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The Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test (AMCAT) is an adaptive computer test and measures the
employability skills of a job candidate. Over 700 companies have partnered with AMCAT to use the scores to
evaluate the employability of job candidates. It helps recruiters assess candidates on critical skills and domain
knowledge. The AMCAT test is taken by students from all streams including Engineering, Management, Arts,
and Commerce.

Below are the details of modules offered by AMCAT to a particular student and its duration:

Modules offered in
Min questions to
Module Total Quest Timing Type Remarks

English 18 14 18 Min Mandate NA
Logical 12 8 15 Min Mandate NA
Quant( Non -Technical ) 16 10 16 Min Mandate NA
Personality 72 0 15 Min Mandate NA
AM Direct 20 0 35 Min Mandate NA
AM Start 14 0 30 Min Mandate NA
Sales Competency Test 12 0 20 Min Mandate NA
Financial & Banking 22 12 20 Min Optional
Human Resources 15 6 15 Min Optional Candidate can pick
any 2 out of it.
Marketing 16 8 15 Min Optional
Operations 15 6 20 Min Optional
Basic Statistics 20 NA 20 Min Optional
Automata Fix 7 NA 20 Min Optional
Banking Readiness 24 10 20 Min Mandate NA
Investment Banking 12 8 15 Min Mandate NA
MS Excel 23 10 20 Min Mandate NA
Business analysis 8 5 15 Min Mandate NA
Write X Passage Writing 25 Min Mandate NA

AMCAT will be conducted with mandatory live video stream option under the supervision of vigilant invigilators. It is
imperative to have good internet connectivity with minimum 2MBPS bandwidth and a laptop /PC.
Please ensure the compliance to the following to appear for the test:

A. System Requirements:

A computer / Laptop (The test will not work on any mobile phones)
Smooth and uninterrupted internet connectivity (throughout the testing session) with minimum 2
MBPS bandwidth

B. Browser Requirements:

Google Chrome (version 40 and above)

Mozilla Firefox (version 40 and above)
Note- In case the test is taken on Windows 8, the latest version should be used and all the popups/
notifications should be disabled.

C. Important Guidelines:

Please note down the AMCAT ID in your records for future reference.
Do not copy-paste the User Name and Password and only type the same.
Complete the test in one go as no breaks are allowed in-between.
Keep a track of time as the test is timed and will be auto-submitted after the completion of the time.
Mandatorily answer all the questions while completing all the modules.
You can’t skip any question or not go back to the previous question.
There is no negative marking.
If somehow the test is stopped in between, (due to power failure or internet disconnection) wait for five
minutes and re-login using the same details. After entering the username and password, click on ‘Resume
Incomplete Test’, select your AMCAT Id and then re-enter Username and Password.
Ensure that you resume Test within 2 hours of your test being stopped.
Ensure that you are not wearing any headphones, earphones, etc.
Do not cover your face during the test.
Ensure that no one else is sitting with you during the entire duration of the test.

D. Procedure:

 For taking the exam type the URL( ) in the address bar of the Web
 Enter the username and password given to you to login. Do not copy-paste the Username and Password. Always
type in.
 Click on Start New Test.
 Fill the registration form.
 Please select Master degree while attempting the test.
 Click on Start Test and keep a note of your AMCAT ID as mentioned on the top.
 To answer a question, click on Confirm and then Next to submit your answer. Do not click on Module Exit or
Test Exit.
 If your test gets stuck at any point, there is a ‘Resume Test' option that will enable you to restart the test at the
same place where you got stuck. Please ensure that you Resume the Test within 2 hours of your test being
stopped, otherwise your login will expire, and you won’t be able to complete the test.

Note- No candidate will be allowed to login to the test after 15 minutes after the start of the scheduled
time of the test. In such a case, the candidate will be marked absent.

There may be instances when the test is auto-submitted or gets locked. The reasons for the same are
outlined below:

Switching through tabs which leads to locking of the test and test cannot be resumed again.
Taking screenshots of the test.
Pop-ups during the test.
Not sitting in front of your computer during entire duration of the test.
Other reasons which will attract IMMEDIATE END of the test by CU invigilators are-

If a student is involved in any unethical activity related to the test or is found cheating by any means.
In case of cheating or absenteeism, student will be debarred from TPP and will not be
allowed to sit for ANY placement drives.

Some of the actions will can account to cheating are listed below-
Using mobile phones during the test.
Not sitting in the center of the screen
Taking screenshots of the test via any means such as screen mirroring, through cell phones, etc.
Talking with someone during the test
Wearing earphones
Some other person walking behind the student
Some other person looking at the screen
Use of calculators
Wearing masks or covering face with any piece of cloth
Looking here and there during the test
Presence of people other than the test taker in the test area

Importance of Modules offered by

The AMCAT Exam tests the student’s knowledge in compulsory modules like– English, Quantitative
Ability, Logical Ability and Personality Test.

Language (Mandatory)

English - Familiarity with the English Language in its various nuances is an essential skill, especially
in the current climate of global networking. Ideally, any recruitment should involve a test of skills in
handling the language in ways that promote the objectives of the company. Needless to state, an
appropriate test is necessary. English test uses a variety of internationally standardized resources for
framing questions aimed at determining the candidate's ability to
(a) Understand the written text
(b) Comprehend the spoken word and
(c) Communicate effectively through written documents.

Cognitive (Mandatory)

Quantitative Aptitude- The Quantitative Ability assesses the ability of the candidate in following two
(a) Basic understanding of numbers and applications This section tests whether the candidate has
understanding of basic number system, i.e., fractions, decimals, negative, positive, odd, even numbers,
rational numbers, etc. The candidate should know how to do basic operations on these numbers,
understand concepts of factors/divisibility and have good practice of algebra. Apart from operations
on numbers, the candidate should know how to convert a real-world problem into equations, which is
to be solved to find an unknown quantity. The candidate is tested on Word Problems representing
various scenarios to assess the same.
b. Analytical Maths - These are aspects of mathematics needed for Engineering disciplines and data
analysis. This includes permutation-combination, probability and understanding of logarithms.

Logical Ability - The Logical Ability section assesses the capacity of an individual to interpret things
objectively, to be able to perceive and interpret trends to make generalizations and be able to analyze
assumptions behind an argument/statement. These abilities are primary for success of a candidate in
the industry. Specifically, these are divided into following sections:

a. Deductive Reasoning: Assesses the ability to synthesize information and derive conclusions.

b. Inductive Reasoning: Assesses the ability to learn by example, imitation or hit-andtrial. This also
provides an indication of how creative the individual is.

c. Subjective Reasoning: Assesses the critical thinking ability of an individual to see through loopholes
in an argument or group of statements. All these abilities are tested both using numerical and verbal
stimuli. Coachable questions have been identified and removed.


Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory (AMPI) - This is critical especially to MBA students as this test
is a personality assessment of the candidate and is often used in people-interaction and people-
management roles. However, you cannot do any AMCAT preparation for this segment. This is
purely based on how you are as a person and employee, you just need to use your gut instinct without
trying to game it and put the morally or ethically right answer, the system can easily pick on
irregularities in your answers!

Domain (Optional)

Banking & Financial Services - MBA students seeking roles in Banking and financial sector can choose
this module. You will face questions about Investment and banking products as well as basic economics
and taxation. A great score in this section in your AMCAT Exam will reflect well on your core basic
understanding of the banking and finance industry.

Marketing - MBA students searching for sales and marketing jobs can take up this module.
AMCAT preparation for this module can include reading up on basic concepts of marketing,
research, advertising and brand management. You can refresh your entire syllabus by just going
through the common test questions available in the Prep AMCAT tool.

Human Resources - Recruiters like to hire candidates with the HR score as they can effectively measure
how well versed a student is with HR concepts. You need to prepare for questions on Human Resource
Management, Organizational Behaviour, Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare. The AMCAT
tutorials will have sample questions on these topics.

Operations - The Operations module is a must pick for MBA students who are specialization in
operations and are seeking jobs in the supply chain industry. Your AMCAT preparation should revolve
around topics like planning and development, supply chain management and Quality Management.

Basic Statistics - This is fast becoming the most popular module as MBA students are choosing careers
as Business consultants and Analysts. An excellent score in this module will assure the recruiter that
you are really adept at statistical inference, exploratory analysis and probability.

Automata Fix - The AMCAT Automata section in the AMCAT exam works to evaluate a candidate’s
programming skills. With questions specifically designed to test a wide range of adaptive programming
problems, Automata Fix is the ultimate litmus test for any programmer.
Automata Fix assesses a candidate based on their knowledge of Data Structures, (sorting and
searching) Algorithms and concepts like Recursion, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Modular
Programming. The Automata Fix syllabus broadly compiles of knowledge of C, advanced C concepts
and Data Structure. It basically tests a candidate’s ability to identify bugs and correct them.
Automata Fix test syllabus
In the Automata Fix module of the AMCAT exam, candidates are given codes and are expected to
identify the bugs correctly or write a new functionality based on the functions and the codes given.
This hands-on test ensures that the candidate’s real skills shine through and recruiters get a fair idea of
their capabilities.
The Automata Fix section consists of 7 questions and the candidate is given 20 minutes to solve them.
And, like all the other modules of the AMCAT exam, this module is also adaptive and thus the questions
are based on your previous answers.
Logical Errors: In these type of questions, you will need to correct all the illogical errors in the code. To
solve such errors you would need to know about concepts such as looping, conditions etc.
Compilation Errors: Here you would be expected to correct syntax errors without changing the logic of
the code. You will be provided with the logic along with the case study questions.
Code Reuse Errors: As compared to logical and compilation error, ‘code reuse error’ is a bit difficult.
In this, you will have to complete the given code by reusing the function. Details about the
function/classes will be provided to you.

BFSI Modules
Banking Readiness (Mandatory)- The Banking module has been designed to assess elementary banking
knowledge of a candidate. The test has been designed for fresher level hiring, for candidates who might
or might not have officially studied banking as a subject in graduation. Candidate is assessed on his
knowledge on three macro themes within banking i.e. Financial Instruments having concepts like
Mutual Funds, Insurance, Loans etc, Retail Banking Functions including various banking services, and
Non retail 4anking Functions.
Investment Banking (Mandatory) - The Investment Banking is an advanced module, designed to asses
enhanced knowledge of candidates on various concepts of Financial analysis and Valuations. The
module has been designed for the people who have relevant industry experience in either banks or
Investment companies and thus are expected to be aware of elementary concepts. The module tests the
candidate’s practical application of concepts. The module is a good assessment tool as incorporates
both conceptual and analytical #questions.


Information Gathering & Synthesis and Excel (Mandatory) - This is an important part of the AMCAT
exam, especially for management students. As MBAs, your main work is done on Microsoft Office
products including Excel. Both these sections are highly related as they showcase your analytical and
logical skills in a practical scenario. You need to be adept with the shortcuts and various functions of
Excel. For the information gathering aspect, you need to be prepared with data interpretation.
Business Analysis (Mandatory) - The Business Analysis (BA) module primarily assesses the capacity
of an individual to analyse requirements, understand business problems, make data-driven decisions and
provide solutions using statistical methods.
Write X (Mandatory) - The Write X test is based on artificial intelligence and evaluates the candidate’s
written English. The candidate has to write an essay on a given topic and the essay is scored on two
aspects – Content and Grammar.

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