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Different types of skeleton occur in the animal kingdom.

1. Hydrostatic skeleton
● A fluid-filled gastro-vascular cavity or coelom
● Present in cnidaria, flatworms, roundworms, and annelids
2. Exoskeleton
● Exterior skeleton
● Some mollusks, such as corals and clams, have calcium carbonate exoskeleton.
In contrast, the arthropods such as insects and crustaceans have a chitinous
(chitin is a strong and flexible nitrogenous polysaccharide).
3. Endoskeleton
● Internal skeleton
● Echinoderms are invertebrates that have an endoskeleton consisting of spine-
bearing calcium-rich plates.
● NOTE: There are 206 bones of the body that make up a working whole called
skeleton or skeletal system.

Functions of the Skeleton

1. It provides support for the body
2. It permits flexible movement
3. It protects the delicate body organs
4. The bones of the skeleton are a storehouse for minerals such as calcium and
5. Certain inner portions of bones contain red marrow and are your internal factory of
a blood cell.

Classifications of Bones
1. Long bones
2. Short bones
3. Flat bones
4. Irregular bones
5. Sesamoid bones

Anterior View of a Human Skeleton

Posterior View of a Human Skeleton
Lies in the body’s midline and consist of the cranium, vertebral column, ribs, sternum,
ossicles, and hyoid. It is composed of 80 bones, which form the central axis of the body.
It includes the following:

1.Cranium or skull - consists of 28 bones, including those of the face

● Cranial bones (10)
o Frontal bone 1 - forms the forehead
o Parietal bone 2 - extend to the sides
o Occipital bone 1 - curves to form the base of the skull
o Temporal bone 2 - has an opening that leads to the middle ear
o Sphenoid bone 2 - completes the head’s side and contributes to the floor and
walls of the eye socket.
o Ethmoid bone 2 - lies in front of sphenoid, part of the orbital and component
of the nasal septum

● Facial Bones (12)

o Mandible or lower jaw 1 - the only movable portion of the skull which permits
us to chew our food and where lower teeth sockets are located
o Maxillae or upper jaw 2 - forms the anterior part of the hard palate and where
upper teeth sockets are located
o Palatine bone 2 - makes up the anterior portion of hard palatine and the floor
of the nasal cavity
o Zygomatic bone or cheekbone 2 - give us cheekbone prominences, and the
nasal bones form the bridge of the nose
o Lacrimal bone 2 - lies between the ethmoid and the maxillary bone
o Vomer 1 - thin, flat bone which joins with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
to form the nasal septum
o Nasal 2 - paired nasal bones join to form the bridge of the nose=
2. Vertebral column or backbone (26)
● Extend from the skull to the pelvis
● Consists of 26 bones
● It has four curvatures that provide more resiliency and strength in an upright
posture than a straight column could.
● They are named based on their location.
● When the vertebrate join, they form a canal through which the spinal cord passes.
● The spinous processes of vertebrate can be felt as bony projections along the
midline of the back.
● Intervertebral disks - disks between vertebrae that act as padding to prevent them
from crushing against each other and absorb the shock caused by movements like
running, jumping, and walking. (NOTE: this disks becomes weakened with age and
can even slip or rupture)
● Vertebral column works as an anchor for all other bones of the skeleton.
● Five( 5) major groups of vertebrae are:
o Cervical bone - consists of 7 bones and found along the neck region
o Thoracic bone - consists of 12 bones and found along the chest cavity
o Lumbar bone - consists of 5 bones, located in the lower back and considered
as the largest and strongest vertebrae bone
o Sacrum bone - consist of 5 fused bones that is triangular and form the upper
part of the buttocks
o Coccyx bone or tail bone - consists of 3 fused bones which functions in
widening of the birth canal.

3. Ribs
● Connect directly to the thoracic vertebrae in the back and all but two pair connect
either directly or indirectly via shafts of cartilage to the sternum in front.
● Consists of 24 bones
● Three types of ribs are:
o Vertebrosternal or true ribs - consists of 7 pairs of ribs that is attached to
the vertebral column at the back and the sternum in front.
o Vertebrochondrial or false ribs - consists of 3 pairs of ribs that is attached
to the vertebrae at the back and onto the 7th ribs with the aid of cartilage in
o Vertebral or floating ribs- consists of 2 pairs of ribs that is attached only to
the vertebral column at the back

4. Sternum or breastbone 1
● Consists of a single bone that serves as attachment for the ribs
● Together with ribs, it protects the heart and lungs

5. Auditory ossicles (6)

● Three bones of the ear - the malleus 2, incus 2, and stapes 2 - are highly
specialized in both structure and function

6.Hyoid (1)
● Consists of a single bone found between the mandible and larynx

It consists of the 126 bones within the pectoral and pelvic girdles and the attach limbs.
The pectoral (shoulder) girdle and upper limbs (arm) are specialized for flexibility, while
the pelvic girdles (hipbones) and lower limbs (leg) are specialized for strength.

Pectoral Girdle (64 bones)

1. Clavicle or collar bone (2)
● Consists of 2 bones that connect to the sternum in front and to the scapula
at the back

2. Scapula or shoulder bone (2)

● Consists of 2 bones that are freely movable and held in place only by
muscles. This allows it to follow freely movement of arm.
3. Upper Appendages (60)
● Consists of 30 bones per arm
o Humerus or upper arm 2 - Consist of single bone and has a smoothly
rounded head that fits into the sockets of the scapula.
o Radius and ulna (lower arm) 4 - two bones in the lower arm that meet
with the humerus at the elbow.
o Carpals or wrist bones 16 - Consists of 8 irregular shape bones that look
like a small pebbles.
o Metacarpals or palm bones 10 - consists of 5 bones that is attached to
the carpals, form the framework for the palm. The metacarpals bone that
leads to the thumb is place in such a way that the thumb can reach out
and touch the other digits.
o Phalanges or finger bones 28 - consists of 14 bones that is long, slender
and lightweight.
Pelvic Girdle (62 bones)
1. Pelvis (2)
● Consists of 2 bones that is basin-shaped and is consists of 2 heavy, large coxal
bones (hip bones).
● The coxal bones are anchored to the sacrum and together, these bones form a
hollow cavity that is wider in females than males to accommodate child bearing.

2. Lower Appendages (60)

● Consists of 30 bones per leg
1. Femur or thigh bones 2 - consists of a single bone and considered as the
largest and longest bone in the body.
2. Tibia and fibula 4 - bones in the lower leg, both of which have a prominence
that contribute to the ankle, tibia on the inside of the ankle and fibula on the
outside of ankle.
3. Tarsal or ankle bones 14 - consists of 7 bones and only 1 bone receives the
weight and passes it on to the heel and ball of the foot.
4. Metatarsals or sole of the feet 10 - participate in forming the arches of the foot.
There is a longitudinal arch from the heel to the toes and transverse arch
across the foot. These provides table, springy base of the body. If the tissues
that bind the metatarsals together weakened, flat heel are apt to result.

5. Patella or kneecap 2 - consists of single rounded bone and considered as the

largest sesamoid bone.

6. Phalanges or toe bones 28 - consists of 14 bones just like those of the fingers,
but in the foot, it is stout and extremely sturdy.
● Is where bones meet or joined.
● They are classified as:
1. Fibrous/fixed - such as those between the cranial bones that is immovable.
2. Cartilaginous - such as those between vertebrae are slightly immovable;
separated by disks that increase their flexibility; the hipbones are slightly
movable because they are ventrally joined by a cartilage. Owing to
hormonal changes, this joint becomes more flexible during late pregnancy,
allowing the pelvis to expand during child birth.
3. Synovial joints - are freely movable joints; separated by a cavity. There are
4 types of synovial joints:
a) Hinge joints - are like hinged door, they permit movement in one
direction only as is elbows and knees.
b) Ball and socket joint - the ball of the femur fits into the socket on
the hip bone, allows movement in all planes and even a rotational
c) Pivot joint - at the beck, between the first and second vertebra.
d) Gliding joint - as in the wrist.
1. Spongy bones
2. Compact bones - consists of harversian system
1. Harversian canal - microscopic channels at the center of each group of concentric
lamellae, contain blood vessels and nerves.
2. Marrow cavity - space at the center of bone section
3. Periosteum - fibrous membrane that covers the bone
4. Endosteum - connective tissue lining all bone cavities
5. Osteocytes - bone cells
6. Osteoblast - bone- forming cells
7. Osteoclast - bone destruction
8. Osteology - study of bones
9. Bone marrow - a reticular tissue rich in blood vessels and different types of blood
cells, factory of blood cells.
⮚ Red bone marrow - found in the bodies of vertebrae particularly in flat
bones, proximal epiphysis of femur and humerus; forms the RBC, WBC
and platelets known as hematopoiesis
⮚ Yellow bone marrow - found in medullary cavity of long and short bones
and consists largely of adipose tissues.
1. Sprain - twisting of ligaments
2. Dislocation - bones are not in proper place
3. Fracture - bones are broken
4. Osteoporosis - thinning and weakening of bones throughout the skeleton,
decrease in bone mass.
5. Microcephaly - abnormal size of head, too small
6. Lordosis - increase in lumbar curve
7. Kyphosis - increase in thoracic curve
8. Scoliosis - lateral curvature of vertebral column.

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