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HISTORY (Chapter 1)

Class: 12th

1. What is the most distinctive artefact of Harappan or Indus valley

a. Bead b. Brick c. Seal d. Steatite
2. _________ refers to a group of objects, distinctive in style, found
together within a specific geographical area at a period of time.
a. Artefacts b. Culture c. Script d. Archaeological finds
3. Harappan seal are made up of ________.
a. Carnelian b. Gold c. Copper d. Steatite
4. Harappan civilisation is dated between ____BCE to ____BCE.
a. 2500, 1600 b. 2000, 1400 c. 1500, 1000 d. 2600, 1900
5. Reconstruction of dietary practices of Harrapans have been done by
studying the finds of ____________ and ______.
a. Charred grains, Seeds b. Food, water c. Vessels, coins d. Fire, kitchen
6. Harappans ate a wide range of plants and ______ produce.
a. Human b. Bird c. Marine d. Animal
7. Wheat, barley, lentil, chickpea, sesame and ______ have been found.
a. Mango b. Till c. Millet d. Bajra
8. Bones of wild species such as boar, deer and _____ have been found.
a. Sheep b. Gharial c. Cow d. Dog
9. Bones of ___ and ___ are also found.
a. Fish, Fowl b. Crow, cow c. Rat, cat d. Dog, bat
10. Terracotta models of plough have been found at sites of ________
and in _______.
a. Kalibangan, kot digi b. Mohenjodaro, Harappa c. Cholistan, banawali
d. Nageshwar, balakot
11. Ploughed field have been found in ______.
a. Rakhigarhi b. Kalibangan c. Lothal d. Dholavira
12. The field had __ set of furrows.
a. Four b. Two c. Six d. Ten
13. Most harappans sites have been located in ________ lands.
a. Semi-solid b. Semi-liquid c. Semi-arid d. Semi-circular
14. Traces of canals have been found in _______.
a. Chanhudaro b. Lothal c. Shortughai d. Banawali (Haryana)
15. Traces od Water Reservoirs have been found in ______.
a. Dholavira b. Shortughai c. Rakhigarhi d. Lothal
16. The most unique feature of Harappan civilisation is development of
a. Rural center b. Cities c. Urban Centres d. Villages
17. Mohenjodaro was divided into ___ sections.
a. Three b. Four c. One d. Two
18. One of the most distinctive features of harappans cities is their
carefully planned _______________.
a. Drainage system b. Road system c. Water system d. Domestic
19. what numbers of wells have been estimated in Mohenjodaro by
a. 600 b. 550 c. 700 d. 800
20. _________ was the centre of activities such as cooking and weaving
a. Store room b. Ground c. Entrance d. Courtyard
21. Some houses have remains of _______ to reach second storey or
a. Sticks b. Boxes c. Staircases d. Ropeway
22. Harappa was badly destroyed by whom?
a. Craftpersons b. Landlords c. Common public d. Brick robbers
23. From Citadel we find structures probably used for special _____
a. Public b. Aristocratic c. Royal d. Rural
24. __________ was the large rectangular tank in a courtyard
surrounded by rooms on all four sides.
a. Warehouse b. Palace c. Swimming pool d. Great Bath
25. Great Bath was meant for some kind of special ________.
a. Fun b. Roaming c. Ritual bath d. Bath
26. ______ and _______ are used to track social differences.
a. Buildings, Houses b. Burials, Grains c. Burials, Luxuries d. Food, Pots
27. In harappan sites, dead were generally laid in ____.
a. Coffins b. Holes c. Pits d. Water
28. Some _______ had Shell rings, Jasper beads and Hundreds of Micro
beads near the skull of a male.
a. Pits b. Burials c. Jewellery d. Clothing
29. In some burials, the dead were buried with ____________.
a. Jewellery b. Food c. Copper d. Copper mirrors
30. Some graves contain pottery and ornaments, perhaps indicating
that these could be used in ______.
a. Afterlife b. Afterdeath c. Aftersleep d. Death
31. what are called the objects of daily use, made fairly easily out of
ordinary materials such as querns, pots, needle and flesh rubbers?
a. Luxuries b. Utilitarian c. Antiques d. Vehicles
32. What are called the objects which are rare, made from costly or
non-local materials and by complicated technologies such as faince
a. Antiques b. Utilitarian c. Vehicles d. Luxuries
33. _______ are objects kept carefully by people often inside containers
such as pots.
a. Luxuries b. Jewellery c. Hoards d. Evidence
34. ________ is a tiny settlement of 7 hectares compared to
Mohenjodaro of 125 hectares.
a. Kalibangan b. Chanhudaro c. Lothal c. Nageshwar
35. _____ production include bead-making, shell-cutting, metal-
working, seal-making and weight-making.
a. Object b. Craft c. Ornament d. Luxury
36. Material to make ______ include stones like Carnelian, Jasper,
Crystal, Quartz and steatite. Metals like Gold, Copper, Bronze and Shell,
Faince and Terracotta or Burnt clay.
a. Beads b. Items c. Pots d. Bricks
37. Bead ________ include, Disc-shaped, Cylindrical, Barrel-shaped,
Spherical and Segmented.
a. Corners b. weights c. Shapes d. Stones
38. ________ was a Soft Stone, which was easily worked.
a. Gold b. Faince c. Shell d. Steatite
39. Nodules chipping into raw shapes, finely flaking into the final form,
Grinding, Polishing, Drilling are the various stages of _____________.
a. Disc making b. Bead production c. Pot making d. Drill polishing
40. Ladles, Bangles and Inlay are made up of which material?
a. Steatite b. Carnelian c. Shell d. Lapiz Lazuli
41. Which settlements are located near coast?
a. Mohenjodaro and Harappa b. Kalibangan and Rakhigarhi c. Cholistan
and Sind d. Nageshwar and Balakot
42. what is the best indicator of Craft Work or Identification of centres
of production?
a. Ore b. Finished object c. Waste d. Minuscule bits
43. ____________ usually look for raw material such as stone nodules,
whole shells, copper ore; tools; unfinished objects; rejects and waste
a. Cartographers b. Archaeologists c. Archaeo-botanists d. Archaeo-
44. Harappans carefully set up settlements near sources of materials for
craft production. For instance, _________ was used for getting Lapiz-
a. Kot Digi b. Shortughai c. Balakot d. Nageshwar
45. ________ was set up for procuring Carnelian.
a. Lothal b. Bharuch c. Chanhudaro d. South India
46. _________ was procured from South Rajasthan and North Gujarat.
a. Carnelian b. Shell c. Steatite d. Lapiz-Lazuli
47. Metal was procured from ________.
a. Gujarat b. Rajasthan c. South India d. Sindh
48. They procured ______ and ______ from Khetri region of Rajasthan
and South India.
a. Copper, Gold b. Bronze, Gold c. Shell, Steatite d. Carnelian, Lapiz-
49. Copper was also procured from distant lands such as ________.
a. Meluhha b. Dilmun (Bahrain) c. Magan (Oman) d. Mesopotamia
50. “may your bird be the haja-bird, may its call be heard in royal
palace” This has been said in Mesopotamian myth for what place?
a. Magan b. Meluhha c. Dilmun d. Turan
51. Mesopotamian texts refer to meluhha as a land of whom?
a. Seafarers b. Hunters c. Swimmers d. Soil
52. Harappan script is an _______ script.
a. Hard b. Easy c. Enigmatic d. Pragmatic
53. Exchanges were regulated by the precise system of ______, usually
made-up of a stone called chert.
a. Carts b. Weights c. Drums d. Coins
54. A large building found in mohenjodaro was labelled as _______ but
no spectacular finds were associated with it.
a. Great bath b. Warehouse c. Palace d. Prayer hall
55. By ____ BCE most of mature harappan sites such as cholistan had
been abandoned.
a. 2100 b. 1900 c. 1700 d. 1800
56. Archaeologists preferred to use _________ as a guide to
a. Written story b. Written song c. Drawing d. Written word
57. Cunningham’s main interest was in the archaeology of
____________ and later period.
a. Early historic b. Later historic c. Prehistoric d. Golden age
58. Alexander Cunningham used the accounts of ________ buddhist
pilgrims, who had visited the subcontinent between 4th to 7th century
a. Japanese b. Chinese c. Italian d. Portuguese
59. Who announced the discovery of a new civilian in Indus Valley?
a. Alexander Cunningham b. Fa Hien c. John Marshall d. R.E.M Wheeler
60. Who is author of the book ‘The Story of Indian Archaeology’?
a. K.M. Munshi b. Lal c. John Marshall d. S.N. Roy
61. Former ASI Director-General R.E.M Wheeler in 1944 was also an
a. Ex-army Soldier b. Ex-army brigadier c. Ex-army general d. Ex-army
62. Marshall tended to excavate along regular __________ units
measured uniformly throughout the mound, ignoring the stratigraphy
of the site.
a. Square b. Rectangular c. Horizontal d. Parellel
63. Since the _____, there has been growing international interest in
the Harappan Archaeology.
a. 1970s b. 1980s c. 1950s d. 1990s
64. _______ are men and women who claim magical healing powers, as
well as an ability to communicate with the other world.
a. Ojhas b. Shamans c. Jogis d. Siddhas
65. A ______ is a polished stone that is worshipped as symbol of Shiva.
a. Shaman b. Linga c. Lingayats d. Statue
Chapter: 2

1. _______ was composed by people living along the Indus and its
a. Samaveda b. Dharmashashtra c. Rigveda d. Atharvaveda
2. New modes of disposal of dead, including making elaborate stone
structures known as ________.
a. Polyliths c. Megaliths c. Slabs d. Forts
3. Epigraphy is the study of ________.
a. Stones b. Documents c. Images d. Inscriptions
4. The most momentous development in Indian epigraphy took place in
which year?
a. 1840s b. 1930s c. 1830s d. 1740s
5. Who deciphered Brahmi and Kharosthi?
a. James Cameroon b. James Princep c. James Prince d. James King
6. He was ______ in the mint of East India Company.
a. Officer b. Worker c. Minter d. Master
7. “Pleasant to behold” is the meaning of what?
a. Princep b. Priyadassi c. Premdassi d. Piyadassi
8. “Pleasant to behold” is referred to whom?
a. Mauryan b. Ashoka c. Chandragupta d. Ajatasattu
9. _________ means the land where people set their feet or settles.
a. Ramapada b. Grampada c. Janapada d. Lokpada
10. What is called to the styles of writing?
a. Geororography b. Palaeography c. Cartography d. Biography
11. How many Mahajanapadas were there in 600 BCE?
a. Six b. Sixth c. Sixteen d. Sixty
12. _________ refers to a form of government where power is
exercised by a group of men.
a. Janapada b. Gana c. Sangha d. Oligarchy
13. Both Mahavira and Buddha belonged to such _____.
a. Ganas b. Sanghas c. Kingdoms d. Janapadas
14. From 6th century BCE _________ started composing Dharmasutras.
a. Mlechchas b. Bodhisatas c. Brahmanas d. Kings
15. _______ were ideally expected to be kings.
a. Satvahanas b. Kshatriyas c. Brahmanas d. Artisans
16. _______ was the most powerful mahajanapada between 4 th to 6th
century BCE.
a. Kuru b. Panchala c. Gandhara d. Magadha
17. What was the prakrit name for Rajgir?
a. Kings Landing b. Rajgriha c. Rajgaha d. Rajgraha
18. Bimbisara, _________ and Mahapadma Nanda were the best-
known ambitious kings of Magadha.
a. Ashoka b. Bindusara c. Ajatasattu d. Akbar
19. When did Mauryan Empire was setup?
a. 341 BCE b. 321 CE c. 351 BCE d. 321 BCE
20. Ashoka used inscriptions to proclaim what he understood as what?
a. Dharma b. Dhamma c. Dhamna d. Dhakhna
21. Taxila, ______, Suvarnagiri and Ujjayini were the main provincial
centres of Magadha Empire.
a. Taxasila b. Vajji c. Tosali d. Shravasthi
22. Dhamma Mahamatta were the ______________ appointed by
Ashoka to spread what he understood as Dhamma.
a. Special Soldiers b. Especial Officers c. Gurus d. Special Officers
23. The regions included in Mauryan Empire were just too what?
a. Diverse b. Difficult c. Disperse d. Docile
24. Both Taxila and Ujjaiyini we situated on long-distance ____ route.
a. Spice b. Trade c. Provision d. Travel
25. ________ was along both Land and Riverine routes was vital for the
existence of Empire.
a. Trade b. Travel c. Hajj d. Communication
26. ________ mentions a committee with six subcommittees for
coordinating military activity.
a. Kautilya b. Ashoka Vadana c. Megasthenes d. Col. Colin Mackenzie
27. Which was the empire that historians found both challenging and
a. Magadha b. Satvahana c. Mauryan d. Gupta
28. Who was more powerful, Industrious and humble ruler than later
ones who adopted grandiose titles?
a. Chandragupta b. Ashoka c. Akbar d. Krishnadeva Raya
29. Mauryan Empire lasted for how many years?
a. 130 b. 170 c. 155 d. 150
30. New chiefdoms and Kingdoms emerged in the subcontinent by
which century?
a. mid2nd century BCE b. 2nd Century BCE c. 1st century BCE d. mid1st
century BCE
31. What was the name of ancient Tamil country, which included parts
of present-day Andhra-Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu?
a. Sangam b. Tamilikam c. Sangam Steppe d. Tamilakam
32. Tamil Sangam texts contained _____ describing chiefs and the ways
in which they acquired and distributed resources.
a. Anthologies b. Poems c. Stories d. Tales
33. A chief derives his power from his what?
a. Family b. Qabeela c. Kinship d. Kinfolk
34. Who ruled over Northern and North-Western parts of the
a. Shungas b. Shakas c. kushanas d. Kanvas
35. Who ruled over parts of western and central India in second century
BCE to Second century CE?
a. Shakas b. Shungas c. Satvahanas d. Kushanas
36. Who ruled over the vast kingdom extending from Central Asia to
North-western India in 1st Century BCE to 1st Century CE?
a. Shungas b. Kushanas c. Kanvas d. Shakas
37. Colossal statues of which rulers have been found in the shrines at
mat in Mathura and in Afghanistan?
a. Shakas b. Kanvas c. Kushanas d. Shungas
38. Which rulers claimed high status by identifying with variety of
a. Shungas b. Kanvas c. Satvahanas d. Kushanas
39. Which rulers themselves sons of Heaven?
a. Mongol b. Shri Lankan c. Chinese d. Kushanas
40. Who were the men who maintained themselves through local
resources including control over Land?
a. Setthis b. Kudirai Chettis c. Samantas d. Nayakas
41. ‘Prayaga Prashasti’ composed by Harishena, court-poet of
Samudragupta in which language?
a. Pali b. Tamil c. Sanskrit d. Greek
42. _____________ is used for paddy cultivation in areas where water
is plentiful.
a. Paddy cultivation c. Water c. Transplantation d. Iron plough
43. The Jatakas were written in which language around the middle of
first millennium CE?
a. Pali b. Sanskrit c. Kharosthi b. Tamil
44. Which Jataka story describes the plight of the subjects of wicked
a. kandatindu b. Gandatindu c. Mandatindu d. Yondatindu
45. Who was the Owner, Master or Head of the household, who
exercised control over women, children, slaves?
a. Grihapati b. Gapati c. Chief d. Gahapati
46. Plough agriculture spread in the valleys of Ganga and Kaveri in
which century?
a. 5th Century CE b. 6th Century BCE c. 5th Century BCE d. 7th Century BCE
47. Uzhavar was referred to which category of people in early Sangam
a. Adimai c. Slaves c. Landowners d. Ploughmen
48. _________ were based on differential access to land, technologies
and labour.
a. Categories b. Differences c. Castes d. Works
49. _________ was land ranted to Brahmana and Religious institutions.
a. Agrahara b. Agarahara c. Agrigrant d. Auqaf
50. Prabhavati Gupta was married to Vakatakas, who were powerful in
which part of the subcontinent?
a. Southern b. Deccan c. North-eastern d. North-western
51. Which population included Brahmanas, Peasants and others who
were expected to provide range of produce to King and his
a. Urban b. Suburban c. Rural d. Elite
52. Which Chinese pilgrim visited the city of Patliputra in 7th century
a. Fa Hien b. Za Sian c. Xuan Zang d. Xian Zang
53. What was Patliputra’s name when it was only a village?
a. Patligrama b. Patligram c. Patli Gram d. Patli Grama
54. ‘Puhar’ was an urban centre which was located along which route?
a. Land b. Riverine c. Coastal d. Aerial
55. ______ inscriptions record gifts made to the religious institutions.
a. Agrahara b. Copper c. Religious d. Votive
56. ______ procured the raw material, regulated production and
marketed finished product.
a. Craftsman b. Merchants c. Copperworkers d. Guilds
57. Guilds/Shrenis were ________, which included craft producers and
a. Groups b. Organisations c. Ganas d. Sanghas
58. ‘Periplus’ meaning sailing is word of which language?
a. Aramaic b. Kharosthi c. Roman d. Greek
59. Successful merchants were designated as ‘masattuvan’ in which
a. Pali b. Tamil c. Kannada d. Telugu
60. Setthis and Satthavahas were used in prakrit for designating whom?
a. Maharajas b. Kings c. Merchants d. Chiefs
61. Numismatists studied what?
a. Inscriptions b. Agraharas c. Scripts d. Coins
62. Hoards of Roman coins have been found from sites in _____ India.
a. North b. South c. East d. West
63. Coins were also issued by ______ republics such as that of
Yaudheyas of Punjab and Haryana.
a. Royal b. People’s c. Tribal d. Gonoo
64. European scholars aided by Indian pandits worked backwards from
contemporary Bengali and Devanagari for decipherment of which
a. Brahmi b. Pali c. Kharosthi d. Aramaic
65. Ashokan Brahmi was deciphered by James Princep in which year?
a. 1928 b. 1638 c. 1838 d. 1938
Chapter: 3
1. Mahabharata, which runs into _________ verses with depictions of a
wide range of social categories and situations.
a. 50000 b. 100000 c. more than 100000 d. less than 100000
2. Mahabharata was composed over a period of about 1000 years
starting from ___ BCE.
a. 5000 b. 400 c. 500 d. 600
3. Making of the critical edition of Mahabharata began in 1919 under
the leadership of noted Indian _________ V.S. Sukthankar.
a. Archaeologist b. Numismatist c. Sanskritist d. Epigraphist
4. In how many pages does the critical edition of Mahabharata
a. 12000 b. 10000 c. 15000 d. 13000
5. ________ were documented in the footnotes and appendices in the
main text.
a. Interpretations b. Variations c. Subsets d. Stories
6. Which term is used in Sanskrit texts for designating families?
a. Jnati b. Kula c. Vamsha d. Gotra
7. Which term was used in Sanskrit texts for designating Lineages?
a. Jnati b. Kula c. Vamsha d. Gotra
8. Which term was used in Sanskrit texts for designating larger
networks of kinfolk?
a. Jnati b. Kula c. Vamsha d. Gotra
9. Patriliny and Matriliny were used for tracing ______ from father and
a. Lineage b. Descent c. Kula d. Vamsha
10. Familial ties are often regarded as ‘Natural’ and based on what?
a. Family b. Marriage c. Blood d. Jnati
11. What is the term used for the practice of a Man having several
a. Polygyny b. Polyandry c. Ectogamy d. Exogamy
12. Rigveda is a ____ text.
a. Puranic b. Ritual c. Hymns d. Devotional

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