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Social Impact Analysis Case Study

Name – Vicky Hiranandani Division – A Roll No. – 56

Q1. Identify the types of risks involved in this research paper.

In this case study in this case study, I have identified 3 types of risk and those are
performance, contribution, Cause Risk.
1. Hiring of labour from other Sources: It was observed that the committee which
oversaw installing the solar plant was not employing people from surrounding
communities as according to them the people living in surrounding community’s lack
skills and hence, they hired labours from other sources like Jodhpur which resulted
in no Employment Opportunity for the neighbouring communities. This kind of
opportunity could have contributed positively by creating employment but now this
can be categorised under Performance risk

2. Impact on Environment: It can also be seen that installation of solar plants can have
a huge impact on the environmental aspects such as wildlife, soil fertility, etc. The
method of rainwater harvesting was also not present near the solar plant which in
result uses water from surrounding areas which can lead to water scarcity. This risk
contributes negatively to the environment and hence it can be identified under
Contribution risk

3. Land and Water Usage and Acquisition: As mentioned in the case study, huge space
of land is used which causes surrounding communities which also consists of farmers
to lose their land for other purpose. Huge amount of water is also needed for
cleaning of solar panels which can cause water deficiency and scarcity in the
neighbourhood which can lead to huge problems ahead. This this risk factor can be
categorised under Cause risk

4. Disposal of Waster: there are no proper policies framed regarding disposal of waste
generated by the solar plants or panels which arises to a question where would the
waste be Disposed of? The average life cycle of a solar plant is around 20- 25 years
which can have a severe impact on the environment in the long run. Hence this risk
can be categorised under Contribution risk

Q2. What are the social issues which are considered for impact?

Stakeholder Impact Intensity

Project Committee Direct High
Local Surrounding Direct High
Investors Direct High
Workers and Direct High
Forest Department Indirect Low
Banks Indirect Medium
The Project Committee, Local surrounding, Investors, Worker and Contractors will
have a direct and high impact as they would be actively participating in the process.

Forest Department and Banks will have an indirect Impact which will be observed
only during certain situations. The impact intensity will be Low and medium

1. Deforestation: As the solar plant requires huge space, the Committee will try to
cut down all the Trees and other forest related factors for the project which will
lead to deforestation. This will also impact the Animals and Wildlife residing
there and these wildlife animals may enter the residential area too.
2. Employment Inequality: There was huge inequality shown during employment
process, as the project planner did not consider the Local people for employment
opportunity, and they hired people from outside. This would create a resentment
between the local authorities and Committee too.
3. Impact on Surrounding: The installation of solar plants will lead to huge
acquisition of land and usage of water. This can create the problem of water
scarcity along with issue of land cultivation for the people residing in the
community areas.

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