ted with some diffio ulties ,
tain extent . It is the subjec t of the va- since the model equati ons are nonlin ear in
lidatio n proced ure to determ ine the parame - both the state variab les and the parame -
ter values which give the best coinci dence ters. There are three approa ches to solve
betwee n the model and the real prooes s and the problem : the least square s approa ch,
to mark the admis8 ible range for the value8 the maximum likelih ood approa ch and the
of ~j and T. In additi on we will invest igate Bayesi an approa ch. While the first seeks
to wftat extent simpl ifioati ons of the model to minimi ze the discre pancy betwee n the
equati ons will affect the perform anoe of model and the real proces s with respec t
the model. to some quadra tio error functi onal, the
last two approa ches try to find those
param eter values , which optimi ze a certai n
MODEL VALIDATION proba bilisti c measu re. They need some addi-
tional aprior i knowle dge about the (cond itio-
Traffi c flow on a freewa y sectio n is now con- nal) proba bility distrib utions of the pa-
sidere d as a causal proces s on which certai n ramete rs.
stimul us act as input8 while any combin ation
of intern al variab les may be ch08en as the In our case an inform ation about probab i-
system s reacti on or output . When defini ng lity distrib utions can scarce ly be made
the input variab les we have to take into availa ble. Thus the least square s method
acooun t differ ent traffi c situat ions: In seems to be the most practi cable approa ch.
case of low densit y traffi c flow dynam ics To procee d, we formu late the task of para-
are mainly determ ined from the enteri ng ve- meter identi ficatio n in a least square
hicles , that is from the condit ions at the sense as an optim ization proble m:
sectio n entry. At high densit y, howev er,
growin g conges tion origin ates from the sec-
774 M. Cremer and M. Papageorgiou

Given the time sequences of input and For each choice of the parameters &. the
output values collected from a real value of the cost functional (6) is deter-
traffic flow which contains transition mined by a simulation run of the model
through the whole spectrum of possible equations driven by the measured inputs
density values in a representative man- according to Fig. 3. Obviously, there is
ner. no direct functional but only a procedural
Find the set of parameters &. which relationship between the vector &. und the
gives best coincidence between the value of the criterion 1(2). Therefore the
model and the real process by minimi- determination of the optimal parameter set
zing the cost functional must be performed by means of a nonlinear
programming search routine.(Here the Com-
plex algorithm of Box (1965) was used which
does not require any derivatives of the
cost functional and implies a greater chan-
ce to find the global minimum). This rou-
tine tries to improve the value of the cri-
terion 1(&.) iteratively whereby for each
modification of the vector &. a new simu-
lation run of the whole process must be
Here KT is the period of comparison; q2' carried out.
w2 and Q2' w2 are the output variables of The procedure is terminated if no further
tne real process and the model, respecti- improvement of the performance criterion
vely. &. is the vector of model parameters 1(2) can be achieved by the search algo-
and is a weighting factor which has to
be chosen properly, for example rithm. Because there is no direct func-
tional relationship between the vector &.
and the value 1(2), it is not easy either
;Y = to decide whether there is only one global
optimum or to guarantee that the absolut
optimum is reached. Actually, in our case
Where O"q' O"W2 are the variances of the the whole procedure was repeated with dif-
stochastic component in the measured variab- ferent starting values for &. whereby some-
les which cannot be modelled by the deter- times a worse local optimum was reached.
ministic equati ons of the model.

stored d_a-,-ta,--_~~ simulation of traffic flow

(collected at the with parameter vector .Il
ends of the section)
optimization search
stored data
---~ calculation of I (.Il) new choice for .Il
(internal site)


Fig. 3: Two stage structure of optiillization

Pa rame t e r identification f o r a traffi c flo w model 775

An important question for an identifica- distance between the input sensors at both
tion procedure is, whether the obtained ends and the internal output sensor is short
parameter set is bias free, that is, enough to ensure a ciear causal dependen-
whether the expectation value of each cy. On the other hand it is long enough
identified parameter is equal to the va- for the dynamic laws of traffic flow to
lue of the corresponding parameter in affect the outputs in a distinctly percei-
the real system. Unlike in many technical vable manner.
processes, the parameters were introdu-
ced here as fictitious values to take in- The available data sets contained a number
to account certain phenomena of traffic of different traffic situations including
flow. In the real process these phenome- free as well as congested traffic flow.From
na arise in a more complicated way and there- these a representative set of a two hours
fore no real parameters exist corresponding observation period was selected where in
to the model parameters. This means, that the second hour traffic became more and
it cannot be decided in this case, whether more crowded and finally collapsed. By the
the optimal parameter set is bias free or validation procedure describe in the pre-
not. ceeding section the following set of opti-
mal parame t er values was obtained.

TABLE 1 Optimal parameter set
For the execution of the outlined model
validation procedure a number of data sets
were available which were collected from V
1 m ex. K V T
a section of the Autobahn Frankfurt - Ba-
sel. The section has a total length of
123 200 1,4 4,0 0,8 20 21,6 0,01
2650 meters, which was subdivided into
five segments of 500 and 550 meters length 2
km veh ~ km h
(see Fig. 2). Sensors for volumes and ve- 11 km km 11
locities are installed at both ends and
within the section at a distance of 1000
meters from the section entry. This Here the sampling time T was chosen to be
distance is passed by a vehicle with free 10 se c onds.
velocity nearly within half a minute, that
is within the time constant as will be In Fig. 4 an d 5 the time responses of local
apparent from the results below. Thus, the w
mean speed 2 ( k ) and v olume q2(k) as gene -

" ,(,
1tJ\ h"1

I ,
"y; .
"--V' wV V""'
, I
,, 1
W2~ IF V
1 \. . I I

I '\;\ J!JrJ
1I ' :I
I . 1
! i ' I A

~.. \
,,~ , V',,~
I Ii I

o 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54

Fig. 4: Local mean speed W2(k) measurements (----) and model ( ---- )
776 M. Cremer and M. Papageorgiou


3000 " I


~ fkf ./&2

\ .. "....., r1


I q/
2 l/\ .I!J/ F] ,
(), , \

o 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
- t[min]

Fig. 5: Volume q2 (k); measurements ( - - ) and model (----)

rated by the calibrated model are presen- hibit the modelling of local !nhomogeni-
ted together with the measured sequences ties. A too small sampling time T makes
w (k) and q2(k) of the real traffic pro- the variables q and w (which relate to
cess. ensembles of vehicles over a time inter-
val) meaningless, while if T is chosen
In addition it was checked that this set too long it becomes diffcult for the mo-
of parameters gave also a good performance del to follow the faster dynamics of traf-
of the model in the other cases of measured fic flow. The introduced cost functional
data sets thus demonstrating the flexibi- (6) and the instrument of the validation
lity of the model and the transferability routine offers the possibility to investi-
of the obtained parameter values. An in- gate the influence of ~, and T on the mo-
dividual parameter optimization for each dels performance. J
of the different data sets revealed that
only the free velocity V may vary in For this the freeway section from which
different situations up to 5 percent. In the data were collected was in the first
an on-line application of the model e.g. formally subdivided into three segments
for traffic surveillance by filtering with length of 1000 m, 825 m (internal
sensor behind the first segment) and in
(Nahi and Trivedi (1973), Cremer (1976)) the second case into eight segments with
this parameter might be adapted from time length of 330 m (internal sensor behind
to time (for example according to Grewal the third segment). The value of the cost
and Payne (1976)). functional is given in table 2 for both
In the above validation procedure the these cases together with the former case
length~, of a segment and the samp- of a subdivision into five segments.
ling timeJT were kept to be fixed. It
will be investigated now whether and to In the same way the influence of the
what extent another choice of both va- sampling period T was investigated by the
lues will lead to an improvement or a validation procedure. The results are
deterioration of the models performance. given in table 3.
It is clear from intuition, that the in-
troduced aggregate variables c and v
become meaningless if ~ , is too small The results show, that there exists an opti-
while a too large valueJof ~, will in- mal choice for the segment length in the
Paramet e r identification for a traffic flow model 777

15 s =i/2, the performance is deteriorated

TABLE 2 Performance of the model for drastically. This fact can be interpreted
different values Of~ by Shannons sampling theorem. It should be
mentioned here, that the ratio 6 j /T should
not exceed the free velocity Vf , otherwise
the convection term ineqn. (2) would become
length of erroneous and may cause irregularities of
segments 330 m 500-550 m 825-1000 m
the model.
cost Finally the elaborated pracedure offers the
functional 141 120 184
possibility to quantify the loss of perfor-
mance if some shortcuts are made in the mo-
del equations for reasons of simplification
and reduction of numerical effort. To in-
vestigate the consequences of some simpli-
TABLE 3 Performance of the model for fication the whole validation procedure was
different values of T repeated, thus allowing the remaining para-
meters to compensate the shortcut by altered
time values. In table 4 the percentage of the
T = 5s T = 10s T = 15s T = 20s deterioration of the performance is presen-
ted for the investigated cases.
cost 120 120 127 578
functional The results indicate, that the modifiva-
tions by which the model of Payne was re-
fined here bring considerable improvement
(For this investigation the length 6. was while only few additional numerical opera-
taken to be 500 m and 550 m as befor~.) tions are necessary. If the density gra-
dient term is dropped congestion is modeled
rather poorly and took place only because
range of 500 m which gives best agreement the entering volumes were set to zero when
between modelled traffic flow and real jam on the other hand has its main effect
measurements as it is indicated by a mini- in the low density range. Neglecting the
mum value of the cost functional. For the dynamic inertia for the mean speed and
time interval T a choice less than 10 se- replacing eqn. (2) simply by the static
conds has no significant influence on the relation v . = V(c.) results in a drasti-
models performance but the consumption of cally dete~iorati~n of the models quali-
time is increased when the model is used ty.
in data processing. On the other hand,
when T is increased beyound a value of

TABLE 4 Percentage of loss of performance due

to various simplifications of the model

loss of performance
simplification mixed traffic free traffic congestion
Payne's model
cX,= 1; K = 0
simple convec- 21 96 33 96 3 96
tion term

density gradien
term dropped 142 96 o% 425 %
( V = 0)

therm dropped 93 96 130 96 20 96

no dynamic de-
lay for v.
J 228 96 80 96 524 %
v. = V(c.)
778 M. Cremer and M. Papageorgiou


The paper presented a dynamic traffic flow Box, M.J. (1965). A new method of con-
model in the form of a set of cascaded, strained optimization and a compari-
nonlinear difference equations. The model son with other methods.
was designed to represent traffic dynamics Comput. J. 8, pp. 42-52.
in any density range and its time discrete
form is especially suitable for use on a Cremer, M. (1976 ). A new scheme for traf-
digital computer. A number of free parame- fic flow estimation and control with a
ters were used to adapt the model to obser- two component model. In Control in
vations of the real traffic process. For Transportation systems, Proc. of the
this data from a freeway section with three IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Third :nt. Symp., Co-
measurement sites have been used, where the lumbus, Ohio, pp. 29-37.
moasurements of both ends acted as the in-
pu ts while the data from an inner place were Cremer, M. (1978). A state feedback
taken to be the output of the system thus approach to freeway traffic control.
giving a unique assignment of causality. Proc. of the 7th IFAC World Congress,
Helsinki, Finland. Pergamon Press.
The validation process was formulated as a pp. 1575-1582.
parameter optimization problem and was
performed on the basis of extensive data Gosh, D., and C.H. Knapp (1978). Estimation
material. The result is a rather general, of traffic variables using a linear mo-
highly realistic traffic flow model which del of traffic flow. Transp. Res. 12,
is capable to describe traffic behaviour pp. 395-402.
in all situations. Moreover, the introdu- Grewal, M.S., and H.J. Payne (1976). Iden-
ced performance index made it possible to tification of parameters in a freeway
quantify the loss of the models perfor- traffic model. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man
mance if some numerical simplifications and Cybern., SMC-6, No.3, pp. 176-185.
are made. As it might be expected it has
been shown, that the models degradation Isaksen, L., and H.J. Payne (1973). Free-
is the stronger the greater the saving in way traffic surveillance and control.
numerical operations. Proc. IEEE, 61, pp. 526-536.
Looze, D.P., P.K. Houpt, N.R. Sandell,
The model validation was performed using M. Athans (1978). Decentralized esti-
data collected under no speed limitation. mation and control with application to
The identified parameter values can be con- freeway ramp metering. IEEE Trans. on
sidered to be representative for traffic Aut. Control, AC 23, No.2, pp. 268-
flow an freeways in most European coun- 275.
tries where no or only light .restriction
is imposed on the maximum speed. When May, A.D., and H.E.M. Keller (1967).
applied to traffic flow in the United Noninteger carfollowing models. Highw.
States slightly different parameter va- Res. Rec., 199, Washington D.C.,
lues are to be expected due to the con- pp. 19-32.
siderable limitation of maximum speed Nahi, N.E., and A.N. Trivedi (1973). Re-
and to the different size of cars. cursive estimation of traffic variab-
les: section density and average speed.
Transp. Sci., 7, pp. 269-286.
Payne, H.J. (1971). Models of freeway
The authors want to express their thanks traffic control. Simulation Council
to Professor Leutzbach and his researchers Proc., 1, pp. 51-61.
for the provision of the traffic data used
in this paper.

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